Lesson Plan - Education Forum


Lesson Plan

This lesson has been designed to last for one and a half hours, but different ability groups will complete the tasks at different rates. The external extension task has been included to provide to offer some differentiation by task. The following lesson plan is one suggested outline of how the lesson can work.

Topic: Hitler’s Rise to power and Consolidation of Power

Key Elements


Historical Knowledge and Understanding

Source Evaluation

Organisation and Communication



Organisation and Communication

Aims and Objectives: All pupils will be able to show an understanding of nine reasons why Hitler came to power and some of the ways he consolidated that power.

Most pupils will discuss the similarities and differences between the Reichstag Fire and 9/11.

Some pupils will complete both the Word exercise following the 9/11 discussion and the external Interactive diagram.

Equipment and Resources

Suite of internet ready computers and teacher interactive whiteboard connected to a networked computer. No books are required as all work is completed on computer. Paper will be needed for printing.

Suggested Lesson development

(Staff will adapt the resources to their circumstances and resources)

Register and settle class. Reinforce computer room rules.

Explain the objectives for today’s lesson. Get class to log on and access the front end of the web resource.

Explain the importance of each section being completed in order as it builds up their knowledge and understanding.

It is envisaged that the first 3 interactive pages will be largely revision and reinforcement of prior learning so a short introduction only is required.

Students work on the first 3 pages for around 15-20 minutes.

Bring group back together for an evaluation of the first 3 pages – draw out objectives.

Using the whiteboard explain the cartoon and discuss what it is trying to say for around 10 minutes.

Paired discussion of sources B and C followed by whole class evaluation and oral feedback.

Pupils work through the Word exercise either individually or collaboratively depending on the numbers of computers available.

Plenary: Review objectives and what has been learnt today

Differentiation: SEN

By task using ICT activity. Extension exercises provided for able students.

Assessment: Homework/Continuation

Students complete the Word exercise and interactive diagram. A classroom debate could be organised for next lesson.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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