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The two digestive problems I selected were Peptic Ulcers and Constipation. Peptic UlcersPeptic ulcers occur when a point in the lining of the stomach has been eroded, leaving an open wound in the tissues that bleed CITATION DrR09 \l 1033 (Louise, 2009). They are very painful and can be caused by stress, anxiety, and anything that can cause excess stomach acid. In recent years, scientists have discovered that all people who suffer from peptic ulcers have the same bacteria in their stomach lining – Helicobacter pylori CITATION DrR09 \l 1033 (Louise, 2009). There are many treatments for peptic ulcers. Mainstream medicine advises a treatment of ten to 14 days of antibiotic treatment, combined with acid reduction therapy. When that does not help, or when the ulcer is more serious, the patient may have to undergo surgery to repair the ulcer CITATION Sar08 \l 1033 (Baldauf, 2008). Home remedies that are suggested for treating peptic ulcers range from drinking 1-2 large glasses of water to drinking Aloe Vera Juice. CITATION DrR09 \l 1033 (Louise, 2009). In the case of peptic ulcers, I do not think home remedies can cure the ulcer. Because it is caused by bacteria, I believe antibiotics would have to be used. The home remedies might be good for treating the symptoms of a peptic ulcer, but I do not think they address the root cause. ConstipationMany people suffer from constipation in their lifetime. According to Americans spend $725 million a year on laxatives. Constipation occurs when a person's bowels do not move. It causes discomfort, bloating, and pain. When constipation is severe, other complications such as anal fissures or hemorrhoids can occur CITATION Sar08 \l 1033 (Baldauf, 2008). Modern medicine generally treats constipation with traditional laxatives such as milk of magnesia. Home remedies include herbal laxatives. Doctors and homeopathic practitioners agree that constipation can be avoided by a diet high in fiber from whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and by keeping hydrated. CITATION Sar08 \l 1033 (Baldauf, 2008). Exercise can also help, and some physicians recommend that people retrain themselves to go to the toilet for 10 minutes after a meal (not every meal, but any meal). Home remedies such as herbal laxatives should not be overused, nor should over-the-counter laxatives CITATION Pre91 \l 1033 (Editors, Prevention Magazine, 1991) .Based on my review of the literature, I believe constipation can be prevented by eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water. When constipation occurs, I think either an herbal laxative or an over-the-counter laxative would be effective. Neither treatment seems to be superior to the other. References BIBLIOGRAPHY Baldauf, S. &. (2008, November 19). 7 Common Digestive Problems and How to End Them. U. S. News & World Report .Editors, Prevention Magazine. (1991). The Doctors Book of Home Remedies. New York: Bantam.Louise, D. R. (2009). Peptic Ulcers: Alternative and Natural Health Guide. Retrieved March 24, 2009, from Body, Mind, & Soulhealer: ................

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