Portraits on Canvas

Portraits on Canvas by Art Projects for Kids

Supplies: Stretched Canvas, Dry wax paper (NOT wax paper), PREP: Determine box size. My sample canvas is 8"x10".

Sharpie markers, Copic skin colored markers, white glue

3 columns x 3 rows = 2.67" x 3.33". Print for each student.

1. Students draw their portrait in pencil.

2. A sheet of dry wax paper is taped over the drawing.

3. Students trace the art and color with permanent markers onto the wax paper. Remove from backing and cut out box, taking care to keep the border.


4. Arrange all drawings to balance the colors.

5. Lightly draw grid on canvas with pencil.

6. Mix white glue with water, 50/50 ratio. Brush on canvas, then on back of drawing. Place on canvas and brush again. Eliminate air bubbles by smoothing paper with fingers.


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