Doc: 18-16/0099r00 - IEEE Standards Association

IEEE 802.18

Radio Regulatory-TAG

|Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group Minutes |

|Date: 15 Dec 2016 |

|Name |Affiliation |Address |Phone |email |

| |

|Author(s): |

|Jay Holcomb, |Itron |Liberty Lake, WA |+1(509) 891-3281 |jay.holcomb@ |

|Vice Chair, RR-TAG | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |

|Officer presiding: |

|Rich Kennedy, |HP Enterprise |Austin, TX |+1(737) 202-7014 |rich.kennedy@ |

|Chair, RR-TAG | | | | |


Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference.

These are the Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference, Thursday, 15 Dec 2016.

Attendees: 11


Alireza Nejatian Ericsson AB

James Lepp Blackberry

James Petranovich ViaSat, Inc

Jay Holcomb Itron Inc.

John Notor Notor Research

Michael Lynch MJ Lynch & Associates, LLC.

Peter Ecclesine Self

Richard Kennedy Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Vijay Auluck Self


John Kenney Toyota, ITC

Stuart Kerry Ruckus

1. The Chair called the meeting to order at 14:33ET.

2. Chair presents 802.18-16/0095r01as the meeting plan and agenda. The proposed agenda:

a. Review and approve the agenda

b. Discussion items

i. Regulatory work in progress

ii. Status of completed work

c. Actions required

i. none

d. AOB and Adjourn

3. Chair reviews and asks for any agenda changes.

a. Hearing none, asks if any objections to approve proposed agenda.

b. Hearing none, 18-16/0095r01 teleconference plan and agenda (slide 2) is approved by unanimous consent.

4. Chair presents slides 3, 4; IEEE 802 meeting guidelines.

5. Chair presents slide 5, Approve Teleconference Minutes of October 27, 2016.

a. Motion: To approve the minutes from the October 27, 2016 IEEE 802.18 teleconference in document 18-16/0087r00. Posted: 28-Oct-2016 10:29:54 ET

i. Moved by: John N

ii. Seconded by: Jay H

iii. Discussion?

iv. Vote: Unanimous consent

6. Chair presents slide 6, Discussion Items:

a. ETSI BRAN and ERM TG11 updates

b. EU Radio Equipment Directive Update


d. ACMA consultation

e. Developing IEEE 802 positions for WRC-19

f. FCC updates

7. Chair presents slide 7, ETSI updates

a. EN 300 328 (2.4 GHz)

i. V2.1.1 approved in ENAP; will be published prior to July 2017

ii. V2.2.1 in process

iii. Receiver requirements tightening

b. EN 301 893 (5 GHz)

i. Approved in BRAN

ii. Following ETSI EditHelp review, submitted for public comment

c. EN 302 567 (60 GHz)

i. Ready was approved by BRAN at December meeting (BRAN#91), this week.

d. EN 301 598 (TVWS)

i. Completed RED changes; was approved in December BRAN meeting.

e. The chair shared more details and timings, from an email he just received before the call.

8. Chair presents slide 8, ETSI Updates [2]

a. TR 103 317 EESS in the 5 350 MHz to 5 470 MHz band

b. TR 103 318 Radiolocation Systems in the 5 350 MHz to 5 470 MHz and 5 725 MHz to 5 850 MHz bands

c. Completed “for now”; needs to be ready for January CPG PTD

d. TR 103 319 Road Tolling and Intelligent Transport systems in the 5 725 MHz to 5 925 MHz band

e. Significant progress; teleconferences set for finalizing in November

9. Chair presents slide 9; EU Radio Equipment Directive (RED)

a. The transition has already started

i. RED in THE LAW as of June 13, 2016

ii. R&TTE expires June 12, 2017

iii. After June 2017, all devices must meet the RED requirements, i.e. R&TTE certifications during the transition must be re-certified

b. Following the deadline, ALL equipment to be placed on the EU market must meet the RED provisions

c. It appears that EN 301 893 will not be not published in time

i. Process requires Notified Bodies be employed to enable shipment

ii. Current situation will overwhelm the process

iii. Multiple efforts underway to mitigate the situation

iv. Digital Europe proposes legal solution

v. Discussion at next TCAM meeting on extending R&TTE (11/3/16)

d. Bottom line, there are no changes in the RED deadline.

10. Chair presents slide 10; NHTSA NPRM with focus on Vehicle to Vehicle, V2V,

a. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

b. U.S. DOT advances deployment of Connected Vehicle Technology to prevent hundreds of thousands of crashes

i. NHTSA Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on V2V Communications

c. The chair paged through the NPRM and a few highlights discussed.

i. A word document of the table of contents was uploaded at with the full PDF is .

ii. Reviewing, this is a narrowly focused document on mostly V2V’s channel, and some related international activity.

iii. It looks to come down to consumer acceptance and there is some detail on this area.

iv. 802.18 will want to response to several areas of the NPRM.

1. Time frame will be 90 days from published in Federal Register.

v. It is very large document, and we need to work on what areas we can focus on, e.g. at the January interim in Atlanta.

vi. Note, this is a project beyond the testing that the FCC is doing now and not the same as the 3GPP – cellular activities that are also going on.

vii. It appears the focus in US will be the 802.11 PHY and MAC, while other countries may look at other technologies.

11. Chair presents slide 11, ACMA Consultation

a. Australia Communications and Media Authority

b. Five-year spectrum outlook 2016-20


c. Comments due January 27, 2017

d. The Chair will upload the consultation.

e. With a quick review consultation looks to be at a higher level, and finding someone with more Australia knowledge to help ID any items that need more attention, would be helpful.

12. Chair presents slide 12, IEEE 802 positions for WRC-19

a. As discussed at the last Plenary, in San Antonio:

b. Regulators in developing countries are interested in the IEEE 802 positions, to help them formulate their inputs

c. Applicable agenda items

i. 1.12 ITS harmonization

ii. 1.13 IMT

iii. 1.14 HAPS

iv. 1.15 275 GHz

v. 1.16 5 GHz

vi. Issue 9.1.5

d. Formal “Position Paper”

e. Do we want to submit as a sector member.

13. Chair presents slide 13, FCC updates

a. January 2017 will bring a new regime,

i. Chairman Wheeler has announced he will step down on 20 January, 2016.

ii. Commissioner Rosenworcel will either be the new Chair or out

1. Senate leaders to approve or remain quiet

iii. Republicans will be the majority

b. DSRC going forward

i. Testing to be complete by mid-January (Phase 1)

ii. Commissioner O’Reilly: “Although I question whether DSRC will ever live up to expectations, DOT’s proposal to mandate DSRC standards should not, and must not, delay or impact the FCC’s work to test and potentially approve spectrum sharing in the 5.9 GHz band. The Commission must ensure that this band is used as efficiently as possible, including allowing unlicensed operations, for such purposes as Wi-Fi, without causing harmful interference to DSRC safety-of-life technologies.”

14. Chair presents slide 14, AOB

a. We will be working on a regulatory calendar.

b. Next teleconference: January 5th, 2017.

c. See slides 15 and 16 executive Summary of ETI BRAN #91. of the agenda doc, .

15. Chair asks is there any other business?

a. Hearing none, Chair asks is there any objections to adjourning?

b. Hearing none, we are adjourned at 15:15 ET


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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