State College Area School District

Park Forest Middle School PTSO Meeting2019-2020October 16, 2019 Meeting MinutesJessica Currall, PTSO President, opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.Those in attendance: Jessica Currall, Terrill Salter, Pat Weaver, Larry Walker, Naomi Radio, Chris Felsmann, Bobbi Knapp, Nathan Hollister, Molly Gazda, Austin VanAllen, Molly Tomlin, Molly Gazda, Tim Dzurko, Ron Leynes, Allison Schneider, Rich Schmidt, Kathleen, O’Connell, Marie Kissell, Becky Jones, Emily Brandenburg, Mickey Slekman, Rick HallReview/Approval of minutes from September 11, 2019 Meeting:Motion to Approve – Ms. CurrallSecond – Ms. JonesPrincipal’s Report by Larry Walker: Things are going well. Conferences start this week. Homework club started on the 18th; it’s running on Tuesday and Thursdays from 4 until 5:30. Anyone who wants to can participate. The drama club had its first meeting to ascertain interest. Kids can still sign up for IM bowling and IM roller skating. Parents can check the PFMS website for information; the school is also trying to put out a monthly newsletter. Mr. Walker invited parents to email him directly.Treasurer’s Report by Pat Weaver: We received money from the Direct Parent Donation in the last month. We have received $10,416.98 from parent donations so far this year. Normally by this time in the year we’ve received $18,000 to $20,000. Ms. Weaver feels that every new fundraiser works well for a few years, then it peters out. She has not written many checks yet this year. Ms. Weaver asked that we vote to approve selected budget items: ? Academic Literacy--$874? Book Madness gifts--$200? Homework Club snacks--$300? Minigrants--$1500? PE Equipment--$500? Students in need scholarship for competition--$1000This adds up to approximately $4000.Motion to approve the spending listed above: Ms. KnappSecond: Mr. WalkerDiscussion on fundraising:Ms. Currall suggested that we find more ways to get the students engaged in the PTSO’s fundraising efforts. The students are the main beneficiaries of the PTSO money and the reason the PTSO exists.Several parents in attendance said that they have not heard much about the direct donation campaign and suggested a letter home on paper.Ms. Currall had heard that the school had sold chocolate in the past. A parent who is an AVON representative has offered to do a fundraiser for us. There is also the possibility of doing restaurant rewards. A Fun Run has been a popular suggestion in the past. Ms. Weaver got information about Fun Runs from Mr. Ischler, the principal of Mt. Nittany Middle School. They earned $15,000 from doing the Fun Run at MNMS. It only took half an hour of class time. The parents and teachers in attendance discussed the idea of a Fun Run further. Several parents felt that it was too late to do it this fall and that the spring was not the ideal time, since eighth grade parents might not give. One parent suggested a color run.Ms. Currall pointed out that we need to make sure parents know what the PTSO pays for and what it provides.Mr. Leynes said that he was the PTSO president at the time when the PTSO raised money by selling things. He feels that the direct donation campaign is much easier.Ms. Knapp suggested that we list what the money goes toward and give parents the option of sponsoring different items.Ms. Weaver suggested that we form a committee for fundraising. She suggested that they plan a fun run or color run for next year.Ms. Weaver said that the PTSO needs to make a decision about the tree for Ashley Stout. Ms. Knapp suggested that the PTSO contact Mr. Herzing about which type of tree the family might like. The PTSO will be purchasing a tree in a pot because of the upcoming construction. Mr. Herzing and some kids met to help suggest books. Mr. Dzurko’s Tech Ed students have been working on creating a plaque that will be displayed in the library. One parent pointed out that we should expect lower box tops revenues than in the past because of the changes to the boxtops program.Teacher-staff appreciation breakfast: Allison Schneider will be in charge of this for the year. She proposed November 6, November 26, and December 4. This is a biannual event: there is a theme and parents bring in breakfast and brunch foods for the teachers. Mr. Leynes reported that parents were quick to sign up to donate food. The PTSO decided to hold the breakfast on November 6.Student Council Report: Mr. Schmidt reported. There will be a dance on December 13. The theme is Fire and Ice. This dance is open to everyone. The dance on Oct 25 is just for 6th grade. Sprit week went well; they are trying to get the students focused on service learning and projects. A student subcommittee is focusing on that.Team Reports:6th Grade Mountain Lions: Ms. O’Connell reported. The Mountain Lions now all know where things are--they look less confused. They are doing reading and writing workshops and are working on narrative writing. They are finishing looking at our civilization and will soon start investigating the paleolithic and Neolithic eras.6th Grade Wolves: Mr. Schmidt reported. In Science three rats have become two rats. One escaped. The students are enjoying the rats and are graphing their weight and length. The Wolves are having a fun night on October 25 after school in the Commons; a Google Doc will be sent out regarding this event. Weis will be donating food and products. The teachers are preparing for conferences. The students completed a leaf project two weeks ago. 6th grade parent report: A parent reported that her son has enjoyed the rats and has had a great transition to middle school.7th Grade Timber Rattlers: ?Ms. Knapp reported. The team finished their Mixed Bag fundraiser; they earned a little over $1000. There are a lot of tests this week; social studies classes are doing skits.7th Grade Cardinals: Ms. Kissell reported: The Cardinals are preparing for Market Madness, which is coming up. The teachers are preparing for conferences tomorrow. The 7th grade AcLit students have partnered with second graders from Park Forest Elementary School. They are analyzing and creating texts to create a Liberty Museum. This will be held during the day and at night on November 26. They started working with the second graders today and it was fun to see the big and little students together.7th/8th Grade Falcons: Mr. VanAllen reported. The students had a wonderful time on their field trip to Lake Tobias recently. They went on a safari and fed giraffes. They just started their own team fundraiser with Gertrude Hawk. They do their own team prizes for the fundraiser. 7th grade parent report: No report.8th Grade Gray Foxes: ?Mr. Felsmann reported. The Gray Foxes went to Shaver’s Creek on Friday for their field trip. It was a very nice day. They went canoeing, went to the bird sanctuary, and went rock climbing. The students are developing their own country projects in social studies. The AcLit classes are reading mysteries; the advanced English class just started reading Animal Farm.8th Grade Black Bears: ?Ms. Gazda reported. The Black Bear team day will be on October 31. They will do team building in the morning and will go to Penn Skates in the afternoon. The Marianna Hoagie fundraiser is going on.8th grade parent report: Ms. Currall reported that every year her students have become more independent. She appreciates how the teachers do this. Her children enjoyed the field trip to Stone Valley Recreation Area. Another parent echoed that she’s been impressed by the teachers at PFMS; her son has been challenged each year.Tech Ed: ? Mr. Dzurko shared the plaque his students have made for Ashley Stout. Mr. Wilson will be retiring at the end of the month.World Languages: ?No report (we ran out of time).Art: They will have a winter art show on January 21. Music: ?CCMA (Centre County Band and Choir) will held be at PFMS this year. PFMS will be hosting all the schools; they will rehearse for three days and put on a concert in November.Phys Ed/Health: The Phys Ed department has been taking advantage of the great weather. They’ve been getting outside a lot; some students have been biking. They will start doing a Student of the Month spotlight.Old and New Business:A parent brought up a concern about student behavior in eighth grade. She is concerned about some of the behavior she hears about from her and about some of the language her child hears in the hall. She has also heard that students who use SAP to get help for other students being called “snitches.” She feels that she hears about incidents at school from her children and wishes that she received more communication from the school about these things.Ms. Kissell and Mr. Walker pointed out that FERPA laws make it hard to send such communications.Mr. Walker said that social media makes middle school even more challenging for students to navigate.Ms. Kissell added that in the ROAR lessons the students talk about hate speech and topics like sexting and the potential ramifications. She said that Dr. Chatters-Smith (the SCASD director of diversity) has worked with the PFMS teachers.Ms. Currall wondered if this was a conversation that should be happening at another time.Mini-Grant requests:PTSO approved to pay $150 for annual Dia de Los MuertosSponsored by: Mr. HollisterMotion to approve mini-grant – Ms. CurrallSeconded by Mr. Schmidt?Every year 7th?and 8th?grade Spanish students are invited to an after school event celebrating Dia de Los Muertos. They will have food and crafts and will learn more about the event and culture.Adjournment:Motion to adjourn: Ms. CurrallSecond: Ms. KnappJessica Currall adjourned the meeting at 6:45. ................

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