5 reasons every entrepreneur should write a business plan ...

Observance Name/Date:Write a Business Plan Month – DecemberWhat is Write a Business Plan MonthDecember is designated as Write a Business Plan Month to encourage you put your thoughts about starting a business into action. Every business needs a well-researched and detailed plan to help you grow whether your business is a side gig or your full-time livelihood.Write a Business Plan Month GraphicInstagram/Facebook SizedSample Social Media Posts:#writeabusinessplanmonth #PAForward #FinanicalLiteracy 5 reasons every entrepreneur should write a business plan (from SCORE). 1-It forces you to think through all aspects of your startup. 2-It highlights potential problems. 3-You’ll be prepared for anything. 4-It will help you explain your concept. 5-There is plenty of help out there. Have you been thinking about working for yourself and starting your own business? December is #writeabusinessplanmonth and we’re here to help you get started with the most important part of starting up. Search our catalog (LINK GOES HERE or under “catalog”) for books and digital resources to get you started. We want to see you OPEN for business. Content for Newsletter/WebsitesDecember is designated as Write a Business Plan Month to encourage you put your thoughts about starting a business into action. Every business needs a well-researched and detailed plan to help you grow whether your business is a side gig or your full-time livelihood.SCORE gives us the top 5 reasons every entrepreneur should write a business plan. 1-It forces you to think through all aspects of your startup. 2-It highlights potential problems. 3-You’ll be prepared for anything. 4-It will help you explain your concept. 5-There is plenty of help out there. Have you been thinking about working for yourself and starting your own business? We’re here to help you get started with the most important part of starting up: your PLAN. Search our catalog (LINK GOES HERE or under “catalog”) for books and digital resources to get you started. We want to see you OPEN for business in TOWN NAME GOES HERE.You can list local workshops, POWER Library resources, books and other resources here.Additional ResourcesBusiness Plan Template - Reasons Your Startup Needs a Business Plan - Your Business Plan - . Small Business Association’s PDF on How to Write a Business Plan - Name/Date:Universal Human Rights Month – DecemberWhat is Universal Human Rights Month?Universal Human Rights Month is celebrated in to commemorate the United Nations General Assembly codified the basic human rights of every person with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The month also includes Human Rights Day.Universal Human Rights Month is a time to reflect on how we treat others and what we can do to help achieve equality.[Observance] Graphic Social Media Posts:#PAForward#CivicandSocialLiteracy#HumanRightsMonth#humanrights“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.”- John F. Kennedy #humanrightsmonth #PAForward #CivicandSocialLiteracyJoin us in celebrating Human Rights Month with [insert event details] and by exploring [relevant databases and local history collections] #PAForward #humanrightsContent for Newsletter/WebsitesUniversal Human Rights Month is celebrated in to commemorate the United Nations General Assembly codified the basic human rights of every person with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The month also includes Human Rights Day.Universal Human Rights Month is a time to reflect on how we treat others and what we can do to help achieve equality.Join us in celebrating Human Rights Month with [insert event details] and by exploring [relevant databases and local history collections].Additional Resources Name/Date:Day With(out) Art – December 1stWhat is Day With(out) Art?Day With(out) Art is an annual artistic response to the ongoing AIDS crisis coinciding with World AIDS Day on December 1st. Each year a group of artists are commissioned to share a diversity of voices on the global AIDS epidemic through short videos. Their work is distributed to universities, museums, art institutions, and AIDS organizations where it is freely shared as part of programming on or around December 1st, World AIDS Day.Day With(out) Art GraphicInstagram dimensions graphicSample Social Media Posts:#daywithoutart #worldAIDSday#PAForward#HealthLiteracy #CivicandSocialLiteracy#daywithoutart mourns artists lost to AIDS and reminds us of the millions of people living with HIV & AIDS around the world today. Gain insight into the divergent and overlapping experiences of people living with HIV& AIDS by watching one of the commissioned videos by; Jorge Bordello (Mexico), Topher Campbell (U.K.), Gevi Dimitrakopoulou and Vasiliki Lazaridou (Greece), Lucía Ega?a Rojas (Chile/Spain), Las Indetectables (Chile), Charan Singh (India/U.K.), and George Stanley Nsamba (Uganda).Day With(out) Art 2020 examines the impact of HIV & AIDS beyond the United States, by bringing together artists working across the world: Jorge Bordello (Mexico), Topher Campbell (U.K.), Gevi Dimitrakopoulou and Vasiliki Lazaridou (Greece), Lucía Ega?a Rojas (Chile/Spain), Las Indetectables (Chile), Charan Singh (India/U.K.), and George Stanley Nsamba (Uganda). Watch one of the commissioned videos and open your eyes to the divergent and overlapping experiences of people living with HIV around the world today.TWEET: #daywithoutart mourns artists lost to AIDS and reminds us of the millions of people living with HIV & AIDS around the world today. Become educated about the experiences of people living with HIV & AIDS through one of this year’s commissioned videos. Content for Newsletter/WebsitesDay With(out) Art is a day of action and mourning in response to the devastating effect of the AIDS crisis on the artistic community. Museums, galleries, art centers, AIDS service organizations, colleges and libraries take the day to reinforce the power art brings to our everyday lives by removing it—many by closing their doors on December 1st and, instead, sharing information on HIV & AIDS. Day With(out) Art 2020 examines the impact of HIV & AIDS beyond the United States, by bringing together artists working across the world: Jorge Bordello (Mexico), Topher Campbell (U.K.), Gevi Dimitrakopoulou and Vasiliki Lazaridou (Greece), Lucía Ega?a Rojas (Chile/Spain), Las Indetectables (Chile), Charan Singh (India/U.K.), and George Stanley Nsamba (Uganda). Together this artists created seven videos that will and open your eyes to the divergent and overlapping experiences of people living with HIV around the world today. [Include details on where in your area library members can go to see they videos screened.]You could choose to highlight eResources (dowloadables, streaming, databases and resources in POWER Library) and physical items in your collection that explore the intersection of art and AIDS. You could also highlight your resources about any artist who has died of AIDS.Additional ResourcesDay With(out) Art 2020 – Visual AIDS organizationPartial lists of artists dying of Aids – New York TimesObservance Name/Date:December 3: Make a Gift DayWhat is Make a Gift Day?: As people prepare to celebrate the holidays, this is a time to focus on handmade, meaningful gifts as opposed to store-bought presents. This could be a great time to host a craft workshop at your library, so everyone can leave with a gift to give, or to highlight DIY books in your collection so patrons can check them out and make gifts at home. Make a Gift Day Graphic: Social Media Posts:What is better than a handmade gift? Join us for [name of workshop] to make your own gifts for Make a Gift Day! Today is Make a Gift Day. Check out our craft books to learn how to make your own gifts! In honor of Make a Gift Day, tell us about the best homemade gift you ever received.Suggested Hashtags:#MakeaGiftDay#Homemade#Handmade#DIY#PAForward#BasicLiteracyContent for Newsletter or WebsiteAs the holidays approach, you might be looking for ways to stay occupied when the weather is bad or to save money on gifts for parties and events. A great method for addressing both concerns is making your own gifts to share with loved ones. There’s even a holiday to celebrate it. December 3 is Make a Gift Day, a time to hunker down at home, making both gifts and memories with your loved ones! Put your skills and interests to work in creating meaningful gifts that bring joy to those you share your holidays with. [Info about Make a Gift Day workshop/event, if applicable]There are great resources for making your own gifts at our library in craft and DIY books. Ask any staff member for help locating them. The internet is also a great resource for DIY gift instructions. Use a library computer or access from home! Your loved ones are sure to enjoy and remember the gifts you make for them long after the holidays are over. What is better than a handmade gift? Join us for [name of workshop] to make your own gifts for Make a Gift Day!Additional Resources: The Spruce Crafts: tutorials and ideas for handmade giftsLion Brand Yarn: : tutorials and patterns for many knitting and crochet projects. Observance Name/Date:December 8: Pretend to be a Time Traveler DayWhat is Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day?: First celebrated in 2007, this holiday encourages people to pretend to be a traveler in time from the past (or the future) to our present day -- but you can’t tell anyone you’re a time traveler! They’ll have to guess. Everyone can be creative in their dress, mannerisms, and reactions to “modern”/”historic” technology. It’s also a great opportunity to highlight items in your collection that include time travel, such as Dr. Who, The Time Machine, and Back to the Future. Host a costume contest or watch party!Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day Graphic: Social Media Posts:When are you from? Is what we ask on Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day!If you could be from any era of history, or from the future, what era would you pick? What would it be like? Tell us for Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day.It’s Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day. Before you adopt your time travel persona, tell us your favorite book, movie, or tv show that involves time travel!If someone traveled to our time from the past or the future, what do you think they’d say is strange about our time? Tell us for Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day! Suggested Hashtags:#pretendtobeatimetravelerday#timetravel#makebelieve#PAForward#BasicLiteracyContent for Newsletter or Website:Some of the most memorable shows and movies involve time travel. On December 8, you can join in on the fun for Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day. Pick an era in the past or present and pretend you’ve somehow found yourself in our modern times. Drop hints to those you meet, but don’t tell them you’re a time traveler! Make them guess when you are from! [Details about a library event for Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day].Explore your favorite time travel moments in the library collection. Borrow Doctor Who, Back to the Future, or the Time Machine. Learn more about your favorite era of history or times you don’t know much about from our non-fiction collection. The possibilities are endless!Additional Resources: National Day Calendar: a list of media that include time travel as part of the plot. Geek USA: original blog post that started Pretend to be a Time Traveler DayObservance Name/Date:December 10: Human Rights DayWhat is Human Rights Day?: Human Rights Day recognizes the day in 1948 when the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes the rights of all people in the world to live in peace, among many other rights we may often take for granted in the United States. It is a time to reflect that these rights are still not given to all, depending on where they live, and to do what we can to help people get these rights around the world. Human Rights Day Graphic: Sample Social Media Posts:#Didyouknow the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the world’s most translated document? #HumanRightsDayWe all want to live safe, healthy, and happy lives, and we have a right to do so. Today we celebrate Human Rights Day in honor of these rights.Sample Hashtags:#StandUp4HumanRights#RightsOutLoud#HumanRightsDay#UnitedNations#HumanRights#CivicLiteracy#SocialLiteracy#PAForward Content for Newsletter/WebsitesIn America we know we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. All people should have these rights, but unfortunately, around the world, many do not. In 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which enshrined these rights for all people, on December 10. Each year on this day, we take time to reflect on our human rights and the work that must be done to ensure that they are truly universal. [Highlight library collections, events, or local organizations that focus on human rights].Additional ResourcesUnited Nations Human Rights Day Campaign: , content and information to share about Human Rights DayKnow Your Rights/Universal Declaration of Human Rights: text of the Declaration as well as translations and related media to help all people understand. ................

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