Michigan State University

Blood Borne?Pathogens?Source?Protocol Preparation?Guide: MSU EHS Biosafety Revised March/2017 A source protocol is required when you have an identifiable source for an employee/student bloodborne pathogens exposure.???Every reasonable effort should be made to identify the source if possible. The person whose blood or body fluid is the source of an occupational exposure should be evaluated for HBV, HCV, and HIV infection as soon as possible.??The source person should be informed of the incident and be asked to be tested for evidence of bloodborne virus infection.??The protocol should be followed in an urgent manner that would include obtaining informed consent, in accordance with applicable state and local laws.?? Know where your protocol is and how to access it in a timely matter.??The source is not required to consent to testing. The goal of the protocol is to make the process as easy as possible for the source if consent is given.??? ? All these questions in regards to the Blood Borne Pathogen Protocols are located in each athletic AT clinical site in a “Red Source Binder” and should be answered in your protocol: 1. Who will speak with the source person and who would be available when this person is absent? 2. What paperwork/forms need to be completed? (i.e. Information and consent for lab tests including a consent for HIV testing, source patient lab worksheet for the source blood draw) 3. Where will the source be sent for blood testing?4. Who is billed for the source’s lab work (ensure that the source identity is documented on the “Report of Claimed Occupational Injury or Illness” form) The form is available through MSU Human Resources. The source will not be billed. 5. How will the consent and release of information be delivered to the exposed and their provider? ? It is easier to obtain consent from the source for a blood sample to be drawn if the request is made at the time of the incident (i.e. before the patient leaves the clinic) Resources: ? For information on the contents of a source protocol including forms needed, go to the Olin Health Center website at: or call: 4‐OLIN (884‐6546) ? Important Health Information booklet including HIV consent form: ‐0675electronicversion_163MSU Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan: (includes all the necessary forms necessary for exposure plan) ................

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