
Personal Philosophy of NursingAya KhattabOld Dominion UniversityPersonal Philosophy of NursingHaving a personal philosophy motivates me to work hard to become the best nurse I can be. It also reminds me of the importance of nursing and why I want to become a nurse. In this paper I am going to be explaining the definition of nursing, the purpose of nursing, influences that affect my nursing practice, nurse relationships, and moral or Ethical Principles that guide my professional practice. definition of NursingWhen I started thinking about what my definition of nursing is, I could not translate the definition from my heart to writing, so I did research to help me put the definition in words. I found a definition by Joy A. Hessel that sums up all my ideas about what the definition of nursing is. (Hessel) 2009 defines Nursing as: “a holistic and reciprocal exchange between the nurse and patient that involves a sincere connection and sharing of the human experience through active listening, attentiveness, intimacy and therapeutic touch, spiritual exploration, empathy, caring and compassion, and recognition of the patient’s psychological, psychosocial, and physiological needs”. In other words, a nurse provides holistic care to patients by building a relationship with them. The nurse can build the relationship and strengthen it in many ways like, being an active listener, paying attention to details, and being alert, and by being able to understand what patients are feeling. The goal of this relationship is to recognize the different needs of patients and interventions to help them meet those needs. The purpose of nursing Nursing is an important profession because nurses take holistic care of patients. As a future nurse I want to start providing care for my patient by building a strong relationship. When patients trust nurses, they trust their care plan too and they also value the interventions they provide, and they become more willing to comply with the care plan and interventions. I will also provide a holistic care by paying attention to their physiological needs, phycological needs, and spiritual needs. I think that giving medications and help wounds heal is important but making sure the patient is well educated, has resources, and feels supported is very important as well. Because when someone feels good and happy, they heal faster, and they become more motivated to get better. influences that affect my nursing practiceReligion and critical thinking skills affect my nursing practice. One, being a Muslim affects my nursing practice because Islam is not just a religion; it is a way of life. For example, Islam emphasizes cleanliness, so I wash my hands many times throughout the day. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019), “Practicing hand hygiene is a simple yet effective way to prevent infections. Cleaning your hands can prevent the spread of germs.” Thus, being Muslim makes me value hand washing and as a result I can prevent infections. Another influence that affect my nursing practice is critical thinking skills. volunteering in the Pediatric Emergency Room and doing my clinicals at the PNCU helped me develop good critical thinking skills. having good critical thinking skills affect my practice by helping me prioritize my tasks and by helping me make important decisions and interventions fast in order to save patients’ lives.Nursing RelationshipsIn this section I will be describing the relationship between nurses and the patient in a culturally diverse setting, the nurse and the community, and the nurse and other health care professionals. First, the relationship between nurses and the patient in a culturally diverse setting. A nurse should not be judgmental and should treat all patient with respect and provide them with the best care regardless of their race, ethnicity, or color. A nurse should also respect patients’ culture and religion and should be aware of the guiltiness she/he needs to follow while taking care of someone from a specific culture or religion. Second, the relationship between the nurse and the community. The nurse should be aware of the community she is working in and what resources the community has. By doing that the nurse can identify a health problem within the community and provide the community with the necessary education and screening regarding that problem. Also, if the nurse is aware of the resources the community has, she/he can refer patients to those resources. For example, if a patient needs healthcare but cannot afford it, the nurse can refer the patient to a free community clinic. Finally, the relationship between nurses and other health care professionals. Nurses and other health care professionals should work together as a team to provide holistic care to patients. According to an article written in 2013 “Teamwork impacts the effectiveness of care, patient safety and clinical outcomes, and team training has been identified as a strategy for enhancing teamwork, reducing medical errors and building a culture of safety in healthcare” (Thomas& Galla, 2013). Thus, teamwork is vital when providing care for patients. Moral or Ethical Principles that guide my professional practiceOne Ethical principle that guides my nursing practice is beneficence. I am always willing to do my best to provide excellent care for patients. I feel that every time I am about to do an action in clinicals I think why I am doing what I am doing and how my patient will benefit from this action. For example, during one of my clinicals I had a patient who had an above the knee amputation (AKA) for his right leg. The patient felt so frustrated that he has been in bed all weekend because physical therapy was not available. So, I helped him dangle his left leg of the bed and faced him toward the window. He was so happy eating his breakfast while watching the rain. This simple intervention that I did made my patient happy and helped his circulation in his left leg. So as a nurse I am always working to benefit my patients. Another Ethical principle that guides my nursing practice is Autonomy. Respecting patients’ beliefs and decisions is very important because it helps patients feel independent. I remember that one day at clinicals I was assisting a patient who had multiple tumors in his brain. Those tumors effected his speech and made him not able to form good sentences; as a result, he could not specify his meal preferences and he would not always eat the food we give him. One day I saw that he did not eat his breakfast, so I went and asked him if he liked the food and he said no. so I read the menu to him and waited for him to point what he wanted. I then ordered the food he wanted from the hospital kitchen. The patient was so grateful to the simple act I did, and I was so happy that I could help my patient make his own decisions. Conclusionmy philosophy defines who I am and motivates me to provide holistic care for my patients. In this paper I explained that different elements that shape my philosophy and those elements are my definition of nursing, what I think the purpose of nursing is, influences that affect my nursing practice, nurse relationships, and moral or Ethical Principles that guide my professional practice. Reflection By doing this assignment, I learned that each nurse has a different ideas, beliefs, and values that shape their practice. And those ideas, beliefs, and values make each nurse unique. I also learned that my philosophy supports my actions of providing holistic care for patients regardless of their color, race, religion, or ethnicity. Finally, I learned that my religion, my good critical thinking skills, my respect for patient autonomy, and my desire to benefit my patients help me become the best nurse I can be. Student Honor CodeI pledge to support the honor system of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the academic community it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violations of the Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.ReferencesHand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings. (2019, April 29). Retrieved from JA. (2009). Presence in nursing practice: a concept analysis. Holistic Nursing Practice, 23(5), 276–281. , L., & Galla, C. (2013). Building a culture of safety through team training and engagement. BMJ Quality & Safety, 22(5), 425–434. ................

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