23rd Feb - Flying Vet challenges South Wales Police

HISTORY 201704259 B4 JL

MAPPA Block Hospital Appointments re Machine-gun

Parole Board Caswell Clinic Attempted ‘Break-ins’ Hearings

1. The Secretary of State for Wales was first approached by a Mrs Sabine K McNeill, McKenzie Friend and Website Publisher, in Oct 2010, alarmed over my HMP Cardiff incarceration following allegations by Dr Tegwyn Williams, forensic psychiatrist for the South Wales Police, for having ‘harassed’ him in a dispute over the content in his bogus NHS (Wales) medical reports now proven were written under police blackmail

2. I was arrested in 2011 under1997 Prevention of Harassment Act for publication of psychiatrist’s medical reports, ‘dreamed up’ between June and December 2009 under instruction of South Wales Police’s Chief Constable, then Barbara Wilding, to halt my ongoing civil damages claims following some 50 failed malicious prosecutions

3. Dr Williams had complained to police of my ‘harassment’ without ‘reasonable cause’, a standard defence in the 1997 Prevention of Harassment Act. To this day he has never been allowed to be cross examination for the risk of the truth being known.

4. I had just been acquitted from nearly 8 months in prison, for ‘trading in machine guns’ when there had been no need for any ‘defence’ or as nine of the jury in the pub, after, had commented, “Why was the purchaser” of my WW1 decommissioned Lewis gun “instead of having been a prosecution witness, not in the dock with Mr Kirk?”,

5. The police had not only tampered with the gun’s mechanism before trial but had also painted it her a different colour to try and fool both the ‘gun experts’ and jury.

6. In utter frustration I had switched from complaining to the culpable authorities, over police fabricated forensic history in order to having me shot, to one of publicity of what was clearly the makings of a welsh version being dealt the Stalin ‘Gulag card’.

7. This was the nexus for the next 9 years’ litigation with its previous 17 in Cardiff courts, some say having been a fine example of police ‘harassment’ of their local veterinary surgeon just trying to go about his business when all originated all over a borrowed Taunton police man’s ‘note book’ and irate senior Guernsey police officers.

8. On 8th June 2009 the police doctor had been urgently summoned to attend with his NHS (Wales) Caswell Clinic’s senior nurse, Ms Elizabeth Paul, for a level 3 category 3 Multi Agency (5% most dangerous) Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) meeting in Barry police station where plans were laid down to having me eliminated.

9. Sabine was aware of the MAPPA registration had been fabricated and now proven by ‘leaked’ MAPPA memos that I was to be ‘shot’ if doctor’s ‘medical reports’ failed to have me incarcerated in Ashworth, indefinitely. Harm by his diagnosed cancer and irreparable damage to my reputation and private life by his lies was of no concern to police and CPS agenda with her ‘shoot to kill’ policy planned on her own door step.

10. Both Dr Williams and Professor Rodger Wood of Swansea University’s joint medical reports, for Cardiff’s 2nd Dec 2009’s secret Crown Court hearing before His Honour Judge Neill Bidder QC, was for their ‘terrorist’ classified victim, ‘too dangerous’ to attend or be legally represented, to be made to stop any further damages claims.

11. This ‘acceptable’ police harassment arose from my ongoing civil claims so it is vital, to day, that investigation into the 2013 unadulterated tape-recordings of the weeks of evidence covering my 1992 started civil damages hearings, onwards, by some hundred or so mainly police officers, be now disclosed but courts refuse transcription for the Royal Courts of Justice in both my current 2018 civil and criminal appeals.

12. The police doctor’s recommendation to the learned judge, was that I be sectioned for life based on HM Crown Prosecutor emphasising I was suffering from ‘Paranoid Delusional Disorder’, PDD, in my belief the police were ‘harassing’ me. Dr Tegywn Williams’ professional ‘opinion’ (contrary to opinions by so many who were actually qualified) was that the ‘significant irreversible brain damage’ was due to cancer.

13. This unusual HM Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) stance compared to its earlier evidence before the MAPPA meetings, when insisting I was no threat to the general public, may explain why the list below of unanswered replies may ‘speak volumes’.

14. Our current Welsh Secretary, The Honourable Alun Cairns MP, had duly counter signed Sabine’s 2012 Parliamentary Ombudsman’s form, identifying Mr Sissling, as CEO of ABM Health Board, for refusing disclosure of sensitive records, below, that has caused me so many years imprisonment, so far, his withheld data still include,

15. Texas’s 2008 Psychiatric hospital’s and Waco prison multiple reports, Dr Metter’s 2009 Bridgend hospital’s psychiatric report, Dr Philip James’ Jan 2009 Home Office FTAC psychiatric report, Dr Craddock (SWP) June 2009 ‘machine-gun’ psychiatric report, Dr Tahir (SWP) Sept 2009, Dr Gaynor Jones’ 2009 HMP psychiatric reports, Drs Roger Thomas, Clark, Sylvester (Godfrey/Leonard) also of Caswell Clinic, Bridgend police station’s 10th Feb 2010 psychiatric report, Dr D Seely’s request for neurologist’s psychiatric report and far more sinister since, post MG trial, Tottenham police 2012 psychiatric report from welsh police false data alone, France’s Jan13 psychiatrist’s report from welsh police false data alone

16 Since Sabine’s 2012 Parliamentary Ombudsman Complaint no medical reports have been ‘disclosed’ and nor will any authority report Dr Tegwyn Williams to GMC simply to have corrections made to avoid more serious harm. This letter to Mr Cairns MP, following his helpful 7th Jan 2018 letter, is almost my last hope

16. The following refusals by those organisations in 2009/10, originally designed to prevent such a travesty of justice, has resulted in not one proper investigation.

17. Authorities, below, are in receipt of my 2018 repeat applications but again failing to reply yet alone inform the General Medical Council if only to avoid the inevitable 5th ‘breach of a restraining order’ jury trial that may be now switched to New Zealand.

1. Prosecution CDs of machine-gun 2010 prosecution MAPPA medical evidence

2. 14th Sept 2009 SMHA Advocacy letter

3. 5th Nov 2009 Mental health Review tribunal letter

4. 13th Nov and 5th Dec 2009 MJK complaints to GMC

5. 3rd Dec 2009 GMC letter

6. 27thDec 2009 NHS (Wales) Independent complaints Secretariat Brecon Powys

7. Aug10 Vale hospital’s letter refusing to operate due to damage/brain tumour

8. 1st Sept 2010 MJK’s GP letter to Cardiff judge for ‘disclosure’ of Dr Williams’ 2nd Dec 09 evidence and medical report for Ashworth’s admission

9. 19th Sept 2010 HM Treasury Solicitor(Stephen Jones)

10. 17th Oct 2010 MJK to GMC (Wales)

11. 24th Nov 2010 (Wales) Mr Paul Jones letter

12. 8th Dec 2010 MJK to Mrs Bloomfield ( NHS (Wales) records)

13. Appellant’s14th Dec17 request to Cardiff Crown Court to cause investigation

14. Criminal Cases Review Commission (so another March 2018 sent)

18. Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales postponed a verdict on my Dr Tegwyn Williams’ MAPPA level 3 category 3 registration, (top 5% most dangerous) diagnosis without even examining me. He then caused police and courts to know I suffered ‘significant brain damage’ due to a possible brain tumour and PDD, (Paranoid Delusional Disorder). He wrote I was ‘no threat to the general public’ but was a serious ‘risk’ to then Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding, if I continued my civil damages claim for her 36 failed prosecutions.

19. 15 plus forensic psychiatrists, from around the world, have strongly contradicted my Dr Williams’ unqualified and seriously damaging Sept, Oct & Nov 2009 medical reports, written to bury the ‘machine-gun’ trial and civil claim also listed for Jan 2010

20. HMP say I need a neurologist before my overdue anaesthetic for biopsies but police stopped four times as I was MAPPA3/3and would ‘try and escape’ But HHJ Bidder QC had quashed my MAPPA registration but the hospital refused my hip replacement refusing for fear of the diagnosed ‘brain damage’ and 6months of my unnecessary morphine sulphate use for pain.

21. Cardiff Crown ‘does not have the authority’, apparently, for medical records to be ‘corrected’ and as its RCJ appeal is not until a year so, how much more is needed for someone to take to confirm on its 1st restraining order, the court now reluctantly confirms, 2nd also never ‘served’ on me!

22. More MAPPA abuse is disclosed in HMP Park by my ‘harassment of senior staff’, whilst ‘detecting and preventing crime’, aptly recorded in its 12thFe18 letter & NHS (Wales) solicitors’13th Dec12 letter admitting Dr Williams a liar to collapse 2nd trial.

23. Should the Australian & New Zealand Psychiatric Society have interest in having my 2009 medical reports ‘clarified’, a matter also raised by other complainant victims?

24. GMC(Wales) & ABM University Trust not only still ignore the consequences of my 17thOct 10 & 14th Oct 09 letters for help but now ignore my 23rd Feb 2018 letter by also arranging for it be ‘returned to sender’, yesterday!

25. By mid March I was denied ‘in possession’ medication for over 2 months and after witnessing a trail of prison chaos, incompetence and lies, I remain unfairly deprived of my own money, weekly allowances, urgently needed to fund ongoing criminal and civil proceedings due to the South Wales Police’s criminal conduct.

a. 9th time refused access to court, re failed ‘machine gun’ & ‘Caswell Clinic’ break-ins’ malicious prosecutions, 5th time MAPPA has blocked hospital appointments as ‘may try and escape’.

A My 23rd Feb 2018 letter

Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales, RCJ 201704259 B4 JL

Cardiff Mental Health Council Cardiff, RCJ A2/2017/2747

Caswell Clinic Glanrhyd Hospital Bridgend, NHS(Wales) 1CF03546

NHS(Wales) HQ Port Talbot (NHS (Wales) One Million Pound Claim)

General Medical Health Council for Wales

ref. Secretary of State for Wales 7th Feb 2018 letter

23rd Feb 2018 MHRT for Wales 5th Nov 2009 letter 12th Feb 2018 G4S Park MAPPA letter

South Wales Police 50 failed prosecutions

To whom it ‘may’ concern, (Attempted burglary of Caswell Clinic for my own records)

Dr Tegwyn Williams Fabricated Medical Records

1. Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales postponed a verdict on my Dr Tegwyn Williams’ MAPPA level 3 category 3 registration, (top 5% most dangerous) diagnosis without even examining me. He then caused police and courts to know I suffered ‘significant brain damage’ due to a possible brain tumour and PDD, (Paranoid Delusional Disorder). He wrote I was ‘no threat to the general public’ but was a serious ‘risk’ to then Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding, if I continued my civil damages claim for her 36 failed prosecutions.

2. 15 forensic psychiatrists, from around the world, strongly contradict my Dr Williams’ unqualified and seriously damaging Sept, Oct & Nov 2009 medical reports, written to bury the ‘machine-gun’ jury trial with my civil claim also in Jan10, requiring 200 witnesses. At a secret 2nd Dec09 Cardiff Crown Court he had recommended I be incarcerated in Ashworth hospital, indefinitely.

3. HMP say I need a neurologist before my overdue anaesthetic for biopsies but police stopped both 3 times as I was MAPPA3/3 & would ‘try and escape’ But HHJ Bidder QC had quashed registration and Hospital refused my hip replacement with Cardiff hospital refusing for fear of the diagnosed ‘brain damage’ and after 6months of my unnecessary morphine sulphate use for pain.

4. Cardiff Crown ‘does not have the authority’ for medical records ‘corrected’ and its RCJ appeal is not until year so, how much more is needed for you lot to take your problem seriously? The trial judge had replied after handing down a two year prison sentence just for an accurate You Tube acount filmed in a police station. I invite you to watch it as being a ‘breach of a restraining order’ ‘with good reason’, entirely reliant on its 1st one also never ‘served’ on me!

5. MAPPA abuse is now disclosed in Park by ‘harassment of senior staff’, whilst ‘detecting and preventing crime’, aptly recorded in its 12thFe18 letter & NHS (Wales) solicitors’13th Dec12 letter admitting your mate was a congenital liar.

6. Should the Australian and New Zealand Psychiatric Society have interest in having my 2009 medical reports ‘clarified’ then that may be a matter for you?

Will GMC(Wales)&ABMUT Caswell now answer my 17thOct10&14thOct09 letters?

Maurice J Kirk BVSc Copy to Welsh Secretary

B Appellant’s 13th March 2018 update to Secretary of State for Wales letter

26. For 4th time your chief constable has cancelled my overdue hospital biopsy appointment and as in current ‘machine-gun’ civil proceedings from 1992, had me re-registered MAPPA to again influence a ‘sentencing’ judge without my knowing.

27. This time I had a ploy to book my private health consultation, in Vale hospital, from outside this privately controlled prison. Done before MAPPA even knew about it and now blocked by prison due to further evidence of sinister ‘dark forces’ from within.

28. My misguided belief this 4th jury trial would achieve correction of my Dr Tegwyn Williams severely damaging medical reports and so avoid a New Zealand visit for a 5th jury trial, there, to consider ‘new evidence’ for their own criminal investigation.

29. My trial judge anticipated my usual request, to direct someone to report this criminal conduct to GMC but replied, ‘the court has no authority’ and yet NHS (Wales)’ 13th Dec 12 letter to CPS admitted Dr Tegwyn Williams a liar to protect it’s own back! .

30. G4S has confiscated your 7th Feb18 letter and its own12th Feb18 letter resulting from its police liaison officer liaising with MAPPA. Remember them, in 2009, conspiring ‘to have me shot’ as a dangerous terrorist due to my ‘diagnosed’ ‘brain tumour’?

31. G4S caused my hunger strike in my 4th attempt to get a hospital appointment, privately, as it continues to deny me correct medical care, if at all and has punished my remonstrations by denying me access to telephoning courts or family to arrange it.

32. G4S has repeatedly blocked my legal papers in or out of this chaotic ‘holiday camp’

33. G4S opens my Rule 37 post, delays RCJ appeal mail, confiscated/lost RCJ appeals documents for photocopying and wiped off legal documents from only allowed ‘memory stick’ contrary to HMP rules due allowing local police to control this prison

34. Again, this prison is not just inadequate to prepare young kids back into civilisation the prison is significantly short staffed and lacks expertise you should know about.

35. A friend confirms GMC advised her I complain to ABMU NHS Wales Trust, Mental Health Review Tribunal, SWMH Advocacy and Cardiff Mental Health Council Wales but NOT ONE will reply re correcting my harmful medical reports so God help your locals or whoever is next from England to venture into your constituency.

DPA’s 2000 Act was originally designed to protect ‘vulnerable’ NOT conspiracy implicating your judges! Prison now refuse return of my RCJ exhibits ‘security’ took 16 days ago or my ‘in possession’ Omeprazole. Not even allowed NOMS records or call Legal Ombudsman re paid lawyers not attending my ‘sentencing’

C Many of Forensic Psychiatrists & Medical Professionals who have Contradicted Police Blackmailed & Sacked Dr Tegwyn Williams

For Attempted State Murder

Doctors who contradicted in Machine-Gun/MAPPA Conspiracy

1. Dr Phillips James of FTAC HM Ministry of Justice (not withheld) Jan 2009

2. Dr Graham/Coleman & Jones of Cowbridge Health Centre (withheld) 1996-2009

3. Dr Metters and another of Bridgend hospital (report still withheld) May 2009

4. Dr Craddock of South Wales Police Port Talbot (report still withheld) June 2009

HMP Cardiff and Glanrhyd Hospital’s NHS (Wales) Caswell Clinic doctors included

1. Dr Gaynor Jones of Caswell Clinic, NHS (Wales) June 2009-2012

2. Locum Spanish forensic psychiatrist in HMP Cardiff July 2009

3. Drs Sylvester, Roger Thomas, Clarke, L Godfrey @ Caswell(still withheld) Oct2009

4. Drs Gareth and Tudor of Bridgend hospital (clear brain scans) August 2009

USA’s doctors’ involvement but only due to sent South Wales False Forensic History

5. Doctors at Waco prison &Texas local hospital (clear brain scans) April 2008

6. Drs at Texas State psychiatric hospital & Houston Deporting prison May 2008

(All these reports were withheld by MAPPA/Dr Tegwyn Williams’ direct orders)

7. Brittany casualty hospital France (clear brain cans) 2008

8. Dr Davies police confirmed even on day of machine-gun’s verdict 10thFeb 2010

9. Doctor D Seely of HMP Cardiff and again at HMP Swansea 2009-2015

Civil Aviation Authority suspend MAPPA victim’s Pilot’s Licences until Re-examined

10. Drs Hunter and Haydon-Smith of the Civil Aviation Authority June 2010

11. Drs Exeter, Salisbury and Gatwick all AMEs for cub’s global flights 2010-2016

12. Dr Nuala Sweeney Hull, Dr H Bright forensic psychiatrist Essex March 2010

More withheld MAPPA Records confirming Dr Williams/Professor Rodger Wood’s Lies

13. Dr Tahir of Cardiff’s psychiatric hospital & Caswell Clinic Sept 2009

14. Dr E Silva of Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Hospital June 2009

15. Drs in Brittany’s psychiatric secure ward, France (clear brain scans) 2010

Collateral Damage by South Wales Police Distribution of Fabricated Medical Records

16. Forensic psychiatrist Tottenham police London (Nigerian Musa family) Sept 2012

17. Dr Rose Marnell HMP Park and HMP Swansea (clear PDD & brain scans) 2015

18. University Hospital Cardiff Casualty Unit (clear brain scans) June 2017

South Wales Police continues to circulate its fabricated MAPPA data world wide

Copies to: Secretary of State for Wales, The Rt Hon Alun Cairns MP

FTAC, CCRC, RCVS, GMC (England) Law Society, Bar Council

Sabine McNeill for Australia & New Zealand Psychiatric Society

Timothy & Celia Kirk

Janet M Kirk

Butlin Cat

LiPs r u next 4 their 30thth March 2018 u ‘Gulag card’?

D 9th April 2018 RCJ cases incl. 201704259 B4

Parole Board A2/2017/02747

Machine-gun case 1CF03361

Independent Monitoring Board HMP Park Wales

Help or Hindrance?

1. On 31st March I had my 1st IMB visit since 14th Dec17 entry to a welsh prison despite having written for help on countless occasions. I had even asked Swansea’s IMB after my 3rd ‘breach’ sentence there. Other ‘authorities’ also ignored my letters simply to have my damaging fabricated 2009 police medical report clarified by correction.

2. Rather like, ‘after waiting for a bus for an hour in the rain only for three to turn up all at once’, I had two more visits in quick succession. What the Secretary of State’s letter touched on was how police here can also block hospital appointments and why parole board re-call is now for ECHR on my same 09 MAPPA disclosure cover-up still being used by G4S in HMP Park re machine-gun case [see black cab rapist case].

3. IMB said prison had ‘no knowledge of my hospital appointments’ but ‘Health Care’ would have been consulted by MAPPA prison ‘Security’ first! Family arranged Vale Hospital is now my 5th appointment blocked for internal examination for biopsies.

4. IMB were told my MAPPA level 3 categories 3 status, within 5% UK’s most dangerous, meant I would try and escape! This will not stop because in South Wales the police wield control over its local courts & prisons by taffia style ‘devil worship’.

5. Cardiff court’s failure to incarcerate in Ashworth’s high security prison for a brain ‘cancer’ or have me ‘shot’ was discussed with CPS and Dr Williams in absolute secrecy and why I am not to know nor given ‘palliative care’. If not ‘inherent deceit’ then why, on 14th Dec, did it also have ‘no authority’ to inform the GMC either?

6. The IMB representative assured me I would not be able to speak to the Legal Ombudsman even though it had specifically asked I ring them over my pending RCJ appeals when not less than four law firms had been paid £23,000 ‘up front’, had all failed to attend my ‘sentencing’ hearing also appearing to be ‘hushed up’ by court .

7. He, from IMB, had never heard of a prisoner ringing out from a wing office other than on entry to prison to next of kin or to some one as to where the prisoner was! This prison MAPPA blocked all of that, of course, ever since entry despite requests.

8. IMB had also spoken to HMP cashier who admitted it had ‘effectively’ ‘stopped’ my £40 telephone monies allocation from private ‘spends’ BUT not accepted as blocked! IMB now has a print-out denied me for over three months, BY ALL OTHER ROUTES, indicating ‘adjudications’ cover-up, to deplete tel calls, now vulnerable.

9. There is ‘no effective prison appeal system’ in a private gaol as it is too expensive explaining why this IMB visitor never experienced one in his many years amongst almost 2000 inmates. It came as no surprise, therefore, for the amused wing staff.

10. Staff said, ‘no knowledge of appeal forms’, I had been insisting existed for months and finished by one G4S officer saying, “the prisoner was always guilty, anyway”.

Since 2009 ‘authority’ has had a vested interest in continuing this ‘cover-up’

11. This ‘closing of ranks’ includes other medical services with Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales, Cardiff Mental Health Council, Caswell Clinic Glanrhyd Hospital, NHS(Wales) HQ in Port Talbot and of course, General Medical Council for Wales all, today, still ignoring my correspondence due to their criminal implications.

12. Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales had postponed a verdict on my Dr Tegwyn Williams’ MAPPA registration diagnosis without either examining me. Dr then caused police and courts to know I suffered ‘significant brain damage’ due to a possible brain tumour and PDD, (Paranoid Delusional Disorder). He wrote I was ‘no threat to the general public’, strange, when a serious ‘risk’ to Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding, if I continued damages claims exceeding 50 failed prosecutions.

13. After His Honour Judge Nicholas Chambers QC’s Nov 08 court order, she disclosed (MAPPA) records etc for the imminent civil trial, she quickly handed in her notice to protect state pensions and ensuring Cardiff court judges, 14 so far, upheld a ‘code of conduct’ laid down that had protected her officers from any risk of being prosecuted.

14. My last ‘sentencing judge’ was quick to point out she had ‘no authority’ to cause anyone to have the now sacked and living in New Zealand, chief police psychiatrist for Caswell Clinic, correct or at least clarify my damaging medical reports despite no less than15 forensic psychiatrists, so far, having expressed opinions to the contrary.

15. My G4S complaint in which I was blocked from medication, needed for the correct time of day, ran on for over two months and for days on end without it at all! This was despite hours spent each month in medicine hatch queues stuffed by prisoners never requiring their ‘medication’ in the first place and costing the NHS a fortune.

16. IMB is aware there’s a move afoot by police to have my Ministry of Justice laptop confiscated as its use is taken up by typing legible court data relating to their 25 years of incessant bullying that has generated, so far, well over 1000 court appearances.

17. 28th Jan18 court letter, asking prison for no delay in my pre-paid legible documents being printed, was smartly followed by it losing court exhibits and now clearly ‘losing’ my only memory stick again to stop exposure of this culture of corruption.

18. This conduct reminds me on how, back in 2014, I had just arrived at Park prison gates from HMP Swansea only to be refused entry by the awaiting HM Governor, no less!

Yours faithfully,

Maurice J Kirk BVSc

Copy to Secretary State for Wales Madeleine Moon MP


PS This Article 6 ECHR document may be 10 more days before leaving MAPPA ‘security’ as there is now no memory stick to allow it even to be even to be printed for RCJ criminal appeal


Ignored 15 March



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