2006 Rifle Schedule

MAC 2017 Rifle Schedule


Date Day Time Match Level Site

Sept. 6 Wed Season starts

Sept. 28 Thu 3:00pm Hutchison @ Lathrop- Postal JV/V TVSA

Sept. 29 Fri TBA Lathrop @ Tok JV/V Tok

Sept. 30 Sat TBA Lathrop @ Delta JV/V Delta

1:00pm Hutchison @ West Valley JV/V TVSA

Oct. 7 Sat. TBA Delta @ Tok JV/V Tok

1:00pm Lathrop @ West Valley JV/V TVSA

Oct. 13 Fri. TBA. West Valley @ Tok JV/V Tok

Oct. 14 Sat. TBA West Valley @ Delta JV/V Delta

Oct. 21 Sat 1:30pm Lathrop @ Hutchison JV/V TVSA

TBA Tok @ Delta JV/V Delta

Oct. 28 Sat 1:00pm West Valley @ Hutchison JV/V TVSA

Nov. 4 Sat. 1:00pm Tok @ West Valley V TVSA

1:00pm Delta @ Lathrop V TVSA

Nov. 10 Fri. TBA Hutchison @ Tok JV/V Tok

Nov. 11 Sat. TBA Hutchison @ Delta JV/V Delta

Nov. 18 Sat 1:00pm West Valley @ Lathrop JV/V TVSA

1:00pm Delta @ Hutchison V TVSA

Mid Alaska Championships

Dec 1 Fri 10:00am Host: Tok V UAF

Dec. 2 Sat. 10:00am Host: Tok V UAF

Lead Exposure at Indoor Firing Ranges

Firearm instructors and frequent shooters are inherently at increased risk for lead poisoning from lead dust and fumes generated at firing ranges.

Airborne Lead Dust in Firing Ranges Is Generated By:

• Erosion of the bullet base by propellant gases

• Friction from the lead bullet against the gun barrel

• Exploding lead styphnate primers

• Lead bullets fragmenting from hitting the bullet trap, walls, floors, or range ceiling

• Improper range-cleaning methods disturbing steeled lead dust

• Poor range ventilation found in both indoor and outdoor ranges

Health Effects

Lead is typically absorbed by breathing lead dust. After shooting, lead can also be ingested when drinking, eating and/or smoking without hand-washing. During shooting, lead dust can settle on hair and clothing which can then be carried back to cars and homes-potentially harming children. Lead absorbed by children under six years old can cause permanent damage.

Lead is a toxin which affects the: The body stores lead in the:

Brain and nervous system BLOOD-for about 1 month

Digestive system ORGANS-for several months

Reproductive system BONES-for decades


Ability to make blood

To determine lead exposure, a health professional can take a blood sample for analysis. An elevated blood lead level indicates lead is building up in the body faster than it can be removed.

The State Environmental Public Health Center for Disease Control recommends that rifle shooters have pre-and post season lead blood levels drawn each year. Since this is only a recommendation, and not a mandatory requirement, parents can contact the Fairbanks Regional Public Health Center (452-1776) for any questions or concerns they may have.


Recommendations for firing range shooters concerned about lead:

• Substitute jacketed or ammunition containing lead-free primers and bullets.

• Use the shoot range ventilation systems.

• Wash hands and face before eating, drinking, smoking, and before leaving the range.

• Wash and store firing range clothes separate from family clothes.

• Ask your physician to order a blood lead test.

• NEVER load bullets or melt lead in an unventilated area, inside the home, or any where children may frequent.


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