UKAT Application for NACADA Conference or Study Trip …

1.1 Rationale

UKAT is the first allied group of NACADA (the Global Community for Academic Advising) to be established outside North America. Over the years a small group of UKAT members have attended NACADA conferences, and found it very useful, but this has largely been self-funded. This is the form by which UKAT members can apply for funding to attend a NACADA conference (in the US or internationally). It is also to be used as an application for international study trips which involve visiting institutions abroad, touring campuses, meeting with colleagues and comparing best practice in the two systems around a specific theme.

1.2 Potential Funding Available

Any UKAT member can apply for part-funding to take part in these trips. UKAT would look into funding accommodation, for study trips this may include local travel on location and for conferences this may include part of the conference fee. Funding permitted, there may be the possibility of payment towards travel but individuals are expected to request funding from their institution to supplement this. If combined UKAT and institutional funding does not meet total cost participants will need to partially self-fund. The total amount allocated in any year is capped so will depend upon the number of applications received. The maximum funding per person per year is not expected to be above £500 for any one trip. If Individuals plans on attending more than one conference per year they are welcome to submit two applications but their allocation may be spread between them.

1.3 Criteria for Applications and expected best practice among participants

The following criteria will be used to decide how funding is allocated with a % grading system applied for each of four areas (with a mean average applied) considering sub-criteria for each:

• Benefit for the individual (personal and professional) – 30%

◦ how the conference links to their role, development and UKAT involvement

◦ the impact this would have on their career

◦ how the specific trip is relevant to them

• Benefit for UKAT - £30%

◦ how their learning will be disseminated to others (incorporating the central UKAT dissemination listed in 2.3)

• Research completed into previous knowledge to support application – 20%

• What they will do in preparation for the conference to make sure they get the most out of it – 20%

1.4 UKAT Communications

UKAT will be attempting to maximise the impact this funding has on the wider membership base and sector. The following forms of communication are planned.

• a webinar filmed at the conference (as a sort of, 'best of NACADA conference')/study trip

• Lots of social media via UKAT channels during the conference - blogs or vlogs.

• A UKAT conference presentation with individuals presenting/reflecting on their


• Webinar on the above to ensure the message gets out fully

• An article for UKAT and/or Academic Advising Today, NACADA online journal.

If you are able to support these in any way please indicate how as part of this application.

1.5 List of upcoming NACADA conferences

|July 8-11, 2019 |October 20 - 23, 2019 |

|Post -Conference Study Visit July 10-12 ( below) |Kentucky International Convention Center |

|International Conference |Louisville, KY |

|Hasselt, Belgium |Call for presenting proposals closes February 21, 2019 |

|Conference/Study Trip Theme – |Theme - “In Their Corner: Advising Students to be the GREATEST!” |

|Student Autonomy: | |

|Creating Positive Change for Students | |

|October 4 - 7, 2020 |October 6 - 9, 2021 |

|Puerto Rico Convention Center |Dukes Energy Convention Center |

|San Juan, PR |Cincinnati, OH |

|October 23 - 26, 2022 |October 4 - 7, 2023 |

|Oregon Convention Center |Rosen Shingle Creek |

|Portland, OR |Orlando, FL |

1 Belgium Study Visit 2019

2 Student Autonomy: Creating Positive Change for Students

A study visit to Belgium and/or the Netherlands on the dates is planned around the NACADA international conference 2019. Please note all of the details below are initial plans and subject to change.

The conference runs from 8th-11th July so the trip would run from Wednesday 10th July until Friday 12th /Saturday 13th July - individuals can attend as an add-on to the conference or instead of (if unable to afford the conference which is understandably costly). It may be possible for those attending only for the study trip to arrive for the Wednesday evening city tour (cost and funding to be negotiated/paid/organised with NACADA), this would leave an evening for a potential campus visit, structured meeting or informal meetings with any NACADA colleagues at the conference.

Thursday morning activities would be scheduled depending on whether participants have booked on to the conference or not – if not additional university trips will be planned. Thursday afternoon activities would be hosted by University Hasselt colleagues including a campus tour and structured comparative meetings with local colleagues. Friday would be spent at 2-3 universities and include a campus tour and structured comparative meetings with local colleagues (e.g. EDLAB and Maastricht University including meetings with the Dutch Advising Association).

Sample schedule:

|Day |Approx Time |Activity |

|Wednesday 10th July |16:30:00 |City tours (via NACADA) |

|Wednesday 10th July |19:00:00 |Informal dinner and/or meetings with NACADA |

|Wednesday 10th July |20:30:00 |Participants' meeting and planning the following day's meetings |

|Thursday 11th July |08:00:00 |Meet for participants' breakfast |

|Thursday 11th July |09:00:00 |Morning at NACADA conference (subject to agreement with NACADA) |

| | |9:00 - 10:00 a.m. - Concurrent Sessions 9 |

| | |10:15 - 11:15 a.m. - Concurrent Sessions 10 |

| | |11:15 - 11:30 a.m. - Break |

| | |11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Closing Address |

|Thursday 11th July |12:30:00 |Lunch |

|Thursday 11th July |13:30:00 |Campus tour University Hasselt |

|Thursday 11th July |15:00:00 |Comparative meeting University Hasselt |

|Thursday 11th July |19:00:00 |Participant dinner |

|Friday 12th July |20:30:00 |Participants' meeting and planning the following day's meetings |

|Friday 12th July |08:00:00 |Participants' breakfast |

|Friday 12th July |09:00:00 |Group travel to Maastricht |

|Friday 12th July |10:00:00 |Campus Tour Maastricht University |

|Friday 12th July |11:00:00 |Maastricht University comparative meeting |

|Friday 12th July |12:00:00 |Lunch with Maastricht colleagues |

|Friday 12th July |13:00:00 |Travel to a second University |

|Friday 12th July |14:00:00 |Dutch Advising Association comparative meeting |

|Friday 12th July |15:00:00 |University campus tour |

|Friday 12th July |16:00:00 |Debrief meeting |

|Friday 12th July |18:00:00 |Travel to airport or optional evening in Brussels/weekend time in |

| | |Brussels. |

Please note this is only a very early schedule, seeking feedback and subject to change.

Estimated example cost breakdown

• Flight examples (at present). Participants book themselves but may coordinate as a group:

Wednesday 07:50 — 10:15, Ryanair, Manchester MAN ‐ CRL Brussels. Friday, 21:55 — 22:20 Ryanair, Brussels CRL ‐ MAN Manchester - £45

Wednesday 10:20 — 12:30, Brussels Airlines, Birmingham BHX ‐ BRU Brussels, Friday 21:20 — 21:35, Brussels BRU ‐ BHX Birmingham - £172

Wednesday 11:05 — 13:15, Brussels Airlines, London LHR ‐ BRU Brussels,

Friday 21:25 — 21:35, Brussels BRU ‐ LHR London - £90

• Train From Brussels €15.00 - €20.00

• Transfers to & from train station (to the hotel) €15.00 (per person though sharing may be coordinated to share costs)

• Room Rates: €90 Euro per single/double room per night (includes breakfast). Holiday Inn Express Hasselt, Thonissenlaan 37, 3500, Hasselt, Belgium, +32 11 37 93 00, 550 meters walk to University Hasselt

• Payments to NACADA for part conference attendance and/or (if applicable) city tour. If city tour adds a significant cost this may be covered by the individual as an optional extra.

• Transport from hotel to Maastricht, a Brussels university then airport would depend upon numbers. It is likely this would be in the form of a car/drive booked for the day.









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|Please indicate any current or previous involvement you have had with UKAT including length of membership, attendance at conferences/events and any |

|elected roles or volunteering activities. Please indicate if you are open to future involvement – elections normally occur at the annual conference |

|but there are opportunities to get involved at any stage during the year. |

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|Please give full details of your present employment. If you are now unemployed give details of your LAST relevant job. |

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|Name of current or last relevant employer: |Date started: |

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|Title of job and brief summary of responsibilities: | |

| |How trip is relevant to/would benefit you in your role: |

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|Please indicate which dates you are planning on travelling, what location you are likely to be travelling from and an estimation on total travel costs. |

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|Please indicate a maximum amount you may be willing to self fund, or your institution may fund. Please note this would not affect the amount of funding |

|available and is not a commitment for any payment but will aid the process. |

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|Please indicate your planned accommodation for the trip, including potential costs, based upon the planned dates of travel and aware of the suggested |

|options from the NACADA website. Please indicate if you would be agreeable to twin shared accommodation with other participants. |

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|Please indicate what you will do in preparation for the trip/conference to make sure you get the most out of it including whether you would be willing to meet|

|(online) with other participants and gather any information from other UKAT members. |

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|UKAT will be attempting to maximise the impact this funding has on the wider membership base and sector.Please indicate how your learning will be |

|disseminated to others, potentially incorporating the following and any further ideas you may have: |

|a webinar filmed at the conference as a sort of, 'best of NACADA conference' (already agreed with NACADA and with Ben Walker who is overseeing our webinars) |

|Lots of social media via UKAT channels during the conference - blogs or vlogs. |

|A UKAT conference presentation with individuals presenting/reflecting on their experience |

|Webinar on the above to ensure the message gets out fully |

|An article for UKAT and/or Academic Advising Today, NACADA online journal. |

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|Please indicate here (in 500 words or less) how this conference/trip would benefit you as an individual (personal and professional) in terms of: |

|how the conference links to your role, development and UKAT involvement |

|the impact this would have on your career |

|how the specific trip is relevant to you |

|Please also indicate how this may benefit the wider UKAT membership via your continued work with us (including any future responsibilities with UKAT you |

|may consider such as the Professional Development Committee, Research Committee, Conference Committee, communications roles or general support. |

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|If you have made an application to present at the NACADA conference (more details via the link) please include details here. |

|Title: |

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|Brief Synopsis: |

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|I declare to the best of my knowledge I have made no statement in this application that is false or misleading. I understand that it is my responsibility |

|to fulfil all obligations linked to funding, otherwise funding may not be provided. I am aware that travel insurance and some transit is may |

|responsibility. If I am awarded funds they may be subject to my purchase of travel and proof of receipts being supplied to UKAT. I confirm I will also |

|apply to my employer for funding and will seek to fund any additional costs themselves (self-funded, funded by their institution or by a third party etc.).|

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|Signed: Date: |

Please email your completed application form to: no later than: 5 pm Friday 15th March 2019. Decisions will be made and applicants notified by Friday 29th March Once a decision has been reached you will be notified regarding the amount of funding (if applicable) and next steps.


UK Advising and Tutoring, the first allied group of NACADA


UKAT Application for NACADA Conference or Study Trip Funding


Sensitivity: Internal

Sensitivity: Internal


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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