Upper secondary education in Hong Kong: a case study

Upper secondary education in Hong Kong: a case study

Mary James


This report forms part of a collection of six case studies commissioned by the Royal Society in 2017 examining upper-secondary education reform in different jurisdictions. The case studies are designed to give the reader an understanding of the trends in upper secondary curriculum reform and, in particular, the recent moves that certain jurisdictions have made towards a broader and more balanced curriculum. These case studies were officially launched at the Royal Society's symposium Broad and Balanced: What is the future for our post-16 curriculum? on 17 October, 2017.

About the author

Mary James, FAcSS, formally retired as professor and associate director of research from the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education in 2014. She previously held posts at the Institute of Education London, the Open University and in three secondary schools. She is a Past President of the British Educational Research Association (2011-13) and was Deputy Director of the ESRC's Teaching and Learning Research Programme (2002-08), within which she directed the `Learning how to Learn' project (2001-05). In 2011 she was a member of the Expert Panel to the Coalition Government's National Curriculum Review in England. She has been an occasional adviser to the Hong Kong Education Bureau on its educational reforms since 2000, and was the overseas member of the Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council from 2007 to 2009 when it was developing the new senior secondary curriculum and examinations. Email: mej1002@cam.ac.uk



Summary Glossary

1. Introduction

2. The political and policy context behind reform of the curriculum

3. The main features of the senior secondary curriculum in Hong Kong 3.1. Aims and learning goals 3.2. Core subjects 3.3. Elective subjects 3.4. Other Languages and Applied Learning 3.5. Other Learning Experiences 3.6. The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education 3.6.1. Category A Subjects, including the 4 core subjects and the 20 elective subjects 3.6.2. Category B, Applied Learning Subjects 3.6.3. Category C, Other Language Subjects 3.7. University admission requirements and recognition

4. Science subjects and skills in the curriculum 4.1 Curriculum guides 4.2 Take-up and performance 4.3 Gender differences

5. Evidence of the impact of the broad nature of the curriculum on student outcomes 5.1. Impact on the senior secondary education of students 5.2. Further studies and employment 5.3. Stress

6. Financial and practical implications of the curriculum model adopted 7. Conclusion 8. Acknowledgements


Glossary of terms


Applied Learning Advanced Subsidiary (examination) Curriculum Development Council Cambridge International Examinations Committee on the Prevention of Student Suicides Education Commission Education Bureau Economic and Social Research Council (UK) General Certificate of Education (UK) Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority Hong Kong Institute of Education Independent Enquiry Study Information Technology Liberal Studies Mid-Term Review National Recognition Information Centre (UK) New Academic Structure National Record of Achievement (UK) New Senior Secondary curriculum Office for Standards in Education (UK) Other Learning Experiences Professional Development People's Republic of China Special Administrative Region School-based assessment Student Learning Profile Standards-referenced reporting Senior secondary Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics University and Colleges Admission Service (UK) University Grants Committee



In 2002 Hong Kong embarked on a carefully planned and enormously ambitious 10year reform of its education system. Central to this was a decision to replace the old British system of 16+ and 18+ examinations, for a selected few, with a unified system of senior secondary education for all 15 to 17 year olds, followed by the introduction of four-year degree courses for those achieving the required profile in the new Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE).

The central aim of the reform was to promote all-round (whole person) development of students and a disposition towards lifelong learning in order to meet the needs of life and work in the 21st century. A new curriculum was designed comprising core subjects, elective subjects, applied learning subjects, other languages, and other learning experiences related to moral, civic, career, aesthetic and physical development. Achievement in all of these areas is captured in the HKDSE, which draws on formal examination, school-based assessment and a student's own learning profile. The reforms have been particularly successful in increasing access of students to senior secondary studies ? double the number now leave with the HKDSE compared with the numbers attaining certificates under the old system.

Science subjects are not part of the core but are popular as elective subjects, especially single sciences, which have always had a high status in Hong Kong. Numbers of entries to these subject examinations have increased somewhat. An extensive international benchmarking exercise indicates that the standard of attainment has been maintained. A much larger proportion of candidates now attain the very highest grades (equivalent to Grade A at A Level). More worrying has been the drop in 2015 PISA ranking for 15 year olds in science literacy. There are also concerns about gender differences in science subject choice and performance. Hong Kong has responded by offering extra resources to schools for STEM subjects.

The broadly based Diploma facilitates multiple and flexible pathways through tertiary education and into employment. More than 85% of the first cohorts of school leavers progressed to further study, with about 40% enrolled on undergraduate programmes.

These reforms entailed change in every part of the education system and required thorough, on-going coordination, evaluation and renewal. This was costly and government expenditure increased. Support for the recruitment and training of teachers and school leaders has been particularly important. There have been worries, particularly about workload for students and teachers, but much has been gained in terms of students' broader knowledge and skills, and enhanced selfconfidence.

Other countries can learn that it is possible to establish a broad and balanced senior secondary curriculum without sacrificing excellence. The crucial condition has been the opportunity to plan and implement a long-term, publicly agreed, reform programme protected, thus far, from too much political interference.



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