Name: ____________________________________________ /25 marks

22 - 25 Exceptional = meets and exceeds all thinking and writing expectations

• The quality of the ideas and the quality of the expression are both outstanding.

• The style reinforces the ideas in a sophisticated and exceptional way.

• The thesis is implied, shows complexity of thought; it is insightful and thought-provoking.

• The essay is intriguing – thought-provoking and interesting.

• The title is catchy – it either suggests the topic or hooks the reader’s interest.

• Diction, sentence structure and rhetorical devices reinforce the ideas in an exceptional way. 7 devices hi-lighted, labelled.

• Sensory appeal is exceptional and creates vivid imagery for the reader.

• Introduction and conclusion are both memorable and distinctive.

• The tone suits the thesis and the writer's purpose and it makes the answer memorable.

• Ideas flow smoothly. The reader is taken from one idea to the next in a sophisticated manner.

• Any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation or sentence structure are so minor that they do not detract from the reader’s appreciation of the writing.

• Elements of the writing are very consistent with the dominant features of the type of writing attempted.

• The writing stood out in some way; it was unique, original, and memorable.

18 - 21 Good to Very Good = meets the thinking and writing objectives to a good/high degree

• The quality of the ideas and the quality of the expression are excellent.

• For the most part, the style reinforces the ideas.

• The thesis reveals some insight.

• Most of the following criteria have been demonstrated:

• The thesis is developed/ reinforced using appropriate examples. All ideas are well-developed and supported.

• Diction reinforces the meaning of the ideas.

• Sentence structure is varied enough to add interest.

• Rhetorical devices are used to emphasize the author’s main idea. 7 devices hi-lighted, labelled.

• Sensory appeal creates clear imagery for the reader.

• Introduction and conclusion are both effective.

• There is a clear, consistent tone established that suits the thesis and the writer's purpose.

• Transitions in the writing allow the reader to see the connection between all parts of the writing.

• Elements of the writing are, for the most part, consistent with the dominant features of the type of writing attempted.

14-17 Variable Competence = meets some to most of the thinking and writing objectives to the expected degree for this level.

• The quality of the argument is usually good.

• The style lacks the complexity and sophistication of a good or exceptional response.

• A thesis (main idea) has been established and the ideas have been organized in such a way that the thesis remains the focus of the writing.

• Introduction and conclusion are definite.

• Some parts of the writing are well developed in terms of depth of detail and use of examples.

• Sensory appeal is present but could be more vivid.

• The tone needs to be more definite and distinctive, but the tone of the essay is consistent.

• Diction is appropriate and distinct at some moments in the writing.

• Rhetorical devices and persuasive writing techniques somewhat reinforce the author’s message. Forgot to label/highlight.

• There are no major weaknesses in grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure that interfere with the reader's ability to understand the main ideas; but these errors did interrupt the flow of thought from time to time.

• Elements of the writing are somewhat consistent with the dominant features of the type of writing attempted.

Below 14 Inadequate = meets few, if any of the thinking and writing objectives required for a course at this level.

• The quality of the argument and the quality of the expression fail to meet standards required for 4UI prose informal writing.

• The writing has no clear thesis or largely wanders into several different topics.

• You seem unable to formulate or sustain a clear thesis (main idea).

• The writer's style and / or organization of ideas cause serious reader confusion.

• Persuasive writing techniques are not present.

• Sensory appeal is not present

• Unclear or confusing tone.

• Mechanical errors have detracted significantly from the reader's ability to understand the ideas or to maintain a reasonable flow of ideas.

• Elements of the writing are not consistent with the dominant features of the type of writing attempted.

• The writer has not written enough to allow for adequate evaluation of this assignment.


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