Websites - New Providence School District


Most Valuable American History Sites

American Memory (Library of Congress)

American President: An Online Reference Resource

Authentic History

Avalon Project (archive of documents)

Digital History

From Revolution to Reconstruction

Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

History Matters

History Now Journal

Internet History Sourcebooks (primary sources)

New York History Net

National Archives: Our Documents

National Women's History Project

Stanford University's Exploring the West

The Valley of the Shadow

Historic Newspapers

Brooklyn Eagle

Abraham Lincoln Newspaper Archive

Historical Statistics

Historical Census Browser

Historical Statistics of the United States


David Rumsey Cartography Collection

Perry-Castañeda Collection


Current Value of Old Money

Colonial Currency (all states)


Campaign Songs, 1840-1860

Authentic History Center

Poetry and Music of the War Between the States

American Memory, Library of Congress

• African-American Music, Southern U.S. ~ Recordings ~ 1938-1943

• Folk Music, Dust Bowl ~ Charles L. Todd and Robert Sonkin ~ Multiformat ~ 1940-1941

• Folk Music, Southern U.S. ~ John Lomax and Ruby Lomax ~ Multiformat ~ 1939

• Hispanic Music, Rio Grande ~ Juan Bautista Rael ~ Multiformat ~ 1940s

Political Cartoons

Harper's Weekly (Elections, 1860-1884)

Editorial Cartoons

Cartoons for the Classroom

Populist Cartoons

Librarian’s Internet Index: Editorial cartoons

1896 Election

Presidential Papers

American Presidency Project

Public Papers of the President

Presidential Papers at the Library of Congress

Primary Source Documents

Avalon Project

Documenting the American South

Making of America (Cornell)

Making of America (University of Michigan)

Online Books Page

Veterans History Project


President of the 20th Century, Vincent Voice Library

The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum

Historical Eras

Colonial America

Plymouth Colony

Salem Witch Trials

Virginia Runaways

Virtual Jamestown in the Classroom

American Revolution

The American Revolution and Maryland’s Press

National Discussions of Our Revolutionary Origins

Spy Letters of the American Revolution

Signers of the Declaration

Timeline of the Revolution

U.S. Constitution

The American Constitution

The Constitution: A Bicentennial Chronicle

The Constitution and The Amendments

Federalist Papers

The Founders' Constitution

Early National Period

Governmental Documents

The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress

American State Papers


Debates on the Constitution, 1789-1861

Jacksonian Era

Second Party System 1824-1860

Register of Debates in Congress, 1824-1837

Amistad Case, 1839

Congressional Globe

all speeches in Congress, 1833-1873

Antebellum Era

Conner Prairie

Five Points

P.T. Burnum’s American Museum

Views of the Famine

Sectional Crisis

Bleeding Kansas

Editorials relating to the Sectional Crisis

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Dred Scott Decision

John Brown's Holy War

Uncle Tom’s Cabin and American Culture

Valley of the Shadow

Civil War

The Civil War Center

Chronology of Emancipation

Civil War Women

Crisis at Fort Sumter

New York City Draft Riots

New York Times 1860-66

Military History of the Civil War

Valley of the Shadow

Lincoln Papers


The Walt Whitman Archive

Selected Civil War Photographs


Harper's Weekly reports on Black America

Chronology of Emancipation


African American Migrations After the Civil War

Civil War and Reconstruction

Congressional debates

Freedman's Bureau Online

1866 Report by Congress's Joint Committee on Reconstruction

The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

For more resources by era, visit the Gilder Lehrman Institute’s “teacher modules”:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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