August 1, 2013

Biology Syllabus

Instructor: Darryl Brese

Room: Room 122

Textbook: DeSalle and Heithaus (2008) Holt Biology: Georgia Performance Standards ed. Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Students are responsible for the condition and return of the textbook. The cost of the textbook is $75.00.

Contact Information

I welcome your phone call or email. Email is always the easiest way to get in touch with me for a quick response. Please remember that there is no such thing as a bad question: I am happy to answer any questions about class procedures or subject matter.


Phone: 706-743-8124

Students are welcome to email me concerning any questions they have outside of class.

Course Information

The Biology curriculum is designed to continue student investigations of the life sciences that began in grades K-8 and provide students the necessary skills to be proficient in biology. This curriculum includes more abstract concepts such as the interdependence of organisms, the relationship of matter, energy, and organization in living systems, the behavior of organisms, and biological evolution. Students investigate biological concepts through experience in laboratories using the processes of inquiry.

|Major Topics |Characteristics of Science |

|Classification and Domains |Records investigations clearly and accurately |

|Matter-Energy Relationships |Uses scientific tools |

|Cellular Function and Structure |Interprets graphs, tables, and charts |

|DNA/RNA |Writes clearly |

|Homeostasis |Uses proper units |

|Plant/Animal Characteristics |Organizes data into graphs, tables, and charts |

|Genes and Successive Generations |Analyzes scientific data via calculations and inference |

|Heredity |Uses models |

|Ecosystems |Asks quality questions |

|Biological Evolution |Uses technology |

| |Uses safety techniques |

| |Recognizes the importance of explaining data with precision and accuracy |

Class Materials

The following materials are required daily: 2 inch, 3-ring binder; notebook paper, and pencils/pens. Colored pencils, index cards, and other materials are helpful, but not required. You also need to record your assignments each day to make sure that you organize your time accordingly in an agenda.


90%-100% = A 80%-89% = B 70%-79% = C 69% & below = F

All grades will be cumulative up to reporting time and averages will be determined in the following manner:

Assessments (Tests/Performance Assessments) = 50%

Midterm = 10%

Final Semester Exams (Milestone Exam in Spring) = 20%

Quizzes/Labs = 20%

*As mandated by the Georgia State Department of Education, this course requires that the student take the Biology Milestone Exam approximately 2 weeks before the end of the semester. In addition, the EOC Milestone will serve as the comprehensive final exam and will count 20% of the final grade

Classroom Rules:

1. Come to class prepared to learn and participate.

2. Be in your seat working on the bellringer before the tardy bell rings.

3. Listen respectfully while the teacher or fellow classmates are speaking.

4. Food and drink are not allowed in class.

5. Always be in compliance with all school rules. This includes dress code and the cell phone policy!

Academic Honesty:

In order to be successful in biology, or any other class, it is important to do your own work instead of copying from a book, website, or fellow classmate. It is never okay to copy directly from an outside source whether you are working on a test, quiz, project, or lab report. Work that has been plagiarized will not be accepted and will result in a grade of zero and/or disciplinary referral.

Restrooms: Leaving class results in a loss of learning, therefore, it is encouraged that students remain in class for the duration of the period. However, emergencies do arise. For this reason, each student will have 4 bathroom passes per semester. Use them wisely!

Tardies: Tardy is defined as not being in your seat when the bell rings with your notebook, textbook, and pencil/pen and working on the correct assignments. No exceptions! Each day we will have a daily bellringer assignment. You are expected to be working on it when the bell rings or you will be considered tardy.

Let’s have a great 2019-2020 school year!


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