Parallel Journeys – Discussion Questions

Name ______________ Date __________________

8th grade LA Period _________________

Parallel Journeys – Discussion Questions

Directions – Read and respond to each question. Write a page number next to each response.

Chapter 1

What did Hitler promise the German youth?


What specific reason was given for the removal of Jewish children from German schools?


Chapter 2

In which areas of the world were the Jews most hated? Why were they hated?


Name three reasons why Helen’s and Siegfried’s marriage almost didn’t happen.


Chapter 3

Why didn’t children need their parents’ permission to join the Hitler Youth?


What justification did Hitler give for invading Czechoslovakia?


Why did the Germans ignore Hitler’s hatred of the Jews?


Chapter 4

What exactly does the term Kristallnacht mean? How did it get that name?


If Germany didn’t want the Jews, why didn’t they just leave the country?


Chapter 5

What was the parents’ greatest complaint against the Hitler Youth? How was this problem solved?


What was Hitler’s reason for invading Poland? What was the real reason?


Chapter 6

Why did Helen and Siegfried distance themselves from Doris?


What was the primary purpose of the camp in the Polish town of Oswiecim?


Chapter 7

What announcement did Hitler make that shocked his generals? Why was this announcement shocking?


What did the Germans believe “The Final Solution” meant? What did it really mean? How was this “solution” carried out? Be specific and explain the process.


Chapter 8

A fortune teller told Helen a man named Max would bring great changes to her and Siegfried’s lives. Who was Max?


Three major events happened on December 7, 1941, one personal, one in the German empire, and one international. What were they?


Chapter 9

What happened to German youths at age 14?


Why were many little German boys willing to give everything, even their lives to join?


Chapter 10

What was the Judenrat? What was the official reason for the Judenrat? What was its real purpose?


What was the Gestapo? What was its primary purpose?


Chapter 11

Why were many German children relocated from cities?


What jobs did the older children assume in Germany?


What happened during Rabbit’s test flight?


Chapter 12

What were conditions like in the Warsaw Ghetto?


Name two ways to resist the Germans.


What was life like in hiding?


What did Helen and Siegfried do with their money?


Chapter 13

What promotion did Alfons receive? Why was he chosen?


What reaction did some of the younger members have to the deaths of their comrades?


Which two important people did Alfons meet in chapter 13? What do you think was the purpose of this meeting?


Chapter 14

What happened to women with children when the train finally reached its destination?


What was Helen’s dream? What upset her so?


What do the words Journey to Heaven mean?


Chapter 15

What caused Alfons to cry in chapter 15?


Alfons’ wish was finally realized in chapter 15. What is his wish? What happens?


Chapter 16

Why did the Germans destroy the crematoria?


What was the purpose of the delousing? Who really benefited from the procedure?


What were some of the survival habits prisoners developed and had trouble changing when they were liberated?


Chapter 17

What were the consequences for deserters? Why were these orders not always followed?


Why does Alfons claim he was a member of the Luftwaffe, not the Hitler Youth Group?


Chapter 18

The war ended, so why was travel so difficult?


Although the war was over, anti-Semitism had not ended. Name two examples of anti-Semitism in chapter 18.


Chapter 19

Who were the “rubble women?” What did they do?


Why were Alfons and the other Germans so reluctant to believe Hitler’s Final Solution?


Chapter 20

Why was Jo Vis considered a true hero?


Why did Helen insist on taking Doris with her? Do you think she made the right decision for herself and for Doris?


Chapter 21

How was Alfons’ school experience different after the war? How had the school changed?


Why was it important for Alfons to attend the trials at Nuremberg?


Who was Baldur von Schirach? Why was he of special importance to Alfons?


Chapter 22

What problems did Helen and Doris encounter when they settled in Chicago?


How did Helen’s life change later in chapter 22?



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