Holt California Algebra 2 - Ms. Berenyi's Classes

Holt California

Algebra 2

Homework and Practice Workbook

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Chapter 1 ...................................................................................................................................


Chapter 2 ...................................................................................................................................


Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................... 19

Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................................... 25

Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................................... 31

Chapter 6 ................................................................................................................................... 40

Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................................... 46

Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................................... 54

Chapter 9 ................................................................................................................................... 60

Chapter 10 ................................................................................................................................. 69

Chapter 11 ................................................................................................................................. 77

Chapter 12 ................................................................................................................................. 86

Copyright ? by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

All rights reserved.

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Holt Algebra 2

6/19/06 2:10:43 PM






Practice B

Sets of Numbers

Order the given numbers from least to greatest. Then classify each

number by the subsets of the real numbers to which it belongs.


2, 6.17, ¬´«À

1, ªÓ4.9

1. __

28 , ªÓ3__




«À ªÓ8

2. 5«³, ªÓ6¬´ 3 , ___

, 4.615, 0


Rewrite each set in the indicated notation.

3. negative multiples of 3; set-builder notation

4. [ªÓ4, 0) or (10, 21); words



??? ??? ??? ??? ???







roster notation

??? ??? ??? ??? ???







set-builder notation

The length of a necktie is generally in the range ªÔ 52, 58 ªÕ inches. The

width of a tie is in the range ªÔ 2.75, 3.5 ªÕ inches. Use this information

for Exercises 7¨C8.

7. Represent the range of the length of neckties in

roster notation. Assume that all neckties come

in whole-inch lengths.

8. Represent the range of the width of neckties

in set-builder notation.

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All rights reserved.

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1/12/06 3:20:42 PM






Practice B

Properties of Real Numbers

Find the additive and multiplicative inverse of each number.


1. ªÓ6

2. 3__


3. ªÓ0.7

Identify the property demonstrated by each equation.

4. x «¶ a ªÓ b «§ ªÖ ax ªÓ bx

5. m ªÒ «¶ n ªÒ 6 «§ ªÖ «¶ n ªÒ 6 «§ ªÒ m



6. 4 gh ªÖ «¶ 4g «§h

ªÓ¬´ 5 ªà _____

w ªÖ1

7. _____



ªÓ¬´ 5

Use mental math to find each value.

8. 5% rebate on a $150 cell phone

9. cost of 8 items at $12.98 each

Classify each statement as sometimes, always, or never true. Give

examples or properties to support your answer.

11. a ªÒ «¶ bc «§ ªÖ «¶ a ªÒ b «§ ªà «¶ a ªÒ c «§

10. d ªÒ «¶ ªÓd «§ ªÖ 0

Use the table for Exercises 12¨C14. Write an expression to represent

each total cost and then simplify it.

12. cost of 2 pens and 3 notebooks

School Supply Store

13. cost of 1 binder and 5 notebooks

14. cost of 3 notebooks at 20% discount, a binder

at 25% discount, and 2 pens

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All rights reserved.

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1/12/06 3:21:25 PM


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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