Grants Pass School District

The Rise of Dictators WorkbookName: _____________________________ Per. # _____Unit 5 Test Date:________________Unit Overview ScoreWorkbook ScoreWarm Up ScoreThe Rise of Dictators Unit OverviewKey Terms DefinitionWhy is it import to this unit? MarxismCommunism Proletariat/Bourgeoisie Bolsheviks USSRFive Year Plans Great Leap Forward Cultural Revolution Red Guard Little Red Book Fascism Nazism Propaganda Totalitarianism FascismNuremburg LawsAnti-SemitismLebensraumMein Kampf Black Shirts Brown Shirts Key ConceptsWhy did Marxism become an appealing political idea in the twentieth century?What were the major motivations behind the Russian Revolution?What were the major motivations behind the Chinese Revolution?How did leaders of Russia and China implement Marxist philosophy in their respective countries?How did leaders in Italy and Germany implement fascist ideologies in their respective countries?How did the Treaty of Versailles impact Germany and Italy differently?How did Hitler come to power in Germany?Communism NotesEssential Question What is Communism? Communism is a philosophy of __________________________________Based on the ideals of Marxism / SocialismStresses the following:Classless / stateless society_________________________________ of all resourcesNo private propertySocial____________________Who Came Up with Communism? Karl Marx (1818 – 1883)German by birthFormer college professorAuthor / philosopherHated the conditions that the ___________________________ had brought to workersObserves all history is marked by class struggle, cause of all ________Created “______________” = aka “Communism”The Communist ManifestoThe _________________________ was Marx greatest workPublished in 1848Not widely read in Europe until after Marx’s death in 1883Marxist “____________”The Major Groups in Communism Two (2) groups:___________________ = Working class / lower classes of society____________________ = Upper classes / the ones who gain wealth off the proletariatMarxist Theories Marx studied the ______________ of the world’s economies and the way that power, industry and finance are controlled.He saw the way countries developed in _____________ over world historyPrimitive Communism This is how humans first lived together ____________________ Everything was shared amongst the tribe – food, jobs, belongings. No-one owned land. Eventually a group comes to power – this leads to ______________Feudalism A ____________, emperor or chief becomes the ruler over all the people. He gives land and privileges to ‘nobles’ who rule the people for him.The people are kept uneducated and told that ___________ chose the king to rule. The church helps the king this way.As trade develops, some people get richer. This leads to ________________…..Capitalism The business owners or ______________ get richer while the workers do all the hard work.The capitalists get more power to serve their own __________________.Capitalism creates a huge working-class of people who soon get angry at the way they are treated. Eventually they begin to demand changes. This will lead to a _____________ and SocialismSocialism In the ___________________ revolution all the rulers – kings, churches, capitalists are got rid of.The workers take control of the country to ______________ things for everyone.Because nothing is made for profit, all people benefit from education and health.These ideas spread across the world to create ___________________Communism/MarxismAs everyone now works together, war is a thing of the past – _____________ are not needed. Sharing means no ______________ are needed. Everything is provided by the ______________ – so money becomes a thing of the past.All human activity goes towards __________________ each other – allowing all to live their lives to the munism in 3 Steps The ________________ classes will rise up in a great uprising against the Bourgeoisie (Civil War) A “____________________” dictatorship will step in and help to re-develop society (re-build industry, create laws, etc.) The “temporary” dictatorship will _______________________ give up power, thus creating a classless, borderless utopiaSummary: Write 2-3 sentences answering the essential question. Communism and Capitalism DBQEssential Question:DOCUMENT 1:“Katia,” a 16-year-old ninth grader from Moscow (quote) (1980)“Capitalisms are rich people who own factories and have lots of money and workers…. A factory can belong to one person in Capitalism but in (Communism) it belongs to the government…. I am for the idea of (Communism). It seems to me that you have more of an opportunity to live well. You won’t lose your job in (Communism) …I’ve heard about the unemployment problem in America.People can’t find any kind of job…. That’s the way we heard about it – that (in) the West, unemployment, everything there is bad, a real mess.”Describe the speaker’s point of view about capitalism.DOCUMENT 2:Ralph Waldo Emerson (adapted)“Wealth brings with it its own checks and balances. The basis of (a capitalism) economy is noninterference (by the government). The only safe rule is found in the self-adjusting meter of demand and supply. Open the doors of opportunity to talent and virtue and they will do themselves justice, and property will not be in bad hands. In a free and just commonwealth, property rushes from the idle and imbecile to the industrious, brave and persevering.”According to the author, why is capitalism successful?DOCUMENT 3:Friedrich Engels, Principles of Communism“Above all, (the government)… will have to take the control of industry and of all branches of production out of the hands of… competing individuals, and instead institute a system as whole, that is for the common account, according to a common plan, and with the participation of all members of society. It will…abolish competition…Private property must therefore be abolished.”(a) Who controls the means of production and all property in a communist system?(b) What happens to competition in a communist system?DOCUMENT 4:T.P. Whitney, “The Russian Peasant Wars on the Kremlin” (1954)“Andrei, his wife, his father, and (his) elder son all have to work on the collective farmlands…. He is not stupid and sees that almost all the produce ends up in the hands of the Government. The localCommunist party boss is always coming back… for more and more. Andrei and his family know ahead of time that they are going to get (a) very small return for working on the collectivized fields.Naturally this conditions (changes) their attitudes. They are constantly on a sort of slow-down strike….”Why are Andrei and his family slowing down the pace of their work?DOCUMENT 5:Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations“The Wealth of Nations carries the important message of laissez faire, which means that the government should intervene as little as possible in economic affairs and leave the market to its own devices. It advocates the liberation of economic production from all limiting regulation in order to benefit the people…”What is the author’s argument about the role of government in economics?DOCUMENT 6:Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist Manifesto (1848)“…masses of laborers… crowded into factories. They are slaves of the machine and the manufacturer. Instead of rising as industry progresses, they sink deeper and deeper into poverty…”What do the authors think that people get out of industry progressing?DOCUMENT 7:Harry Schwartz, The New York Times (1952)“The (communist) worker’s standard of living is raised by several benefits the government provides. He receives free medical care. He does not have to worry about being unemployed. Old and disabled people receive social insurance…. The government also provides nurseries and kindergartens for the children of working mothersAccording to the author, what aspects of life are improved under communism?The Russian RevolutionGuided Reading:Essential Question:Where were socialist parties finding success following WWI?The Last Czar:How did the serfs in Russia live?Identify several factors that made Nicholas II ill-prepared to be a ruler in Russia.What happened during Bloody Sunday?Red October: Two RevolutionsWhat role did Vladimir Lenin play prior to the outbreak of revolution?Who were soviets?How were the Bolsheviks different than the Mensheviks?What led the Czar to abdicate his throne?Why did the Germans help Lenin get back into Russia?What was Lenin forced to do once he seized power in Russia?Red and White: Lenin and the Russian Civil WarWhich groups of people formed the Red and White armies?Identify the 4 things that contributed to the depression and famine in Russia?What happened to Russians suspected of disloyalty? What was this called?What did the NEP allow for? What was the result?Who were the kulaks? Who were the nepmen?Russian Revolution NotesEssential Question Conditions in Russia that led to RevolutionWorking conditions and peasant life __________________Industrialized later than most of than W. Europe11-12 hours/day, 6 day/weekPoor safety and _____________________Low wagesA few elite owned most of the _______________________________________ makes things worseNeeded more factory goodsBankrupted governmentDistracted the TsarHuge # of soldiers ___________________________Bloody SundayJan. 1905Unarmed ______________________ at the Winter Palace killed by soldiersTsar Nicholas IIAlso known as Nicholas RomanovAbsolute Monarch – believed in _____________________Spends time on the battlefieldWife, Alexandra, in chargeAdvised by RasputinIgnores cries for _________________________February Revolution__________________________ occur in PetrogradFactory workers go on mass strikeRallies held calling for bread – mostly womenPolice called in to stop demonstrations, but are weak and unable. They are taken captive by radicalsTsar Nicholas ______________________ (gives up thrown)Shipped home and placed under house arrest with family.Provisional ___________________________ put in place Not that different from TsarThe BolsheviksPolitical party led by Vladimir ______________________Want to bring Communism to Russia__________________________October RevolutionBolsheviks overthrow provisional ____________________End involvement in WWIImmediately face and win _________________________Red Army (Bolsheviks) v. _____________ Army (anti-Bolsheviks)Bolshevik RuleThe _______________________50,000 – 1,000,000 deathsEliminate counter revolutionaries or members of upper class___________________ Tsar Nicholas and familyCreate the Union Soviet Socialist Republics (___________)Communist_________________ redistributedJoseph StalinTakes over after _____________________ diesGoals: Industrialization and_________________________ at any costDevelops a _____________t of PersonalityCorrectional work campsKill any challengers = ______________________DictatorSummary: Write 2-3 sentences answering the essential question. The Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited PeopleEssential Question:Each group will be assigned 4 articles. In your groups read each article and translate it into modern day language that you would use. Article #_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Article #_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Article #_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Article #_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Article #_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Based on the articles that you translated, what were some of the specific abuses that the Declaration of the Rights of workers was supposed to protect against?Article #Specific AbuseStalin: Man of Steel Video QuestionsEssential Question:What does 'Stalin' mean? How many times was Stalin arrested and jailed? What did Stalin train to be before joining the Bolshevik party?? In 1922, Lenin wrote a 'political testament' what two suggestions did this make?What action did Stalin take against the Russian Orthodox Church? What does Stalin do to try and change Russia from a peasant society into a “global power?”What are “collectives” and what will they help to do? What does Stalin do to force “collectivization?” What is a “gulag” and what did Stalin use them for? What is life like in the outer princes such as Ukraine?What is Stalin doing with the grain produced in Ukraine? How is urban life different from rural life in Russia? What do you think that the death of Stalin’s wife tells us about him? What does Stalin do with people that he sees as rivals? How did Stalin get people to turn in “spies” and “traitors?” How many Russian are killed during the “Great Terror?”What was life like in the “gulag?”Who did prisoners believe was the only one who could save them, why? Chaos in China Guided Reading:Essential Question:What two things contributed to the wave of revolts around the globe?The last Emperor: ChinaWhat occurred in May of 1919? Who did most people rally behind?Whom did Yat-sen form alliances with?Why was Chang Kaishek liked by Western nations like the U.S.?Who was the CCP? Who was the leader of this group?What happened during the Long March?Why did Chang Kaishek and Mao Zedong join forces after years of fighting each other?Red Stars Rising: The Cold War ExpandsWhat was the difference existed between the KMT and the CCP following WWII?What was the name given to the new government of China under Mao’s rule?What did the Western world assume about Mao that proved to be untrue?The Red Emperor: Mao’s Chine 1949-1976What was Mao’s first priority was taking control? How did he go about accomplishing it?How did Mao deal with religious people in China?What was the goal of the Great Leap Forward?Who made up the Red Guard? What did they do?What was the name for this “purge” in China?How did Mao bring an end to the Cultural Revolution?The Great Leap Forward Essential Question:Document 1 is from Chen Boda, “Under the Banner of Comrade Mao Zedong”, 1956. Chen, a former secretary to Mao, was a specialist in Marxist ideology and a key architect of the Great Leap Forward program. After Mao’s death in 1976, however, he would be stripped of power and sent to jail for 16 years. …After the nation-wide liberation (in 1949), socialist transformation and socialist construction are interlocked in their progress. In the course of socialist transformation, observing the signs that began in agricultural cooperation, Comrade Mao Zedong pointed to the inexhaustible and immense latent power of the Chinese working people to develop the productive force. Comrade Mao said…, ‘There will appear various things never conceived before and high yield of crops…scores greater than the present. The development of industry, communications, and exchange will be beyond the imagination of the predecessors. This will also be the case with science, culture, education, and public health.”According to Chen Boda, write down two ways how Mao’s ideas would create change in China.1.2.Document 2 is two images of the ‘Backyard Furnaces,’ and of the People’s Commune Canteen during the Great Leap Forward. At the beginning of the Great Leap Forward, people were able to eat for free at the canteens. This ended when food production grew to a halt. What do these images suggest about Chinese support of the Great Leap Forward?Document 3 is from the book Daughter of the River by Hong Ying. She recounted her mother’s experience during the Great Leap Forward.“By counting back from my birthday, I figured Mother got pregnant with me in the winter of 1961, the last dark winter in the three years of famine. Even in Sichuan – the richest agricultural province in the country, often called ‘Heaven’s Granary’ – at least seven million people died in the famine, one out of every four famine victims in the nation. Most died in the snowy winters of 1959, 1960, and 1961, and the spring of 1962, when ‘the green failed to meet the yellow.’What effect did the Great Leap Forward have on Chinese society?Ying indicated that seven million died in Sichuan Province, her home province, alone – ‘one out of every four famine victims of the nation.’ Based on that information, how many Chinese died during the Great Leap Forward.Document 4 is from The Decision Concerning the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, 1966, as directed by Mao Zedong.A NEW STAGE IN THE SOCIALIST REVOLUTIONThe Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution now unfolding is a great revolution that touches people to their very souls and constitutes a new stage in the development of the socialist revolution in our country, a stage which is both broader and deeper. At the Tenth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Party, Comrade Mao Tse-tung said: to overthrow a political power, it is always necessary first of all to create public opinion, to do work in the ideological sphere. This is true for the revolutionary class as well as for the counter-revolutionary class. This thesis of Comrade Mao Tse-tung's has been proved entirely correct in practice. Although the bourgeoisie has been overthrown, it is still trying to use the old ideas, culture, customs and habits of the exploiting classes to corrupt the masses, capture their minds and endeavor to stage a comeback. The proletariat must do the exact opposite: it must meet head-on every challenge of the bourgeoisie in the ideological field and use the new ideas, culture, customs and habits of the proletariat to change the mental outlook of the whole of society. At present, our objective is to struggle against and overthrow those persons in authority who are taking the capitalist road, to criticize and repudiate the reactionary bourgeois academic 'authorities' and the ideology of the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting classes and to transform education, literature and art and all other parts of the superstructure not in correspondence with the socialist economic base, so as to facilitate the consolidation and development of the socialist system.According to Mao Zedong, how was the Cultural Revolution intended to transform China’s society?Document 5 is two propaganda posters promoting the Cultural Revolution. The left caption stated: “The Chinese People’s Liberation Army is the great school of Mao Zedong thought.” The right caption stated: “Destroy the old world; Forge the New World.” Both posters prominently featured the role of the Red Guards and the Little Red Book. How was Mao Zedong portrayed in the poster on the left?According to both documents, what was the role of the Red Guards in the Cultural Revolution?Document 6 is from a 1988 interview with Fang Lizhi, an intellectual in China during the Cultural Revolution. Here, he recounts his experiences at the hands of the Red Guards, as he was imprisoned as a ‘reactionary’."I had only one book with me – the Soviet physicist Lev Landau's Classical Theory of Fields," Fang told me. "For six months I did nothing but read this book over and over again. It was this curious happenstance alone that caused me to switch fields from solid-state physics to cosmology."It was then that I began to feel that perhaps Mao was not so good for the country. But because at the time most of us intellectuals still believed in communism, we were left with a difficult question: If not Mao, whom should we follow? There was, of course, no one else, and he was the embodiment of all idealism."After the Cultural Revolution started, everything became much clearer. I realized that the Party had not been telling the truth, that they had in fact been deceiving people, and that I should not believe them anymore. You see, a sense of duty, responsibility, and loyalty to the country had been inculcated within me as a youth, but what I saw around me made me feel that the leaders weren't similarly concerned about the country and weren't shouldering responsibility for its people."What conclusions did Fang make about the Communists, and about Mao Zedong in particular? Document 7 is from a 2013 New York Times interview with Chen Xiaolu, a Red Guard during the Cultural Revolution.“Many people are thinking back fondly to the good old days of the Cultural Revolution, and are saying it was just against corrupt officials…But many things happened in the Cultural Revolution that violated people’s rights. The majority in China did not really experience the Cultural Revolution, and those of us who did have to tell people about it…I bear direct responsibility for the denouncing and criticism, and forced-labor re-education of school leaders, and some teachers and students…I actively rebelled and organized the denouncements of school leaders. Later on when I served as the director of the school’s Revolution Committee, I wasn’t brave enough to stop the inhumane prosecutions…My official apology comes too late, but for the purification of the soul, the progress of society and the future of the nation, one must make this kind of apology.”Based on the interview, how did Chen feel about the Cultural Revolution?Question: What impact did the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution have on China?The Cultural Revolution?Essential Question:Document A – Mao’s Little Red Book1. (Sourcing) What was the purpose of Mao’s Little Red Book?2. (Close Reading) What are two reasons that Mao thought young people were importantto China’s future?3. How might a young person living in 1964 have felt upon reading these quotes?Document B – Red Guard Song1. (Sourcing) Who wrote the song? Why do you think the song was written?2. (Close reading) What is the main message of the song?3. Why might a young person in 1966 want to sing this song?Memoirs: Documents C and D1. (Sourcing) How are Documents C and D similar types of sources?2. (Sourcing) Do you find these accounts reliable? Why or why not? Explain using evidence from the documents.3. (Close reading) Rae Yang (Doc. C) and Fan Cau (Doc. D) both wrote dazibao. Yang denounced her teacher and Fan denounced her parents. Explain one way that their actions were similar and one way that their actions differed.4. (Context) According to these two documents, what are some reasons why young peoplejoined the Red GuardThe Red Scarf GirlEssential Question:What does Ji-li’s dad do for a living? Why does he stay late at work?Why was Ji-li’s dad going to dye the trunks?Why were the trunks important to Ji-li’s grandmother?Why couldn’t they give the dresses to the Red Guard? What did they represent?Why was Ji-li proud of destroying the trunks and dresses?What fear made the pearls and new décor lose their luster?Critical Thinking: How does this story demonstrate life under communist rule? What principles of communism are enforced here?Why was Ji-li’s grandfather considered an enemy of the country?What did the call the interrogation of Ji-li?If Ji-li’s family was exposed, what would she not be able to become?How did they find out about Ji-li’s family’s past?What was going to happen at the struggle meeting?What would Ji-li have to do in order to be able to join the revolutionary ranks?What did Thin Face pressure Ji-li to do to prove her loyalty to Mao?What did they threaten would happen to Ji-li if she did not condemn her father?Critical Thinking: Was there any way for Ji-li to win? What would you do in that situation? Critical Thinking: What else do we learn about communist China?The Century: Evil Rising 1936Essential Question:Where was Hitler in 1924?What was Triumph of the Will?Where did Hitler want to go to school? Did he?What did Hitler do for the Germany army during WWI?Why were the German people and Hitler shocked by their WWI surrender? What theory develops?How did Germany get around the soldier limits created by the Treaty of Versailles?What did Hitler get put on trial for? How did he use that trial to his benefit? What was his sentence?What did Hitler write in prison? How did say you can destroy a democracy and seize power?What is does a propaganda troop do?Who was the Nazi’s main political opponent?What was one of Hitler’s most effective themes?How many political parties did Germany have in the 1930’s?What was the Nazi’s message about Germany?Who was the largest block of Hitler voters?What did Hitler’s party do to their political opponents? Who wrote about their illegal actions?What did the Munich post publish in Dec. 1931? What phrase did it include?What percentage of the vote did Hitler win in July 31, 1932?Why did Hindenburg dislike Hitler? What did Hitler do when offered the position of Vice-Chancellor?What are the two common misconceptions about how Hitler came to power?What happen on January 30, 1933?What happened a month after Hitler became Chancellor?What was the “Enabling Act”? Why did people sign it?In what ways did Hitler sell himself?Why did the Storm Troopers present a problem after Hitler came to power? How did Hitler solve the problem?What did the army swear allegiance to on March 2nd?Mein Kampf Essential Question:1. Main argument in text (1-2 sectences)Evidence (quote from text)Page/Paragraph #1232. Main argument in text (1-2 sectences)Evidence (quote from text)Page/Paragraph #3. Main argument in text (1-2 sectences)Evidence (quote from text)Page/Paragraph #4. Main argument in text (1-2 sectences)Evidence (quote from text)Page/Paragraph #Summary: Write 2-3 sentences answering the essential question. The Nazi Party Essential QuestionNazi PartyCore beliefsNationalism: Germans part of superior ____________________ race._____________________________: blamed Jews for Germany’s defeat in WWI and current econ. problems.Fascism: Violence and strong government control needed to advance GermanyAnti-____________________________Eliminated other political partiesControlled every aspect of ___________________________Nazi Rule_________________________Controlled press, schools, and churchesStrengthened German MenPreached hard work, sacrifice, and service to __________________Employed men in building program and militaryAnti-Jewish campaign_______________________________Hitler YouthThe _____________ movement emphasized:activism, physical training, NAZI __________________, especially nationalism and racial concepts, and absolute obedience to Hitler and the NAZI Party Hitler saw the Hitler Youth movement as a _________ to hardening boys for their future role of soldiers. He wanted a generation of "victorious active, daring youth, immune to ________." The Nuremburg lawsComprehension questions1.Name of the law you are presenting:2.What is the meaning of this law? Explain the law in your own words.Interpretive questions3.Who did you think might have benefited from this law?4.Who suffered as a result of this law?5.How might this law have influenced the attitudes and actions of the German people?How might their lives and beliefs have changed as a result of this law?6.Why do you think the Nazis created this law?Universal questions7.Do you think this law is fair? Why or why not?8.What are the qualities of a fair or “just” law? Propaganda or Motivation?.Propaganda DefinitionPropaganda StrategiesNAME CALLING – links a person, or idea, to a negative symbol. Examples: commie, fascist, yuppieGLITTERING GENERALITIES – use of virtue words; the opposite of name calling, i.e., links a person, or idea, to a positive symbol. Examples: democracy, patriotism, familyThe next two are ways of making false connections:TRANSFER – a device by which the propagandist links the authority or prestige of something well respected and revered, such as church or nation, to something he would have us accept. Example: a political activist closes her speech with a prayerTESTIMONIAL – a public figure or a celebrity promotes or endorses a product, a policy, or a political candidate. Examples: an athlete appears on the Wheaties box; an actor speaks at a political rally The following three constitute special appeals:PLAIN FOLKS – attempt to convince the audience that a prominent person and his ideas are “of the people.” Examples: a prominent politician eats at McDonald’s; an actress is photographed shopping for groceriesBANDWAGON – makes the appeal that “everyone else is doing it, and so should you.” Examples: an ad states that “everyone is rushing down to their Ford dealer”FEAR – plays on deep-seated fears; warns the audience that disaster will result if they do not follow a particular course of action. Example: an insurance company pamphlet includes pictures of houses destroyed floods, followed up by details about home-owners’ insurance.The next two are types of logical fallacies:BAD LOGIC – an illogical message is not necessarily propagandistic; it can be just a logical mistake; it is propaganda if logic is manipulated deliberately to promote a cause. Example: Senator X wants toregulate the power industry. All Communist governments regulate their power industries. Senator X is a Communist.UNWARRANTED EXTRAPOLATION – making huge predictions about the future on the basis of a few small facts. Example: If the U.S. approves NAFTA, thousands of jobs and factories will move to Mexico.Examples of Propaganda in Video:Nazi PropagandaEssential Question:Document A: Hitler SpeechWhat propaganda strategy was used, what is evidence of this? Was the propaganda effective, why or why not?Document B: PosterWhat propaganda strategy was used, what is evidence of this? Was the propaganda effective, why or why not?Document C: BallotWhat propaganda strategy was used, what is evidence of this? Was the propaganda effective, why or why not?Benito Mussolini: Fascist Doctrine Essential Question:What does Mussolini believe about “perpetual peace?”What is the “great decision” according to Mussolini and what is its alternative?According to Mussolini, who should life be lived for?Why is fascism opposed by Marxist Communism?What is the role of the “state” in fascism? Mussolini says that the Fascist State “leaves a sufficient margin of liberty.” What do you think that he means by this and do you agree or disagree? What does Mussolini have to say about imperialism and what do you think has shaped his beliefs? Fascism ParagraphTopic Sentence:Fact # 1:Analysis of Fact:Fact # 2:Analysis of Fact: Warm UpsWarm-up # _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Warm-up # _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Warm-up # 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