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LEARNING STORY WATER PLAY-WASHING THE DISHESSplosh, splash, bubble, pop! 3.6.16Today’s activity was Water play. We set up a kitchen outside and set up a dish washing play station.This a unique activity for children because it’s always available, open-ended, and provides opportunities for extended learning.We had been following the babies interest in home corner and kitchen play all week and thought we finish off the week with some fun water play.Our babies love water play and bubbles combined together gave us a great learning experience.You might think that water play is just splashing about but we aim to set up experience that foster our babies learning in all developmental areas. It provides opportunities for children to experiment with math and science concepts, strengthen their physical skills, advance their social and emotional skills, and enhance language development. We stayed at the washing up sink for most of activity time; all the babies were engaged in their play and exploring.Water play is one of the most relaxing activities children can experience. .Our babies enjoyed playing for an extended time in the warm soppy water.Hamish and Olivia enjoyed playing together with Avery they were all passing plates and washers to each other. Remi grabbed a baby doll and put its feet in the sink and Lucas enjoyed tipping water on his feet.Hamish enjoyed using a spoon and putting some bubbles in a tea pot. Avery was drying some dishes with a cloth, Olivia had both hands in the sink whooshing and whirring her hands all around the sink. Remi chose to grab a baby doll and put its feet in the sink. She was making a connection to another water play we had done before. She didn’t want any dishes in the sink. She just wanted to wash her baby. After she wiped over her baby dolls face with a cloth she walked away patting it on the back.Adelaide even thou she is young enjoyed the experience of dipping her hands in the water and splashing about.Link to the EYLF: Outcome 4 Children are Confident and involved Learners4.1.2 Are curious and enthusiastic participants in their learning4.3 Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another. ................

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