Later Middle Ages

Later Middle Ages

Medieval Life

idea and role of universal Church

feudal and monastic institutions

town life and guilds


Gothic architecture

style: hierarchy, other-worldliness, focus on God, sense of stasis


dynastic conflict--changing idea of kingship (v. Vatican)

Golden Bull (1356)--Pope blocked out of HRE choice

Hundred Years' War (1337-1452)--Eng. claim on Fr. throne

style of warfare

impact on knighthood

War of the Roses (1455-85)

divided Church

Babylonian captivity (1309-77)

Great Schism (1378-1415)

Jan Hus--burned at stake in 1415

conciliar movement


William of Ockham--govt. secular, criticize Aristotle/reason

John Wycliffe--future Reformation challenges

Black Death/famine

began in 1346

killed 33-50% of Europe's population

psychological and demographic impact

social life


Ciompi Revolt (1378)

A New Spirit

more focus on individual

more focus on here-and-now

vernacular literature--realism, national setting

less faith in instit. Church, more mysticism

Result: Strain on existing institutions, ripe for social/intellectual change

The Renaissance

Rebirth of classical past

a strong contrast with the Middle Ages?


style: secularism, virtu, humanism, civic virtue


new focus on this world after 14th century

wealth/indep. of Italian city-states (location)

new ideas/text--from Byzantine Empire (falling to Ottomans)

urban life--culture

Renaissance Society

25% in towns, 10% elsewhere (econ. center, surr. countryside)

cities ruled by wealthy elites--bankers, merchants, etc. (Medici, Sforza)

luxury goods

stronger sense of community/cohesion (b/c of relative prosperity)

family--patriarchal, extended (w/servants), women gain only in educ.


humanists--liberal arts (grammar, rhetoric, history, moral phil.)

Petrarch--"the father of humanism"



Bruni--Florentine Academy

Machiavelli--circumstances of his writing

The Prince (1513)

civic virtue (condotierre)


style and subjects--linear, perspective, symmetry, shading, individuals

architecture--Brunulleschi (dome), Alberti


Massaccio (Expulsion of Adam and Eve)

Botticelli (Spring, Venus)

da Vinci/Michelangelo (Renaissance Men)

role of Church--caveat to secularism


contests for local supremacy--Milan, Florence, Venice, Naples, Papal States

stability through seigneurs, local elites (Council of Ten), Medici

Peace of Lodi (1454)

Venice--Great Council, strongest through navy/trade

fall of Italian states--rise of Ottomans (affects trade), voyages of exploration, in middle of dynastic rivalries

Wars of Italy (1494-1529)

sack of Rome (1527)

result: Renaissance spreads but conditions no longer favor Italy, center of Europe shifts to North and West (Spain, G.B., Low Countries)

European Exploration and Empire/New Monarchs

impact: changed balance of power and intellectual universe

Motives--God, gold, and glory

spices of Asia

technological innovations, $ from banking

Renaissance mentality


Prince Henry the Navigator

Portugal--spices and slaves (short-lived empire)

Columbus sails for newly-united Spain

Balboa, Magellan

conquistadores--Cortes, Pizarro (types of individuals)

type of control/impact on indigenous peoples/disease

Impact--reassess views of themselves

Europe in 1500 (diversity of forms/states in need of unity)

East--loose Scand., Mongol/Ottomans, Russia, Poland-Lithuania


West--Spain (reconquista), G.B., France

New Monarchs

difficulties--strong nobles, cult./reg'l diversity, transport, dynastic conflicts, other powers (Church, etc.)

changes in warfare

Russia--gained at expense of Mongols

Ivan III--rewards for boyars/army, Orthodox Church

Ivan IV--punished/moved boyars, loyalty of army, peasants to serfs

Poland declines--weak central ruler


War of Roses depletes nobles

Henry VIII-royal domains (taxes), depts. of state, coerce/kill nobles

Privy Council and Parliament increased (Reformation)


indep. arist. and provincialism

Louis XI--marriages, alliances, consumption taxes, nat'l army


regional diversity (Aragon/Castile)


Charles V--bureau. courts (often absent)

Dynastic Struggles

military technology and continuing chivalry

personal rivalries (Henry VIII, Francis I, Charles V)

Valois v. Habsburg (often in Italy)--vie for HRE title

Pavia (1525), Francis captured, turns tables w/Henry/Suleiman

Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis

overall trend: growing power of state, aided by econ. advances

The Reformation

Importance: challenged the powerful institutional role of Catholic Church, divided Europe religiously, more individualism, and led to political conflict

The Causes--(influenced by political develop./econ. motives)

intellectual ferment--printing press (1518-25--1/3 of books by Luther)

Christian humanism--spirit of reform through education, new Bibles

NOTE: diff. w/Italian humanism

Sir Thomas More (later beheaded)--Utopia

Erasmus--satirized Church abuses, called for more indiv. belief

Cisneros--Polyglot Bible--"saved" Spain from Reformation

abuses of Church--nepotism, simony, pluralism, indulgences

Renaissance popes (Julius II, Alex. VI)

Fred. III "the Wise" and Johann Tetzel

Lutheran Reformation

95 Theses--for discussion, individual salvation

sola fide, sola scriptura, sola gratia

equality of all believers, challenge power of Pope/councils

Diet of Worms (1521)

Address to Christian Nobility (1520)--appeal to German nationalism

Charles V's problems

converts from elites (resentment of Rome)

anticlericalism among burghers

converts--often for national/economic reasons

social and political conservatism

where: Germany, Scandinavia

Other Protestant reformers

Zwingli (Swiss)--city/Church united, radically v. ritual/material

Calvinism--Institutes of Christ. Relig. (1536)--predest., indep. congreg.

where: Low Countries, Britain, France

English Reformation

Act of Supremacy (1534)

Edward VI (reforms, comp. w/ Cath), Mary (repression), Eliz. I

Anabaptists--radicals, denied secular authority, only true believers

where: Germany, Bohemia, Hungary

Catholic Reformation

summary: reform abuses, renewed spirituality, emphasize again doctrines, fight back against Prot.

New Piety--indiv. spirituality, Teresa of Avila (Carmelites)

Loyola and the Jesuits (missionaries)

Council of Trent (1545-63)--dominated by Pope's Ital. (refused comp. w/HRE)

abolished indulgence abuses

reaffirm special mark of clergy

update liturgy

scriptural and apostolic tradition

index and Inquisition

where: France, Italy, Ireland, E. Europe (Poland, Hungary, Austria)

Beginning of Warfare

Charles V--trying to reunite empire v. Ottoman, France, German Prots.

1555--Peace of Augsburg

Religious Warfare

main focus: development of secular authority of state, division of Europe into distinct nation-states (Treaty of Westphalia--1648)


new technology, admin., organization

depth of hatred--fear of neighbors, "pollution"

French Wars of Religion

Calvinist inroads (10% by 1560--esp. among well-to-do)

Henry II death (1559)

Catherine de Medici--regent

dynastic instability

Guises v. Bourbons

Charles X sister to marry Henry of Navarre (Prot)

St. Bartholomew Day's Massacre

politiques and Catholic League

War of Three Henrys (1588-89 Guise and Henry III assass.)

settlement--Henry IV to Cath., Edict of Nantes (1598)

Spain's War with Netherlands

Philip II--leader of European Cath.

war v. Ottomans (Lepanto--1571)

Spanish Armada

Burgundian inheritance

social/econ. situation of provinces

force Cath.----passive resistance (William of Orange)



Duke of Alba (Council of Blood)

taxes high, repression--more opp. even among Cath.


Pacification of Ghent (1576)--cede auth. to States-General

Twelve Years' Truce (1609)--ack. indep. of United Provinces

Eastern Europe

Poland-Lithuania--instability and powerful nobility

war w/ Russia going thru Time of Troubles

Sweden--rise of int'l Prot. power

effort to control Baltic trade

Thirty Years War--type of war, impact on Germany, not just Cath. v. Prot.

Bohemian revolt--effort to get Ferd. II as Emperor

Defenstration of Prague (1618)

White Mountain (1620)--defeat Fred. V and get Bohemia Cath.

fear of Catholic Habsburgs--G.B., Holland, Germans, Denmark join

Swedish intervene w/effort to convert Lutherans

Magdeburg sacking (1631)--unite Protestant behing Gust. Adolph.

died at Lutzen

Spain v. France

Treaty of Westphalia (1648)

reaffirm Augsburg--HRE just a name

Dutch independent

state system

16th Century Social History

theme: hierarchy, econ./demographic changes affect these

Economy--expansion of agriculture, increase in pop., Price Revolution


90% of pop.

subsistence farming--often famines, instability

three-crop rotation

peasants leased land, owned by lord/seigneur, common land

robot, corvee


guilds--structure of work

focus on food

merchants, artisans

most unskilled

domestic service


80 to 105 M in pop.

at first---prod., urban, consumption up

then strain

Price Revolution

wages not keeping up (guilds more strict)

landless laborers among wealthy peasants

result: subsistence crisis, social stratification

Social Life--focus on hierarchy, though econ. challenged

Great Chain of Being, Body Politic

nobles (about 2-3%)--tax exempt., pol. office, army

bourg., skilled (about 10%)--challenged above

townspeople/peasants--guilds, land, citizenship to figure status

Social Change

bourg./prof. enter office, buy status

poverty taxes local charities

Peasant Revolts

literate leaders

protest gaming rights/enclosures

"Twelve Articles of Swabian Peasants" (1525)--Luther condemned

Private Life--family and community provide continuity



marriage age


women control domestic scene, men public


lord, priest give continuity

social customs, festivals--saints, "world turned upside down"

popular beliefs


witchcraft--social change, Reformation, superstition, lack of science

The Royal State

reason: to provide security/order, promote interests of state, needs of warfare

NOTE: compare French and British evolution of absolute monarchy

Divine Right--Bishop Bousset/Jean Bodin, organic view, "one king, faith, law"

Efforts at Centralization

Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIII

Spain--Count-Duke Olivares and Philip IV but failed

econ. weak--taxes, inflation, emigration

focus on relig. zeal--upper class crusaders/priests

disunity (Moors, Moriscos, conversos)--persecution


Stuarts--diff. in taxing

methods: courts, intendants, taxes, selling offices,


Causes--taxes, pop. pressures, war, bad harvests, state regulation

right to resist

Hugeunot thinkers--right to resist civil auth. if unjust



James I (1603-25)--financial diff.

Puritan demands--get rid of Cath, epispocacy

Charles I (1625-49)

new prayer book in Scotland (1637)

ship money

Bishop Laud

Long Parliament (no funds to fight invading Scots)

Civil War (1642-49)

military forces more radical take over

try king and execute in 1649


Rump Parliament and Council of State

Stuart Restoration--toleration, Parl. role

Glorious Revolution (1688)

Locke (Second Treatise) and Hobbes (Leviathan)

Eastern Europe


Fred. Will--Great Elector (1640-88)

excise taxes, armies, bureau--united scattered states

focus is army

Peter I/Russia

the man

western tour/ideas

conscription, factories, St. Petersburg

expansion (v. Poles, Swedes)

Louis XIV (1661-1715)--Versailles (the symbol)

Colbert as finance minister

Louvois--army of 400,000

intendents, bureau.

failures--persecution of Hug. (revoke Nantes), war

Culture--Baroque (ornate, elegant, structured, grand)

Scientific and Commercial Revolutions

theme: challenge religion, augment state power, Europe controlling world

New Science

Aristotle's view

Copernicus (1473-1543)--heliocentric

Brahe (1546-1601)--data to prove

Kepler (1571-1630)--laws of planetary motion

Galileo (1564-1642)--observation, gravity, recantation

Scientific Method

empirical, reason, inductive, deductive

Descartes--mind and matter, Christian skeptic, deductive, math

Robert Boyle--atomic theory

William Harvey--dissection, circulation


Newton (1642-1727)--laws of motion, mechanics, calculus

Francis Bacon--empirical

scientific societies--Royal Academy of London



Constit. state

econ. wealth--flyboats, location, tolerance

Bank of Amsterdam

banks--role in exchange and provide capital (Bank of England--1694)

technology, practices--bills of exchange, acct., joint-stock

merchants and profit

triangular trade


spice trade (Dutch East Indies)

India--Great Britain (calicoes, spices, tea)


change in diet

luxuries and art (Rembrandt, etc.)


the theory--zero-sum, gold, colonies



regulation (Navigation Acts)

monopolies (Dutch East India, British East India, etc.)


Britain-Dutch naval wars

over Cromwell's Navigation Act

1652-54, 1665-67 (take N.Y.--anyone want it back?), 1672-74

France gangs up (open dikes)--Treaty of Nijmegen

Louis XIV

balance of power

desire for Burgundian lands

Nine Years War--seize Cologne

Grand Alliance--GB, Dutch, Germans

Treaty of Ryswick

Spanish Succession (1701-14)

v. Leopold I of Austria

Utrecht (1714)--Sp. terr. in Italy/Neth to Aust.

France loses gains, G.B. advances in North Amer.

Seven Years War (1756-63)--G.B. gains N. Amer.

New European Powers and War

Motif: War, War, War, and power of state to maintain security

powers on way up: G.B., Prussia, Russia

powers on way down: Spain, Dutch, Poland

holding own: France, Austria

Russia (Westernization)

Peter the Great

census/poll tax

Table of Ranks (1722)--based on merit

colleges of military science/liberal arts

advances in industry, peasantry still poor

Rural Life

95% of people

high taxes

military service

enserfment under Catherine

Catherine--German who killed husband

boyars accept tsar power for exemption of state service

Charter of Nobility (1785) outlines above

District Councils--local government

Pugachev Rebellion

Prussia (Hohenzollerns)

Fred. Will I

replace mercenaries, train German officers

all males register for conscription

reform state bureaucracy

Fred. the Great

enlightened monarch

invasion of Silesia (War of Austrian Succession, 1740-48)

promote educ., abolish torture, codify law


Maria Theresa (1740-80) and Pragmatic Sanction

got Hungarian support and retained crown

centralized bureaucracy

limited feudal service

Joseph II

most enlightened

eliminate feudal obligations (overturned later)

Great Britain (prosperity and Parliament)

Constitutional balance

royal patronage

parties and minister (Walpole)

corruption and American Revolution

Seven Years War

Prussia/Austria adversaries

Diplomatic Revolution of 1756

partitions of Poland (1772, 1775, 1792)

Enlightenment and Old Regime

impact: set stage for French Revolution, social conditions produced grievances, ideas the tools/expectations/inspiration

Three Classes


set social tone

not all wealthy

land and offices

salons--patronized Enlightenment culture


diverse--professions, merchants, skilled workers

15% in G.B., 2% in E. Europe

envied nobles


leisure, ape nobles

coffee houses, theater

literacy--magazines, newspapers, novels

family life

romantic love


view of children

limit family size

Masses--new opportunities, new challenges

rising pop.-no decline this time (120 to 180 M)--Malthus

less warfare and less disease



new techniques--fertilizer, enclosure, livestock feed

the poor

10-15% in urban areas

lacked steady employment

wage labor, unskilled workers

charities strained

"deserving" and "undeserving" poor

workhouses, hospitals, prisons, mental institutions

popular culture

literacy--almanacs, fiction

village festivals

blood sports


Enlightenment--rationalism, secularism, individualism, reform

Voltaire sets the tone

Locke--views on education, contract theory

philosophes--Montesquieu, Hume, Condorcet, Diderot, Kant

Americans Paine and Franklin

economic--Adam Smith and invisible hand, free trade


nature, childhood, Social Contract, General Will


emotion, feeling, humanitarian impulse

result: provides goals of French Revolution, analogy of dynamoes

French Revolution and Napoleon

importance: ushered in modern mass politics, framed issues for next 200 years of govt. role in econ., ideal of equality, and nationalism

Old Regime

rigid class system

failure of absolute monarchy under Louis XV, XVI

revival of aristocracy

limited econ. opportunity


social--resentment of middle/lower class at privileges

political--battle between king and arist. for power

parlements and taxation

reform ministers--Turgot, Necker, Calonne, Brienne

intellectual--philosophes, ideals of Enlightenment



economic--financial crisis and crop failures of 1787-88

Liberal Revolution, June 1789-August 1792 (lib. nobles/upper bourg.)

Estates-General and cahiers


voting by order or head

National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath (Sieyes/Mirabeau)

Dec. of Rights of Man and Citizen (8/89)

popular political partic.

Bastille and National Guard (Lafayette)

Great Fear and destruction of feudalism (Aug. 1789)

October Days (role of women)

division within

Civil Constit. of Clergy (1790)

Constitution of 1791

econ. problems--inflation, deficits (laissez-faire)

king tries to escape

war--Declaration of Pillnetz (4/92)

Radicals, Aug. 1792-July 1794 (lower bourg., lower classes)


Girondins and Jacobins--Robespierre

Tuileries--king executed, republic proclaimed

Reign of Terror--Vendee, war (levee en masse), econ. crisis

composition of those executed

Republic of Virtue--women's role, de-Christianization, calendar

Directory/Thermidor, 1794-99 (upper bourg. back in control)

dependent on military victories (rise of Napoleon)

limited suffrage, luxurious style back

Consulate, 1799-1804 (Nap. engineers coup)

Empire, 1804-15

Napoleon's personality/appraisal--enl. despot, modern dictator, rev. hero

victories--various treaties, type of warfare


Continental System (1806)

invasion of Spain (1808)

invasion of Russia (1812)

pros: Code Napoleon, spread ideals, end feudalism

cons: plunder, national revolts, women, methods, secret police

Industrial Revolution

focus on: process, why Britain first, how other nations differ, incremental/uneven technology increase, impact on society and instit., govt. role

Agricultural Revolution

traditional farming techniques

Malthus and population pressures

rural life and household manufacture

new techniques--enclosure, fertilizer, new crops, specialization

Great Britain


resources--wood, coal, ore, rivers

island location

banking and financial backing

spirit of innovation, wealthy open to profit

flexible pol. system w/middle-class repres.


coal--Newcomen engine

iron/steel--steam engine, smelting, puddling

textile--jenny, mule, water frame

putting-out system

rise of factories



financed by private indiv.

impact for mass transport

methods of organization

entrepreneurs--Wedgwood, Owen

factory system


urbanization and its problems

impact on trad. methods/relationships in workplace

work conditions

family life

general prosperity, cheaper/better goods

political responses

govt. actions--infrastructure (sewage), Factory Act of 1833

Chartism--worker democracy


utopian socialism

The Continent

France--evol. development

smallholder trad. from rev.

moderate pop. growth--continue trad. agri. methods

regional unevenness until RRs

protective tariffs

Germany--govt. promotion of industry

Zollverein and unity

serfdom in east


Elsewhere--weak central govt., few natural resources, feudalism, isolation, little capital and wasted on boondoggles

Reaction, Romanticism, and Revolution

motif: significant social/econ. (indust.) and intell. (ideologies) changes lead to stress on a reconstructed European order following Fr. Rev/Nap. Wars

Congress of Vienna

principles: legitimacy, balance of power, order

Metternich (main figure), Castlereagh, Talleyrand, Alex. I

prevent further Fr. expansion--Neth., Aust. in Italy, German Conf.

100 Days--little desire to punish France--restore Louis XVIII

Polish-Saxon question

Holy Alliance and Concert of Europe (ensure stability/avoid rev.)

Social Changes

urban growth and its problems

govt. role in economy and poverty "question"--Factory Act 1833, etc.

family life

more concern for limiting family size

domesticity--middle-class value of home as refuge/women

New Ideologies

Liberalism--apostles--A. Smith, J.S. Mill, Bentham, Locke; individualism and limited government; laissez-faire and property; middle class

nationalism--inspired by Fr. Rev. and frustrated by Vienna; romantic--Garibaldi, Mazzini (Carbonari); F. List--Prussian econ. nationalism

Romanticism--more of a feeling than a philosophy; emotions, spirit, essence; heroic individual (Nap., Beethoven); art (Gothic revival/emotion, dark), lit. (medieval themes--Hugo), poetry (spontaneity--Wordsworth)

Conservatism--tradition, organic, change through adaptation; Metternich and Burke; trad. instit.--throne, altar, estate; suppress nationalism/Liberalism--Carlsbad Decrees (1819)

socialism--utopian and Marxist; condemn course of indust.--utopian commune; St-Simon (group/prod. labor), Proudhon (anti-prop.), Fourier (organ.)


France 1830

Charles X--restore abs. monarchy and role of Church

bourg. revolt--Louis Phillipe (Orleans) in 3 days

Greek independence (Brit. support--Philhellenism)

Belgian indep., failed Polish bid

Decembrist Revolt (1825)--Nich. II a reactionary

British reform

Reform Bill of 1832--mod. extension of suffrage

Chartism--workers democ.--universal manhood suffrage, fades post-1848

new police

strikes and Luddism (NOTE: varying responses to indust.)


causes: subsistence crisis, slow change, bourg. hopes

reform banquets in Paris--ouster of L-P, bourg., nat'l workshops, class war (Commune and peasants), military govt., Nap. III (coup in 1850)

attempt at Liberal German govt. (Frankfurt Parl.)

Hungarians temp. gain indep., Pan-Slavism, Italian efforts

Chartism in G.B.

Habsburgs w/Russ. help regain control

Lessons: division between workers/middle-class, organization, realism, end of Concert of Europe

Nationalism and State Building

theme: new realism, nationalism taken up by conservatives, modern mass politics emerging

Realpolitik and Nation-Building

instruments of power



public opinion

social reform/programs


Crimean War

"Eastern Question" and Ottoman Empire


Peace of Paris, 1856

impact--decline of Russia, end of Concert of Europe, new warfare

Italy and Cavour

Romantic nationalism--Mazzini (Young Italy), Garibali, Risorgimento

Liberal reform under Cavour (RRs, tax, help private bus., currency)

Treaty of Plombieres--Nap. III backs out


Garibaldi and Red Shirts--gives in

Pope resists--"locked" in Rome

pick up Venetia in 1866

Bismarck and Germany

humiliation of Olmutz

Junkers and Bismarck's attitude

conflict w/Liberals in Reichstag

war w/Denmark (Schleswig-Holstein, Austria)

Ems Dispatch and Franco-Prussian War

universal manhood suffrage but auth. rule

carrot and stick w/socialists

result: state has monopoly on force

Reform and State-Building

models: G.B.--Liberal Parliamentary and local admin.; Russia--conservative dictated by tsar; France--blend with technocrats and centralized

Second Empire in France, 1852-71

coup d'etat in 1852, Emperor in 1852

public--manip. opinion, universal manhood suffrage

public works programs, private banking, RRs

foreign policy--Crim. War, Ital. unif., Mex. (more liberal), F-P War

Paris Commune (1871), siege, and class warfare

Great Britain and Victorian Compromise

reconcile growth w/existing instit.

Gladstone and Disraeli--ideologies

Liberal--abol. tariffs, decrease military $, civil service

Conservative--Factory Act (1875), imperialism

Russia under Alex. II (1855-81)

emancipation of serfs--caveats (mir and payments)

zemstvo and judicial reforms


continuing dissent--assassination

new ruler: modern, tech., public welfare, competition, for good of state

Realism and Materialism

domesticity and consumption--home as haven, women as guardians (bourg.)

arts--literature (Dostoyevsky, Dickens, Flaubert), painting (Courbet)

Darwin and evolution--struggle and randomness

Marxism--class struggle, materialism, Das Kapital

Cultural Crisis of Europe

focus: challenge to existing beliefs of Enl., conditions of Liberalism: irrational, violence, mass society

Futurists--embraced power of masses, liberate from past

Second Industrial Revolution

"Great Depression," 1873-95, boom and bust cycles

overproduction (tech./transport), world trade

The rush to organize--trusts, cartels, consortia

econ. nationalism--tariffs and imperialism

Liberal Challenges

Great Britain

working-class politics (strikes)

Labour Party (Kier Hardie)

Fabian movement (mod. socialist)

demands: city reform, public housing, benefits


Liberal government of Asquith/Lloyd George

Natl Ins. Act, Parl. Act--1911

Irish Home Rule

female suffrage--the Pankurst (WSPU)--middle-class

Bismarck's Germany

Anti-Socialist Laws ("the stick"): revisionism (E. Bernstein)

largest party by 1914


welfare legislation ("the carrot")

nationalism--masses behind state

Scandals in France

national culture--public schools, transport, mass consumption

Boulanger Affair, 1889

Dreyfus Affair, 1894--Emile Zola, trad. v. Liberal instit.

Liberalism defeated in Austria

weak middle class

anti-Semitism: Karl Lueger

nationalism and national division



political strategies--sit-ins, protests, boycotts, violence

state response--forced feeding, Cat and Mouse game

some pursue social reforms


anti-Semitism--biol. racism, poor econ., tradition, esp. E. Europe

Theodor Herzl and Zionism

Workers and radicals

anarcho-syndicalists--Sorel, Bakunin; mostly in Southern Europe

New Ideas

physics--challenging Newton's knowable world

Curie and radioactivity

Planck and quantum mechanics

Einstein and relativity

biology and medicine (Pasteur)

social sciences--group phenomenon and their study

psychology--Freud, crowd behavior

sociology--Durkheim and Weber


"new woman"--intell., sexual, strong, and liberated

technology and consumption--leisure, spending, sports, Eiffel Tower


irony: height of Europe's power, imperialism led to increased comp., rivalry, and war that would end its dominance

New Imperialism

grander scale

frenzied competition

technology makes possible--warfare, transport/commun., bureau., canals


Strategic (bases--Philippines, minerals--South Africa)

Self-suffiency (not rely on other competitors)

Missionary (Livingston, but then comes Stanley--on-the-make)

Investment of surplus capital (crisis of overproduction, boom/bust)

Nationalism (jingoism, yellow journalism, prestige--Italy, Germany)

Need for New Markets (China)

Outlet for surplus populations (Australia)

White Man's Burden (Kipling, justification)

question: which was most important?

The Scramble

NOTE: Africa was tribal (destroy), Asia hierarchical (plug in)


90% by 1914

missionaries first, then have to protect

expand slave posts to interior

Leopold II and Belgian Congo (personal fiefdom)

Berlin Conference (1884) and Berlin Act (1885)




Opium Wars (1839-42) and Treaty of Nanking


sphere of influence and Open Door

Taiping and Boxer Rebellions

India, Japan


Boer War (1899-1902)

diamonds and gold

Cape to Cairo RR (Cecil Rhodes)

Moroccan Crises (1905, 1911)--Germany challenges France

fear of Germany

Anglo-French alliance

Sino-Japanese War (1894)

Russo-Japanese War (1905)


world economy, dep. on trade

theories of superiority and racism

maternal role of women (to breed sons), eugenics

environment--disease, tribal cultures destroyed

new contenders--Japan, U.S.


Hobson (need more distrib. at home)

Lenin--last phase of dying capitalism

European BOP

declining--Aust., Russia, Ottomans



aloof--Great Britain

World War I

impact: rearrange BOP, alienation, discredit elites, econ. disruption, political/diplomatic crisis, demography, 4 empires gone



Bismarck's diplomacy

Three Emperors' League (1873)

Reinsurance Treaty w/Russia

Dual Alliance, Triple Alliance

isolate France, prevent encirclement

aggressive Kaiser Wilhelm II

Anglo-French rapprochement, Russian-French, Anglo-Russian

Triple Entente (weaker members drag in stronger)


arms race, military plans, mobilization

imperial rivalries

psychological--relief from crisis


Balkan crises

1878 Congress of Berlin (indep. of Rom./Bulg/Serbia)

1908--Aust. annexes Bosnia, Russians back down

1912--Italy and Ottomans

1913--Serbia and Bulgaria, Aust. creates Albania

A-H situation and reformer Franz Ferd. assass.

"the blank check" and Russian mobilization

War Europe Got

Schieffen Plan

technology and killing

barbed wire, machine gun, poison gas, airplane, tanks, subs, trenches

Battle of Marne, Verdun, Somme

Eastern Front and Russian weakness (7M casualties by 1916)

Gallipoli and Middle East (Lawrence)

Turning Point

1917--Russia out, exhaustion, French strikes/mutinies

U.S. intervention

isolation (divided ethnically)

violations of neutrality (Lusitania, Sussex pledge)

unrestricted submarine warfare (little trade w/Germ.)

"over there"

AEF and Pershing, German's final offensive

Total War


women (5M in G.B. by end of war)

bureaucracy expands (Rathenau in Germ.--state monopolies)


rationing (sawdust bread in Germany)

censorship (Schenck case)

Treaty of Versailles

Fourteen Points and Wilson (idealist)

French goals (Clemenceau--"the tiger" realist


boundaries--A-L to Fr., Poland, E. Europe (problems)

war guilt--Article 231 and "stab in the back" (Kaiser gone)

reparations--settled later at $33 billion

demilitarization--100,000, no navy/air force, Rhineland, Saar

League of Nations--U.S. Senate rejects, Germ/Russ. not in

Russian Revolution/Soviet Development

theme: Russia's need to modernize but maintain autocratic government to prevent social chaos in vast, diverse, pol. inexperienced nation


need to reform--Peter the Great, Catherine, Alex. II

reactionaries--Nich II., Alex. III, Nich. II


Count Witte--gold standard, heavy industry, still only in pockets

opposition by peasantry


Alex. II assass.--rev. groups bent on destruction, only way to operate

pol. groups--SRs, SDs (Bolsheviks/Mensheviks), Kadets

Rev. of 1905

Russo-Japanese War (strikes, pol. discontent)

Bloody Sunday and October Manifesto

Duma and Stolypin reforms

World War I

Russian weakness--casualties, econ. breakdown

govt. incompetence--Rasputin, Nich. II at front

Feb. 1917 Rev.--Prov. Govt (Lvov, Kerensky)


organization is key--Bolsheviks

"peace, bread, land"; "all power to soviets!"

Petrograd soviet--dual govt.


July Days

Kornilov rebellion

continue war

Bolsh. Rev.--Nov. 1917

Trotsky and Lenin

redist. land, end war (Treaty of Brest-Litovsk--heavy losses)


annul elections

Red Terror

redist. land

Civil War (1918-22)--war communism, Western aid for Whites, famine

structure of government

parallelism of party and state

democratic centralism--Politburo and Central Committee

nationalities--USSR formed in 1922


New Economic Policy

the man and rise to power--controlled party machinery, ruthless

killed opponents--Trotsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev

"socialism in one country"

Five-Year Plans and Gosplan (Stakhanov)

collectivization of agri. and kulaks

accomplishments and caveats

role of women--legal equality but sacrificed by state interests

Great Purges

Beria assassinated (1934)

show trials

International Communism


alliances with parties across Europe

Crisis of Europe--Interwar

theme: democ. fight for survival w/economic breakdown, challenge by fascism & communism; resentment of postwar settlement leads to conflict/lack of coop.

Postwar settlement

E. Europe

not unified internally/nationality problems

underdeveloped indust. base

little experience w/democ.


withdraw from pol/dipl. after Versailles

only nation able to lead--refuses to

narrow pursuit of econ. interests


Maginot Line

E. European allies/G.B. and U.S. fail to guarantee

Germany--a stung bear, still strong (demographics)

weakness of Weimar Republic (Gustav Stresemann)

Economic Nationalism and Diplomacy

Treaty of Rappallo (1922)--Germany/Russia to avoid isolation

invasion of Ruhr (1923)

outcry against French

passive resistance and hyperinflation

econ. problems


drained German economy

caused currency fluctuations

created circular flow of capital (dep. on U.S.)

trade--needed to pay off reparations/debt, yet tariffs (esp. by U.S.)

low commodity prices

disrupted markets (colonies advance)


Locarno Pact (1925)--spirit of compromise at mid-decade

Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)--no political commitment



glorification of state, leader, militarism

struggle among nations (based on race)

anti-democ., anti-comm., anti-modern

Italy--at end of WWI, Mussolini

Mussolini and March on Rome

consolidation of power

corporate state/deal w/ industrialists

Black Shirts/Squadristi

Matteoti incident

Concordat w/Church (Lateran Treaty)


Hitler--Beer Hall putsch, Mein Kampf (anti-Semitism, Lebensraum)

breakdown by 1930

Cultural Experimentation

"Lost Generation"--alienation amid noise of fun

physics--Einstein and Heisenberg

functionalist architecture (Bauhaus)


literature--James Joyce, Brecht (Threepenny Opera), Virginia Woolf

film, radio, jazz, promiscuity (Cabaret and Berlin)

Great Depression--stock market crash, bank failures, unemployment, tariffs

World War II

focus: caused by unresolved issues of WWI, belief in state power, econ. collapse, Hitler's policies; most costly in history, technology

Totalitarianism (only 5 democ. of 40 nations)

Soviet Union--successful model of econ. development (appeal of Comm.)


"trains run on time"

stagnation, so invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 (weak League response)

Nazi Germany

legality strategy--H. appt. by Pres. Hindenberg, Brownshirts

rearm, recover, Lebensraum

autarky (prepare for war), corporate state

social/pol policies

Hitler Youth

women role

police state, censorship

manip. of masses--rallies, prop.

racism--euthanasia, Nuremburg Laws, Kristallnacht

Democracies--ineffective response to Depression

Great Britain

National Government--off gold standard, tariffs

France--failed Popular Front of Leon Blum

malaise and Maginot mentality


trad. elements/Falange attack Republicans

Nationalists and Franco

becomes continental war (USSR v. fascism)

democracies too weak

Way to War

withdraw from League (1935)

remilitarize Rhineland (1936)

annex Austria (1938)

Sudetenland and Munich--appeasement

Prague (1939)--stiffen public opinion

Nazi-Soviet Pact and Poland (1939)

Course of War

Stage One--Nazi control

Poland, Norway, Denmark, Benelux, France (sitzkrieg)

turning point--Battle of Britain (RAF v. Luftwaffe, Churchill)

Stage Two--Hitler's mistakes

invasion of USSR (Stalingrad, Leningrad)

U.S. and Japan (Midway)

El Alamein

Stage Three--closing ring


Russian advance in Great Patriotic War

island-hopping in Pacific

atomic bomb


stages: restriction of rights, expulsion/ghettoes, extermination

invasion of USSR

Wannsee Conf.--decision to use resources for killing of Jews

death camps and who knew

Wartime Conferences

Teheran (1943)

Yalta, Potsdam (1945)--trouble on the horizon

The Cold War theme: Europe caught between superpowers recovers through unity; interests; social changes reflect challenge of the war

Causes of Cold War

U.S. atomic policy (USSR gets in 1949)

Soviet need for security

ideological conflict

Areas of conflict

Yalta and Potsdam--what was agreed to


different plans/visions

currency reform and Western unif. of zones

Berlin blockade and airlift

Berlin Wall--1961


Greece and Turkey, Korea--Truman Doctrine, NSC-68

E. Europe: Poland and elections, Czech. coup in 1948

arms race

Cuban missile crisis (1963)---peaceful coexistence


comp. models: British (India/Commonwealth), Dutch (Indonesia)

France--Indochina and Algeria

Africa by 1961

Reconstruction and Recovery

Europe in ruins (buildings, cities, transport, factories gone; DPs)

Marshall Plan (U.S. motives, USSR view and response)

economic miracle

new econ. theories--J.M Keynes

Beveridge report and British problems

European integration

European Coal and Steel Community (1951)--inner six

Treaty of Rome (1957)--EEC

1992 and difficulties

Postwar governments

Western Europe (first: coalitions, then breakdown)

Christian Democrats (Gaspari, Adenauer)

France and Fourth Republic, Fifth Republic

E. Europe (Stalinization model: heavy indust., collect. agri., repression)

recovery but benefit to USSR

Welfare State and Youth Culture

consumerism and U.S. influence

Western Europe

Germany more laissez-faire

old age, illness, unemployment, accident, etc.--security

pronatalism--France and G.B. policies toward women/family

E. Europe

provide basics but few consumer goods

youth culture and protest--sex and drugs and rock 'n roll

women's liberatoin--de Beauvoir and Frieden, birth control

protests of 1968--in U.S. also (Berkeley Free Speech in 1964)

motives--critique of consumer society,

Finding Autonomy

E. Europe--de-Stalin. (Hungary--1956, Czech.--1968, Poland--1956, 1980)


W. Europe (Gaullism--third force, force de frappe; Ostpolitik--Treaty of Moscow, Helsinki accord


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