
Instructor:Dr.EmanKishk | Mr M.Eldemerdash

Contact Information: eman_kishk@ | eng.m.eglain@

Office Hours:

I. Course Description

This course is designed to introduce students to the broad spectrum of science study. The students learn about the fundamentals and basis of physics while integrating chemistry, earth science and space science.

II. Course Textbook

Holt Science and technology; Physical Science 2007 by Holt, Rinhart and Winston.

III. Course Objectives

1. Students develop an understanding of scientific concepts using facts, theories, principles and models.

2. Students recognize patterns and processes, making connections in terms of systems and subsystems that explain the interrelationships of the natural and designed world.

3. Students demonstrate knowledge and skills necessary to perform scientific inquiry.

4. Students develop habits of mind including curiosity, open-mindedness and persistence.

5. Students communicate and apply scientific concepts.

6. Students apply scientific principles to personal and social issues.

7. Students develop an understanding of the nature of science, its history, and science as a human endeavor.

8. Students develop skills in using technology and recognize the relationship between technology and science, including its potential and limits.

9. Students exercise care in scientific inquiry and recognize the importance of safety.

IV. Course Requirements

A. All students should be responsible for all the work load

B. Daily lessons, in-class notes and class work

C. Completion of daily homework assignments

D. A vocabulary folder summing up all the vocabulary by the end of each chapter

E. Each Student must submit a work portfolio by twice a term. This portfolio must follow the following structure:

i. It has to have cover page that shows the student name, student ID, the course title and table of content

ii. It has to be presented to the teacher to be graded twice each term, one week prior to the interim reports and the end of the term

F. Sections' quizzes and chapter tests

G. Students must come prepared to each class with textbook, notebook, pencil; pen, ruler, a calculator and other necessary supplies will be requested as needed.

H. Research and a presentation about extracurricular topics. Each student is asked to finish 4 Term projects throughout the academic year. In these Term projects students are asked to present a typed research paper with its outline and thesis statement, and the work cited approved from the class teacher.

I. Students are required to present a Science fair project applying the scientific way of presenting a problem and suggesting a solution as an application to the scientific way of thinking and analyzing any problem

J. A Clean Lab coat with your name written on it.

The grading system within the Science Department will be unified for all grades:

50% Tests and Quizzes:25% quizzes and 25% tests.

There will be a minimum of six quizzes and one test administered every term.  Quizzes will have a weeks’ notice.  Quizzes may also have no notification.  Pop quizzes may be oral or written.  Tests will always have a minimum of three days’ notice.  Projects, homework, Vocabulary folder may also be assigned a quiz or test grade. A binder check is done twice a term. Once before the interim reports are due and one other time before the end of the term.

There will be no make-up quizzes. If a student is absent during a quiz, an average of the previous quizzes will be taken, however this will only be allowed once per term. Other than that, the student will receive a zero (0) for the missing quiz that they didn’t attend.

• Each Term, there will be a minimum of 6 quizzes to take best 5

• Quizzes will be conducted on a weekly basis on set day each week

• Chapter tests will be conducted by the end of each chapter

• There will be a minimum of 1 term test per term.

• Term projects are counted as a test grade.

Term Project

Each Term students will be assigned a term paper to be written and presented in front of the class

20% Class Participation:  This year the science department following the school motto leadersof the future, will emphasis on the practical work even more than the previous years. Taking this in consideration the total class participation this year will be a reflection of the student performance in the practical work assigned to each science course besides evaluating the students’ organization skills which is reflected through having a well-organized complete binder following the teacher’s instruction.

The class participation grade will be counted for 20% in the Report Card; This 20% will be divided as follows

10% for the Lab work that requires

1. Read the Lab Handout handed prior to the Lab time

2. Be prepared for answering any questions related to the lab topic through the reading assigned prior to the Lab time

3. Be in the Lab on time show the best behavior at all the time

4. Take notes during the Lab

5. Write a Lab Report using the already set format

6. Answer the questions assigned by the end of each Lab

7. Hand in the Lab Report (Typed if asked) with the questions answered on time.

5% is for the binder correction and review

The student must keep a portfolio of all the paper work of the course in a binder that is set as the teacher instruct in the beginning of the year.

This binder must be kept neat and complete at all times as it should include:

1. Class work and notes

2. Homework assignments

3. Worksheets

4. Warm ups ( if instructed by the teacher)

5. All tests and quizzes signed

6. Lab notes and reports

5% Warm up

The warm up is given to students at the beginning of every class and is a short question or problem from the previous lesson. It is to ensure that students read the previous material before beginning anything new. It helps us asses their strengths and weaknesses and act accordingly.

20% Homework: Daily homework assignments will be given and graded besides short term projects.  Vocabulary folder is required by the end of each term including all the definitions and terminology covered in the term by the end of each section or chapter.

There will be a minimum of 20 Homework assignment assigned per each term. Each week there should be 2 graded assignments.

Student’s homework will be graded according to the homework’s neatness and correctness. Also points will be deducted for spelling mistakes of the scientific terms that have been covered in class.


10% Behavior: You will be assessed on your attentiveness in class, your level of following classroom instructions, and your overall general behavior to your instructor and fellow students. All students will start the week with their 100 points for every week. Behavior grades will then be deducted if students do not meet their classroom expectations that are agreed upon and following the school rules and behavior criteria

VI. Course Outline

Introduction to Science

Tools, measurements and lab instruments.

Chapter 12: The Periodic Table.

Sec 1: Arrangement of Elements.

Sec 2: Grouping of Elements.

Calculating Moles.

Chapter 5: Motion and Forces

Sec 1: Measuring Motion

Sec 2: What is a Force?

Sec 3: Friction, a force that opposes motion.

Sec 4: Gravity a force of attraction.

Chapter 6: Forces and Motion

Sec 1: Gravity and Motion

Sec 2: Newton’s Laws of motion.

Chapter 7: Forces in Fluids

Sec 1: Fluids and Pressure

Sec 2: Buoyant force

Sec 3: Fluids and Motion

Chapter 9: Energy and Energy resources.

Sec 1: What is Energy?

Sec 2: Energy Conversions.

Sec 3: Conservation of Energy.

Chapter 10: Heat and heat technology

Sec 1: Temperature

Sec 2: What is heat?

Chapter 17: Introduction to electricity

Sec 1: Electrical charge and static electricity.

Sec 2: Electrical current and Electrical Energy.

Sec 3: Electrical calculations.

Sec 4: Electric Circuits

Chapter 20: Waves, Sound and Light

Sec 1: The nature of Waves.

Sec 2: Properties of Waves.

Sec 3: Wave interactions.

Chapter 21: The Nature of Sound.

Sec 1: What is sound?

Sec 2: Properties of sound.

Sec 3: Interaction of sound waves.

Chapter 22: The nature of Light.

Sec 1: What is light?

Sec 2: The electromagnetic spectrum.

Sec 3: Interaction of light waves.

Sec 4: Light and Colour.

VII. Supply List


Separators ( 6 )

Loose paper

Plastic sleeves.

Lab coat

A science fair chart when needed.

3 Colored charts for projects when needed.

Student Signature Parent Signature

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