ALGEBRA - Weebly


Course Outline for the 2018-19 School Year

Teacher: Ann Schoblaske


Website: schoblaske. + Google Classroom

Phone and voicemail: 503.431.5165

The objective of Algebra is to understand a variety of problem-solving topics as stated in the Common Core State Standards. Students will receive direct instruction and will work cooperatively to explore algebraic topics. We will be using both the Holt Algebra 1 and the CPM Algebra Core Connections textbooks.


|Operations & Properties |Exponents & Polynomials |

|Equations |Factoring Polynomials |

|Inequalities |Probability |

|Systems of Equations & Inequalities |Data Analysis |

|Functions – Linear & Quadratic |Functions – Exponential & Radical |

| | |


1. textbooks

2. GRAPH spiral notebook just for math

3. pencil and eraser

4. scientific calculator

5. binder


1. Work Hard – keep trying even when the work gets difficult

2. Be Nice – to your classmates, to me, and to yourself

3. Be On Time – in your seat and on-task when the bell rings

4. Bring Your Stuff – the five supplies listed above

5. Ask For Help – that’s why I’m here!

HOMEWORK … You can expect homework daily. Yep, even on Fridays! Homework assignments will be posted on the board and on my website.

• A stamp sheet listing homework assignments will be provided for each new unit.

• Students will self-correct with a solution sheet that I provide.

• Each assignment is worth 10 points and is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise stated.

• Late work will be accepted the next day for 7 points.

• Homework more than one day late will be accepted for late credit (5 points) until the end-of-the-unit test.

• Full-credit homework will be done in pencil and work will be shown.

EXTRA CREDIT … I do not give extra credit opportunities. Students are given multiple opportunities in class and on assessments to demonstrate mastery of a skill; last minute re-testing will not be offered.

IF YOU ARE ABSENT … Please try to limit the number of days you will miss in Algebra class. We move at a very brisk pace and many concepts are quite challenging.

Excused absences have one day for each day missed to make up work. You are responsible for checking your stamp sheet and my website calendar to find out what you need to complete for the days you were absent. Arrangements for making up missed quizzes or tests need to be discussed and scheduled with Mrs. Schoblaske.


• Make sure your stamp sheet is up-to-date

• Develop good study habits; use study guides to prepare for tests and quizzes

• For Holt, use my. for homework assistance and to view the Parent Guide

• For CPM, use for homework assistance and to view the Parent Guide

• Check Synergy regularly; I update at least weekly.

• Talk to me about any questions or concerns

MATH PROGRESSION … Algebra is the grade level math placement for high school freshmen. Geometry is the next course in the math progression in our district. The decision process for math placement for next year will be made based on factors that include your report card grade, your score on the Smarter Balanced assessment, and your score on the year-end district final.

MY WEBSITE … Challenge problems, calendar, homework help links – the fun never stops!

NEED HELP?? … You can always schedule a help session with Mrs. Schoblaske during HawkTime or at lunch; before school or after school sessions, by appointment only.


September 18: Back to School Night

October 24 and 25: Fall Parent Conferences

November 2: End of Quarter 1

December 24 through January 4: Winter Break

January 31: End of Quarter 2

March 8: Spring Parent Conferences

March 25 through March 29: Spring Break

April 11: End of Quarter 3

June 12: End of Quarter 4

WHAT SHOULD YOU DO WITH ALL THIS INFORMATION?? … I expect you to do two things with this paper. First, share it with your parent or guardian. Their signature, date, phone number, and email address will earn you a Jolly Rancher! Second, keep this paper in the math section of your binder. If you have it in June, you will earn a prize too amazing to mention here!

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I have read the Algebra Syllabus and the Algebra Grading Criteria.

|Student Name: |

|Parent/Guardian Name: |

|Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: |

|Parent/Guardian email Address: |

|Parent/Guardian Phone Number: |


2018/2019 SCHOOL YEAR


Students will be graded on specific skills. Skills will be identified and assessed in each unit; students will track their progress in their notebooks and I will report their MOST RECENT attempt in Synergy. Progress on the skills will be scored on a 4-point scale:

• 4 – Exceptional/Exceeds: You have totally mastered the skill. You have demonstrated a full understanding of the concepts involved, have clearly shown ALL steps of your reasoning, have used units and notation correctly, wrote exemplary and clear sentences, and have made NO algebraic errors.

• 3 – Proficient/Meets: You have a firm grasp of the skill, meaning you demonstrated a full or almost full understanding of the concepts involved, but you did not show steps of your reasoning, didn’t used notation correctly, could have written clearer sentences, and/or made a slight algebraic error.

• 2 – Developing/Nearly Meets: You have demonstrated some conceptual understanding of the skill. You possibly have some confused reasoning, did not completely answer the question, did not use correct notation, wrote unclear sentences, and/or made more than one slight algebraic errors.

• 1 - Beginning: You have demonstrated a weak or no conceptual understanding. You possibly have confused reasoning, poor sentences, and/or made one or more serious algebraic errors.

• 0 – No Attempt: You left the problem blank.

The letter grade will be determined using an average of the MOST RECENT scores of the skills assessed each quarter. What does each letter grade indicate to students, parents, and teachers of future mathematics courses? Here is a focused idea of what I intend my letter grades to mean:

• A: means the student has completed exceptional work on the majority of skills; the remaining skills were completed at the proficient level.

• B: means the student has completed proficient work on many skills; a minority of skills were completed at the exceptional level and some may still be developing.

• C: means the student has completed proficient work on some of the most important skills, although not on all skills. The student can continue to Geometry.

• D: means the student has completed developing or beginning work on most of the skills, is missing some important concepts, and is at significant risk of failing the next course in the sequence. The student should repeat Algebra.

• F: means the student has completed beginning work on a majority of the course skills. The student must repeat Algebra.


|A = 3.6 – 4.0 |Performance (test and quizzes) = 80% |

|B = 3.0 – 3.5 |Practice (homework and class work) = 20% |

|C = 2.0– 2.9 | |

|D = 1.0 – 1.9 | |

|F = 0 – 0.9 | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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