Simple User Guide on CPRB

Quick User Guide on CPRB

- CPRB stands for Class Planner and Room Booking, this is a in-house developed system to replace S+.

- URL:

- Tested browsers: Internet Explorer (9+), Google Chrome, Firefox. It should be work properly in Safari under Mac OS, but as we don’t have such equipment to do development test, it is not recommended.

1. Login

- Open a browser and enter the URL listed above.

- You will be forwarded to HKUPortal, please login with your HKU Portal ID and password.

- After login, you will be able to see the following screen:

- [pic]

2. To start editing a course, you have to enter the Subject and Catalog Number in the form, and press ‘Search’ Button:

You can input part of the catalog number, the system will list all the possible matches for you.

For example, if I have access right to LLAW courses, and I enter ‘LLAW’ in Subject Area, and ‘23’ in the Catalog Nbr, press search, the following dialog box will be popup and let you choose:


If you get:


This means there is no such course exists in the system. Please check in SIS, if the course is approved or not, and also, check if the ‘Effective date’ of the target course, see if it is on or before Jul 01 of the target academic year. For example, if you’re editing a course in 2014-15, the effective date of the approved course should on or before Jul 01, 2014.

If you get


It means that you don’t have enough permission to access the course. You should have right to access to the course, if the ‘department sharing’ is correctly been set in SIS. If not, please check in SIS first.

3. When you have select a course, the screen will shows the course code and it’s title (If any), and also a semester selection drop box (red circled):


You can choose the semester here, to edit the class information corresponding semester under this course. Normally First, Second and Summer semester will be here. If you want to edit the Full Year semester, but cannot find the option here, it should because there is no FY course in SIS.

For any full year course, for example, if the course code is ABCD1234. To make this course to be a full year course, there should be also a course created and approved in SIS, named ABCD1234FY. This is the only way the system will give you a ‘Full Year’ option in the semester selector.

4. After selecting a semester, system will try to load existing course information:


Just below the course code, there is a ‘Course Tab’:

This showing there are some classes are jointed between these course code, you can edit both class information once.

Under the course tab, each subclass will be grouped with a captioned group panel, showing the course code and subclass section. Immediately followed by ‘Offered’, Subclass Name, Quota, Extra input box. You can modify the offering status, class name, quota size and extra size for a subclass here.

*Uncheck the ‘Offered’ checkbox, will release the central classrooms allocated, please be careful for this.

5. And there is a Class Meeting grid table


a) At the first column, there is some icons which are also function buttons:

- [pic]: showing this is a ‘Base Lecture’ for a subclass, normally it is not editable.

- [pic]: showing this is a request, you can edit this record

- [pic]: Press this ‘plus’ icon, will create a new, empty class meeting for editing

- [pic]: Press this ‘minu’ icon, the class meeting will be removed from subclass.

- [pic]: Copy icon will copy the current class meeting and insert into the list.

b) The Type column, you can click on the type and change the class meeting’s type (Only for request records)

c) Central Room – Check if you want to request a central classroom

d) Show in SIS – Check if you want this class show in SIS

e) Semester – Editable only in Full year course, defining the semester of the class will hold in.

f) Weekdays – Weekdays of the class will hold. If you checked ‘Central Room’ option, only 1 weekdays you can chosen from, you have to create another record if you want to request two or more weekdays booking.

g) Size – Room size needed, default will be the same of Quota size and Extra size

h) Time – Clicking on the time, you can edit the request time period for the class. Please be notice that there is limitation on start time of central classroom request, for any class hold before 18:30, the start time should be :30 at each hour.

i) Date – You can select the week range by clicking the Date cell, a calendar will be brought up for your to choose date ranges:

[pic] Selected-> [pic]

After selected all the needed week, press OK. Or you can press ‘Reset’ to make the week pattern to back to ‘Standard’, which will follow the UG semester standard weeks.

j) Room – Showing the current allocation, you can click on the cell, it will bring up following dialog box:

In this dialog box, you can choose the room requirements for the class meeting. If you unchecked ‘Central classroom’ checkbox, you can directly select the departmental room from the list. No double booked check will be done for the departmental classrooms.

6. Teaching Staffs

Clicking on the ‘Staffs’ Tab under a subclass, you can edit the teaching staff list:


- To add a teaching staff to this subclass, click [pic] icon to create a new row of data.


If you know staff ID of teacher, you can just click on the ‘HKU ID’ field and enter the staff ID. Otherwise, you can click [pic], a search dialog will popup.

You can ignore the checkbox ‘Check Ava.’, it is used only on the central class timetabling.

For the checkbox ‘Admin Only’, if you check this box, this staff data will NOT be transferred to SIS, it is good for granting access right of this course to tutors who are responsible for maintaining tutorial groups information.

- Click [pic] icon to remove the existing staff

7. SETL Additional Information

Clicking on this tab, you can edit some additional information required by SETL. Currently they are ‘Assessment period start date’ and ‘Grade release date’. Most of the UG courses doesn’t need to fill this information, but you can still choose to input when you clearly knowing what they are used for.

(Please consult SETL team if you wish to understand the details)


8. After editing all information, don’t forget to press ‘Save’ button on the bottom of the page.

9. To search for another course, you can just click on the course title, the search dialog will be shown:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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