Research Grants Council


HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship (HKU-PS),

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF) and

University Postgraduate Fellowship (UPF), 2020-21

Nomination Form*

HKPF Reference no.: __________________

HKU Application no.: __________________

Name of Applicant: _______________________

Ranking: ________________ (‘1’ as top priority)

Part I: Supervisory Arrangement (Please tick as appropriate)

|Is a research supervisor assigned to the nominated applicant? |Yes ( No( |

Part II: Interview

1. Interview Mode (Please tick as appropriate)

|( Face-to-face interview has been conducted with the applicant | |

| |dd/mm/yyyy |

|( Telephone/video conferencing interview has been conducted with the applicant | |

| | |

| |dd/mm/yyyy |

| | |

|The interview is conducted by: | |

|Post (e.g. Head of Department): _____________________ | |

|Rank (e.g. Professor): _____________________________ | |

|Language used in the Interview: _____________________ | |

* Please submit a nomination form for each nominee of HKU-PS/HKPF/UPF. If the nominee is selected by the University’s internal selection panel for nomination to the RGC, all information contained in this form will be submitted to the RGC as required.

Part III: Comments on the Applicant

(Please provide more elaboration to support your nomination)

1. (a) How would the Faculty/Department rate the academic strength of the nominee in comparison with research postgraduate students currently studying at your Faculty/Department?

(b) If there are existing students from the same region/country, please benchmark the nominee with that group of students in the form of percentage. (Please delete as appropriate. ‘Top 5%’ refers to the most outstanding students.)

Top 5% / Top 10% / Top 15% / Top 20% / Top 25% / Top 30% / Top 35% / Top 40% / Top ____ % (please specify)

Not applicable as comparison is not available

In Q2-Q7 below, please refrain from mentioning the name of HKU as the RGC Selection Panel will assess the nominations under blind review. Please also send a copy of the comments in MSWord format to the Graduate School for submission to the RGC on-line nomination system. Please do not exceed the word limit specified as paragraphs exceeding the word limit will not be accepted by the RGC on-line nomination system.

2. Please comment on the qualifications and award(s) attained by the nominee (items 3-6 and 10-11 in the application form), i.e. whether the qualifications and award(s) are supported by authentic credentials and duly reflect the applicant’s strength. (up to 2,000 characters)

3. How would your Faculty/Department rate the research potential of the nominee (e.g. whether the nominee has a convincing reason of his/her research interest, in the research plan (item 14 in the application form), how well the research plan was explained in the interview, and his/her readiness in conducting research in the proposed field of study)? (up to 2,000 characters)

4. Would the nominee add diversity to the student population (i.e. under-/over-representation) and align with the university’s/ Faculty’s/Department’s internationalization effort? Please explain and provide arguments concerning cultural diversity, including the languages that the nominee can speak, the nominee’s international experience and the number of years that the nominee has stayed outside his/her country of origin. (up to 4,000 characters)

5. Please comment on the applicant’s vision and the reasons for studying in Hong Kong as stated in his/her Vision Statement (item 15 in the application form). (up to 2,000 characters)

6. Assessment of the nominee’s communication and leadership skills and other observation. (up to 2,000 characters)

7. Please rank the nominee among all the applicants under your Faculty/Department.

Top 10% / Not top 10% (Please delete as appropriate and explain) (up to 3,000 characters)

8. Assessment of the degree of fit between the applicant’s proposed study programme and the expertise of supervisor as well as the focus of the programme and explain how the candidate fits the programme, including experience and qualifications. (up to 2,000 characters)

Part IV: Plagiarism Checking

( This is to confirm that plagiarism checking has been conducted on the Past Research Experience and Proposed Research Plan, and Vision Statement of the nominee (items 14 and 15 in the application form) and no suspicious content is detected.

Other remark(s), if available: _______________________________________________________

Part V: Referee's Reports / Institution’s Recommendation

1. (a) No. of referee’s reports provided by the nominee : _____

(b) Have the referee’s reports been uploaded by the nominee to HKU Portal > SIS > Admissions > RPg On-line Application Viewing System?

( Yes. (Faculty does not have to submit hard/soft copies of the reports to the Graduate School)

( No. The original reports are attached. Parts A and B of the reports are saved in PDF format according to the requirements in item 3 below and the file will be sent to the Graduate School.

2. (a) Is the applicant recommended by the past / current affiliated institution(s)? (Recommendation from institution(s) refers to a letter or formal document issued at university/institutional/Faculty/ School/Departmental level and not in a personal capacity.)

( Yes. The original recommendation letter is attached. The letter is also saved in PDF format according to the requirements in item 3 below and will be sent the file to the Graduate School.

( No

3. Requirements on the file format as stipulated by the RGC:

← Conceal the content which may disclose the information that the applicant is applying for HKU.

← Merge all documents to one PDF file, and the file size should not exceed 3Mb.

← The file must be a scanned copy in PDF image format or a PhD file that does not contain any cross-referencing such as hyperlinks and special features other than text.

← Please name the file in the format of: last five digit of HKPF reference number + capital letter ‘B’ + underscore + file nature. e.g. 01234B_referees report or 01234B_referees report recommendation

Part VI: Conditions for PhD Admission

Do you recommend any condition(s) for the nominee to receive the HKPF award and/or PhD admission?

( Yes (Condition(s) specified in the table ‘Prioritized list of nominations for HKPF and UPF 2020-21’)

( No

Part VII: Applicant’s Inclination to Join HKU

Please indicate how high is the chance for the applicant to join HKU if he/she is successful for HKPF, based on the recommendation of the supervisors who should have an idea in this regard through their direct interaction with the applicant (please tick as appropriate).

| | | | | |

|Very high |High |Fair |Low |Very Low |

Supervisor: Date:

Co-supervisor/mentor: Date:

Co-supervisor/Mentor: Date:

DRPC Chairman: Date:





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