Join in the fun: holidays and celebrations

Join in the fun: holidays and celebrations

Learners: 7th formers

Theme: Join in the fun

Objectives: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to

- enrich their knowledge about some holidays and festivals;

- revise vocabulary and structures on the topic;

- develop free speaking using personal experience and knowledge on the topic;

- practise pair and group work;

- practise listening for specific information;

- revise infinitive-gerund:

- improve active memory and logical thinking:

- develop polite attitude towards holidays and festivals.

Materials: text-books (Enterprise 2, Express publishing), cards, slides, pictures, video

Type of the lesson: combined.

The procedure of the lesson

I. Introduction:

Good morning, pupils! Glad to see you. How are you? Have a look at the board. Here are some pictures. Try to guess what we are going to talk about today. You are right. We’ll talk about holidays, celebrations and festivals.

The theme of our lesson is:

Join in the fun: holidays and celebrations


II. Warm up:

First, tell me what joining in the fun means to you.

Possible answers:

In my opinion, it means celebrating incredible holidays.

To my mind, it’s organizing fantastic parties.

I think, it’s preparing fantastic birthdays.

What is more, it means enjoying leisure activities at home.

Besides, it is visiting relatives and taking part in stunning festivals.

The objectives are: at the lesson today you will be able to

- speak and enrich your knowledge about some holidays and festivals;

- practise pair and group work;

- watch the video;

- revise vocabulary and grammar on the topic.

III. Vocabulary practice:

1. Let’s operate pair work and have some vocabulary practice. We’ll start with adjectives you’ll use to describe holidays. You’ll work in groups. Your task is to make pairs of synonyms. Your time limit is 2 min.

annual – funny

tasty – stunning

amusing – thankful

tired – yearly

grateful – delicious

amazing – exhausted

Let’s check up your work. Read and get some marks.

Answer key:


2. Let’s practice some adjectives in sentences. Choose the correct variant. Work in groups. Your time limit is 2 min.

1. The atmosphere at the party was amazing /generous.

2. Brightly-coloured / kind kites filled the sky at the festival.

3. The food was really disgusting / boring.

4. The Queen gave an annual / sound oration on television.

5. When my party was over I felt exhausted / funny.

6. Our costumes had very elaborate/thankful designs.

Let’s check up your work. Read, translate and get some marks.

Answer key:


IV. Grammar practice:

Let’s have some vocabulary practice in the form of a brain- ring. Use to-infinitive, -ing form, infinitive without to. Read, discuss in 3 groups and raise your hands to give answers.

1. She can’t stand … (wear) fancy dress costumes.

2. I would like … (go) to the Hamamatsu Kite Festival.

3. Let me… (listen) to my favourite music.

4. You must… (cook) lots of tasty food for New Year.

5. They can’t help… (laugh) with the clowns tricks.

6. He decided… (buy) his mother some flowers for Mother’s Day.

Answer Key: wearing, to go, listen, cook, laughing, to buy

V. Watching the video. Is better to work alone or in a group of classmates?

Have some rest; watch the video “In a good company” and answer the questions.

1. Who do you see in this film?

2. Where are they? ( in the forest, desert)

3. Do the like walking and singing?

4. Are they happy or bored? Delighted or disappointed? Why?

VI. Look at the pictures, 1) guess some holidays people celebrate in the world and Ukraine:

Christmas New Year

St Valentine’s Day Easter

Independence Day Women’s Day

2) guess some festivals:

1. Bull running in Spain

2. Lantern festival in Taiwan.

3. La Tomatina in Spain

4. Cheese rolling festival in England

5. Water throwing festival in Thailand

VII. Listening:

Pre- listening task: answer the questions

1. Whose favourite holiday is his birthday?

2. Why is your birthday so special to you?

3. Do you usually organize birthday parties?

While- listening task: Listen and tick the things which are going to happen at Jane’s birthday party, then make sentences about her party.


Dear Heidi,

How are you? I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party on 6th May at 7 o’clock at the Alpine Hotel. I hope you will be able to come.

We are going to have a buffet and my mother’s going to bake a cake. After I’ve blown out the candles, my father is going to make a speech. Then, we are going to play party games and dance. We were planning to have a magician to perform tricks, but then we decided not to.

I suppose you will come by bus, so here are the directions to the bus stop. Walk past the church and turn right into Grey Street. Walk to the end of the road and take the first turning on your left into Apple Street. The Alpine Hotel is about 50 metres down the street, opposite the post office. I really hope you can make it. Write soon and let me know if you can come.

Lots of love,


✓ They /have a buffet.

✓ Jane’s mum/bake a cake.

They/go bowling.

✓ Jane/blow out candles.

✓ Father/make a speech.

✓ They/play party games.

✓ They/dance.

Magician/perform tricks.

Post- listening task: read what is going to happen at Jane’s birthday party

1. They are going to have a buffet.

2. Jane’s mum is going to bake a cake.

3. They aren’t going to go bowling.

4. Jane is going to blow out candles.

5. Father is going to make a speech.

6. They are going to play party games.

7. They are going to dance.

8. Magician isn’t going to perform tricks.

VIII. Production: speaking.

It’s time you told about Christmas, a birthday party and the kite festival in Japan prepared beforehand.

IX. Conclusions:

What holidays can you talk about?

What new festivals do you know?

Which of them would you like to celebrate in Ukraine? Why?

What was your participation in the lesson? Why?

X. Home assignment

Dear pupils, I’m greatly satisfied with your work. You’ve done your best. You were smart. What’s more, you were brilliant and got good marks. A lot of thanks for your participation in the lesson.

Your home task is: V-I- prepare information about some other holidays,

V-II-ex.12, p.56, WB, V-III- ex.12, p.56, WB.


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