Physical Science syllabus.docx

Coventry High SchoolPhysical ScienceCourse OutlineInstructor: Mrs. Hale Phone: (330)644-3004Room: 102 Email:ahale@WELCOME BACK!Textbook: Physical Science, Holt, Rinehart, Winston (2006)Materials: textbook, notebook, pocket folder or binder with dividers (recommended), pen/pencilStudents are expected to keep many course materials and assignments. A three-ring binder is recommended to help keep your materials organized. It should be divided into four sections: Vocabulary, Notes, Homework, and Tests/QuizzesLab Fee: $8.00 Should be paid in the office. Checks can be made out to Coventry High School.Grading: The grade that you earn in this class will be based on the following main categories:Tests/QuizzesHomework/ClassworkProjects (Group and Individual)*Your grade will be calculated based on the total number of points you have earned divided by the total number of points assigned. A letter grade will be determined from the grading scale illustrated on pages 23-24 of the student planner.Homework Policy: Homework and all other assignments will be considered on-time if received at the time the teacher checks or collects it. Any homework turned in after this time will be considered late and will be deducted 10% per day. You may email me homework or projects, or use my school mailbox if necessary. All late work will be accepted up to 1 week past its scheduled due date, with 10% deducted per day. Following the 1 week grace period, no late work will be accepted.Absentee Policy: Daily attendance is expected and will impact your final grade. It is your responsibility to make up any missed assignments due to excused absences. A "buddy system" is recommended to assist you with this. You will be able to access assignments by checking the weekly schedule posted in the classroom or on ProgressBook. For each excused absence, you will have one day to complete any make-up work, including tests and quizzes. You will not receive any credit for make-up work from unexcused absences.Hall/Tardy Passes: You are expected to be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. I do understand that situations arise which may cause you to be late to class. You will be given three passes per quarter, which you may use for the restroom or if you are tardy to class. Once you have used up all of your passes, emergency passes may be granted, but you will also be given a ten minute after-school detention. If you choose not to serve this detention, you will be given a Friday detention. A Friday detention will also be given if you are tardy more than six times. An office referral will be administered after nine tardies.Classroom Expectations: Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.Bring all necessary materials to class, including textbook, binder or notebook, and writing utensil.Follow all directions the first time they are given.Use appropriate language at all times.Respect the space and property of your peers and school.No food, beverages, or any other items prohibited by school policy are allowed in the classroom. (This includes cell phones, cameras, ipods, mp3 players, etc.) If they are seen, they will be confiscated.Abide by all rules of Coventry High School Student Handbook.Discipline policy: Enforcement of these rules will be given in a 4 step process. This will be as follows.1st Violation – After class conference 2nd Violation – 15 minute Detention (before or after school on the next school day) 3rd Violation - 15 minute Detention & Parental contact4th Violation - Administrative referralSevere clause: If a serious disturbance is caused during class, or I deem your conduct is unsafe, you will be immediately removed from class, and will be referred to administration.Student Responsibilities:For some, science may be a very difficult course considering the amount of reading and memorizing that is expected. You need to keep up by reading the chapters, taking notes, and reviewing vocabulary terms on a daily basis.Some of the assignments and projects in this class are group work. You are expected to do your share of the work. If I observe, or am informed by your peers that you are not doing your share, you will be removed from your group and required to do the work by yourself.Do not whine or complain about assignments, projects, or taking notes. As a high school student, you are expected to learn a variety of topics that will prepare you for success after graduation.STAY ORGANIZED! You will have a large amount of handouts for this class that you should keep and review throughout the course, especially before tests. You are expected keep track of your own assignments, be prepared for tests/quizzes, and know important due dates. It is recommended that you use a daily/weekly planner to help you stay organized. This should be used for all of your classes. ................

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