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Signers of the LCWR/CMSM Statement

Violence in the Holy Land

April 16, 2002

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|Walter F. Sullivan,   |Sr. Ann McGovern, RSM |Marlene Geppert, OSF  |

|Bishop of Richmond, Virginia  |Fr. Carroll Houle  |Franciscan Sister of Our Lady of Perpetual Help |

|Bishop President, Pax Christi USA |Maryknoll Fathers/Brothers |Janet Stelken, PBVM  |

|Thomas J. Gumbleton  | Sr. Maria Drzewiecki, osf   |Leadership, Sisters of the Presentation of the |

|Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, Michigan  | Justice and Peace Coordinator  |Blessed Virgin Mary |

|Past Bishop President of Pax Christi USA | Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy |Rita Goedken, OSF  |

|Canice Connors, O.F.M.Conv.  |Cross  |Leadership, Franciscan Sisters, Dubuque |

|Provincial, Immaculate Conception | Green Bay, WI |Suzanne Giblin, CSJ  |

|Province  |Leadership Team of the Franciscan |Leadership, St. Louis Province |

|President, Conference of Major Superiors |Sisters of Little Falls, MN:  |Joanne Klenke, FSM  |

|of Men |Sr. Bea Eichten  |Congregational Leadership, Franciscan Sisters of |

|Kathleen Pruitt, CSJP  |Sr. Clara Stang  |Mary |

|Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace  |Sr. Ardis Cloutier  |Dorothy Heidersheit, OSF  |

|President, Leadership Conference of Women |Sr. Jean Schweiters  |Leadership, Sisters of St. Francis of Dubuque |

|Religious |Sr. Mary Pat Burger  |Susan Borgel, CPPS  |

|Dave Robinson  |   |Leadership, Sisters of the Most Precious Blood |

|National Coordinator, Pax Christi USA |   |Joanne Hanrahan, SSND  |

|Tony Vento  |  |Leadership, School Sisters of Notre Dame, St. Louis |

|Program Director, Pax Christi USA |Sr. Mary Irene Deger, SSSF  |Jacqueline Motzel, FSM  |

|Tom Cordaro,  |Mission Coordinator  |Franciscan Sisters of Mary |

|Chairperson  |School Sisters of St. Francis, US |Mary Whited, CPPS  |

|National Council, Pax Christi USA |Province |Leadership, Sisters of the Most Precious Blood |

|KathyThornton, RSM  |Sr. Phyllis Vater, SSSF  |Delores Hannon, RSM  |

|National Coordinator  |School Sisters of St. Francis, US |Leadership, Sisters of Mercy |

|NETWORK  |Province |Nancy Wittwer, SL  |

|A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby |Sr. Nicole Goetz, SSSF  |Administrative Staff, Sisters of Loretto |

|Ted Keating, SM  |School Sisters of St. Francis, US |Sharon Altendorf PBVM |

|Executive Director  |Province |Sister Rosaire Bryant, C.P.S.  |

|Conference of Major Superiors of Men |Sr. Marion Duff, RSCJ |Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the |

|Carol Shinnick, SSND  |Sr. Mary Bush, RSCJ |Precious Blood |

|Executive Director  |Sr. Elizabeth O’Conner, RSCJ |Pamela Nordhof  |

|Leadership Conference of Women Religious |Kha Manh Nguyen,SVD  |Maryknoll Affiliates Global Concerns Committee |

|Scott Wright, Program Director  |Theology Student  |Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, U.S. Regional |

|Ecumenical Program on Central America and |Catholic Theological Union |Leadership:  |

|the Caribbean |Sister Claire Marie Czerwiec, SSND  |Sister Mary Jacinta Doyle  |

|Margaret Swedish, Director,  |Provincial Councilor  |Sister Joanne Schuster  |

|Religious Task Force on Central America |School Sisters of Notre Dame, Chicago |Sister June Casterton |

|and Mexico |Province |Sister Myrtle Keller  |

|Rev. Raymond J. Finch, MM, Superior |Sister Jean Phelan, SSND  |Medical Mission Sisters  |

|General, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers |Provincial Councilor  |Assembly of North America |

|Elizabeth Seton Federation of Sisters   |School Sisters of Notre Dame, Chicago |Florence M. Steichen, csj  |

|of Charity |Province |Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet  |

|Janet Mock, CSJ  |Betty Kane, osf   |MN Middle East Peace Now, Women Against Military |

|Religious Formation Conference, USA |Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia|Madness Middle East Committee, and Pax Christi |

|Nancy Sylvester, IHM  |Bernie Murdoch  |Sr. Joan Marie Steadman, CSC |

|Executive Director Engaging Impasse: |Regional Leader  |Lynn Chappell, SP   |

|Circles of Contemplative Dialogue  |Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary |Sisters of Providence - Mother Joseph Province |

|  |Sister Christine Vladimiroff  |Sister M. Margareta Bertrand,  |

|Susan Thompson  |Prioress  |School Sister of Notre Dame, Mankato Province |

|Columban Fathers Justice and Peace Office |Benedictine Sisters of Erie |Tom Bamat  |

|Matthew Wade, SM  |Anne Veronica Horner Hoe |Executive Director,  |

|Associate Director  |Maria Drzewiecki, OSF  |Center for Mission Research and Study at Maryknoll |

|Conference of Major Superiors of Men |Justice and Peace Coordinator  |Robert A. Allan  |

|Stan De Boe, OSST  |Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy |Maryknoll Mission Associates |

|Justice and Peace Director  |Cross  |John M. Killilea  |

|Conference of Major Superiors of Men |Green Bay, WI |Maryknoll Affiliate Global Concerns |

|Judy Cannon, RSM  |Lise Gagnon, snjm |Sister Barbara Pfarr, SSND |

|Associate Director  |Miriam Eileen Murray, OSF |Sister Mary Anthony Wagner, O.S.B. |

|Leadership Conference of Women Religious |Associate Director, Pastoral Services |Sr. Dana Michelle Sullivan,CSC  |

|Sheila George  |Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia|Lima, Peru |

|Communications Director  |Mary Louise Full, CSC   |Jeanne Wingenter, SSND |

|Leadership Conference of Women Religious |Area III Coordinator   |Sister Pauline Fritz, SSND |

|Marita Eddy  |Sisters of the Holy Cross |Rose Ann Ficker, SSND |

|Communications Director  |Rev. A. Leo Reilly  |Adelyne Imperator  |

|Conference of Major Superiors of Men |Global Village Literacy Mission  |Benedictines for Peace |

|Michelle Balek, OSF  |Detroit, MI |Rita Jirik SSND |

|Franciscans International  |Theresa Leone, SFO  |John Sullivan  |

|North American Regional Coordinator |Minister, St. Katharine Drexel Region |Catholic priest |

|Eleanor Granger, OSF  |Secular Franciscan Order  |Rev. William Stanfield, Pastor  |

|Leadership Conference of Women Religious |  |St. Matthew Catholic Church   |

|Br. George Schmitz, CSC  |Eleanor  Goekler, smic  |Oak Creek, WI |

|Provincial  |Provincial Coordinator, Missionary |Judith Hilbing, OP   |

|Holy Cross Brother |Sisters IC |Springfield Illinois Dominican  |

|Jim Hug, SJ  |Margaret Reid, smic  |North American Dominican Co-Promoter  |

|Center for Concern |Vice Provincial Coordinator, |of Justice, Peace, and Care of Creation |

|Marie Dennis  |Missionary Sisters IC |Sister Joan Sue Miller  |

|VicePresident   |Kathryn Conti, smic  |Community Director  |

|Pax Christi International  |Provincial Councilor, Missionary |Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Kansas |

|Director, Maryknoll Office for Global |Sisters IC |Sr. Marlene Mondalek, SC |

|Concerns |Consuela Scott, smic  |Sister Helena McNeill,  |

|Mary K. Derr  |Provincial Councilor, Missionary |Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary  |

|Seamless Garment Network |Sisters IC |Bryn Mawr, PA |

|Fr. David A. Moczulski, OFM  |Sheila Madden, smic  |Sister Margaret Mary Shields,  |

|Executive Director  |Missionary Sisters IC |Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary  |

|Franciscan Washington Office for Latin |Patricia Blostic, smic  |Bryn Mawr, PA |

|America |Missionary Sisters IC |Annie Claes, icm |

|Sally and Joe Cunneen  |Joanne Riggs, smic  |Eunice Antony OSB  |

|Founders  |Missionary Sisters IC |St. Benedict's Monastery |

|CROSS CURRENTS, An Ecumenical Journal |Lucy Giacchetti, SSND |James Zelinski, Cap  |

|Lynn Houston  |Sister Mary Martin Colbert, SSND  |Detroit Justice, Peace and Ecology Commission |

|Maryknoll Affiliates Global Concerns |Global Justice Office  |Celine Dounies, csc  |

|Committee |School Sisters of Notre Dame, Chicago |Fourth Grade Teacher  |

|Rev. Thomas J. Marti, MM  |Province |St. John the Baptist School |

|Coordinator, Maryknoll Priest/Brother |Seton Cunneen, SNDdeN |Corona Colleary SSC  |

|Associates  |Ann Gormly, SNDdeN |Area Leadership Team  |

|  |Carroll Ann Kemp, snjm  |Missionary Sisters of St. Columban |

|John Doctor, OFM  |Gonzaga College High  School  |Francesca Garvey SSC  |

|Provincial  |Washington, D.C. |Missionary Sister of St. Columban |

|Sacred Heart Province |Betty Kenny, OSF  |Mark Falkner, SSC  |

|Rodney DiMartini  |Rochester MN |Missionary Sister of St. Columban |

|National Catholic AIDS Network |Sister M. Jeanne Finske, C.S.C.  |Mary McManus, SSC  |

|John Burger, SSC  |Congregational Archives and Records  |Area Leadership Team  |

|Regional Director  |Saint Mary's, Notre Dame, IN |Missonary Sisters of St. Columban |

|Columban Fathers |Sr. Susan Mika  |Grace DeLeon, SSC  |

|Mary Turgi, CSC  |Benedictine Sisters |Missionary Sister of St. Columban |

|Director  |Sister Theresa Zoky, O.S.B.  |Mary Kennedy, OSF |

|Holy Cross International Justice Office |Director, The Society for the |Br. Kevin Gilhooly, FSC  |

|Generalate Leadership Team  |Propagation of the Faith   |Secretary/Treasurer of the USCMA |

|Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate |Director, Erie Diocesan Misson Office,|Sister Jane Chantal, csc  |

|Conception of the Mother of God,   |Erie |Area Coordinator for Africa  |

|West Paterson, New Jersey |Janet Gottschalk, MMS  |Sisters of the Holy Cross |

|Sam Sinnett  |Director: Alliance for Justice  |Sister Jovann Irrgang, SSND   |

|Member of Dignity/USA. |Medical Mission Sisters |Pastoral Administrator   |

|Fredericka Jacob  |Jane Blewett  |St. Joseph Church, Henderson, MN |

|Sister of Notre Dame de Namur |Director, Earth Community Center |Anita Valdez, OSB |

|Patricia Froning, OSF |Lou Niznik  |Sister Marilyn Ingraham, MM |

|Fred Link, OFM |Director: Earth Communications |Mercedes Roman,  |

|John Kiesler, OFM |Adela Gross, osf   |Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns |

|Therese Wetta, ASC  |Peace and Justice Office   |Rev. Michael J. Snyder, MM  |

|Catholic Charities USA |Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls, |Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers |

|Rosanne Rustemeyer,SSND  |Minnesota |Mary Bann |

|Director, U S Catholic Mission Association|Patricia Flynn, SSND |Yvonne Conley |

|Kevin Day  |Jacinta Powers, OSU  |Rose Cecile Espinos |

|Associate Director, U S Catholic Mission |Member of the Leadership Council  |Helen Marie Plourde, SSND |

|Association |Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph|Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual Adoration, |

|Page Taylor, SFO |Rosanne Fischer  |Colorado Springs: |

|Susan Plews, SSND |Diocese of St. Cloud Mission Office |Sister Lourita Bintner O.S.F.  |

|Dr. Rachel Callahan, CSC |Gerry Lambert  |Sister Frances Franzluebbers O.S.F.  |

|Dr. Rea McDonnell, SSND |Associate Director  |Sister Georgiana Franzluebbers O.S.F.  |

|Rev. Damon Geiger, O.SS.T.  |Catholic Network of Volunteer Service |Sister Paulinis Garcia O.S.F.  |

|Order of the Most Holy Trinity |Sr. Santian Pagani, CMS |Sister Clarice Gentrup O.S.F.  |

|Friar John-Joseph Dolan, OFM Conv.  |Sr. Natalina Salbego, CMS |Sister Bertina Graniewski O.S.F.  |

|General Assistant for North America, |Sr. Angela Didone', CMS |Sister Christine Hayes O.S.F.  |

|England, and Ireland |Sr. Carmen Silva Cedeno, CMS |Sister Nadine Heimann O.S.F.  |

|Fr. Bernard Bartolo, OFM   |Sr. Rocio Aguinaga Castillo, CMS |Sister Eleanor Hemmer O.S.F.  |

|Provincial Minister  |Sr. Giouliana Paladini, CMS |Sister Ann Frances Hoff O.S.F.  |

|St. Paul the Apostle Province – Malta  |Sr. Cecilia Trezzi, CMS |Sister Martha Hund O.S.F.  |

|  |Sr. Maria Teresa Goffi, CMS |Sister Carole Jarecki O.S.F.  |

|Fr. Loren Kerkof, O.F.M  |Sr. Lucia Disconsi, CMS |Sister Roselda Klein O.S.F.  |

|Office of Justice and Peace  |Sr. Carmelita Anosa, CMS |Sister Bernardis Lohaus O.S.F.  |

|Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon |Sr. Gabriella Crestani, CMS |Sister Juanita Parra O.S.F.  |

|Mary Gibbons, SFO |Sr. Johnmary Bruni, CMS |Sister Helen Ann Pfeifer O.S.F.  |

|Mark Schroeder, O.F.M.  |Sr. Yolanda Mazzocchi,CMS |Sister Margaret Mary Preister O.S.F.  |

|Co-Director: Justice, Peace and Integrity |Sr. Bruna Colombo, CMS |Sister Ursula Rau O.S.F.  |

|of Creation Office  |Fr.Albert Utzig, Jr.  SSC |Sister Judith Ann Schaeffer O.S.F.  |

|Franciscan Friars of the St. Barbara |Carol L. Ries, snjm  |Sister Dorothy Schlaeger O.S.F.  |

|Province |Sisters of the Holy Names |Sister Frances Sedlacek O.S.F.  |

|Matt F. Doyle, O.F.M.  |Sister Jeanette Fettig, CSC  |Sister Ramona Silva O.S.F.  |

|Franciscans  |Director of Development  |Sister Carmela Trujillo O.S.F.  |

|Holy Name College  |Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame,|Sister Barbara Tylkowski O.S.F.  |

|Sr. Rosetta Amendola, OSF  |IN |Sister Marilyn Uhing O.S.F.  |

|D. L. Sikorski  |Kenneth R. Himes, OFM  |Sister Ethel Widhalm O.S.F.  |

|Secular Franciscan Order  |Professor of Moral Theology  |Sister Carlene Yonker O.S.F.  |

|Blessed Giles Fraternity  |Washington Theological Union |Sister Juliann Zach O.S.F.  |

|Teacher of the Cleveland Municipal School |Dorothy Stoner, O.S.B.  |Sister Valerie Zilt O.S.F.  |

|District |Religious Studies/Philosophy |Sister Mary Carol Zubrickas O.S.F. |

|Ramona Miller OSF |Department   |Marjorie Myers, SSND |

|Jacqueline Motzel, FSM  |Mercyhurst College, Erie |Holy Cross Sisters:  |

|Franciscan Sisters of Mary |Jeanne Harris  |Sister Perpetua  |

|Patricia P. Normile, SFO |Notre Dame Academy  |Sister Jamuna  |

|Franciscan Missionaries of Mary USA |Green Bay  WI |Sister Joya  |

|Province |Theresa M. Lavergne  |Sister Joyce  |

|Sister Joan Puls  |Peace and Justice Committee  |Sister Cecilia  |

|President  |Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and|Sister Renu |

|School Sisters of St. Francis |Mary |Sister Catherine Marie Kreta, CSJ  |

|Jeffrey Scheeler, OFM  |Kathryn Berger, SSND  |Justice Coordinator  |

|Provincial Vicar, St. John the Baptist |Provincial Council Member |Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet  |

|Province, Franciscan Friars |School Sisters of Notre Dame |Los Angeles Province |

|Sr. Jeanette Halbach, OLVM  |Sister Kathleen Reichert, OSF  |Clara L. Milko  |

|President  |Sisters of St. Francis |Maryknoll Affiliate Global Concerns Committee |

|Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters |Sister Madeline Therese Wilhoit, CSC  |Sister Pat Meyer  |

|Sister Imelda D'Agostino CSJ  |International Services' Office |Franciscan Sister of Our Lady of Perpetual Help |

|Holy Childhood Coordinator  |Rose Marita O'Bryan OSU  |Denay Ulrich  |

|Los Angeles Archdiocesan Mission Office |Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph | School Sisters of Notre Dame |

|Sister Kevin Hermsen O.S.B.  |Fr. Tom Gardner, OFM  |Joseph P. Foley, C.M.  |

|Prioress  |Sacred Heart Province  |Congregation of the Mission |

|Missionary Benedictine Sisters, Norfolk, |Director of the Office for the |Sister Margaret Buresh  |

|NE |Missions |Mankato Province School Sisters of Notre Dame  |

|Carol Nan Crossed  |Deacon Mickey Friesen, D.Min.  |Sister Kathleen Storms  |

|Board of Directors  |Director, Center for Mission |Mankato Province School Sisters of Notre Dame |

|Seamless Garment Network, Inc. |Archdiocese of St. Paul and |S. Julie Brandt,  |

|Barbara Fried, SMIC  |Minneapolis |School Sisters of Notre Dame |

|Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate |Rosalie Warpeha smsm  |Sr. Kathleen Nelessen, CSA  |

|Conception |Kingston, Jamaica |Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes |

|Geraldine Blume, CSC  |Rev. Rafael R. Davila, M.M. |Sarah Summers  |

|Coordinator Area IV  |Spiritual Director, St. Mary's |Medical Mission Sisters |

|Sisters of the Holy Cross |Seminary   |Sister Marilyn McCue, SSND |

|Ellen D. Lynch, CSC  |Houston, Texas  |Ann Marie Merth, SSND |

|Congregation Justice Committee |Maryknoll Mission Promoter |Mary Evelyn Jegen,SND  |

|Sisters of the Holy Cross |Dan Crosby, OFM Cap.  |Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur |

|Rose Marie Canty, CSC  |St. Anthony Retreat Center |Sr. Mary Jo Stein  |

|Sisters of the Holy Cross |Sister Patricia Forret, RSM  |Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul |

|Karen Hartman, SFP |President  |Marjorie Healy, PBVM |

|Sr. Patricia Keefe, OSF |Regional Community of Omaha, Sisters |Sister Bridget Waldorf, SSND |

|Ann Rutan, csjp   |of Mercy |Rosemary Schwalbe SSND |

|Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace |Binh-Yen N. Nguyen  |S. Gladys Schmitz  |

|Dennis B. Warner  |Divine Word Theologate, Chicago |School Sisters of Notre Dame |

|Pax Christi Metro DC |Dani Clark Scano  |Yvette Jackson |

|Sr. Stephanie Martens, ASCS  |Program Director  |Bernadette Welter  |

|Coordinator for the Justice and Peace |St. Vincent Pallotti Center |School Sister of Notre Dame |

|Office  |Karen Kennelly CSJ  |Magdalene Greco, OSF  |

|Adorers of the Blood of Christ |Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet  |Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia |

|Stephen Bevans, SVD  |Congregational Leadership Team |Mary Lang, CSJ |

|Catholic Theological Union, Chicago |Joan Henehan CSJ  |Judith Ellison |

|Louis J. Luzbetak, SVD  |Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet  |Camilla Fitzgerald, CSC |

|Professor of Mission and Culture  |Congregational Leadership Team |Bettina Batchelder, CSC |

|Catholic Theological Union, Chicago |Barbara Moore CSJ  |Jane Ann Rochford, CSC |

|Ann Marie Quinn, OSF  |Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet  |Sr. Dorothy Zeller  |

|Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg |Congregational Leadership Team |School Sisters of Notre Dame |

|Sister Demetria Smith, M.S.O.L.A.  |Joan Lescinski CSJ  |Helen Jane Jaeb  |

|Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa |Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet  |School Sisters of Notre Dame |

|Ann Oestreich IHM  |Congregational Leadership Team |Patricia A. Sonnek SSND  |

|Congregation Justice Coordinator,  |Peg Barrett |Mankato Province |

|Sisters of the Holy Cross  |Sister Joseph Marita Wheatley, SCN |Rita von Holtum  |

|Sister Christine Beckett, GHMS  |Rev. Leo B. Shea, M.M  |School Sisters of Notre Dame  |

|President  |.   |Mankato, Minnesota Province |

|Glenmary Home Mission Sisters of America |Sister Joyce Meyer, PBVM  |Carol Savchuk |

|Sr. Rose Christopher Sheridan |Sister M. Celine Schumacher, SSND   |Sister Doris Welter, SSND |

|Sr. Maura Browne, SND  |Provincial Councilor  |Roselyn Schmitt  |

|Justice and Peace Coordinator Sisters of |School Sisters of Notre Dame of St. |Member of Pax Christi, Kairos, Network; Professor of|

|Notre Dame |Louis |Philosophy, College of Saint Benedict, Saint Joseph,|

|Rev. William R. Callahan  |Maria Rieckelman, M.M.   |Minnesota |

|Quixote Center |Maryknoll Sister |Nick and Mary Eoloff |

|Marietta Wethington, OSU  |Fr. Brian J. Pierce, OP   |Suzanne Menshek, SSND |

|Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph |Southern Province of Dominicans, USA |Mary J. Laxague, SNDdeN |

|Sister Dorothy Jean Beyer  |Elsie Bernauer, OP   |Marion Welter, SSND |

|Prioress, Benedictine Sisters of Mt. |Caldwell Dominican |Tom Luce  |

|Angel, OR |Mary Ellen Brody, RSM   |Judy Luce  |

|Sister Margaret Andre, CSC  |Dallas, Region, Sisters of Mercy |Pam Fraser Walters  |

|Sister of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, IN  |Joan Laughlin, osf   |Sister Eleanor Lincoln, CSJ  |

|   |Co-Director of Lay Associates  |Women at the Well Ministry  |

|  |Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg |Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, St. Paul |

|Sr. Florence Deacon, OSF  |Ann Vonder Meulen, osf   |Province |

|Director-New York Office  |Director of Spirituality Center  |Sister Catherine Litecky, CSJ  |

|Franciscans International |Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg |Women at the Well Ministry  |

|Leadership Team  |Matthew F. Rousso  |Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, St. Paul |

|Congregation of St. Agnes, Fond du Lac, WI|Director  |Province |

|Anne Louise VonHoene  |Maryknoll Mission Education Office |Sisters of the Congregation of the Holy Cross:  |

|Medical Mission Sisters |Honora M. Nicholson, RSM |Barbara Browne  |

|Leadership Team, Sisters of St. Joseph of |Sisters of Mercy of Merion, PA |Beatrice Marie Schutz  |

|Baden, PA  |Sister Theresa Kvale CSJ  |Carmelita Morales  |

|Sharon Costello  |Congregational Leadership Team  |Christian Koch  |

|Paula Drass  |Mission Coordinator |Dorothy Marie Langlois  |

|Anna Marie Gaglia  |Father Edwin Daschbach SVD  |Estelle Marie Farrell  |

|Marguerite Kropinak  |Good Shepherd Catholic Church  |Evelyn Joyce Metro  |

|Patricia Tittler |Glenville, WV |Fidelia Witczak  |

|Sisters of the Holy Names  |Ann Wemhoff OSF |Frances Eugene Boydston  |

|CA Justice and Peace Committee |Rev. Jerome F. Thompson  |Harriet Marie St. Marie  |

|Fr. Thomas Wright, SMA  |Parroquia Sagrada Familia, Apartado |Ignatius Schumacher  |

|Provincial Superior,   |53, Azua Dominican Republic |Irene Kleinhanz  |

|American Province, SMA Fathers |Janice Cebula, OSF |Josephine Marie Mariano  |

|Joan M. DiProspere, SSND |Sr. Maria Elena Martinez, OSF  |Leo Joseph  |

|Fr. Michael J. Snyder M.M.  |Redwood City, California Franciscans |Lorna Mary Swisher  |

|Assistant General   |S. Antona Schedlo  |Margaret Flaherty  |

|Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers |Missionary in El Salvador  |Martha Neeser  |

|Ruthmary Powers, H.M.  |Franciscan Sister of Perpetual |Mary Agnes Mullen  |

|Major Superior  |Adoration |Mary Eleanor Sullivan  |

|Sisters of the Humility of Mary |Sharon S. Salameh |Mary Frances Palmgren  |

|Jeanne Moore, OP  |Sr. Rose Marie Imig, OSF  |Mary Margaret Koester  |

|Vice-President   |Sisters of St. Francis of Colorado |Patricia Ann Thompsoon  |

|Eucharistic Missionaries of St. Dominic   |Springs, CO |Patricia Burke  |

|New Orleans, LA |Rev. Joseph T. Kamanda  |Rose Virginia Burt  |

|Rudy Pineda  |Archdiocese of Freetown and Bo  |Stephen Purcell  |

|Consultant for Hispanic Pastoral Ministry |St. Joseph Seminary |Susanna Collins  |

|Diocese of Green Bay |Helen Marie Burns, RSM  |Timothea Kingston  |

|Luke Steiner, OSB |Sisters of Mercy of the Americas |Vibiana Weber |

|Mary Elizabeth Loughran, CSC |Sheila Carney, RSM  |Rev. John Warburton, OSJ |

|Catherine O'Brien, CSC |Sisters of Mercy of the Americas |Paul Marquie |

|June Ann Kirby, CSC |Tina Geiger, RSM  |Gloria Delgado |

|Francine Klein, CSC |Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, |Audrey Williams |

|Cleide A. Bergonzoni  |Justice Office |Lucille Matousek, SSND |

|Educator |Marilee Howard, RSM  |Pam Fraser-Walters |

|Sr. Anita Cattafesta, OSF  |Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, |Awanda Whitworth  |

|Director of Sponsorship  |Justice Office |Mission Education  |

|Our Lady of Angels Convent  |Susan Severin, RSM  |Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers-Houston, Texas |

|  |Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, |Laura Michels, SNJM |

|Brother David A. Werthmann, C.Ss.R.  |Justice Office |Sr. Arlene Kniola |

|St. Louis, MO |Pat Kenny, RSM  |Karen Gosser, shcj |

|John M. Felice, OFM  |Sisters of Mercy of the Americas |Alice Zachmann, SSND |

|Provincial Minister  |Sister Marge Eilerman, OSF |Joseph V. Scott |

|Holy Name Province |Barbara Luebbers |Mary C. Scott |

|Fransiskus X Magung  |Patricia Ryan M.M.  |Sandra A. McCabe |

|Divine Word Missionary |Congregational Leadership Team  |Sister Dorothy Olinger  |

|Jose Artiga,  |Maryknoll Sisters |School Sisters of Notre Dame  |

|Executive Director, SHARE Foundation |Mary Jo Klick  |Mankato MN Province |

|Margaret  Devine,SSC |Consultant  |Bob Garon, SFO |

|Brother Jim Zabransky SVD  |Temping for Social Justice |Maureen O'Connor,csj  |

|Peace & Justice Coordinator  |Wenda Zimmerman-Nelson, |Provincial, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet,  |

|Divine Word College  |National Sales Manager, MTS  |Los Angeles Province |

|Epworth, Iowa |Travel Management Group |Frances Lawrence,SSND |

|Thomas L. Garlitz   |Patricia Kane, O.S.F.  |Tom Webb |

|Director, Peace and Social Justice |Sister of St. Francis of Philadelphia |Patrick J. O' Shea,  |

|Ministry   |Kathryn J. Runman  |Vice Minister of the St. Francis of Assisi |

|Diocese of Joliet in Illinois |Associate Director  |Fraternity, Triangle, VA. |

|Claire Thomas   |Center for Mission   | |

|World Mission Services  |Archdiocese of Saint Paul and | |

|Diocese of Green Bay, WI  |Minneapolis | |

|Mary Sherman  |Sister Martha Walsh, SC | |

|Green Bay, WI |Merle Nolde OSB  | |

|Mary Jo Krueger  |Coordinator, Pax Christi St. Cloud | |

|Chancery Office   |Maxine Barnett  | |

|Diocese of Green Bay, WI |St. Cloud, MN | |

|Rose M. Denissen   |Sr. Catherine Cleary  | |

|Total Catholic Education Department  |Sisters of the Presentation | |

|Diocese of Green Bay, WI   |S. Sheila Rausch, OSB  | |

|   |  | |

|  |Sr. Janet Srebalus MM | |

| |Khoa Quang Nguyen, SVD | |

| |Jim & Kathy McGinnis  | |

| |Institute for Peace & Justice | |

| |Mary P. Rives, RSCJ  | |

| |Religious of the Sacred Heart | |

| |Regina Strassburger, OSF  | |

| |Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of | |

| |Perpetual Help | |



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