Kindergarten News 10-8-07

Kindergarten News – 12/9/13

Letter and Sound of the Week: Ff – Fifi Fish

Themes of the Week: Let’s Count and Holidays

Words of the Week: this, is, it

Dear Kindergarten Families:

We finally found that sassy gingerbread man in the hallway outside of the computer lab last Friday and ate him up! The adorable gingerbread people that you and your children decorated are cheering up the hallway and classroom. The students were very knowledgeable about comparing characters and endings of several versions of the Gingerbread Man. Oh, and an elf appeared in our classroom today! We will name her.

Language Arts: This week we will focus on the letter Ff and add the words this, is, it. Letters to review at home: Ss, Mm, Rr, Tt, Bb, Nn, Hh, Vv, Aa, Cc, Pp, Gg, Ff

Sight Words: I, see, am, a, the, by, my, like, to, can, go, an, and, we, look, no, not, at, love, here, on, this, is, it

“Juicy” vocabulary: cozy, straight, evening, complete

We will talk and read about pine trees, Santa, and elves, while continuing the practice of learning letters, sounds, and how each sound forms words. The next focus will be to write these sounds and words on paper.

Math: We are reviewing counting skills, discussing 11-20, and how those numbers are made up of tens and ones (beginning of place value). Practice counting objects with your child making sure they are using a one to one correspondence of items and numbers. We will be playing adding games and learning the different ways to make up one number. Watch for our penny collection in January.

Social Studies: Kindergarten social studies units are taught within our Language Arts units. For example we learn about Long Ago and Far Away, when we discuss different cultures during our Holidays Around the World lessons. Sometimes our “Star of the Week” will bring in an item from a long time ago, which allows discussion and learning about items that are not used much any more. Our 50’s Day is another good example of learning about another era.

Other Notes:

- Conferences: I am looking forward to talking with all of you this week! Kindergarten conferences are for parent and teacher only.

- Progress Reports will go home on Dec. 10. Sign and send back the empty envelope only.

- Winter Clothing – When there is snow on the ground, they need snowpants and boots to play off the blacktop area.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

- Wed., December 11 –Conferences from 5 to 8 p.m.

- Thu., December 12– No school – Conferences from 8:00am to 8:00pm

- Sat. December 14 – PTO’s Santa Workshop in the gym.

- Wed. Dec. 18 – Holidays Around the World Party in all 3 classrooms – all morning. A volunteer form is in the folders today. Thank you for your party money donations!

- Fri. December 20 – Polar Express day – Kindergarten kids come to school in their pajamas!

- Dec. 21 through Jan. 5 – Winter Break! Enjoy your families this holiday season!

- January 6 – Back to school – late start 9:05 a.m. Students may bring a small item to show in our Sharing Circle on this day!

Optional Homework:

- Due 12/16/13 – Letter Ff practice, sight word practice this, is, it, math-link.

Have a nice week! Love - Mrs. Richards (


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