Symposium on Scientific Computing and Mathematical ...

Symposium on Scientific Computing and Mathematical Software in Emerging Sciences and Technology

In Conjunction with the IFIP WG2.5 Annual Business Meeting (June 13-14)

Sponsors: IFIP WG2.5, HKUST, Intel Corp.

Venue: Lecture Theater H, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Tentative Program (June 15-16)

June 15

8:20 Shuttle bus departs BP International for HKUST (please check with the front desk for the pickup point for the IFIP meeting at HKUST;

Emergency contact: Mo Mu 2358-1241 (Home), 2358-7446 (Office)

9270-2068 (Mobile))

9:00 Opening

R. Boisvert, Chair, IFIP WG2.5, and Chief, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

9:10 Welcome

S. Y. Cheng, Dean, School of Science, HKUST

Presentation Chair: B. Gropp, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory

9:30 Dynamic Data-Driven Application Simulations (DDDAS) in Contaminant Transport Problems

C. Douglas, Departments of Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky, and Department of Computer Science, Yale University, USA

10:20 Coffee Break

10:50 Japanese Computational Grid Research Project : NAREGI

H. Usami, Center for Grid Research and Development, National Institute of Informatics, Japan

11:40 Building the Infrastructure for Networked Computing

X. G. Wang, Operating Systems and Midleware Center, Tsinghua University, China

12:30 Lunch at G/F restaurant

Presentation Chair: J. O'Callaghan, Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing

2:30 A Distributed Problem Solving Environment (PSE) for Scientific Computings

S. Kawata, Dept. of EEE., Utsunomiya University, Japan

3:20 Parallel Adaptive Local Refinement of Tetrahedral Meshes Using


L. B. Zhang, Inst. of Comp. Math. and Eng.,  Chinese Academy of Sci.

4:10 Coffee Break

4:40 GridPSi: A Grid-Enabled Problem Solving Environment for Physical Simulation Applications

Y. Umetani, Computer Science Department, Shizuoka University, Japan

5:30 Structured perturbation results on matrices, eigenvalues and


S. Rump , Arbeitsbereich Informatik III, Technische University,Germany

6:20 Adjourn

7:00 Shuttle bus departs HKUST for cruise (pick up at BP International for spouses if necessary)

8:30-10:30 Cruise & Buffet

10:30 Shuttle bus returns to BP International and HKUST

June 16

8:20 Shuttle bus departs BP International for HKUST

Presentation Chair: E. Houstis, Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, and Department of Computer and Communications Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece

9:00 High Performance Computing in Grid Environments

John O'Callaghan, Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing

9:50 Parallel Algorithms and Software for Terascale Numerical Solution of Multi-Materials Radiation Hydrodynamics Equation

Z.Y. Mo, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, China

10:40 Coffee Break

11:10 Network/Grid Computing and Mathematical Software

W. Zhang, School of Computer Sci. & Eng., Shanghai University, China

12:00 Lunch at UC Bistro

Presentation Chair: Y. Umetani, Computer Science Dept. , Shizuoka Univ.

2:00 Fast and Accurate Verified Dot Product Numerical Calculation and

Its Applications

Shin'Ishi Oishi, Waseda University, Japan

2:50 Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic TSP and Modeling

Lishan Kang, State Key Laboratory of Software Engineering, Wuhan University, China

3:40 Grid Computing in China

Xuebin  Chi, Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences

4:30 Adjourn and shuttle bus returns to BP International


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