McDougal Little Literature

|McDougal Littell Literature |Blackline |Holt Elements of Language |Reader’s Handbook |Other Materials |

| |Masters | | | |

|1 Independent Reading (Ongoing) |Response log, 81| | |Pilgreen, Janice L. The SSR Handbook: How to Organize |

|Learning Log: Brozo, 6 | |Reading Log, 816 | |and Manage a Sustained Silent Reading Program. NH: |

| | | | |Heinemann, 2000. |

| | |Making Inferences, 564, 568, 636-637, 814 | | |

| | | | |Gallagher, Kelly. Deeper Reading: Comprehending |

| | |Responding to a variety of documents including public | |Challenging Texts, 4 -12. Maine: Stenhouse Publishers, |

| | |documents and consumer materials, 626, 715, 785 | |2004: Sentence Starters, 70; Reflective response, 156-166|

| | | | | |

| | |Writing a book review, 640-647 | |

| | | | |55 (DEAR) |

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| | | | |SSR: |

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|2 Vocabulary Study (Ongoing) |Drama terms, |Denotation and Connotation: 762, 821 |Connotation/ |Gallagher, Kelly. Deeper Reading: Comprehending |

|Denotation and connotation: |82/83 |Teacher One Stop: Reading Workshop |denotation, 279 |Challenging Texts, 4 -12. Maine: Stenhouse Publishers, |

|Text, 693, 845, 917; Spelling and | |Support, 58 | |2004: |

|Grammar, 147-155; Targeted | |Roots, 823 |Roots, prefixes, |Prefixes, suffixes, roots, 30-15-10 list, 72-74 |

|Instruction for Louisiana Standards, 1 | |Spelling Teacher’s Guide, 12-22, 54, 58, |suffixes, 621-623, | |

| | |64, 68 |685-692 | (vocabulary) |

|Self-awareness Chart: | |Spelling Lessons and Activities, 12 – 25, | | |

|Best Practices Toolkit, E-3, E-11 | |64 – 65, 68 - 69 | | |

|Concept word map: | |Spelling rules, 414-423 | |(graphic organizers) |

|Best Practices Toolkit, E6, E19 | |Spelling: commonly confused, 424 – 435 | | |

|Frayer: Best Practices Toolkit, A62 | |Spelling Teacher’s Guide, 2 | |

| | |Improving Spelling: | |otation.html (connotation, denotation) |

|Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots: Vocabulary | |Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics | | |

|and Spelling, 3-95 | |Language Skills Practice, 258-282, | | |

|Best Practices Toolkit, E14, E15, E20- | |309-312 | | |

|E22, E30; | |Think as a Writer: Grammar, 69 – 73 | | |

|Targeted Instruction for LA Standards, 3 | |Developmental Language Skills, 123-133 | | |

| | | | | |

|Graphic organizers: Brozo, 5 | | | | |

|McDougal Littell Literature |Blackline |Holt Elements of Language |Reader’s Handbook |Other Materials |

| |Masters | | | |

|3 Writing Craft Mini-Lessons (Ongoing) | |Paragraph Organization: | | |

|Create and map mini-lessons on a calendar for writing | |Learning about paragraphs, 500 | | |

|craft topics, such as “Organization,” “Elaboration | |Think as a Writer: Grammar, 108 – 119 | | |

|techniques,” and “Transitions,” using Writing, | | | | |

|Research ,& Study Skills Lessons, Best Practices | |Paragraph parts, 501 - 506 | | |

|Toolkit, & Write Smart CD | |Qualities of a good paragraph, 507-519 | | |

| | | | | |

|Big Question Transparencies may be used as writing | |Word Choice and Audience, 779 | | |

|prompts with literature selections. | |Think as a Writer: Writing, 105 | | |

|Learning Log: Brozo, 6 | | | | |

| | |Clear voice: 574, 738 | | |

| | |Think as a Writer: Writing, 85 | | |

| | |Six Traits for Writers, 8 | | |

| | |Transparencies Preview: Daily Writing | | |

| | |Activities, 5, 11, 15 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Varying Sentence Structure: 185 – 193 | | |

| | |Developmental Language Skills, 51-54 | | |

| | |Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics, 114 – | | |

| | |123 | | |

| | |Think as a Writer: Grammar, 25 – 28 | | |

| | |Grammar Notes | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Modes of Writing, 520 | | |

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|McDougal Littell Literature |Blackline |Holt Elements of Language |Reader’s Handbook |Other Materials |

| |Masters | | | |

|4 Grammar/Usage Mini Lessons (Ongoing) | |Varied sentence structure and patterns: 185 – 193 | |

|Varied sentence structure: Grammar | |Developmental Language Skills, 51-54 | |ruction%20page.htm (writing craft lessons) |

|Standards Lesson File, 87-94; | |Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics, 114 – | | |

|Grammar for Writing, 19, 302 | |123 | | |

|Subject verb agreement: Grammar | |Think as a Writer: Grammar, 25 – 28 | | |

|Standards Lesson File, 21-66; | |Grammar Notes | | |

|Grammar for Writing,206-227 | | | | |

|Fragments: Grammar Standards | |Subject-verb Agreement: 202-218, 882 | | |

|Lesson File, 1-8; | |Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics, 125 – 134 | | |

|Grammar for Writing, 25-26, 290 | | | | |

|Phrases, clauses, infinitives, participles, gerunds in | |Phrases and clauses as modifiers (Infinitives, Gerunds, | | |

|writing (sentence combining): Grammar Standards | |Participles): 141-159 | | |

|Lesson File, 55-86 | |Developmental Language Skills, 37-46 | | |

|Targeted Instruction for LA Standards, | |Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics | | |

|73, 103-107 | |Language Skills Practice, 71-97 | | |

|Superlative/comparative degrees of | |Think as a Writer: Grammar, 17-20 | | |

|adjectives/adverbs: | |Grammar Notes | | |

|Grammar for Writing, 137-139, 149 | |Transparencies Preview: Proofreading | | |

|Targeted Instruction for LA Standards, | |Warmups | | |

|109-111 | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Superlative/Comparative degrees of modifiers, 285-292; | | |

| | |Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics, 179-184 | | |

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|5 What is Drama? |Drama Questions,|Elements of Drama: 659 - 660 |Reading drama, 473- | |

|Text, 7 |84 | |494 | |

|Best Practices Toolkit, A1 | | | | |

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|McDougal Littell Literature |Blackline |Holt Elements of Language |Reader’s Handbook |Other Materials |

| |Masters | | | |

|6 Elements of Drama |Drama terms, |Compare / Contrast: 609 – 610 |Elements of drama, |

|“Diary of Anne Frank,” 484 - also see |82/83 | |503-511 |_Terms.htm (drama terms) |

|activities 9 and 12 | |Compare / Contrast (Book / Movie): 659 - 660 | | |

| |Self-awareness | | |

|Elements of drama: Text, 7 |chart, 85 | | |/ (excerpts from “Diary of Anne Frank” |

|Best Practices Toolkit, D44-D45 | | | | |

|Literature Standards Lesson File, 227- | | | | |

|248 | | | | |

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|Graphic organizers: Brozo, 5; | | | | |

|Best Practices Toolkit, A24-A27, A56- | | | | |

|A59 | | | | |

|Vocabulary self-awareness: Brozo, 27, | | | | |

|Best Practices Toolkit, E3, E11 | | | | |

|7 Importance of Dialogue | Said It Again, | |Drama and plot, 207-|

|Dialogue: Text, 7, 87-98 |86-87 | |508 |117 (mini-lesson on paragraphing and dialogue) |

|Writing, Research, and Study Skills, 513- | | | | |

|522 | | | |

| | | | |116 (from pictures to narratives) |

|Staging a scene: text, 151 | | | | |

|8 Reader’s Theater | |Producing a Scene from a Book: 666 – 668 | |

|Best Practices Toolkit, A1 | | | |172 (reader’s theater lesson) |

| | |Speaking and Listening Support: Teacher One Stop, | | |

| | |Practice | | (scripts) |

| | | | | |

| | |Diction / Enunciation: 558 – 560 | | (scripts) |

| | | | | |

| | |Elements of Speaking: 831 – 833 | | (scripting |

| | | | |sheets) |

|9 Reading a Play |Word Splash, 88 | | | (Anne |

| | | | |Frank’s diary) |

|“Diary of Anne Frank,” 484 - also see |WWII | | | |

|activity 12 |Back-ground, 89 | | |Writing diary entries: |

|“The Hitchhiker,” 86 | | | | |

| |Anne Frank, 90 | | | |

|SQPL: Brozo, 22 | | | |

| | | | |htm |

|McDougal Littell Literature |Blackline |Holt Elements of Language |Reader’s Handbook |Other Materials |

| |Masters | | | |

|10 Analyzing Characters | |Compare / Contrast: 659 – 660 |Characters, 346 | |

|“Charley,” 216 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Literature Standards Lesson File, 1-40 | | | | |

|Best Practices Toolkit, D5-D9, D52-D56 | | | | |

|Targeted Instruction for LA Standards, 7 | | | | |

|11 Writing a Character Analysis |Character |Paragraph Writing: 500 – 505 | | |

|Character Analysis, 292-298 |profile, 91 | | | |

|Best Practices Toolkit, C24 | |Editing and proofreading: 553 | | |

| |Venn diagram, 92| | | |

| | |Peer Editing: 553, 704, 742 | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Revising: | | |

| | |Think as a Writer: Writing , 12 | | |

|12 Be the Critic | |Responding to Literature: 661 – 663 |Viewing a movie, |“The Diary of Anne Frank” on VHS ($9.95) M0103 or DVD |

|“Whale Rider,” 254 and Media Smart | | |385-388, 682 |($14.95) V2566 from Library Video Company at |

|DVD | |Writing a Review (Shown as Book Review): 640 – 655 | |1-800-843-3620 ($6.95 S & H). |

| | |Think as a Writer: Writing 45 – 58 | | |

|“Diary of Anne Frank,” 484 and Media | | | | |

|DVD | | | | |

| | | | | |

|“Movie Ad Campaign,” 98 and Media | | | | |

|Smart DVD | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Best Practices Toolkit, C27-C28 | | | | |


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