CON TRACT OVERV I EW : This Cont ract will cov er t he requirem ent s for Laundry and Linen Ser vices for t he Depart m ent of Milit ary and Vet erans' Affairs, PA Soldiers' and Sailors' Hom e ( Vet erans' Hom e) locat ed at 560 East Third St reet , Erie, PA 16512. The Com m onwealt h of Pennsylvania, Depart m ent of General Services ( DGS) is issuing t his I nvit at ion for Bids ( I FB) seeking a dependable com pany wit h t he equipm ent and experience in providing linen & laundry services. Services include providing qualit y linens, cleaning and preserving t he appearance and qualit y of t he linens, except ional perform ance level of service, affordable prices, and assurance t hat a clean supply of linens will always be on hand.

M ETH OD OF AW ARD : This will be a single award Cont ract t o t he lowest r esponsive and responsible bidder. Award will be based on t he lowest bid price per pound for linen/ laundry ser v i ce.

PRI CI N G: Bidders shall ent er on line it em 1 of t heir bid in t he PA Supplier Port al, t heir per pound bid price for linen and laundry service. Bidders should base t heir bid price on t he requirem ent s ident ified in this St at em ent of Work.

M AN D ATORY PRE- BI D SI TE VI SI T: A m andat ory pre- bid sit e visit has been scheduled at t he dat e, t im e and locat ion indicat ed below. I t is recom m ended t hat t he com pany represent at ive at t ending t his pre- bid sit e visit read t he St at em ent of Work prior t o at t ending and be aware of all requirem ent s. Bidders subm it t ing a bid who do not at t end t he sit e visit will be consider ed non- r esponsive. For t hose bidders t hat do at t end t he sit e t here will be a Proof of At t endance Form t o be com plet ed at t he sit e visit . This com plet ed Pr oof of At t endance Form m ust be subm it t ed wit h your bid, failure t o subm it t he com plet ed form m ay result in rej ect ion of your bid.

Please cont act Wanda Bowers, Cont ract ing Officer at 717- 346- 3840 or wbow er s@ t o pre- regist er for t he sit e visit . Any quest ions received during t he sit e visit will be docum ent ed and responded t o via an official addendum t o t he solicit at ion. This addendum will be post ed t o I FB 6100033892 in t he PA Supplier Port al and on t he DGS w ebsit e, eMarket place.

Mandatory Site Visit Location PA Soldiers' and Sailors' Hom e 560 East Third St reet Erie, PA 16512

Date and Tim e July 29, 2015 @ 9: 30 A.M.

SCOPE OF W ORK: The purpose of t his cont ract is t o provide professional healt hcare linen and laundry services t o t he Vet erans' Hom e. Services include pick- up, delivery and laundering services in accordance wit h t he m ost current policies and procedures governing healt hcare facilit y linen services. The awarded Cont ract or m ust also be able t o provide linen and laundry services for t he est im at ed quant it ies ident ified in t he Delivery Requirem ent s Sect ion. The awarded Cont ract or m ust abide by all federal, st at e and local laws and regulat ions relevant t o t his service indust ry.

LI N EN SUPPLY SPECI FI CATI ON S: This sect ion provides a det ailed descript ion of t he linen it em s t o be provided t hrough t his cont ract . The awarded Cont ract or m ust provide t he


it em s as described herein, no deviations from t hese specifications will be accept ed wit hout prior w rit t en consent from t he Vet erans' Hom e and t he Depart m ent of General Services.

a. FLAT SH EET: 66" x 115" , Whit e, 50% cot t on/ 50% polyest er, T- 180 ( t hread count ) , 3.8 oz. / square yard m inim um weight .

b. FI TTED SH EET: 36" x 84" x 14.25" , Heavy Weight ed Jer sey Knit , 60% cot t on/ 40% polyest er, bleached, bound all around, size Deep wall const ruct ion, 1.32 lbs. each.

c. PI LLOW CASE: 36" x 72" wit h a 2" hem , T- 180 ( t hread count ) percale, 50% cot t on/ 50% polyest er.

d. TH ERM AL BLAN KET: 72" x 36" , 50% cot t on/ 50% polyest er, bound all around.

e. BATH TOW EL: 20" x 40" , Whit e, 86% cot t on/ 14% polyest er, 5.5 lbs. / dozen m inimum weight.

f. BAR TOW EL: 20" x 17" , 100% cot t on, t erry, 24 oz. / square yard.

g. W ASH CLOTH : 12" x 12" , Whit e, 100% cot t on, woven t erry , 75 lbs. / dozen m inim um weight , hem m ed all four sides.

h. PATI EN T GOW N : 45" x 70" , 55% cot t on/ 45% polyest er, past el geom et ric print , size XL ? XXL overlap gown wit h ties at neck and waist , ext ra- long wit h ext ra sweep.

i. UN DERPAD : 34" x 36" , 100% polyest er t op sheet , 6.2 oz. / square yard, 80% cot t on/ 20% polyest er blend, 10 oz. Soaker, 70% poly/ 30% rayon, 50% poly/ 50% cot t on ext ruded barrier backing.

j . BI B APRON : 33" x 38" , plain weave, nylon ties, 100% polyest er, m inim um weight of 6.8 oz. / square yard.


a. I nit ial Delivery: The init ial delivery at t he st art of t he cont ract will include 207 bedr olls. Each bed r oll will include 1 flat sheet , 1 fit t ed sheet , 1 pillowcase, and 1 t herm al blanket . I n addit ion, t he init ial delivery will include four com ple t e se t s of linens. See t he t able below in t he Linen Quant it ies Sect ion for t he definit ion of a com plet e set of linens.

b. Linen Quant it ies: The quant it ies ident ified in t his sect ion are an est im at e only. These quantities m ay increase or decrease depending on t he needs of t he Vet erans' Hom e.

The Quant it ies and Descript ions in t his

Table Equal 1 Com plet e Set of Linens



Fit t ed Sheet s


Flat Sheet s


Pillow Cases


Under Pads


Therm al Blanket s


Dish Towels ( Bar Mop)


Washclot hs



Bat h Tow els Pat ient Gowns Kit chen Aprons Laundry Bags Bath Blankets

1000 160 15 35 24

c. Addit ions and Delet ions:

1. Addit ion of Linens/ Quant it ies: Addit ional quant it ies and/ or linens t hat are wit hin t he scope of t his Cont r act m ay be added at t he r equest of t he using agency . Upon r eceipt of t he r equest fr om t he Vet er ans' Hom e DGS will cont act t he awarded Cont ract or in writ ing and negot iat e t he addit ion of it em ( s) and/ or q u an t i t i es.

2. Delet ion and/ or Reduct ion of Linens/ Quant it ies: As st at ed abov e all quant it ies are est im at ed based on current needs and requirem ent s of t he Vet erans' Hom e. I f at any t im e t hose needs or requirem ent s of t he Vet erans' Hom e should change DGS will not ify t he awarded Cont ract or in writ ing. Any r educt ions in quant it ies or rem oval of linens from t he requirem ent s will be ident ified in said notification and negot iat ed wit h t he Cont ract or at t he t im e of not ificat ion.

SERVI CE REQUI REM EN TS: Pr ovide m ont hly cult ure report s t o t he Vet erans' Hom e t hat have been r eviewed and at t est ed t o by a licensed Pat hologist .

a. Provide necessary am ount of cart s wit h covers as st ipulat ed by t he Vet eran's Hom e for t ransport at ion of clean and soiled linens.

b. Vacuum and sanitize cart s wit h a germ icidal agent .

c. When a t ruck r et urns t o t he plant wit h soiled linens, Cont ract or shall vacuum and spray wit h a germ icidal solution aft er unloading.

d. Soiled and clean linens are never t o be on t he sam e t ruck at t he sam e t im e. There is an except ion t o t his requirem ent when t here is a barrier on t he t ruck separat ing t he soiled and clean linens.

e. The Cont ract or shall, one t im e per m ont h, have Bact eriologist cult ure clean linens in t he finishing depart m ent at t he last point before linens are shipped t o t he Vet erans' Hom e.

1. The cult ure cleaning procedure should be conduct ed no lat er t han t he last day of each m ont h.

2. The Cont ract or shall subm it a report of t he Bact eriologist 's findings t o t he Vet erans' Hom e's Housekeeping Supervisor, or designee, no lat er t han t he fifteenth of the following m onth.


a. Qualit y Cont rol: The Cont ract or m ust hav e t he capabilit y t o ensur e t he following:

1. Bidders m ust have at least five ( 5) years of experience in providing laundry and linen services t o healt h care facilit ies. The bidder m ust support t his experience by subm it ting references and/ or writ t en docum ent at ion/ j ustification of such


experience. This list should include references for healt hcare facilit ies, nursing care facilities, or hospit als t hey current ly or recent ly serviced.

2. Bidder m ust have t he abilit y t o provide all professional healt hcare linen services as specified in t his I FB for t he 207- bed Vet erans' Hom e.

3. Laundry shall be supplied in com plet e set s, in t he quant it ies per it em , as st ipulat ed by t his st at em ent of work and t o m eet t he following crit eria: one set in use; one clean set in t he linen st orage room , one clean set in linen cart s; and one set soiled and t o be laundered and ret urned.

4. All clean linens m ust be delivered pre- sort ed, pre- count ed, and w rapped in st andard, uniform bundle quant ities ( no st rings) .

5. Bidder m ust supply docum ent at ion cont aining t he Cont ract or's cont ingency plan in the event of st rikes, floods, fires and ot her nat ural or unnat ural causes.

6. I n t he event t he Vet erans' Hom e is not sat isfied with t he cleanliness of t he linens or t he services pr ovided, t he Cont ract or shall provide t he sam e service( s) again at no charge.

7. The Vet erans' Hom e will not ify DGS and t he Cont ract or in writ ing of any unsat isfact ory services render ed and t he Cont ract or shall cor r ect t he deficiency wit hin t en ( 10) business days aft er such not ificat ion.

8. Bidder m ust be accredit ed by eit her t he Healt hcar e Laundr y Accr edit at ion Council ( HLAC) or t he Associat ion for Linen Managem ent originally known as The Nat ional Associat ion of I nst it ut ional Laundry ( NAI LM) . Bidder will have 90 days fr om receipt of cont ract t o provide proof of eit her of t hese accredit ations.

b. Pick- up and Delivery: The awarded Cont ract or is required t o pick up soiled laundry and deliver clean linens t o t he Vet erans' Hom e every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Driver s will unload clean laundry in t he proper locat ion and place linens in t he designat ed st orage area and load all soiled laundry in t he dock area.

c. Schedule: Pick- up and delivery t im e shall be bet ween t he hours of 7: 00 AM and 9: 00 AM e.s.t . The aw arded Cont ract or m ust im m ediat ely cont act t he Housek eeping Supervisor, or designee, at ( 814) 871- 4531 t o resolve or request any deviations in t his schedule.

d. Holidays: Com m onwealt h Offices ar e closed for specific holidays during t he calendar year. Cont ract services are not r equired on t he act ual days observ ed. I n t he ev ent t hat scheduled services would fall on a Holiday, t he Cont ract or shall pick up and/ or deliver on t he next business day.

St at e designat ed Holidays include, but are not lim it ed t o, New Year's Day, Dr . Mart in Lut her King, Jr. Day, Pr esident s' Day, Mem orial Day, I ndependence Day, Labor Day, Colum bus Day, Vet erans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day aft er Thanksgiving, and Christ m as Day. Specific Holiday dat es ar e ident ified in accordance wit h t he Com m onw ealt h's Direct ives Managem ent Sy st em and is issued via an Adm inist rat ive Circular. For exam ple: The 2014 Holidays were published as Adm inist rat ive Circular 13- 14 on Sept em ber 6, 2013. This inform at ion is published annually on t he Office of Adm inist rat ion's websit e at t he URL provided below. The awarded Cont ract or will be required t o check t he websit e for t he m ost current published Holiday dat es.


ht t p: / / port at port al/ / com m unit y/ adm inist rat ive_circulars/ 635

ELI GI BI LI TY: I n accordance wit h t he t erm s and condit ions of t his bid, Sect ion I I .1 I I - I FB007.1b Procur em ent of Apparel or Apparel Laundering Services- Elect ronic Subm ission ( Oct 2013) . To be eligible for aw ard, a bidder m ust subm it t he following it em s, eit her wit h it s proposal or no lat er t han t wo ( 2) business days aft er t he purchasing agency issues a not ice to provide the inform ation:

i) A cert ificat ion in t he Form , BOP- 1302, which is at t ached t o and m ade a part of t his I FB, signed by an individual aut horized t o m ake t he cert ifications on behalf of t he bidder.

ii) A list of each facilit y proposed for cont ract use in t he m anufact ure or laundering of t he apparel. For each list ing, include t he business nam e, addr ess, cont act person, and telephone num ber.

I f t he bidder fails t o provide t his inform at ion prior t o t he expirat ion of t he second business day aft er t he purchasing agency gives not ice, t he purchasing agency will rej ect t he bid.

SUB- CON TRACTI N G: The awarded Cont ract or will be required t o provide all services direct ly, t here will be no sub- cont ract ing perm it ted.

REPORTI N G REQUI REM EN TS: The awarded Cont ract or will be required t o subm it quart erly usage report s. These report s m ust include, a list ing of all services purchased during t he quart er; t he it em num ber or descript ion of service; t he unit price; t he t ot al dollar am ount of each pur chase; and an overall t ot al dollar am ount of sales under t he Cont ract . These r eport s should be sent t o t he Cont ract ing Officer. The quart erly report s shall be due on the 15th of the next m onth following the end of the quarter.

POST AW ARD AD M I N I STRATI ON : The awarded Cont ract or's per form ance shall be m onit ored and evaluat ed in accordance wit h t he r equirem ent s out lined in t he Cont ract . At a m inim um , t he awarded Cont ract or's per for m ance shall be evaluat ed on an annual basis. Cont ract or m ay be required t o at t end Cont ract Perform ance Review m eet ings. These m eet ings will be for t he purpose of providing Cont ract or perform ance r eviews, discussion of issues eit her part y m ay have concerning t he Cont ract or t o evaluat e t he overall progress of t he Cont ract . The m eet ings will be held quart erly, sem i- annually or annually at t he discret ion of t he Depart m ent of General Ser vices, or upon special request of t he using ag en cy .

I N QUI RI ES: Direct all quest ions concerning t his bid/ cont ract t o:

Wanda Bow ers, Cont ract ing Officer Depart m ent of General Ser vices Bureau of Pr ocur em ent 555 Walnut Street 6th floor, Forum Place Building Har risburg, PA 17101- 1914 Phone: ( 717) 346- 3840 Fax: ( 717) 783- 6241 Em ail: wbowers@



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