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Welcome to 8th Grade PHYSICAL SCIENCE!

Mrs. Sowa Text Book: Physical Science, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston

After School Day: ______________ Lab Book: Science and Technology

Concepts for Middle School, Carolina


1. Develop an appreciation of science and how science is part of our world.

2. Explore and study the concepts and principles of physical science, including the structure, properties, and states of matter, the forms of energy, and the interaction between matter and energy.

3. Demonstrate the proper use of laboratory equipment and perform lab investigations in a safe manner.

4. Exhibit the ability to work independently and in cooperative groups to successfully achieve learning expectations.

5. Demonstrate organizational skills by keeping a complete and orderly notebook.


▪ NO food, drinks (water bottles ok), or gum are allowed in class.

▪ Students and parents are required to read and sign the Student Safety Contract before the student is allowed to participate in lab activities.


▪ Listen and be attentive to the teacher and your peers. Treat all with respect.

▪ Arrive to class on-time and I will be able to dismiss you on-time.

▪ Raise your hand when you want to be called on. Talking out of turn is distracting and disrespectful to others in the class.

▪ The teacher (not the clock or the announcements) dismisses the class.


▪ Come to class prepared! Everyday you are expected to bring the following items: your science notebook and folder, agenda book, pens, pencils, erasers and tape.

▪ You are expected to be prepared to make positive contributions to class discussions.

▪ When you come to class, pick-up handouts, check the white board for assignments, write homework assignments in your agenda, and begin the Do Now activity.

▪ Use the sign-out book when you leave the room for any reason.

▪ You are responsible for all worked missed due to absence. It is your job to check in with the teacher to see what you missed. It is recommended that you have a classroom buddy to check with when you must miss class.



1. Science Notebook – 2 Large Marble Composition Books, hard covered or 2 full sized, high-quality spiral notebook (large enough to fit full sheet of paper 8½ x 11 in.) You will need one for each half of the year.

2. Pocket folder.

3. Calculator (4 function is fine)

4. Pens, Pencils, Eraser

5. Rolls of tape, post-it notes, highlighter, small box of colored pencils

6. Metric Ruler

7. Safety Goggles recommended (must be completely enclosed, not safety glasses.) You can find these in any hardware store and Staples. Labeled them with your full name, bring to school, and we will keep them in a drawer for your use only.

8. 2 poster boards (each 18 x 22 inches)



Marking period grades are based on a total point system. Each graded assignment will be given a point value. Your grade will be determined by adding up the total number of points earned and dividing by the total amount of points possible and multiplying by 100. Graded assignments may include tests, quizzes, projects, class work, homework and assessments designed to measure your understanding of topics and skills taught in class.

RE-TESTS: Summative assessments (tests and quizzes) may be re-taken if the grade is below 70%. First, you must show mastery on all practice assignments and complete a re-test practice assignment to show that you are ready for the re-test. Re-tests must be retaken in a timely manner (usually after school within 2 weeks of the original assessment). Students will be given a maximum of 70% on the re-test.


Homework, class work, and labs are ways to introduce a new topic, review an old topic, or practice a skill. Your honest effort put into homework, class work, and lab assignments helps you to be successful on assessments that are a bigger part of your grade (tests and quizzes tend to be worth more points than homework).

Homework is usually student-checked and reviewed at the beginning of the period.

It is really important for you to do all homework, class work, and lab work to the best of your ability, because these assignments are always reviewed and may be collected. These assignments are your chance to practice and see how well you understand what we are learning.

You must take responsibility for your performance on homework, class work, and labs. If you don’t understand it, ask questions and/or stay afterschool to talk about it.

This Expectations Sheet will be returned to the student and put into his/her notebook. A copy will be kept in the teacher’s file.

“I have read and understand the Student Expectations for 8th Grade Science.”

Student Signature:_______________________________ Date:____________

Parent Signature:________________________________ Date:____________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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