NCT Nutrition

NCT Nutrition


Please write clearly and answer the questions as accurately as possible as this will help your treatment. All information given will be treated as strictly confidential.


|Date questionnaire completed |

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|Name |Title |

|Address | |

| |Tel. no. |

| | |

| | |

| |Mobile |

| | |

| |E-mail |

|Marital Status |Date of Birth Age |

| |Number of children, their ages and gender: |

|Occupation | |

|Height |Weight |

|Blood group, if known |Blood pressure, if known |

|Are you currently planning to become a parent? Pregnant? Or experiencing fertility problems? |

|Permission to contact your medical doctor? |Doctor’s name & address |

|Yes / no | |

| | |

| |Tel. no. |

|Does your doctor know that you plan to see a Nutritional | |

|Therapist? Yes / no | |


|Which aspects of your health would you most like to improve? |

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|If you have problems in any of the areas below, please rate the severity of the symptoms by marking the appropriate box next to the|

|symptom where; |

| |

|1 = Mild 2 = Moderate 3 = Severe |


|If yes, have you received any conventional treatment/medication/ tests? |

|Have you taken any antibiotics recently? |

|Please give details of all current medication |

|Medication |Dose |Start date |Any side effects |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Please give details of any other therapy you have sought: |

|Please list any remedies (e.g. herbal/homeopathic etc.) or nutritional supplements that you take: |

|Remedy/supplement |Dose |Start date |Any side effects |

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|Please list your illnesses/operations (excluding colds & flu) starting from your childhood and including any current problems |

|Illness/operation |Age of onset |Duration |Medication/treatment |

| | | | |

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|Have you been abroad in the last 5 years? Please specify where: |

| |

|Have you suffered from digestive illnesses/problems either whilst abroad or after returning from abroad? |

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|What, if any, illnesses are present on your mother’s/father’s side of the family? |

|(E.g. heart disease/cancer/allergies etc.) |

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|If you have any siblings, do they have any illnesses/conditions? |

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|Is your diet based on any religious, personal, medical or other | |

|choice (e.g. Hindu, Muslim, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free etc)? | |

|Please specify | |

|Do you have any special dietary requirements? Please specify | |

|Have you been on/are currently on any specific diets? Please | |

|specify / give duration? | |

|How many times a week do you consume ready meals? | |

|How often do you cook at home? | |

|Do you regularly miss meals? | |

|List your favourite foods | |

|Are there any foods that you would find hard to give up? | |

|Do you crave any particular foods? | |

|Are there any foods or drink that cause your symptoms to worsen? | |


|How many portions of vegetable/salad (excluding potatoes) do you | |

|typically eat each day? | |

|How many portions of fruit (including dried fruit and fruit | |

|juice) do you typically eat each day? | |

|How many portions of carbohydrate do you typically eat each day? | |

|(Cereals, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes) | |

|How often do you eat red meat? (Beef, lamb & pork) | |

|How often do you eat processed meat? (Bacon, ham, sausage, | |

|salami) | |

|How often do you eat fish? | |

|How often do you eat cheese, cream, butter and yoghurt? | |

|How much cow’s milk do you consume? | |

|How often do you eat chocolate or confectionary? | |

|How often do you eat snack foods (crisps, salted nuts etc.? | |

|How much water do you drink daily? | |

|How much tea and coffee do you drink daily? | |


In order to gain maximum benefit from your consultation, please write down exactly what you ate & drank. Please try to pick typical days.

| | | | | | | |

|How much |Food type |Time |Where |Alone/with whom |Activity |Mood |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |


|How motivated are you to change the way you eat and experiment with new foods? |

| |

|I will try anything that might improve my condition |

|I feel I can cope with a moderate amount of change |

|I feel very anxious about changing my diet |


|How many units of ALCOHOL|Per day? |Per week? |Per weekend? |1 pint of lager/beer = 2 units |

|do you usually drink: | | | |1 glass of wine = 2 units |

| | | | |1 pub measure of spirits = 1 unit |

|What do you drink? |Beer/lager |Wine |Spirits |Other |

|How would you best describe your drinking habits? |

|Minimal social |Small amounts frequently |Large amounts infrequently |Large amounts frequently |

|Do you take regular EXERCISE? Please specify: |Would you describe yourself as: |





|Do you SMOKE? Y/N |If you have stopped smoking when did you give up? |

|If so how many per day? | |

|On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, how would you rate your current stress levels? |

|Are there any issues that make you feel STRESSED at the moment/ e.g. major life change (new job, parenthood, moving house, becoming|

|a parent) |

| |

|Do you have a difficult time getting to |Do you wake up in the night? |How many hours sleep do you usually get? |

|sleep? | | |

|Do you find it hard to get up in the |Do you find it hard to relax? |Do you feel rushed/edgy most of the time? |

|morning? | | |

|What do you do to relax? |

|Are your symptoms affecting any activities, such as socialising, driving, housework? |

| |

|Is there any other information relating to your condition, which you think may be important? |

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I understand that Nutritional Therapy is not a substitute for professional medical treatment and that the Nutritional Therapist does not diagnose medical conditions, but may help manage them through diet and the use of supplements. Therefore I accept that Sharon Schroeter has my permission to contact my medical doctor if she deems it necessary and beneficial for me (The patient).

I accept the Conditions of the Disclaimer (please sign)…………………………....Date………………

Please return completed & signed questionnaire and your completed food diary to Sharon Schroeter, 7D Stirling Avenue, Buccleuch, Sandton, 2090 or email to schroeter.sharon@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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