To Pennsylvania Home Education Organizations:

To assist parents who seek information about Home Education in Pennsylvania from the Department of Education, we have compiled a listing of home education organizations. We provide this list on our website for the benefit of those who are new to homeschooling (with a link, if the organization has a website).

There are categories of information from which you may select to describe what your organization offers. Please select those that apply. Organizations that advertise must serve, at the minimum, a region of Pennsylvania (serving an area greater than a single city or part of a county). You may define your organization as serving an area that is Regional (for example, a county; if regional, please state the region) or Statewide.

Local support groups that serve a city or part of a county are numerous and may change contact persons frequently; they will not be included on our list. However, statewide and regional organizations often have a listing of such local groups and they are more current than we could provide.

We do not track Evaluators and they are not included on our list.

If you would like your organization included on the PDE list, please complete the form below and return it via email to RA-home-education@.

Inclusion in this list does not imply evaluation, review, or approval of any kind by the Department of Education.

Thank you for your assistance in serving homeschooling families in Pennsylvania!

Pennsylvania Department of Education

333 Market Street | Harrisburg PA 17126

RA-home-education@ | education.


|Organization | |

|Short Name or Acronym | |

|Address | |

|Contact Person | |

|Telephone | |

|Alternate Contact | |

|Address | |

|Telephone | |

|E-Mail Address | |

|WEB Site | |

|Fax Number | |

|Category (below) | |

|Area Served (If Regional, please describe | |

|area served) | |


|( |Category |Description |

| |Achievement Testing |An organization that arranges for students to take nationally normed standardized achievement tests. |

| |Advocacy |An organization that provides legal information and/or assistance |

| |Association |An organization that parents or families join for a fee |

| |Conference |Organizes an annual or more frequent meeting of organizations and/or parents regarding homeschooling issues. |

| |Curriculum Fair |Organizes an annual or more frequent fair of organizations or companies that provide materials for instruction |

| |Diplomas |Organization that is properly registered with the Pennsylvania Department of Education to issue secondary school |

| | |graduation credentials for post-secondary school admittance and PHEAA grants and loans. |

| |E-mail |An address on the Internet |

| |Evaluators |An organization that provides a listing of evaluators |

| |Information |An organization that provides information on other organizations, materials or research on the subject of home education |

| | |free of charge |

| |Materials |An organization that sells or provides without charge curriculum materials or other materials used in instruction |

| |Newsletters |An organization that provides a periodic newsletter or magazine for homeschooling families, with or without charge |

| |On-line courses |An organization that provides courses in limited subject areas or age groups via the Internet. The courses or age groups |

| | |will be identified. |

| |Support Group |An organization that provides parent support meetings, family programs, field trips, kids clubs, social activities |

| |Web Page |Electronically retrievable information available through the Internet free of charge |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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