California Health Care and Homelessness Learning Community ...

California Health Care and Homelessness Learning Community: ApplicationHow to ApplyTo apply for the California Health Care and Homelessness Learning Community, please complete and submit the below relevant materials: Application; CV or resumes from participating team members; andLetter of support from your organization’s senior leadership. Applications should not exceed five pages and should be completed in Calibri (Body) in size 10.5 font. Please PDF all materials when submitting and label as follows: Application_Name of Applicant Organization_September 2020Team Resumes_Name of Applicant Organization_September 2020Letter of Support_Name of Applicant Organization_September 2020Applications and supporting materials must be received by September 25, 2020 and emailed to Meryl Schulman at mschulman@ with the following subject: “[Insert Your Organization’s Name] Application for California Health Care and Homelessness Learning Community.” Applicant InformationName of Applicant Organization:Address:Key Contact Name:Title:Pronouns: Email Address:Phone Number:Participating TeamPlease complete the below tables with relevant information about participating team members. Organizations should identify up to four representatives who will consistently participate in learning community activities. At a minimum, one team member should be in a leadership position, and one should be connected to work happening on the ground (e.g., case manager, peer specialist, frontline provider, etc.). Priority will be given to organizations that include team members for whom participating in the learning community will be a meaningful growth opportunity (e.g., earlier stage professionals, emerging leaders, etc.). While this core team will serve as the main point of contact for the learning community, organizations will be encouraged to invite additional colleagues to participate in select project conversations and activities as relevant to their positions and areas of expertise.Participating Team Member #1Same as Key Contact Listed Above? Yes ? No ? If yes, skip to Team Member #2Name:Title:Pronouns: Email Address:Phone Number:Participating Team Member #2Name:Title:Pronouns:Email Address:Phone Number:Participating Team Member #3Name:Title:Pronouns:Email Address:Phone Number:Participating Team Member #4Name:Title:Pronouns:Email Address:Phone Number:Application Narrative Briefly describe your organization, including its mission, who it serves, and your experience with and current approach to addressing the health care needs of individuals experiencing homelessness. If your organization does not provide direct care, but instead supports other organizations that do so, please describe how you support provider organizations in caring for this population.Describe your interest in participating in this initiative, including what contributions you believe your organization can make to it, and how you envision participating will inform current work you are doing to improve health care for people experiencing homelessness. Describe how people with lived experience of homelessness are incorporated into organizational efforts to design and deliver your services. For organizations that are not direct service providers, how does your organization incorporate lived experience into your goals and objectives?What key innovations or approaches is your organization currently championing or most interested in exploring to improve how the health care needs of individuals experiencing homelessness are met at the organizational, county, or state level?At a high-level, describe the core team that would participate in this learning community, including their particular areas of expertise. Separately, please attach CVs or resumes for the identified team members. If selected to participate, what three subject areas or topics would you be most interested in discussing with the learning community over the course of the project? Letter of Support Applicants must obtain a letter of support for participation from any member of their organization’s senior leadership team. The letter should indicate the willingness of the applicant organization’s leadership to support the core team’s participation in learning community activities, including monthly group discussions or webinars and virtual site visits. We anticipate a time commitment of no more than two hours per month. Per the instructions on page one, the letter of support should be submitted separately from the application. ................

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