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Semester II World History Final Study Guide

“The bitterness of studying is preferable to the bitterness of ignorance”

Instructions: Pull together information from your textbook and notebook. Write your answers in bullet form on a separate sheet. Staple this review sheet to your paper. Please number your answers for full credit. DUE: Day of Final (90 total points)

Russian Revolution

1. Nicholas II was part of what dynasty? (pg. 375)

2. Who were the cheka? (pg. 380)

3. Who led the Bolsheviks? (pg. 377)

4. What was Lenin’s goal in spreading communism? (pg. 377)

5. Describe how Russia’s involvement in WWI leads to the abdication of Nicholas. (pg. 376)

6. Why did the peasants support the Bolsheviks? (pg. 377)

7. What officially withdrew Russia from WWI? (pg. 379)

8. Who were the Reds? (pg. 378)

9. Who were the Whites? (pg. 379)

10. How did Stalin gain power? (pg. 381)


1. What was the Nuremberg Law? (pg. 451)

2. Why did Mussolini’s Fascism appeal (look good) to most Italians? (pg. 438)

3. Which political system glorified the authority or supremacy of the state? (pg. 437)

4. What was Stalin’s Great Purge? (pg. 442)

5. How would you describe Stalin’s actions towards his people? (pg. 442)

6. Both the Italian Fascists and the German Nazis used what kind of tactics to gain power?

7. True or false, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin all followed Marxist principles?

8. Ernest Hemingway and F.Scott Fitzgerald were writers that were part of what group? (pg. 422)

9. Who were Marie Curie and Albert Einstein? (pg. 423)

10. What was the dada movement? (pg. 425)

World War II

1. What policy did Great Britain and France take with Hitler and Germany? (pg. 461)

2. Who invaded Ethiopia in 1935? (pg. 461)

3. How did Hitler violate the Treaty of Versailles? (pg. 461)

4. Who was the British Prime Minister that gave Hitler the Sudetenland? (pg. 464)

5. How did Great Britain and France appease Hitler during the Munich Conference? (pg. 464)

6. What was the Nazi-Soviet Pact? (pg. 465)

7. How did Londoner’s respond to Hitler’s blitzkrieg? (pg. 468)

8. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? (December 7, 1941) (pg. 474)

9. Early in the war, the Allies focused on defeating which country? (pg. 477)

10. What was the purpose of the Yalta Conference in 1945? (pg. 481)

11. What influenced the US to drop the atomic bomb on Japan? (pg. 486)

12. What was the Manhattan Project? (pg. 486)

13. What were Stalin’s Eastern European goals post WWII? (pg. 490)

14. What countries became satellite nations under Stalin? (pg. 490)

15. What was the Truman Doctrine? (pg. 491

16. What did the US do in Western Germany that caused Stalin to re-enforce his hold on East Germany? (pg. 491)

Cold War

1. During the Cold War what “hot” conflicts was the U.S. involved in? (pg. 506)

2. What policy did the U.S. take during the cold war? (pg. 509)

3. What was the “iron curtain”? (pg. 502)

4. What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? (pg. 507)

5. Why were the Warsaw Pact and NATO created? (pg. 492)

6. Why did the U.S. enter the war in Vietnam? (pg. 529)

7. What was the “red scare”? (pg.510)

8. Who was the communist leader in China during the Cold War? (pg. 521)

9. What was the Marshall Plan? (pg. 491)

10. Why was Germany able to reunite? (pg. 540)

Emerging Nations

1. What is the Oslo Accord? (pg. 590)

2. What event triggered the 1991 Gulf War? (pg. 594)

3. Who was the long time leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)? (pg. 591)

4. Why did the U.S. intervene militarily many times in Latin America? (pg. 622)

5. What party did the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) loose to? (pg. 623)

6. What was the liberation theology movement in Latin America? (pg. 621)

7. What do the EU, NAFTA, and OPEC organizations have in common? (pg. 639)

8. What is Globalization and what do its supporters believe? (pg. 636)

9. What was one reason why the United States invaded Iraq in 2003? (595)


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