Hollow Earth

Q&A from an inhabitant of our Hollow EarthPost by jmullens ? Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:27 pmThis might be somewhat familiar to those of you that have been members on the LDS AVOW forum... There was once a forum member that claimed to be living in the Hollow Earth. She answered a lot of questions and it was, well, very entertaining and informative. I had saved parts of the discussion and posting for you to enjoy:Wow, lots of questions to answer...I'm not always in a location where I get a good signal to the internet of the outer-earth.To answer some questions..."What is hollow earth like?"I recommend that you read the short book called "The Smoky God"... It's not entirely accurate, but will give you a good idea of what hollow earth is like. Read it online here: "What brings you out of the shadows now?"I've been lurking on this site for a while and felt I should introduce myself. Only a small percentage of your people know of the existence of what you call "the hollow earth", shortly all will know."Only 230 years? (studying preparedness-related topics) Late bloomer, are ya?"As some of you may be aware, The people of inner-earth often live to be nearly 1000 years old, just as in the times of the earliest of mankind; and our common father Adam."tell us what your diet is like?"Probably very much like yours. I have studied your scriptures - many of us believe them to be truth, for Christ also visited us after his resurrection, and we too have records of his visits and teachings... I mention this because your teachings regarding healthy eating (Word of Wisdom - D&C 89) are very similar to our own teachings. My diet consist largely of vegetables and fruit, some grains, and very little meat. Our lifestyle is much more holistic and organic compared to the processed foods enjoyed by those on the earth's outer shell."did Al Gore invent your Internet too or are you using the Zarawanda stones? Also, how do you handle being around all the PC's here since I've heard Mac is the standard platform there? It must be really frusrating to leave a highly advanced, Mac-based civilization!"We have a very advanced data network here, similar to your WiMax technology (still unknown to many), yet ours is much more powerful and advanced.We don't have PC's or Mac's (except those imported). Our computer technology is far beyond that. Your latest and greatest is based on capabilities we've had for over a hundred years.I wouldn't be surprised if the ideas for your Mac's originated here."Welcome and thanks for the link to latter day conservative"That site is very popular among those in hollow earth who belong to the Church of Christ. We revere your prophets teachings just as our own prophets, for we recognize the truths they speak. Their teachings on the principles of liberty are very much applicable in our part of the earth as in yours."what are your thoughts on the Expedition that is scheduled to visit your Hollow Earth, will they be welcomed in Jehu?"They will be welcomed in Jehu... However, I fear that your government may thwart their attempt. It can also be a very dangerous journey.Thank you all for the very warm welcome.I will answer some of these questions... you all sure do like to inquire..."You must be living the higher law there"Our system of government and law is structured more like that of the Law of Moses and Anglo/Saxons. That which W. Cleon Skousen wrote about in his book, "The Majesty of God's Law: It's Coming to America""What is the closest root of your language (historically)?"Sanskrit, yet there are influences from other languages as well, since there have been multiple groups that have migrated here."What year did your civilization begin (using our timeline) and what was the leader's name at that time?"Our civilization began with Adam, our capital city is Eden, near the Garden of Eden, which from your perspective is just below the state of Missouri in the United States."What nationality do you most closely resemble?"Compared to your part of the world... Nordic, European, German, Israelite. Except we are generally much taller!"What does the term "Israel" mean to you/your people?"He who prevails with God."What do your people plan on doing in regards to your previous statement of helping those of us saints on the outer surface?"Oh, you will see! This will come at a time when the faithful are being persecuted in such a way as never happened before. Yes, a part of the lost ten tribes are among us, as well as scattered among your part of the earth."Were any other groups led to the hollow earth?"Yes."Why doesn't the internal sun just bang around inside the earth and burn everything up?"Why doesn't the earth bang around inside this solar system and crash and burn into the outer sun? Don't rely on your science for the answers to this. Much of the alleged "science" tought among you has been infiltrated by those who follow Lucifer; it is not reliable."Do what we call alien space ships really come from the hollow earth?"UFO's? Flying Saucers? yes, we've had that technology for quite a while. It's great."Susie, I don't think it is a good idea to joke about Christ visiting hollow earth, unless he actually did"Did Christ not say in your Book of Mormon that there were yet other peoples he would visit? :)Under occupation, you've listed "Credit Union."Credit Union. LOL... When I first joined I didn't want to expose myself as living in a part of the earth that most of you just don't understand. I don't work at a credit union, in fact... our system of money is much different then yours. We would never accept something as satanic as your Federal Reserve."what would be the single most convincing thing you could say to convince the members of this forum of the authenticy of your origin?"I doubt I could "convince" you of my origin. Do what your scriptures and prophets teach you.... Search, Ponder and Pray. First do your own research on the hollow earth, with an open mind, and with the realization that you don't know everything and that you are a humble seeker of truth - then pray about it. Here are some of the more accurate resources (though even these contain some mistruths):, that's a lot of information to read through, but probably won't take you anymore time than you've most likely wasted reading a silly worldly novel. So do the research and then seek the inspiration."Is it possible for someone from the outer Earth to be able to visit your Hollow Earth? If so, how? I'd imagine that you have the technology to enable this to happen."Yes, it is possible, some have done it, but it's often very dangerous (from both natural obstacles and your government that doesn't want you to know the truth, and perhaps it is not God's will)"I bet you guys have way cooler games on the computer..."While we do enjoy the creativity of our imaginations we don't typically let it bring us down with such worldly desires. You may find a recent talk from one of your Apostles to be very wise on this matter: Elder David A. Bednar, "Things as They Really Are" might ask why it is that I am so seemingly familiar with the teachings from your scriptures, prophets and those of reputable latter-day saints such as W. Cleon Skousen... I am a researcher by profession here in hollow-earth. I have been assigned for quite a long time to research certain aspects of the teachings of the latter-day saints... as we also belong to the Church of Christ (many of us) yet, we have our own apostles and prophets just as the Nephites and others did."How does the inner sun stay suspended? What is it made of? How does it differ from the outer sun?"How does any sun/planet stay "suspended"? I don't have all the answers, but obviously man does not either; only God.Our sun differs in that one side puts out a light like unto your sun, the other side puts out a light like unto your moon, to allow for a separation of day and night. That's the closest I can explain it for you to understand."Do you have any pictures of your home town?" Yes, I have pictures of my home town. Will I share them? no. There are certain agreements I have made to the extent of what I can reveal. You're welcome to try to come and take pictures on your own LOL."What is it like being 14 feet tall and living among the rest of us outer-Earthers?"14-feet tall! Yes, there are some here who grow to that height. I am closer to 9 feet tall. Others who came here more recently are of comparable heights to those on the outer-earth."When you left home, did you come from the North or South exit?"I don't live among the outer-earthers. I never said that. I am still in middle-earth."How many years supply do folks have in there?"We live more of a united-order style of living, voluntarily consecrating all that we have to the kingdom of God. We take our excess to the storehouses which contain the essentials of life to support us for a few years if necessary."How are the 10 lost tribes doing?"They are just fine. Many descendants of the tribes are in leadership of the Church here."From what I understand, you have an advanced form of transportation there in the Hollow Earth. Would it be possible to receive a tour that would circumvent the dangers and government?"Yes, our transportation system is very advanced! I don't fully understand the technology myself, but I enjoy benefiting from it. We do not typically travel into your realm. Unfortunately not everyone here is perfect and there are some who make visitations to outer-earth dwellers - that is looked down upon in our society."...I must state to those who may for some odd reason think you to be genuine, that what you are saying is utterly and completely false and misleading....I feel you have another purpose..."You sound so sure of yourself to doubt the existence of a "hollow earth"! Impossible right? That's what your government and scientists want you to believe. Do you not know that Satan is in control of your world? He has infiltrated every institution (except the Lords Church).Your prophets have taught that man lived on the moon, the sun and that the Lost Ten tribes are somewhere in the north countries beyond the north pole, and you label what I am saying as "completely false and misleading"!!! I rebuke thee!No I don't know "exactly" what you are talking about. My purpose is not only to entertain you outer-earthers, but also enlighten your minds with truth.3 Nephi 16:1-3 "And verily, verily, I say unto you that I have other sheep, which are not of this land, neither of the land of Jerusalem, neither in any parts of that land round about whither I have been to minister. For they of whom I speak are they who have not as yet heard my voice; neither have I at any time manifested myself unto them. But I have received a commandment of the Father that I shall go unto them"I'm puzzled why this discussion has been moved from "introductions" to "Latter-day Laughs"... I can see that some of you have no desire for truth that goes beyond your reasoning and understanding of science.I may not be so open to discussing matters of my home-land in the future, as I see that it is simply made a joke of. This, of course is nothing new - I had higher expectations from this group.I am particularly puzzled by the attitude of "AZ Heat" towards me. If you could just disregard your "understanding" and perspective of "science" for a moment... okay, now, consider your doctrines, scriptures, teachings from the prophets, do these teachings contradict the existance of hollow earth? and if so, please provide a specific reference.With the teachings of the prophets we can expose the lies and falsehoods of the man-made teachings of evolution, socialism and so on...So, putting aside your desire to prove things with your flawed "science" what in the teachings of the prophets contradicts the existance of a hollow earth?Wow, you certainly are a peculiar people! This is rather entertaining."do you have those amongst you who have their calling and election made sure?"Yes. Remember, the Church of Christ has also been established here. If a teaching is part of your doctrine it's most likely also part of ours. We also watch for the signs of the times, but obviously some of the prophecies are different for our part of the earth than yours."I have a hard time believing that YOU would be given permission to casually talk about this to all of us if you were really from the Hollow Earth..."LOL! We know that most of your people don't believe this anyways, along with many other "conspiracy theories". We find it unfortunate that so many of your people, even among Latter-day Saints, don't understand the Secret Combinations that have been written about in your scriptures. Lucifer truly has control of the outer-earth."I'm really not sure we want to get into the moon-people idea here (this is a favorite subject of Anti-Mormons)"Of course it's a favorite subject of the anti-mormons! Because most people reject the idea that people might be living on (or IN) the moon, the sun and other planets. These creations of God are not without purpose. You'd be crazy to believe this kind of stuff! right? That's what Lucifer is hoping for. The Truth shall make you free."Why suddenly are they allowing you to openly disclose who you are? Why are you allowed to do so on AVOW? Why AVOW first? Why not first to our Prophet? Why do you keep your world secret? And why is it now no longer a secret?"Why? Like I said, you people don't believe this anyways. Why AVOW? Why not? Why not your prophet? Your Prophets know. Our world is not a secret if you've opened your mind and done your research."How are you able to get into outer's internet? Don't you need an IP address??"Our technology is far superior to yours. To explain it in basic terms I am using a relay connection via a real IP address in your region. An IP Address trace route will simply show that I am somewhere in Utah, but your technology cannot detect my actual location."does this mean the full range of Hostess snack cakes are now ok?"No, we don't eat that type of food. You might want to review your Word of Wisdom."Either: 1) Susieq is completely delusional or a liar but either way she is repeating multiple falsehoods and attempting to deceive the members here..."With the teachings of your prophets you can expose falsehoods...So, putting aside your desire to prove things with your flawed "science" what in the teachings of your scriptures and prophets contradicts the existence of a hollow earth? Any contradictions? (I didn't think so)."do you guys visit other planets? What are they like?"We don't visit other planets. What are they like? They are hollow... how else would people be living on the sun, moon and other planets and you NOT see them? (other than the fact that a sun is celestialized and therfore houses celestial beings.)"do people from Hollow Earth regularly use internet acronyms (such as "LOL") or are you just trying to fit in?"I've been researching out-earth long before your internet was invented. So, yes, I am familiar with your internet acronyms and many other things."Do you think we could arrange a meeting somewhere?"Like I said before, we do not typically travel into your realm."...my mind just can not grasp this idea...But what all about those ancient ruins that been buried over the thousands of years? If you are inside the earth....how do you breath? How do you keep cool? My understanding is..."It seems you haven't studied the links I provided in earlier responses. The earths crust is only about 300 miles thick. Perhaps this will give you a better visual: ... del-tm.jpg ... ta_map.gif aren't completely accurate but are visual representations based on the understandin of outer-earth dewllers."in DC it talks of the lost tribes of Isreal, highway of ice and North countries. It is my understanding the lost tribes of isreal come from the North."Yes, from the "north"... as stated by your prophets, the north countries, beyond the north pole. That's their way of explaining that once you get north of the north pole you actual end up inside of the hollow earth! You all really need to study this out in your minds, I have provided links to online resources in previous posts."i am a little freaked out. Our "prophets" have never said anything about people living on the moon and the sun...and that the lost tribes are somewhere in the north countries "beyond the north pole"."Are you ready for this? I am going to show you the references from your own prophets and other latter-day saints! OK? ready...“I was then really ‘the bosom friend and companion of the Prophet Joseph.’ … Sometimes when at my house I asked him questions relating to the past, present and future; … one of which I will relate: I asked where the nine and a half tribes of Israel were. ‘Well,’ said he, ‘you remember the old caldron or potash kettle you used to boil maple sap in for sugar, don’t you?’ I said yes. ‘Well,’ said he, ‘they are in the north pole in a concave just the shape of that kettle. And John the Revelator is with them, preparing them for their return. (Benjamin Johnson, My Life’s Review, 1947, p. 93)“I have heard Joseph say that ‘John was among the Ten Tribes beyond the North Pole.” (Oliver B. Huntington Journal, under January 13, 1881; see Abanes, One Nation Under Gods, p. 528, footnote 100)[The North Pole is] “containing thousands of millions of Israelites.” ( W.W. Phelps, “Letter No. 11,” Latter-day Saints’ Messenger & Advocate, October 1835, v. 2, no. 1, p. 194)“...the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth, and the leading of the ten tribes from the land of the north.” (Doctrine and Covenants 110:11)Hmmm... gathering the scattered of Israel from the four parts of the earth AND the "lost" ten tribes from the land of the north! (That's us)... If we were simple in Russia, Syberia or some other north country then why would be LOST? Yet still have our prophets and scriptures among us? Does that really make sense.“‘Inhabitants of the Moon are more of a uniform size than the inhabitants of the Earth, being about 6 feet in height. They dress very much like the Quaker Style & are quite general in Style, or the one fashion of dress. They live to be very old; comeing [sic] generally, near a thousand years.’ This is the description of them as given by Joseph the Seer, and he could ‘See’ whatever he asked the Father in the name of Jesus to see.” (Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., in Journal of O.B. Huntington, Book 14, p. 166)“Who can tell us of the inhabitants of this little planet that shines of an evening, called the moon?... When you inquire about the inhabitants of that sphere you find that the most learned are as ignorant in regard to them as the ignorant of their fellows. So it is in regard to the inhabitants of the sun. Do you think it is inhabited? I rather think it is. Do you think there is any life there? No question of it; it was not made in vain.” (Prophet Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, v. 13, p. 271)“If [the sun] was made to give light to those who dwell upon it, and to other planets; and so will this earth when it is celestialized. Every planet in the first rude, organic state receives not the glory of God upon it, but is opaque; but when celstialized, every planet that God brings into existence is a body of light, but not till then.”(Prophet Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, v. 13, p. 271)"In my Father’s house are many mansions, or in my Father’s world are many worlds. I will go and prepare a place for you, and then if there are many worlds then there must be many gods, for every Star that we see is a world and is inhabited the same as this world is peopled. The Sun and Moon is inhabited and the Stars." (Hyrum Smith, Assistant President of the Church, 27 April 1843)"This world so benighted at present, and so lightly esteemed by infidels, as observed by brother Clements when it becomes celestialized, it will be like the sun, and be prepared for the habitation of the Saints, and be brought back into the presence of the Father and the Son. It will not then be an opaque body as it now is, but it will be like the stars of the firmament, full of light and glory: it will be a body of light. John compared it, in its celestialized state, to a sea of glass." (Brigham Young, President of the Church, 5 June 1859)"Astronomers say it is 95 millions of miles from the earth to the sun and its heat is so great it makes us want to get up on high ground. Now know that millions of inhabitants dwell there. Our God is a consuming fire. Every fixed star is a sun and it has its people and its God. This is all simple to those who know, who understand it, it is easy to comprehend." (Brigham Young, President of the Church, 14 May 1876) [L. John Nuttall Papers, Mss 188, Box 5, Folder 11, Special Collections, BYU Library.]"It is my opinion that the great stars that we see, including our sun, are celestial worlds; at least worlds that have passed on to their exaltation or other final resurrected status. This is in conflict, of course, with the teachings of scientific men, who declare that the sun is losing its energy and gradually cooling off and will eventually be a dead world. I do not believe the Lord has any such thing in his plan. The Lord lives in “everlasting burnings” we are informed." [Doctrines of Salvation, edited by Bruce R. McConkie, vol. 1 (Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1954), pp. 88–89.] (Joseph Fielding Smith of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles)"Let us, for a moment, consider the planets of our solar system, namely, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune—the great primary planets of our system; are these made for nothing? No. What has the Lord said to us, Latter-day Saints, concerning these planets? He says, all these are kingdoms, to which he has given laws. (Orson Pratt of the Quorum of the Twelve, 1878)"God, in constructing these materials into creations and worlds, has done it for a wise and noble purpose. The great purpose that he had in view was the intelligent beings who should occupy these creations. No law was given to our earth and its materials, or to the planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the various asteroids, merely for the sake of giving laws; but the Lord had a useful design in view, namely to add to his own glory and to the happiness of millions of his sons and daughters who should come to people these worlds I have named, that they might be prepared to be redeemed from their fallen condition, as the people of this creation are to be redeemed from theirs." [“Man Is the Offspring of God—Truth Is Eternal—The Doctrines of Christ—The Law of Gravitation—Free Agecy,” reported by David W. Evans, Journal of Discourses, vol. 17, (Liverpool: Albert Carrington, 1875), pp. 330.] (Orson Pratt of the Quorum of the Twelve, 14 March 1875)"Are there T-Rex's in the Hollow Earth? That would be so cool!"You'd be very surprised at what animals are here!"I'm starting to get very disturbed now"Oh... I'm sorry are you watching a TV show or something?"Susie have you read his E-book? (World Top Secret: Our Earth Is Hollow)"I have read some of it. Rodney Cluff is one of the most informed on the subject, of those on outer-earth. He does get some thing wrong, but you can trust a lot of his info.The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel by Rodney M. Cluff is also a good read. "...the reason you live such long lives..."The reason we live longer is because we're not subject to the same external elements you are on the outside, we're much better protected. There are other reasons too."do they have any lawyers in the hollow earth?"Our "lawyers" are not the same as yours. We don't call them lawyers, we have people who act as arbitrators in case of disagreement between peoples."Can you me tell which languages you speak..."There are a variety of languages and dialects here, as I mentioned in another post."Are you bothered down there by earthquakes?"We do experience earthquakes, but our buildings are now mostly resistant to earthquakes, so it really doesn't affect us."If the Earth is hollow, it'd ring like a bell when an earthquake happens..."Yep, you're smart!"she can copy and paste information and quotes from an apostate website"If you doubt the quotes I posted do your research, you'll find the sources to be accurate, regardless of whether some anti-mormons use the same quotes. Of course they use these statements against you, because you lack faith to believe in and stand up for the truth!jmullensHi, I'm new. Posts: 6Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:50 pmBeen thanked: 0 timeE-mail jmullens ................

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