9th Grade NAVIANCE Expected Goals and Milestones

9th Grade NAVIANCE Expected Goals and Milestones


• Preliminary utilization and completion of the INTEREST PROFILER

• The Career Interest Profiler is a tool that can help you discover the types of work activities and careers that match your interests. The interest profiler has 180 questions about work activities that people do at their jobs.

• Preliminary utilization and completion of the CAREER FINDER

o John Holland Model

• The psychologist Dr. John L. Holland created the Holland code career model, which maps job environments to six different personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional.

|Realistic |

|People with this type typically enjoy working with mechanical devices, tools or very |

|practical activities and often enjoy a physically active work environment. They tend to |

|value tangible things and are often less inclined toward social interaction. They are |

|often described as mechanically gifted, practical and genuine. |

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|Investigative |

|People with this type typically enjoy solving analytical problems and exploring the world |

|through scientific inquiry and careful observation. They often prefer to be in work |

|environments that are not overly commercial or materialistic and frequently shy away from |

|leadership roles. They are often described as curious, analytical, or intellectual. |

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|Artistic |

|People with this type typically enjoy a work environment with a high degree of creative |

|freedom and low structure. They enjoy the act of creation and value aesthetics. They tend |

|to avoid conventional work environments and are often described as creative, sensitive, |

|introspective or idealistic. |

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|Social |

|People with this type typically enjoy working closely with other people by helping, |

|healing, teaching or comforting them. They value interactive work environments that |

|emphasize personal interaction and tend to avoid the work environments associated with the|

|Realistic type. They are often described as caring, patient, a "team player", a "good |

|listener" or persuasive. |

|  |

|Enterprising |

|People with this type typically enjoy working toward political or economic achievement. |

|They are drawn to leadership positions and tend to be highly motivated with strong |

|leadership skills such as public speaking, negotiation and understanding organizational |

|dynamics. They often avoid work environments associated with the Investigative type. They |

|are frequently described as outgoing, ambitious or adventurous. |

|  |

|Conventional |

|People with this type typically enjoy conventional tasks such as working with data, |

|maintaining records, organizing information and managing operational activities. They are |

|typically good at keeping things organized and helping things run smoothly. They tend to |

|value practical achievement and often avoid artistic or unstructured environments. They |

|are frequently described as practical, organized, efficient or conscientious. |

|  |

|Dr. Holland's research suggested that for any personality type, the career most aligned |

|with that type is more likely to be enjoyable and fulfilling. To use Holland's theory, you|

|typically take a test to identify your three top personality types. This gives your |

|Holland profile (e.g., RIA). This is then matched with the Holland codes of people |

|typically found within particular careers. |

o Clusters and Pathways Chart

• Career clusters are a way of grouping careers with common features and skills. Careers grouped into the same cluster typically require similar education and training. Exploring clusters can be a useful way to find a good career match, especially if you have general areas of interest but are not sure what specific careers match those interests. Career clusters can also help you better understand how your coursework in school can prepare you for certain types of careers.

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|Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources |

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|Architecture and Construction |

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|Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications |

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|Business Management and Administration |

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|Education and Training |

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|[pic] |

|Finance |

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|Government and Public Administration |

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|[pic] |

|Health Science |

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|Hospitality and Tourism |

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|Human Services |

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|Information Technology |

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|Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security |

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|Manufacturing |

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|Marketing |

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|Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics |

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|Transportation, Distribution and Logistics |

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• Preliminary utilization and completion of the MY PERSONALITY TYPE inventory (Do What You Are)

• “DO WHAT YOU ARE” is a form that takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, and will provide the student with information about their personality, interests, and possible careers.


• Preliminary utilization and completion of MY LEARNING STYLE module

• This Learning Style Interpretive Report will help the student to understand the Learning Style Model by Dunn, Dunn, and Price, and will explain the different preferences in the student’s profile. The student’s individual Report is based on responses to questions based on the kind of environment and methods that the student prefers when learning new or difficult material. From research, we know that people prefer to learn differently from one another. Once the student indentifies their individual learning preferences, they can be more productive and learn more easily and successfully.


• Preliminary utilization and completion of MY RESUME module (updated as warranted)

• The MY RESUME link will allow the student to brainstorm and identify items that they would place on their resume. The MY RESUME link should be used to relay what the student has done during their high school years and to assist them in writing a complete resume. The student is expected to continue to update this link throughout their tenure in high school on an ongoing basis so that they do not become overwhelmed as a senior trying to recall everything that they have done.

➢ Utilize CONTACT US (Under “FROM YOUR SCHOOL”) to efficiently communicate with your Counselor directly via email

• By clicking on the CONTACT US link, Naviance will generate and e-mail message that will be sent directly to the student’s guidance counselor.



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