Ms Knight's Weebly: IB History SL & HL - Home

Further TimelineWhat Hitler DidResponse of Other PowersOutcome – e.g. opportunities for Hitler1932Lausanne Conference – reparations suspended19331931-1933 Manchuria CrisisJan 1933 Hitler Chancellor of GermanyFeb 1933 Geneva Disarmament ConferenceFeb 1933 Reichstag FireFeb 1933 Hitler introduces a programme of rearmamentMarch 1933 Japan withdraws from LoNMarch 1933 Enabling ActJuly 1933 Germany Single Party StateJuly 1933 Four Power Pact signedJuly 1933 Concordat with VaticanOct 1933 Hitler leaves Disarmament Conference and the LoN.1934Jan 1934 Germany signs non-aggression Pact with PolandSept 1934 USSR Joins LoN1935Jan 1935 Plebiscite in the Saar (resource rich) – vote to return to GermanyApril 1935 Stresa Front CoalitionOct 1935 Abyssinia Invasion1936Aug 1936 Four Year Plan1937May 1937 Neville Chamberlain becomes GB PMNov 1937 Hossbach Memorandum, German war plans meeting1939Mar 1939 Anglo-French guarantee of PolandApr 1939 Conscription introduced in GBSept 1939 Germany invades Poland – GB & Fra declare warRearmament1933 Left Disarmament Conference. 1935 Anglo-German Naval Treaty1935 Hitler announced creation of Luftwaffe1935 Huge military rally staged celebrating German armed forces1935 Reintroduced conscription1936 re-occupation of Rhineland.Lessons learned:Opportunities gained: March 1936 Re-Militarization of RhinelandLessons learned:Opportunities gained:June 1936 Spanish Civil War –Hitler sends military support to Franco’s Nationalists in SpainSept 1936 Baldwin (GB PM) and Blum (Fra PM) create a non-intervention agreement signed by 27 countries including Germany, GB, Fra, USSR & Italy. GB recognized Franco’s government in Feb 1939 even though he had overthrown a legitimately elected socialist government. Lessons learned:Opportunities gained: GuernicaAnschluss with Austria 1934/March 1938Lessons learned:Opportunities gained:CzechoslovakiaSept 1938 Munich Crisis, Sudetenland Crisis. March 1939 Takeover of CzechoslovakiaLessons learned:Opportunities gained:Alliances with other powersRome-Berlin Axis Nov 1936Anti-Comintern Pact Nov 1937Pact of Steel May 1939Nazi-Soviet Pact Aug 1939Lessons learned:Opportunities gained: ................

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