Xeriscaping Incentive Program

The Springs at Coal Creek Ranch (SCCR) Homeowners Association (HOA) is pleased to announce the Xeriscaping Incentive Program (XIP).

Program Description:

The SCCR HOA Xeriscaping Incentive Program is intended to provide financial support to help inspire and assist home owners to take an active role in xeriscaping the lawns located between the homes. The Board would like to encourage homeowners to update these areas with xeriscaping, including plants that require little water and other HOA approved landscaping elements that minimize water use while beautifying and diversifying our beautiful landscaping.

The Xeriscaping Incentive Program applies only to new landscaping installation projects with an approved XIP Project Application (see Program Process below). The reimbursement program does not apply to landscaping within the 3 foot perimeter of your home, regular landscaping maintenance costs, or past landscaping installations.

Reasonable labor and material costs are eligible for reimbursement, but a receipt must be provided to the Board reflecting those costs. Plant costs will be reimbursed for perennials only; annuals or any other single season plant will not be reimbursed. Items that can be considered personal property, such as yard art or sculptures, will not be reimbursed. Reimbursable expenses will be at the discretion of the Board. Advanced approval on any expense can be included in the project proposal.

For 2014, the Xeriscaping Incentive Program has a budget of $5,000. If the budget amount is reached, any subsequent project proposals for the year will not be approved for reimbursement, so the earlier a proposal is submitted the more likely funds will be available for reimbursement.

Program Timeline:

This program is approved for the 2014 calendar year and will require an annual vote by the Board, as to whether it will be available for that budgeted year.

Program Reimbursements:

Each landscape improvement project (LIP) within the SCCR HOA community is eligible for reimbursement based on the following criteria:

• If two owners agree to share the project costs, the HOA will reimburse 1/3 of the costs associated with one landscape improvement project for the year, up to a total of $500.

• If only one owner pays for the project costs, the HOA will reimburse 1/2 of the costs associated with one landscape improvement project for the year, up to a total of $500.


Program Process:

The below process must be followed in order to receive reimbursement.

1. Obtain the XIP Project Application form (Appendix A) or download from the Forms section of the SCCR website:

Forms can also be picked up at the Mock Property Management offices located at:

825 S Broadway St., Boulder, CO 80305

2. Return the completed application to HOA@ (electronic versions) or the above address. The completed application should include the following:

• Application (Completed and Signed by Applicant)

• Project cost estimates

• Written approval of the adjacent neighbors is required

• Drawing/sketch of proposed landscape project

• Photo of project site prior to work being preformed

The SCCR HOA Board will respond within 45 days with an application decision.

3. Following SCCR HOA Board approval, begin the project and make sure to keep all expense related receipts for reimbursement.

4. Work must be completed within 60 days of approval.

5. Upon project completion please provide the following information to Mock Property Management at HOA@ (electronic versions) or 825 S Broadway St., Boulder, CO 80305:

• A completed XIP Reimbursement Form (Appendix B) attached to the application

• Photo copies of all itemized receipts included in the reimbursement form total

• A photo of the project site after the project has been completed

Program Reimbursements Examples:

Example 1:

Two owners share in a LIP and spend $900 total and provide itemized receipts; the HOA reimburses 1/3 of the cost, equaling $300.

Example 2:

Two owners share in a LIP and spend $1,500 total and provide itemized receipts; the HOA reimburses 1/3 of the cost, equaling $500 (the maximum).

Example 3:

One owner spends $1,400 total on a LIP and provides itemized receipts. The HOA reimburses $500 (the maximum).




Submit to: SCCR HOA

c/o DCM Property Management

842 E 78th Ave

Denver, CO 80301

or email to: Beth@


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Briefly describe the improvement plan. (Please also attach site plans, sketches, architectural drawings, material samples, and/or plant lists as appropriate.)

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Adjacent owners contacted regarding the planned improvement:

|Name | | |Name: | |

|Address: | | |Address: | |

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I acknowledge that approval from the SCCR HOA Board of Directors is required in order to proceed. I also understand that Board approval does not constitute approval by any city or county building code ordinances and that I may also be required to obtain a building or other permit. I understand that no staging and/or storage of materials or use of construction equipment in the HOA owned common areas is allowed unless approved by the Board. I further understand that I am responsible for any damage I do to any common areas.

|Signature: | | |Date: | |




Submit to: SCCR HOA

c/o DCM Property Management

842 E. 17th Ave

Denver, CO 80301

or email to: Beth@


|Name: | |Phone: | |

|Address | | | |

|E-mail: | | | |

Plant costs will be reimbursed for perennials only; annuals or any other single season plant will not be reimbursed. Items that can be considered personal property, such as yard art or sculptures, will not be reimbursed. Reimbursable expenses will be at the discretion of the Board.

| |Expense Type |Description |Amount |

|1 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|2 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|3 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|4 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|5 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|6 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|7 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|8 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|9 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|10 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|11 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|12 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|13 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|14 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

|15 |Plant |Hardscape |Labor |Other | | |

| Total | $ |

|Signature: | | Date: | |

Please attach a photocopy of receipts for all listed expenses, sign the form and send to DCM Property Management.



Board Authority Signature: Date: .

Project Approved

Project Approved, contingent on following conditions:

Project Not Approved, for following reason(s):


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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