Curriculum Vitæ - Carey Business School


Mitsukuni nishida

The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School

100 International Drive

Baltimore, MD 21202-1099

Current Employment:

Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, July 2010 – present

Joint appointment in the Department of Economics, October 2010 – present

Past Employment:

Johns Hopkins University

Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, July 2009 – June 2010

Division for Economic Outlook, Cabinet Office of Japan. Economist, July 2001 to June 2002

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Section Chief, April 1999 to June 2001


Ph.D., Economics, University of Chicago, June 2009

Thesis Title: Estimating a Model of Strategic Network Choice: The Convenience-Store Industry in Okinawa

Committee members: Jeremy Fox (chair), Ali Hortacsu, Chad Syverson, Jean-Pierre Dube

B.A., International Relations, Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University, March 1999

Research Fields:

Primary fields: Industrial Organization

Teaching Interests:

Industrial Organization, Microeconomics, Competitive Strategy

Teaching Experience:

|Fall 2011-14 |Business Processes Part I (Competitive Strategy for fulltime MBA 1st year students) |

| |Economics for Decision Making (Microeconomics for fulltime & parttime MBA students) |

|Spring 2010 |Industrial Organization (PhD 2nd year), Economics Dept., Johns Hopkins University |

|Winter 2008 |Teaching Assistant for Econometrics A (undergraduate) by Prof. Jeremy Fox, University of Chicago |

|Winter 2006 |Teaching Assistant for Microeconomics (undergraduate) by Prof. Sebastian Ludmer, University of Chicago |

Research Experience:

|2005-2006 |Research Assistant for Amil Petrin, GSB, University of Chicago |

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|2012 |NET Institute Research Grant () |

|2009 |Conference Travel Funds, University of Chicago |

|2008 |NET Institute Research Grant () |

|2008 |Conference Travel Funds, University of Chicago |

|2006-2007 |Travel and Data Acquisition Funds, University of Chicago |

Scholarships, Honors and Awards:

|2008-2009 |Dissertation Fellowship, the Center of East Asian Studies, University of Chicago |

|2005 |Institute for Computational Economics Fellow, Argonne National Laboratory |

|2005-2007 |The Joint Japan/ World Bank Scholarship |

|2004-2005 |Scholarship, University of Chicago |

|2002-2004 |Fellowship, Government of Japan |

|1998 |Ranked 1 out of 1,964 in Economics Division, Level I Recruitment Examination for |

| |Japanese Government Officials |

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Professional Activities:

Referee: International Journal of Industrial Organization, Japanese Economic Review, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Rand Journal of Economics, Southern Economic Journal

Presentations: 2014: 12th International Industrial Organization Conference, Chicago; The 3rd Applied Micro Conference, Kyoto University (forthcoming); The 5th Consumer Search and Switching Costs Workshop, Kelley School of Business at Indiana University; Marketing Science Conference, Duke (forthcoming)

2013: The NET Institute Conference, UC Berkeley; 11th International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston; IO Conference, University of Tokyo; Applied Micro Conference, Kyoto University

2012: The Fifth Annual FTC/Northwestern Microeconomics Conference, Washington D.C., Annual Meeting, Japanese Economic Association

2011: Annual Meeting, Japanese Economic Association

2010: Econometric Society World Congress, Shanghai; North American Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society, Atlanta

2009: The Second Annual FTC/Northwestern Microeconomics Conference, Washington D.C.; Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Micro Data (CAED) Conference, Tokyo; Far Eastern Econometric Society Summer Meeting, Tokyo; Summer Workshop in Industrial Organization and Management Strategy, Beijing; University of Wisconsin Housing and Finance Conference, Madison; 7th International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston; the 2009 Industry Studies Conference, Chicago

2008: the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Toulouse; the Econometric Society Far Eastern and South Asian Meeting, Singapore; Japanese Economic Association Spring Meeting, Sendai; Midwest Economics Association Annual Meeting, Chicago

2007: ILGISA Annual Meeting, Oak Brook; Japanese Economic Association Spring Meeting, Osaka

Seminars: 2014: Johns Hopkins Carey Business School; Osaka ISER (forthcoming); GRIPS (forthcoming)

2013: North Carolina State University; US Census Bureau

2011: The Department of Justice; Osaka ISER; Hitotsubashi University

2010: Johns Hopkins Carey Business School; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; London School of Economics

2009: University of Iowa; Georgetown University; Johns Hopkins University (Economics); Japan Fair Trade Commission; Nagoya U; Osaka ISER; University of Wisconsin, Madison; University of Oxford; University College London; National University of Singapore; Singapore Management University; U of Tsukuba; State University of New York, Buffalo

2008: HKUST Marketing; Kyoto U; Chicago Econ-GSB IO seminar (June and November); U of Tokyo; Yokohama National U; Hitotsubashi U; U of Tsukuba; IDE-JETRO; Chicago Microlunch (April and December)

Under Review:

[1] “Entry Order, Geographic Expansion, and Retail Sales Dynamics,” January 2014.

[2] “Are We Undercounting Reallocation's Contribution to Growth?” (with Amil Petrin and Kirk White), October 2013.

[3] “Search, Price Dispersion, and Local Competition: Estimating Heterogeneous Search Cost in the Retail Gasoline Markets” (with Marc Remer), May 2014.

Published Research:

[1] “Regulation, Enforcement, and Competition: Evidence from the Spanish Local TV Industry,” (joint with Ricard Gil), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2014, January, 32, 11-23.

[2] “Exploring Reallocation's Apparent Weak Contribution to Growth,” (joint with Amil Petrin and Saso Polanec), September 2013, NBER Working Paper #19012, forthcoming at Journal of Productivity Analysis

[3] “The Costs of Zoning Regulations in Retail Chains: The Case of the City Planning Act of 1968 in Japan,” January, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2014, 45(3), 305-328.

[4] “Estimating a Model of Strategic Network Choice: The Convenience-Store Industry in Okinawa,” NET Institute Working Paper No. 08-27, April 2014, forthcoming at Marketing Science

Manuscript Preparation:

[1] “Network Pricing in the US Airline Industry,” (with Hiroshi Uno)

[2] “Performance Dynamics in Retail Expansion and Merger,” (with Nathan Yang)

Dissertation Advising:

Committee member: Marc Remer, Ph.D. Economics (DOJ)


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