Rainbow Child Development Center

Good afternoon to all rainbow families please have some fun with these activities’ with your child. Please reach out to me if I can help you in anyway. Be well, be happy, and be safe. Chris Christina Howard Rainbow Child Development CenterAssistant Preschool?Coordinator508-791-6849508-791-8194choward@ Music and movementFreeze danceA classic! All you need is music, and the only guideline is to freeze when the music is paused. Encourage kids to "freeze" in fun poses or with funny faces. Use a variety of musical styles and tempos. Tip: An older child can do the music while you dance with younger ones.Copy dancingDance party. This game can be played with two to 20 participants, and it’s as simple as it sounds. One person dances while the others copy their moves. Kids love being the leaders, and imitation is, after all, the highest form of flattery. So put on some dancing tunes and show off those moves!Arts and craftsHomemade collage with reusable materialsSimply provide a few items that can be rearranged again and again.?Arrange them on a tray or placemat?to make patterns, designs?and objects. Since the materials are reusable, take a picture to commemorate each creation. Ideas: craft sticks, buttons, paint samples, fabric swatches, spare keys.Dyed paperThis project is so versatile and produces such attractive results you may want to use it as decoration. Similar to tie-dye, but without the tying, just use paper towels and a few colors of either diluted food coloring or liquid tempera paint to make fantastic designs.What to do: Fold a paper towel until it’s the size of cracker, then dip it into the paint until saturated, dipping each corner into a different color. Then carefully unfold it and let dry, preferably on a tablecloth or anything you don’t mind staining. Be prepared for repetition as children experiment with different ways to fold the paper and marvel at the lovely results.When dry, the paper towels can be strung together and hung up, or taped to windows for a stained glass-like effect. ................

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