The Mishpucka and Tiger Woods

The Mishpucka and Tiger Woods

Tikkun Olam

The Mishpucka—AKA Jewish Crime Network—is full of parasites that make nothing and produce nothing, yet who somehow end up being astonishingly well paid. We all know about financial liars and manipulators such as Bernie Madoff and Michael Milken; legal liars and manipulators like Alan Dershowitz and Gloria Allred; activist group liars and Holohoaxers such as Abe Foxman and Elie Wiesel; and government liars and manipulators and like Barney Frank and Rahm Emanuel. Anyone reading this with an IQ above 100 will almost certainly be aware that Hollywood and the major media companies are almost exclusively Jewish in terms of ownership and control.

Yet what we often overlook is that an actual MAJORITY, i.e. over 50 per cent of the press and TV journalists, commentators and bloggers who actually convey news and opinion to us, are Jews. This might be because so many Jews have had their family names changed in an attempt to melt into the background. Mike Wallace’s real name is not Mike Wallace; it is Myron Leon Wallace, the family surname having been changed from Wallechinsky at some unspecified point in the past. Michael Savage is really Michael Weiner. Larry King is Lawrence Harvey Zeiger. And so on. Thus, when these people relentlessly hype up made-up news items that cause racial fights and fights between the sexes; that distract attention from their false flag attacks; that promote sexual deviancy and a debased culture, many are unaware that this is all part of the agenda of the Jewish Crime Network.

On 27 November 2009 golfer Tiger Woods was involved in a slightly amusing single-driver traffic accident. It would appear—although this hypothesis has not been confirmed—that there might have been some sort of domestic dispute with his wife, which caused Woods to leave his house at 2:30 on the morning after Thanksgiving. He did not get far, crashing his SUV just outside his driveway, knocking over a fire hydrant and then crashing into a neighbor’s tree. As the airbags of the car he was driving, the Cadillac Escalade did not deploy, he must have been travelling at below 33 mph—which is the impact speed at which the airbags on that model are automatically triggered to deploy.

His wife informed police arriving at the scene that she had used a golf club to gain access to, and help her husband out of, the vehicle. Apparently she smashed the middle side windows—the Escalade has three rows of side windows—to gain access to the car which was apparently locked, her husband being unconscious. She helped her husband out of the car and laid him out on the ground. A neighbor called the emergency services and when they arrived, Woods was lying on the street, drifting in and out of consciousness. His mouth was bloodied and he seemed groggy. He was able to mumble, but incoherently. The police saw no indications that alcohol was involved, so did not test him for alcohol. The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) later arrived at the scene but by this time Woods had been taken to hospital where he was treated for “facial lacerations” and quickly discharged.

A report about these events was released to the public about twelve hours later. Because when an accident victim is taken to hospital in an ambulance in the State of Florida, it is automatically classed as “serious”, this report caused great concern both in the world of golf and beyond, with people wondering how badly hurt Woods was and whether he would be able to play again. When it turned out that it was just a minor single-driver traffic accident, not involving alcohol, and in which the driver sustained no long-term damage, and that Woods had long since been discharged from hospital, one would have expected all the fuss to die down. But that would have been reckoning without the Jewish Crime Network and what they had planned for Woods.

Earlier that week the Mishpucka had released through one of their scandal sheets, gossip rag the National Enquirer, which has been edited by the Jew David Perel for many years[1], lurid claims that Woods was having an extramarital affair with another Mishpucka member, “New York party girl” Rachel Uchitel. Uchitel, who came to public prominence during 9-11, when her fiancé went missing from one of the WTC buildings, had been spotted at Woods’ hotel during a recent tournament in Australia. Several “friends” of Uchitel were quoted in the Enquirer story alleging an affair with Woods. Woods’ embarrassing accident presented the Mishpucka with a golden opportunity to fan the flames of this story.

In the days immediately following the accident the Mishpucka used two main organs to conduct a hypocritical campaign of vilification against Woods for the affair—and unspecified other “transgressions” to which the golfer has now admitted. They are:

Radar Online, a Web-based gossip site also run by David Perel

The gossip website , which is run by Harvey Levin, who is also Jewish.

The following table gives a snapshot of the coverage this story has been given by Jews in the press and on TV since November 27. I could easily have doubled the number of entries, but limited entries to those items prominently displayed on Google News and linked to or discussed on Geoff Shackelford’s golf blog. I think it gives some idea of the Jewish media feeding frenzy to which this incident has given rise and the way that it is being promoted in a deliberately deceptive way.



|Jason Sobel |Mainstream Media |Two articles: It's time for Tiger to speak up, | |7/10 |

| | |11/28/09; Cloudy Future for Woods, 12/2/09 | | |

|Geoff Shackelford |Blogger |Ringmaster directing online traffic to | |10/10 |

| | |Mishpucka news and gossip about the incident; | | |

| | |an almost unbelievable 55 vicious blog posts on| | |

| | |Woods’ accident and subsequent revelations | | |

| | |between 11/27/09 and 12/9/09 indicate the | | |

| | |degree of his bile | | |

|Steven Hirsch |Pornographer |“Vivid Entertainment, the world's leading adult|Vivid Entertainment |10/10 |

| | |film company, is ready to offer $1-million to | | |

| | |any woman who has proof she was a paramour of | | |

| | |Tiger Woods and will sign a contract with the | | |

| | |studio”, 12/3/2009 | | |

|Leonard Shapiro |Mainstream Media |Woods needs to give up silent treatment, |Washington Post |9/10 |

| | |12/1/2009 | | |

|Ed Sherman |Mainstream Media / |Seven blog posts including: Ads featuring Woods|Crain’s Chicago Business |7/10 |

| |Blogger |sure to generate a different reaction, | | |

| | |12/1/2009; Woods confesses; takes swipe at | | |

| | |tabloid reporting, 12/2/2009 | | |

|Joe Posnanski |Mainstream Media |How will Tiger Woods handle himself as he loses|Sports Illustrated |8/10 |

| | |control of car accident story?, 11/30/2009 | | |

|Phil Mushnick |Mainstream Media |Tiger’s good-guy image manufactured from start,|New York Post |10/10 |

| | |11/30/2009 | | |

|Susanne Shapiro |Handwriting Expert |Unsolicited advice: "I" Of The Tiger: A |The Write Truth |9/10 |

| | |Graphological Inquiry Into The Personality Of | | |

| | |Eldrick Woods, , 12/3/2009 | | |

|Bob Harig |Mainstream Media |Tiger Woods’ accident leaves many questions, | |7/10 |

| | |11/27/2009 | | |

|Mark Herrmann |Mainstream Media |Tiger Woods owes us an explanation, 12/1/2009 |Newsday |10/10 |

|Linda Cohn |Mainstream Media |TV vulture |SportsCenter |9/10 |

|Mike Lupica |Mainstream Media |TV vulture |The Sports Reporters |9/10 |

|Dan Abrams |Mainstream Media |Legal analyst turned gossip hound |The Today show |10/10 |

|Ron Sachs |Public Relations |Unsolicited advice: "If you sat down and looked|President and CEO of Ron Sachs |10/10 |

| | |at all the options that are smart and right in |Communications | |

| | |this situation, [his refusal to go on TV and | | |

| | |confess all] would be diametrically opposed to | | |

| | |the direction Tiger Woods should take" | | |

|Howard Rubenstein |Public Relations |Unsolicited advice: “He was very late in coming|Rubenstein Communications |10/10 |

| | |up with that statement….His image of being a |[devised media strategy for | |

| | |perfect husband has been shattered” |fellow Mishpucka member | |

| | | |comedian Michael Richards after| |

| | | |his racist rant] | |

|Richard Laermer |Public Relations |Unsolicited advice: “Crisis communication is |President and CEO of RLM Public|10/10 |

| | |all about telling people what happened and |Relations | |

| | |letting it die. It’s not supposed to be about | | |

| | |hiding from the facts. If he came clean now, it| | |

| | |could go away.” | | |

|Jason Rose |Public Relations |Unsolicited advice: "End the speculation now. |President of Rose & Allyn |9/10 |

| | |Don't jeopardize the sterling brand that is |Public Relations | |

| | |Tiger Woods.” | | |

|David Eichler |Public Relations |Unsolicited advice: “When you make a billion |Founder and Creative Director, |10/10 |

| | |dollars by being a celebrity you have no |David and Sam PR | |

| | |privacy. No matter how egregious the truth is, | | |

| | |Tiger's camp would be well served to learn from| | |

| | |history and not try to run, hide or pretend | | |

| | |they don't owe the public the truth" | | |

|George Merlis |Public Relations |Unsolicited advice: "The better part of his |Founder, Experience Media |9/10 |

| | |earnings have come about as a spokesperson…..If|Consulting Group | |

| | |all of a sudden you're not talking to the | | |

| | |police, it certainly raises some questions" | | |

|Dan Wetzel |Internet Media |Tiger’s imperfect world, 12/2/2009 |Yahoo! Sports |10/10 |

|Mike Strobel |Mainstream Media |Two articles: Salacious tale of the Tiger far |Toronto Sun |10/10 |

| | |from private, 12/3/2009; Tiger's the new PGA | | |

| | |punchline: Time for John Daly to step out of | | |

| | |the limelight,12/2/2009 | | |

Aggregating all this data online is a golf blogger, Geoff Shackelford, who has made 55 posts about the story on his golf blog since it first broke. To give some idea of the unprecedented and disproportionate attention that he is paying to this story, one of the four major championships, the biggest events in golf, would typically attract less than ten posts on Shackelford’s blog. Shackelford, who is Jewish, is a failed golf course designer turned bitter blogger who spends most of his time assailing those who are more successful than him: namely big name golf course architects—who keep getting prestigious jobs although they don’t know half as much about designing golf courses as he thinks he does—and Tiger Woods. He thinks of himself as the Seinfeld of golf bloggers. Golf correspondents for major US and UK newspapers tend to check his blog to get an idea of their peers’ take on a particular topic before submitting their own pieces. This creates a vicious circle in which each writer tries to outdo his colleagues in malice and snark.

Shackelford is well aware that there was nothing in the Woods story to justify this wall-to-wall coverage; hence from about his third or fourth roundup of press clippings he began to pretend to be reluctant to continue covering the story and to insist, disingenuously, that each new roundup would be his last. (He is now on his eleventh). By persisting with this deceptive approach and linking to every unsubstantiated report on , Radar Online and other gossip sheets, he gives the impression that these are credible sources, sensationalizes the story and makes it look as bad as possible for Woods. He and the other members of the Mishpucka—a word that Shackelford, with typical Jewish impudence, has been known to use on his blog, as if mocking those who do not know what it refers to—immediately sensed that they could use this trivial incident as an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone: distract attention from their other crimes such as the health care bill, the on-going financial “bailout”, their latest false flag attack by a “crazed Muslim” and the planned war with Iran, while attracting readers, viewers and advertisers to their media outlets due to public interest in Woods.

In an indication of the sinister intent behind this self-styled Seinfeld of golf bloggers, numerous posts were devoted to trying to make the incident into a criminal matter. Shackelford used a single deceptive trick to promote the criminal angle. By making a great fuss about Woods’ failure to meet with the FHP and not mentioning that Woods has no legal obligation to speak to them—much less have any obligation to explain to the public what happened in his house on that morning—Shackelford illustrated something that is truly obvious to anyone who is familiar with America today. The Jewish Criminal Network that runs the country does not know the meaning of freedom. Those responsible for the PATRIOT Acts, for Abu Ghraib, for the everyday loss of liberty which every sensible America must have noticed and be chafing at these past nine years, neither know nor understand nor respect what made the individual liberties upon which the country was founded.

Since Woods exercised his fundamental constitutional right to avoid incriminating himself or his spouse, and preferred to not talk to the FHP, which, thanks to Mishpucka agents, would almost have leaked anything they might have learned about his marital problems to the press, Shackelford took the opportunity to put the worst possible spin on Woods’ silence. Shackelford’s main deceptive trick is to ratchet up the innuendo by quoting Jewish experts, such as “attorney Bill Wallshein” and an army of other Mishpucka lawyers, commentators, public relations consultants and handwriting experts who, by giving unsolicited advice to Woods, are using this episode as a free advertising opportunity.

Shackelford knows that the minor traffic incident attracted all the media attention it did and hence put pressure on the FHP to do far more investigating than they would normally have done, precisely *because* it involved Tiger Woods; yet deceptively implies in every post that Woods is getting favorable treatment. It is a tactic that Jews in the media use as a matter of course to bring attention to their work by using it to promote envy and hatred, to cause racial fights, fights between men and women and fights between rich and poor. What exactly was Woods guilty of that warranted 55 vicious posts? Damaging a tree? Taking out a fire hydrant? Because he could not realistically fight a campaign for “justice for fire hydrants / trees”, Shackelford began to suggest that Woods—who is known to rarely touch alcohol—was drunk, even though the officers that arrived at the scene of the accident saw no indication that alcohol had been involved and thus did not had not test him.

Geoff Shackelford thrives in America because he thrives on ignorance. In a country where people were well-informed, such an unproductive parasite, who peddles lies, innuendo and gossip for a living, would be on the streets, or forced to work for a living. Unfortunately, since the Jew Walter Winchell (Weinschel) pioneered the “gossip column” in 1924, America has shown a love for such deceptive entertainment. By the 1940s and 1950s, purveyors of such “harmless entertainment” like Winchell and Drew Pearson had become so powerful that they could destroy the reputations of patriotic public servants like James Forrestal and brainwash the public into supporting such Zionist policies as entering WWII to save communism and making possible the creation of the state of Israel.

For Shackelford, Woods deserves to be torn to shreds because he is rich and successful. His deceptive posts take and Radar Online as gospel, while openly questioning the findings of trained police officers as to Woods’ sobriety. His technique shows how Jews manipulate the ignorance and the envy and the hatred of the less intelligent. He panders to morons who cannot think; who believe that because Woods is rich / Cablinasian / a public figure, he owes “us” an explanation of what is a private matter and should be held to a stricter standard of behavior. Shackelford’s blog and the Jew scandal sheets he promotes are typical of the Jewish paradigm of seeking and maintaining control by promoting mass ignorance.

Thanks to the constant repetition of deceptive arguments by the Jewish media, America has become a zombie country, in which the majority of sheeple cheer even as the crime network tightens their chains. Because many of these zombies are too stupid to work out for themselves the difference between a minor traffic misdemeanor and the major offences that we pay law enforcement officials to investigate, Shackelford and other members of the media Mishpucka can use their ignorance, envy and hatred for their own ends.

Why are envious feelings so common in America? Formerly America was possibly the least envious country in the world. Americans wanted the American dream for themselves, but were also happy when others achieved success. The idea was, “if he can make it, then so can I”. America had the great advantage of having no kings and queens and nobles, and no class system, which all tend to foster envy. In place of class-driven envy, there was respect for achievement and a belief that, by dint of hard work and application, anybody could succeed. The situation today is very different. Since the Jews managed to gain a monopoly on the issuance of money through the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913, they have given Americans unprecedented levels of inflation, an un-repayable multi-trillion dollar national debt, and unconstitutional income taxes which, after “critical” programs such as NASA, welfare and aid to Israel have been paid for, barely raise enough to service that debt, let alone repay it.

Economic hardship has created a loser mentality in America. Consequently, many Americans believe that Woods should be “punished” for his wealth and fame. There is also a minority of people who dislike Woods because he is a “Cablinasian”: by pandering to this crowd the Jews in the media whip up racial feelings to ensure that ordinary Americans on different sides of the racial divide cannot perceive their common enemy.

In trying to get into the mind of Shackelford and his fellow Jewish media criminals one must step outside one’s customary world view and enter an alien mindset. The well-known Jewish “oligarch” Boris Abramovich Berezovsky, who now runs his crime gang from England, having fallen out with his former associates in Russia, is fond of a saying that encapsulates this Jewish outlook. “What’s the difference between a rat and a hamster?” Answer: “Public relations”.

It has been noted by many over the years that the concept of absolute truth appears is foreign to many Jews. And that should be no great surprise. This after all is a community that has been held together for centuries, not by a common state, but by a set of “sacred books” including the Talmud, Zohar and Shulchan Aruch, which have progressively replaced the divine mandates of the Mosaic Law with the subversive casuistry of a degenerate priesthood. These books have left an indelible impress on all Jews: religious and unbelieving alike.

Consequently, Jews are born skeptics. Their mode of living, which is predicated on finding clever little ways of getting around a Law which they find at once constricting and indispensable, tends that way. Yet without the Law, which their Talmud, Zohar and other sacred books are dedicated to subverting, their feelings of being special, chosen and at one with their “g-d”, which is the one and only absolute they recognize, would have no basis. This complex mental landscape is enough to induce schizophrenia—and sure enough, Jews are far more prone to mental illness than any other population group.

To lessen the stress of working in two different worlds—the Gentile world, in which a man’s word is supposed to be his bond, and the Jewish world, in which a prayer known as the Kol Nidre, which is said annually on Yom Kippur officially purports to excuse each adult male Jew in advance for the broken vows, oaths and promises he shall make from that point until the next Day of Atonement—a Jew has to be flexible with regard to truth.

When he comes across a fact that is uncomfortable, inconvenient or opposed to his aims, he simply relativizes it away. It is no accident that the theory of special relativity, which is claimed by some to be the basis of modern physics, was packaged by the Jew Einstein as a solution to the problem posed by the Michelson-Morley interferometer experiment, which failed to detect any motion of the earth. Einstein brought nothing original to the table: the work had already been done by Poincaré, Lorentz, Fitzgerald and others. What he added to their work was a clever restatement which provided a plausible solution for the puzzling Michelson-Morley data—which he deceptively denied having been aware of at the time he was working on special relativity—whilst ensuring the triumph of Jewish skepticism and resistance to absolute truth over previously accepted scientific method. According to Einstein—and adherents to his theory of relativity—everything in the universe is a relative value except the speed of light which is constant.

How does this affect us? We are aware of the preponderance of Jews in the media. We have looked at Tiger Woods’ crash, and the inordinate amount of attention it has been given, which speaks of a crime network comprising scandal sheets, bloggers, traditional media sports correspondents and public relations gurus grabbing a golden opportunity and working together in a vicious feeding frenzy. The question now is “why?” The crime network always acts with regard both to the present and to the long-term. The present aims are obvious: the media feeding frenzy led to increased ratings and sales for all who took part on the media side, and presented the public relations professionals with a free advertising opportunity, whilst diverting attention from matters that are far more important than the private life of a sportsman, even if he is the world’s richest and most famous.

The main long-term goal of the crime network’s concerted action in this matter is to widen their future scope for action, by convincing the public that the domestic affairs of “celebrities” are automatically of public interest and that those who claim the right to privacy are hypocrites. The deceptive argument used is that celebrities owe—either directly through television viewers, moviegoers or other ticket-buying fans, or indirectly through the public buying products they have endorsed—their earnings to the public, and are thus answerable to them for their private life.

This premise is of course false; what the Jews celebrating the humbling of Woods now refer to as “the new rules in the age of ” is just a Mishpucka trick to give their criminal media even more power than it already has by allowing them openly now to use Internet blogs and scandal sheets as accomplices who soften up celebrities for the kill before they move in and apply the finishing touches, in what is little more than a form of modern-day lynching.

It is for this reason that the suspicion is growing that Woods was deliberately set up in a diabolical sting. The circumstantial evidence of the numerous public relations and communications agencies that were ready within hours to offer Woods unsolicited advice is just that, circumstantial evidence. What is more important in determining that this was a Mishpucka scam is the timeline of events and the personages involved.

Here is the timeline:

On November 25 the National Enquirer publishes a story in which “friends” of Uchitel are quoted stating that Woods was having an affair with the New York nightclub hostess

On November 27, Woods has his accident

Immediately after the incident, begins making allegations linking the accident with Uchitel

Uchitel initially issues denials and conducts interviews with, among others, Mishpucka gossip rag the New York Post pretending to be angry at the claims that she has been having an affair with Woods

She then flies to Los Angeles to meet with Allred, who works out a strategy of leaking stories to , Radar Online and other outlets in order to put pressure on Woods to pay her for her silence

On December 1 the FHP issues Woods with a $164 fine for careless driving and four demerit points against his driver's licence and announces that he will not be facing criminal charges

On December 2 US Weekly magazine publishes a cover story saying a Los Angeles cocktail waitress claims she had a 31-month long affair with Woods

A few hours later Woods posts a note on his website acknowledging unspecified “transgressions”, apologizing for his behavior and asking the media to respect his privacy

On the same day Allred announces that Uchitel will be speaking about her “relationship” with Woods at a press conference for the following day

On the morning of December 3 a series of damaging stories that Uchitel and Allred have leaked begin to emerge, including: a story on that the fight at Woods’ home on the morning of the crash had been triggered by a series of text messages between Woods and Uchitel; a story involving Woods and Uchitel taking prescription sleeping drug Ambien before sex; another involving a text message about an erotic dream which Woods had shared with Uchitel; reports on Radar that Uchitel has saved hundreds of text messages from Woods; and a TMZ report including an email from Woods friend Byron Bell to Uchitel showing that Bell coordinated Uchitel's travel to Australia

On the same day Allred, citing “unforeseen circumstances”, cancels the scheduled press conference about an hour before it is set to begin

In subsequent days more women are linked to Woods, Allred attempts to set up another blackmail sting by announcing she has two more women willing to go public with allegations of their affairs with Woods, and Woods apologizes again and announces he will be quitting golf for an indefinite period to concentrate on his family.

In the end Radar Online reported that Woods had reached an agreement in which Uchitel would receive "more than one million but less than three million" dollars to not reveal information about their relationship. Clearly Uchitel had sent the emails and other details of her relationship with Woods to as part of a massive blackmail scam in which each of the players—Uchitel, Allred, Levin of and Perel of Radar Online and the National Enquirer—are Jews. And who was representing Woods in his negotiations with the blackmailer and her Mishpucka associates? Two more Jews: his IMG agent Mark Steinberg and high profile Orlando attorney Mark NeJame, who promotes himself as the “the Johnnie Cochran of Central Florida”. Reports that the sting had been successful was confirmed when Allred’s daughter Lisa Bloom, who is a “legal analyst” for CBS, stated on The Early Show on 4 December that a confidential settlement worth "at least a million dollars" had been struck. On December 8 it emerged that Woods had engaged yet another Mishpucka law firm, Los Angeles-based “reputation management” specialists Lavely & Singer. Perhaps he imagines that if he hires a Mishpucka firm for every mistress, the crime gang will get off his back!

Are Americans really so stupid as to allow this Jewish Crime Network to continually play these tricks? If all these vultures making money off Woods had been, say, Korean-Americans, surely it would have been worthy of mention? Every time you dig deep into any similar “scandal” and you will discover a veritable Purim party, in which Jewish sextortionists, TV talking heads, bloggers, scandal sheet writers, mainstream newspaper columnists, attorneys, PR advisers and “handwriting experts” come together to make Haman’s Ears of some Gentile celebrity.

Let’s consider some of the Jews involved in this story.

When Rachel Uchitel, the New York party girl whose leaks to the National Enquirer triggered this media frenzy got on the plane to Los Angeles to meet with Gloria Allred, it became clear: (1) that, despite her denials, she was the one who had tipped off the gutter press; and (2) that she would be blackmailing Woods. So it came as no great surprise when, in the spirit of Mishpucka boxing promoter Bob Arum, who famously said "Yesterday I was lying; today I'm telling the truth", Uchitel let it be known on December 2 that she would be reversing her repeated denials of an affair with Woods at a press conference scheduled for the next day. It came as even less of a surprise when, a few hours before the press conference was to commence, her legal pimp Allred announced that it had been cancelled due to “unforeseen circumstances”. Most people would imagine that, far from being “unforeseen”, Uchitel had had those very “circumstances” uppermost in her mind as she was flying across the country to meet Allred.

What kind of disgusting criminal leaks emails and text messages to the press as blackmail. Is this not a crime? Why is Uchitel and Allred’s blackmail not being investigated? Amidst all the millions of words the crime network has already written excoriating Woods for his affairs and for crashing into a fire hydrant and a tree, and seeking to have him jailed for these “crimes”, it is very instructive that not one word has been uttered criticizing Uchitel and asking why the police do not investigate her for attempted blackmail. Is it because extortion rackets perpetrated by the Jewish crime gang, from the “sextortion”, which Jews such as Monica Lewinsky, Chandra Levy, Golan Cipel and WWI spy Mata Hari have made their own, to the Kosher Food Tax, are now constitutionally guaranteed rights, which it would be a “hate crime” to investigate?

What about Woods’ agent, Mark Steinberg, who is Jewish? Given that Forbes recently estimated that Woods has earned more than a billion dollars since turning pro in 1996, it is highly likely that the sports marketing agency Steinberg works for, IMG, has made at least nine figures from Woods in that time. PGA TOUR commissioner Tim Finchem, who is also Jewish, earned $5.2 million last year from his role, which mainly comprises leveraging Woods’ immense popularity in the negotiation of TV advertising contracts and the sanctioning of accredited tournaments which make money for the TOUR. Five of his fellow PGA TOUR executives also made seven figure sums in 2008. Are these Jews allowing their fellow Mishpucka members to kill the golden goose? Or do they know something we don’t; i.e. that after the storm blows over it will be business as usual?

How can a small segment numbering between five and ten per cent of the US population[2] arrogate to itself the high responsibility of dictating how America thinks, what it reads about, cares about, gossips about? If this segment of the population is constantly pandering to the lowest common denominator by promoting , the National Enquirer, US Weekly and Vivid Entertainment as legitimate part of the media and entertainment landscape, then surely they are causing great harm to the body politic and must be divested of their power? It is deceptive for them to say “that’s what the public wants”; for why if not because of media conditioning can public tastes have so changed in fifty years that television, movies, radio, and the newspaper and periodical press are almost unrecognizable from what they used to be?

The Mishpucka has conditioned the public into accepting as legitimate “entertainment” which reflects their own Talmud-approved preoccupation with sex and smut, but this was a preoccupation of which the other 280 million Americans had, until recently, been mercifully free. And notice the kinds of alternative media that have NOT been officially embraced by the mainstream Jewish media. is now officially an acceptable source of information in “respected” newspapers; the message of the Jewish mainstream media over the past two weeks is crystal clear: “We’re living in the age of . Celebrity gossip *is* the news. Deal with it”. Yet and other websites and blogs that discuss 9-11, Israel, the USS Liberty attack, the Moon Landing Hoax, the Holohoax, the criminal Iraq and Afghan wars, and the theft of the land of the Palestinian people and their subsequent brutal oppression by Israel, are never so much as mentioned, let alone given the seal of approval by the Jewish mainstream media liars.

In his anecdote about Howard Dean on his 26 November 2009 audio file, Hufschmid revealed something that had escaped my notice. I, like him, had blithely assumed, when I had first heard about the “Dean Scream”, that the man was crazy and thus clearly unsuited for high office. While considering myself to be quite knowledgeable about the many deceptions of the crime network, I could barely have imagined that they would attempt such a blatant con as to mute the noise being made by the crowd while magnifying that made by Dean in order to present Dean’s exclamation as an inappropriate harbinger of mental illness. The net result: the ineffective Kerry wins the nomination. Are there any depths to which these liars are not prepared to stoop?

But why did Dean not complain? The simple answer is FEAR. The animating principle of the Jews’ political despotism is fear, just as the animating principle of their social despotism, as promoted through their media, which moulds public opinion to their ends, is envy. Having such power vested in the hands of a close-knit, internationally dispersed and nepotistic minority group, with a millennia-spanning history of violent conflict with every host populations amongst whom they have lived, is a recipe for disaster. Because they are aliens everywhere they make their home, they want to be feared, so that the likes of Dean and others who might pose a threat to them politically think twice. Because the only threat to their dominance is if the different peoples among whom they dwell begin to perceive them as the common enemy, they use their media to promote envy and hatred across ethnic lines, between men and women, rich and poor, young and old, government workers and productive laborers.

Because the Jews have a complete monopoly of media, and even so-called alternatives such as PBS and NPR are just as tightly controlled by them, there is no incentive for them not to lie. And there is no incentive to tell small lies rather than big lies. Even if the Dean deception, which undoubtedly changed the course of the 2004 Democratic presidential nomination Democratic, had been discovered at the time, the Jews would have simply admitted that “mistakes were made”, made scapegoats of a couple of mid-ranking executives or reporters, and moved on to their next crime. There is ample proof that each and every one of the Jewish newspapers, TV networks and Hollywood studios is lying to us on an almost daily basis, yet we continue to ignore the harm they are doing to us.

We see Jews’ relativistic approach to truth cascade down from the Talmud-enjoined Kol Nidre oath to Berezovsky’s rat/hamster comparison to the words of Mishpucka boxing promoter Bob Arum and actions of criminals like Uchitel and Allred. America today is in dire need of a media that rejects these lies in favor of a balanced depiction of reality. In such a world, Woods’ minor accident would take up a small space in the sports section of the newspaper, and might mention a brief notice in the nightly roundup of TV sports news. His sex life would be a private matter. Such a media would encourage serious journalists to pursue real stories, such as the dereliction of duty by members of America’s executive, legislature and judiciary, the corruption of its major institutions by a hidden despotic money power and the perversion of its foreign policy by a criminal network.

If we do not get such a media—and soon—, I fear for the Jews. Those who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind. If Jews do not voluntarily give up their dominant position in the US and world media, they will come to believe that nothing is beyond them; that every crime they commit can be covered up; that all their rats can be turned into hamsters. Such would be a massive mistake to make for such purportedly intelligent people. Jews have at one time or another been expelled from virtually civilized locality they have ever inhabited. They need to heed the lessons of history and not be seduced by their current dominance in the United States into believing that they cannot be toppled from their eminent position.

It is always when they are at the apogee of chutzpah, as now in America, that Jews face the greatest danger. When Bernie Madoff’s wife is blaming it all on the Gentiles; when the government has borrowed $11 trillion in fake money from Jewish bankers only to give away this same money to Jewish speculators and swindlers at AIG and Goldman Sachs in a sham “bailout”, while leaving taxpayers with the burden of massive interest payments on what is effectively an un-repayable debt; when it emerges that Jews have perpetrated a massive scam in which all the gold in Fort Knox has been replaced with bars of gold-plated tungsten; when Vivid Entertainment puts out press releases offering “any woman who has proof she was a paramour of Tiger Woods” $1 million to become a porn star—that is when ordinary Jews ought to tremble. For they must know that the inevitable backlash cannot be far away. If they do not heed the lessons of history they face a real holocaust that will make even the mythical Shoah of the Wiesels, Wiesenthals, Lipstadts and other cult priests of the Holohoax, seem like a garden party by comparison.

If any reader still considers that the Mishpucka orchestrated media assault and extortion scam that Woods has faced is acceptable, because “he’s a public figure”, or “the media attention is the trade off for all the money he earns”, or “he’s Cablinasian”, or “I just don’t like him”, let them consider the following facts.

The Mishpucka, through Mossad-front companies like Amdocs, Verint Systems (formerly Comverse Infosys) and Odigo can track and listen to every single phone call that is made in the United States. Amdocs provides billing and directory assistance for 90 per cent of the phone companies in the USA. The company’s main computer center for billing is located in Israel and allows those with access to do what intelligence agencies call "traffic analysis", i.e. create a picture of someone's activities based on a pattern of who they are calling and when they are calling. Verint Systems subcontracts the installation of automatic tapping equipment which is built into every phone system in America. The company maintains its own connections to this phone tapping network, insisting that it is "for maintenance purposes only".

Amdocs was implicated in leaking police phone data in a 1997 Los Angeles police investigation of a major Israeli crime gang involved in cocaine and ecstasy distribution and credit card fraud. Leaking of confidential information about the on-going investigation to Israeli criminals by employees of Amdocs resulted in the collapse of the case. Odigo provides the core message passing system for all instant messaging services. Two hours—i.e. before the planes had even taken off, from their airport terminals where security was controlled by Israeli company ICTS—before the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Towers, Odigo employees received a warning to vacate their offices, which are located just two blocks from the former location of the WTC complex.

In 2001 a four-part series of reports by Fox News on Israeli spying on America before and after September 11, 2001 named Amdocs as a major source of covert spying information for Israel through the telecommunication products it sells and systems and services it operates and offers. Amdocs products are widely used by the US telecommunications industry and government agencies like the NSA and DEA.

The Ken Starr report on Whitewater describes how former President Bill Clinton warned Monica Lewinsky that a foreign government was tapping their phone calls. At the same time, President Clinton ordered the FBI to stop looking for the Israeli mole, code-named Mega, who was known to be operating inside the White House and coordinating the spying activities against him. The timeline suggests that Clinton was blackmailed into calling off the FBI’s hunt for “Mega” with the threat of a recorded phone sex session being made public. This Mega is reputed to have been Rahm Emmanuel, President Obama’s current Chief-of-Staff.

Mossad through its front companies is able to blackmail American politicians, celebrities, government officials, corporate executives, scientists and others by gathering confidential information about them using sophisticated listening devices which cannot be found, because they are built into the phone systems themselves.

In part one of the Fox News report a US government official confirmed that “hard evidence existed” linking the events of 9/11 not to Arab Muslims, but to some of the more than 200 Israeli spies arrested both before and after 9/11, but that this evidence had since become "classified". The members of the US media that are aware of these facts without making them know to America are traitors to the American people.

Perhaps not everyone in America is having multiple affairs with nightclub floozies and cocktail waitresses across America. Yet everyone has private information, not necessarily about illegal acts, that they do not wish to be made public. If that information has ever been alluded to in a phone call, then they can be sure that Mossad, through Amdocs and Verint Systems has access to it and may be using it at some point in the future. And do you know the biggest irony of all? These companies have been built up with the approximately $10 billion a year which the United States gives to Israel each year.

In 1997 Ennis Cosby, son of comedian Bill Cosby, was murdered by a Ukrainian-born Jewish immigrant to America named Mikhail Markhasev. Police later confirmed that Markhasev had known links to that Mafia, composed of Jewish immigrants to Israel and the West from the former Soviet republics, which is routinely—and deceptively—described by the mainstream media as the “Russian Mafia”. It was subsequently reported that Cosby senior had been the victim of an extortion attempt by this new Jewish crime gang, which has aggressively entered the United States and Western countries since the fall of the Soviet Union, and whose operations are causing grave concern within the traditional Mishpucka.

This Jewish Mafia was threatening to reveal details of Cosby’s numerous extra-marital relationships if he did not pay up. Clearly, an ex-Soviet Israeli working at Amdocs or Verint Systems—then Comverse Infosys—had gotten hold of sensitive details of Cosby’s private life on behalf of the crime gang, which had then used this information to blackmail Cosby. When he refused, his son was killed in retaliation, with the murder being presented as a car-jacking gone wrong, even though there were no signs of robbery at the crime scene: neither Cosby junior’s $125,000 Mercedes sports car nor any of his belongings were stolen. The conviction and life imprisonment of Markhasev was a warning by the traditional Mishpucka to the new entrants that their unauthorized operations were impeding long-term goals and would henceforth be punished. The media coverage quashed all speculation about the true motives of this strange crime, which was anything BUT a robbery gone wrong.

I am appealing to Jews in the media to reconsider the way they are currently using their privileged position to promote lies, decadence, materialism, hedonism, pornography and other false values. Let them consider that they are occupying a very exposed advance guard position on behalf of the usurocracy which gives them their marching orders. The hysterical coverage of Woods’ numerous affairs by the very media that is promoting sexual deviancy and immorality in a bid to break down the family, the basic unit of social organization, is the ultimate in Jewish chutzpah.

The media Jews’ campaign on behalf of the usurocracy is designed to break down the family and every subsequent unit of social organization up to and including the state, in order to clear the ground for the latter’s planned one-world government in which the remaining Gentiles would be enslaved to Jews. Proof of this program is available in documentary form, not only in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion[3], but in the Talmud, the Zohar, the famous letter from Baruch Levy to Karl Marx that was published by 'La Revue de Paris' in 1928, and the funeral oration for the Grand Rabbi Simeon-ben-Ihuda delivered in Prague in 1869 by Rabbi Reichhorn.

Being highly visible, they will be the first to be eliminated when the inevitable backlash materializes. There are just two conceivable alternatives to a defeat and disaster that, in this age of nuclear technology, will result in the virtual wiping out of the world’s Jewish population and many millions more innocent Gentiles. Either Gentiles will reconcile themselves to a future as slaves to the Jews or Jews will voluntarily set aside their hatred of the rest of the world and renounce their claims to world sovereignty.

Jews have proved over the past century, with their lies, their slaughter of over 100 million non-Jews in two world wars, in massacres in Russia, the Ukraine, across Eastern Europe and everywhere else they have spread their communist poison, in Palestine and Iraq and Afghanistan, and through their fraudulent debt-bearing fiat “money”—which is no money at all—that has placed the entire world under the burden of an un-repayable debt, that there can be no co-existence unless they foreswear their dreams of world sovereignty and join the human race.


[1] Perel now runs Radar Online and may or may not have handed out day-to-day running of the Enquirer to an editorial team consisting of his fellow-Jew Steve Plamann and another executive, Julia Coates

[2] The official demographic data representing Jews as comprising two to three per cent of the US population is a carefully cultivated deception intended primarily to disarm Gentile fears of Jews’ great and ever-increasing political and economic power and dominance of the professions, the media and academia. Secondarily this deception is intended to subtly underpin the Holocaust myth of six million dead Jews in WWII. I estimated that there are approximately 21 million Jews in America, or seven per cent of the population; in other countries where Jews are to be found in significant numbers a similar game is being played. Thus whilst there are officially only 200,000 Jews in Argentina, credible reports suggest the real number is at least 2 million. There are reportedly less than 300,000 Jews in the UK; but the real figure is likely at least 1.5 million.

Mark Twain noticed this phenomenon as long ago as In 1898, and following a correspondence on the subject in Harper’s Magazine, wrote privately to a Jewish friend:

When I read in the C. B. [‘Cyclopedia Britannica] that the Jewish population of the United States was 250,000, I wrote the editor, and explained to him that I was personally acquainted with more Jews than that in my country, and that his figures were without a doubt a misprint for 25,000,000. I also added that I was personally acquainted with that many there; but that was only to raise his confidence in me, for it was not true.

His answer miscarried, and I never got it; but I went around talking about the matter, and people told me they had reason to suspect that for business reasons many Jews whose dealings were mainly with the Christians did not report themselves as Jews in the census. It looked plausible; it looks plausible yet. Look at the city of New York; and look at Boston, and Philadelphia, and New Orleans, and Chicago, and Cincinnati, and San Francisco - how your race swarms in those places!

[3] This book was first published in Tsarskoe-Tselo (Russia) in 1901, with a copy lodged at the British Library in 1906. That a document first published in 1901 should have predicted: the US Central Bank (Federal Reserve) and graduated income tax (both 1913); the growth in presidential power (the usurped right to declare war; Roosevelt’s declaration of US bankruptcy as a precursor to the beginning of rule by unconstitutional Executive Order 1933)); two World Wars (1914 and 1939); the promotion of Darwinism and Freudianism as the twin pillars of science-as-religion upon which our ethical understanding rest; derivatives trading, “hedge funds”, “currency speculation”, “junk bonds” and other financial manipulations orchestrated by Jews; complete global consolidation of press control in Jewish hands; the proliferation of national and international sporting events and competitions that would be used as “bread and circuses” entertainments to pacify the masses; the collapse of European monarchies; the Bolshevik Revolution; the Great Depression caused by the arbitrary cutting-off of credit; graduated income taxes and crippling land and inheritance taxes; and the resurgence of Israel should both impress any thoughtful reader and rule out the Jewish “Tsarist forgery” hypothesis. The Protocols also predict how, “at a time of their choosing”, the Jewish Elders will bring the whole unsupportable edifice crashing down, leading to depression, mass starvation and a war which has been centuries in the planning, and which will herald the coming of their blood despot of the throne of Zion.


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