Our Franciscan Life

Our Franciscan Life

Vol. 19 No. 4 Our Lady of Consolation Fraternity Newsletter April 2019

St. Clare says . . .

What a great laudable exchange:

     to leave the things of time for those of eternity,

     to choose the things of heaven over the goods of . earth,

     to receive the hundred-fold in place of one,

     and to possess a blessed and eternal life.

Fraternity Schedule


4 – DAY OF PRAYER, 9:30am-3:00pm, FRH, PL

14 – OFS MEETING, 3:00, FRH, PL Palm Sunday

Prayer – Marge

Ongoing Formation (chapt 15) – Helen

Treats – Paula & Sylvia







The Wilds Golf Club, Prior Lake

Awardee is Loaves & Fishes of MN



Prayer – Region Rep

Fraternity Elections, Need quorum

Treats –




Christ the King Retreat Center, Buffalo, MN

Easter . . .

is not just a day, but a season, comprising many weeks. It’s a good time to pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary and contemplate the many wonders that God has in store for us. The Easter message is full of hope and promise, and by reflecting on that wonderful message we can light a spiritual fire that can last all year long. View the Easter season as one of renewal, for God’s promise to us has been fulfilled! Dr. Steven Schier, OFS

See the reverse side of this page

Franciscan of the Month

On April 2, we remember St. Francis of Paola (1416-1507). After accompanying his parents on a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi, he began to live as a contemplative hermit in a remote cave near Paola, on Italy's southern seacoast. Before he was 20, he received the first followers who had come to imitate his way of life. Seventeen years later, when his disciples had grown in number, Francis established a Rule for his austere community and sought Church approval. This was the founding of the Hermits of St. Francis of Assisi, who were approved by the Holy See in 1474. Following the request of Pope Sixtus IV, Francis traveled to Paris to help Louis XI of France prepare for his death. While ministering to the king, Francis was able to influence the course of national politics. He helped to restore peace between France and Brittany by advising a marriage between the ruling families, and between France and Spain by persuading Louis XI to return some disputed land. Francis died while at the French court.

My Day is Ending

Our Father who art in heaven,

all through this day

I have meditated on what it might mean

to follow my deepest spiritual impulse,

to set aside worldly values

and surrender my life to your Holy Spirit.

Engender in me the wisdom

that is greater than gold,

the prudence that is more precious than silver.

Take me at my word.

And now as the day ends

and sleep approaches,

I pray with Francis

that I will have the strength to choose

what the world values least.

May the Lord bless and keep all his children.

May he make his face to shine upon us

and be gracious to us.

May the Lord look kindly upon us,

grant us a quiet night and lasting peace.

From Day 1, Peace of Heart, Ave Maria Press

Contributed by Mary Ann LeMay, OFS

Keeping in touch... March 2019 Fraternity Meeting Report

Our Lenten Day of Reflection and soup and bread pot luck was held on March 17. Peter and Amy led opening prayer and shared Fr. Dave Pivonka TOR, via video from his Wild Goose is Loose series. Steve Schier led vespers.

Twelve fraternity members and one guest attended the gathering. Eight fraternities were invited to join us, but none of them responded.

Reminder: Shoe Away Hunger

Have some shoes in your closet that are still in really good shape, but you just aren’t wearing? Here’s something for you:

Shoe Away Hunger is a hunger relief program run by an organization called Good in the Hood that collects gently used and new shoes and sells them on a mobile shoe bus to people who have been marginalized by poverty and other life altering circumstances. They charge $2 for children’s shoes and $5 for adult sizes. For every pair of shoes sold, they are able to provide another hungry person with up to 7 days worth of essential groceries.

Here’s a link to a short video that explains more about the program.

We will be collecting at our April fraternity meeting, so plan to bring shoes in good to great condition. It’s helpful if you tie laces together or bag pairs.

How about Earth Day EVERY day?

April 22 has been observed as Earth Day in the United States since 1970. The belief that we need to care for creation is very Catholic, very Franciscan and needed more than ever, as we begin to experience the serious implications of climate change. Improving technologies and the transition to carbon free energy will be a part of the solution, but time is running short, and every little bit anyone does is important. The mindset of taking responsibility is important. In the next few newsletters, I’d like to invite any fraternity member to share ideas on things we can do to care for the earth. Please send ideas to me and I’ll include them in the future.

Here’s a start: Things to Do in the Bathroom:

Reuse bath towels, and when you launder them, air dry the heavy ones. They’ll dry rough but toss them in the dryer with another load to soften them up. Take shorter showers or use less water in the tub. Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. Use larger sizes of shampoo and conditioner so you use less packaging, or check out some of the bar products that are available instead of items that require plastics.

Use homemade cleaning products. Check out this link:

Homemade Bathroom Cleaners - My Frugal Adventures

Mary Higgins, Secretary and JPIC animator



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