Holocaust/WWII Research Topics

Holocaust/WWII Research Topics

|Adolf Eichmann | |

|Adolf Hitler | |

|Anti-Semitism (specifically as it relates to the Holocaust) | |

|Aryan or Master Race | |

|Auschwitz-Birkenau, | |

|Bergen-Belsen | |

|Camp Systems | |

|Dachau | |

|Death Marches | |

|Einsatzgruppen or mobile killing units | |

|Final Solution | |

|Gestapo | |

|Ghettos | |

|Heinrich Himmler | |

|Hermann Goering (Goring) | |

|Judaism (brief overview of religion, beliefs, traditions – reference | |

|Hanukkah) | |

|Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) | |

|Mauthausen | |

|Nazi | |

|Oskar Shindler | |

|Roma or Gypsies (in Holocaust) | |

|Rudolf Hoss | |

|SS or Schutzstaffel | |

|Swastika | |

|Westerbork | |

|Third Reich | |

Some Suggested Sources:

You will be required to use at LEAST ONE PRINTED source.

(Social Studies Book)

On-line Resources


Adolf Eichmann

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler


Death Camps

Death Marches

Death Marches

Adolf Eichmann



European Ghettos

Final Solution

Final Solution

Anne Frank

Glossary of the Holocaust

Joseph Goebbels

Gypsies of the Holocaust

History Learning Site

Rudolf Hoess

Rudolf Hoess

Holocaust Chronicles

Holocaust Encyclopedia sponsored by the United States Holocaust Memorial Musuem

Holocaust Timeline sponsored by The History Place

Holocaust Timeline: a teacher’s guide to the Holocaust

Jewish Virtual Library sponsored by AICE



Joseph Mengele

Joseph Mengele

Nazi Germany

Nizkor Project designed by Ken McVay

Nuremberg Laws

Primary Sources for the Holocaust

Oscar Schindler


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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