Olive Tapenade

Herring Salad

Makes 12 or more appetizer servings

1 large jar of pickled herring in wine sauce

4 small beets roasted and peeled

1 small onion

4 small pickles

4 hard-boiled eggs

1 apple

1 jar of Celeriac or fresh knob steamed till tender

2 slices of good quality bacon rendered of fat & crumbled

2 TB Mayonnaise to moisten

Salt & Pepper to taste

Chop all ingredients in brunoise style for the best consistency and flavor. Refrigerate overnight for flavors to meld. Serve with heart dark Pumpernickel bread.


Recipe courtesy of Sabine’s Lifestyle Cuisine

Asian Style Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes

Makes approximately 16 cakes

1 teaspoon green curry paste (available at Asian food markets)

2 tablespoons sweet chili sauce

16-ounce jumbo lump crab

1 ½ cups mayonnaise (approximate)

1 cup panko crumbs (available in the Asian food sections of many grocery stores)

2 large eggs

Mix all of the ingredients thoroughly. Roll into 2 ounce balls, then roll into the panko crumbs. Fry in vegetable oil until crispy. Drain on paper towels. Serve with pickled ginger and Wasabi Aioli

Recipe courtesy of Dame Ruth Levine, Bistro 185 in Cleveland

Wasabi Aioli

1 tablespoon wasabi paste

2 tablespoons minced garlic

1 tablespoon minced ginger

2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar

2 egg yolks (pasteurized)

1 cup canola oil

Freshly ground salt nad black pepper to taste

Mix the wasabi paste, garlic, ginger, vinegar and yolks in a food processor. While processor is on, drizzle in oil, slowly at first until it emulsifies then more quickly. Check for seasoning. Store in refrigerator.

Butternut & Apple Tartlets

Makes 75 tartlets


2 Butternut Squash, diced

4 Apples, diced

4 Tbsp. Butter

2 Tbsp. Cinnamon

1/2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper

1 tsp. Nutmeg

75 Miniature Marshmallows

75 Tart Shells

4 Tbsp. Brown Sugar


In a large pot, cook the apples and squash until tender with butter. Add the spices.

Fill the tart shells. Add the marshmallows on top. Sprinkle brown sugar.

Bake at 375 until golden brown. Serve warm.

Recipe courtesy of Dante Boccuzi, Dante’s in Tremont

Mushroom & Thyme Crescents

2 Dozen Hors d'ouvres portions



9 oz. cream cheese

4 oz. butter

1 ½ cup flour

Soften cream cheese and butter.  Cut in flour and shape into a ball.  Wrap and chill at least 30 minutes.



2 T butter

1 medium onion, fine dice

8 oz. mushrooms, fine dice

3 oz. cream cheese

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp.  dried thyme leaves

1/8 tsp. pepper

Melt butter and add onion.  Brown.  Add mushrooms and cook 3 minutes.  Add cream cheese and melt.  Add salt, thyme, and pepper.  Let cool.


Roll dough thin on flour-covered surface.  Cut into circles 2+ inches in diameter.  Fill with 1 heaping teaspoon filling.  Fold in half and use fork to seal edges.  Glaze with egg and 1 tsp. water.  Bake at 450 degrees on ungreased pan for 12 minutes.  Serve hot.

Recipe courtesy of Dame Marty Nagele

Chilled or Not, Roasted Tomato Soup with Pesto

Makes 24 small servings, plus extra

The roasted tomatoes, along with the garlic, rosemary and thyme give this soup a big bold flavor that holds up well when chilled. It’s also a comforting hot soup for cold weather, when you crave a reminder of the luxurious flavors of summer.

3 pounds plum tomatoes, halved lengthwise

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

4 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons minced garlic

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh rosemary

1 1/2 tablespoon finely chopped fresh thyme

1/2 teaspoon (or more) dried crushed red pepper

4 cups chicken stock or canned low-salt broth

1/4 cup pesto

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Place tomatoes, cut side up, on large baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Drizzle tomatoes with 2 tablespoons olive oil. Roast until tomatoes are browned and tender, about 1 hour. Cool slightly.

Transfer tomatoes and any accumulated juices to processor. Pulse until slightly chunky.

Heat 3 tablespoons oil in large pot over medium-high heat. Add garlic and sauté until fragrant, about 2 minutes. Stir in tomatoes, rosemary, thyme and dried crushed red pepper. Add chicken stock; bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered until soup thickens slightly, about 25 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Remove from heat and let sit for 30 minutes to allow to cool. Taste again to adjust seasonings if necessary.

Divide the soup among twenty-four small cups (served hot or cold) or shot glasses (served cold). Drizzle a small spoonful of pesto on top of the soup.

Make-ahead: This soup should be made 1 or 2 days ahead to allow the flavors to develop

and kept covered in the refrigerator. Garnish right before serving

Recipe courtesy of Dame Beth Segal, adapted from The Big Book of Appetizers by Dame Carla Snyder

Braised Pork Appetizer with Salsa Verde, Pickled Red Onion & Spiced Applesauce

Makes at least 50 appetizer portions


2-3# pork shoulder roast, bone-in (better flavor for finished dish)

1 large onion (or 2 smaller) roughly chopped

2 carrots, roughly chopped

4 stalks of celery, washed and roughly chopped

1 cup white wine

3-4 cups of pork or chicken stock

1 small handful of fresh thyme (stems are okay)

4 whole bay leaves





-Season shoulder roast with salt and pepper (can be done 24 hours in advance and kept in the refrigerator).  In a pan large enough to hold roast, heat and add oil.  Sear the pork on all sides, being careful not to burn, turn heat down if necessary.  Transfer pork to a vessel that will be big enough to hold all ingredients (or use the same pan, willing it is big enough.  In that case, put the roast on a plate, it's going back in the pan)

-Using the same pan, add the vegetables and start sautéing.  Looking for a little bit of color, but not burned.  Pull pan off the heat and add the white wine.  Back on burner and reduce the wine by half.  Add half of the stock, reduce.  After a few minutes of reduction, add the rest of the stock, turn heat off, add thyme and bay leaves, and pour over the roast (or, if your pan is big enough, place roast in it, adding all the juice that is on plate).  Cover with foil and braise until that meat is fork tender or falling off the bone.  Cool to room temp. Then refrigerate the whole mass overnight to let the flavors develop.  Next day, re-heat in a 300-degree oven for about an hour and half.  Pull roast out and do as desired, shred, mix with a sauce, or eat as is.


Salsa Verde


1/3-cup flat leaf parsley, chopped fine

3 salt packed anchovies, rinsed and minced

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 medium shallot, minced

1 lemon, bested and juiced

1 chile pepper (jalapeno or Fresno), minced

1/2 tsp. crushed red chili flakes

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

Little bit of salt



-Add all ingredients together minus the oil, salt, and pepper.  Add oil, mix and, taste.  Depending on the salt of the anchovies, add salt and pepper to taste.


Pickled Red Onions


4 medium sized red onions, peeled and sliced 1/8 to 1/4" thick

2 cups apple cider vinegar

2 cups sugar

1 tsp. each of: whole coriander seed

 Whole black peppercorns

Crushed red pepper flakes


-Bring the vinegar, sugar and spices to boil in a pot.  Let boil for a good 2 minutes.  Have the prepped red onions in a container large enough to hold them and the pickle.  Set a strainer over the onions and pour the boiling pickle over them.  Might need to weight them down, they float in the hot liquid.  Refrigerate for at least 3 days before eating, or longer if you want them a little more tart.


Spiced Applesauce


5# favorite sauce apple, chopped, cores, skins, and all

1 cup sugar

1/4 cup local honey

1 lemon, juiced

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg

1/4 tsp. ground allspice

1/8 tsp. ground clove


-Put everything in a pot large enough to hold it. Turn on low heat and let go until all apples are soft enough to mill.  Run the mixture through a food mill, it will discard all the seeds and skin.  Taste, then refrigerate. Try again next day.  The spice should be livelier.  Use as you wish.

Recipe courtesy of Matt Harlan, executive chef at Lolita’s in Tremont

Goat Cheese Puff Pastry with Cranberry Chutney

Yields: 24 Bundles

2 sheets of frozen Puff Pastry, thawed overnight

1 egg

1 tbsp. water

1/4 cup almond slices


1 cup (8 Oz.) soft goat cheese

2/3 cup cranberry chutney, recipe follows

Preheat oven to 400˚ F.

Take each sheet of puff pastry and slice into 8 equally sized squares.

In a small bowl mix together egg and water to make an egg wash.

Place one-half Tablespoon of goat cheese and 2 teaspoons of chutney into center of each square. Brush edges of each square with egg wash and fold each corner up into the center to close.

Place bundles 2" apart on a parchment lined baking sheet. Brush outside of bundles with egg wash and lightly sprinkle almond slices on top. Bake in oven until golden brown, approximately 15 minutes.

Serve warm with additional chutney if desired.

Cranberry Chutney

1/2 cup dried cranberries

1/4 cup white wine vinegar

2 Tbsp. fresh orange juice

1 Tbsp. orange zest

2 Tbsp. granulated sugar

1 Tbsp. crystallized ginger, chopped

1 apple, peeled and diced

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/8 tsp. salt

Soak cranberries in vinegar for 10 minutes.

In a medium sized saucepan, combine all ingredients including cranberries and vinegar and cook until apples are tender. Adjust flavors to taste.

Recipe courtesy of Dame Stefanie Paganini, ICASI


Emerald Necklace Inn & Tea Room

Recipe courtesy of Dame Gloria Cipri Kemer

You'll need your favorite Tea Pot, a dainty Tea Cup, loose Tea, and a tea strainer

Bring freshly drawn cold water to a rolling boil.

Place one teaspoon of loose tea for each cup brewed, and of course

one for the pot, grandma says.

Cover and let steep for 3 to 7 minutes.

Pour into Tea Cup through a tea strainer.

Add milk and sugar to taste.

“If you are cold, Tea will warm you,

If you are hot, Tea will cool you,

If you are depressed, it will cheer you.

If you are excited it will calm you.”

Saying by William Gladstone

Puff Pastry Pinwheels

Filling # 1: Olive Tapenade

This recipe is from the French chef Claude Rodier who helped opened Sans Souci, a downtown restaurant in the Renaissance Cleveland Hotel.


1 cup virgin olive oil

2 cups pitted kalamata olives, halved

2 cups sun-dried tomatoes (soak in warm water if dry)

8 cloves garlic

4 shallot heads

2 cups mixed red and green peppers, chopped

1/2 Hungarian hot wax pepper, seeded and chopped

1 tsp. capers

3 ozs. anchovy fillets, drained

1 bunch flat Italian parsley

Freshly ground pepper to taste

Heat 1/2 cup olive oil over medium heat and sauté olives, tomatoes, garlic, shallots, peppers and capers until soft and well blended, stirring often, about 30 minutes.  Remove from heat and cool completely, then puree in food processor with anchovies, parsley, and pepper while slowly adding the remaining oil. Makes 3- 4 cups.  Keeps at least two weeks in tightly covered container in fridge.

Filling # 2: Mushroom

This is a variation on Molly Katzen’s savory strudel filling from the original Moosewood Cookbook

½ pound mushrooms, cut in half

½ tsp. salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

¼ tsp dill weed

4 oz. cream cheese

¼ cup sour cream

¼ cup yogurt

1/3 cup bread crumbs

2 scallions, chopped

1/8 cup fresh Italian flat leaf parsley, stems removed

Freshly squeezed juice from ½ lemon

Use just enough olive oil to coat the bottom of a large sauté pan. Heat oil and quickly sauté mushrooms soft and slightly browned. Don’t overcrowd the pan. Remove from heat, spoon into a food processor; add remaining ingredients and pulse to coarsely chop. Continue until thoroughly combined. Cool before using.

Filling # 3: Spinach

This is a variation on Molly Katzen’s spanakopita filling from the original Moosewood Cookbook

½ cup onion, minced

1 lb fresh spinach, washed

1 ½ cups crumbled feta cheese

1 tablespoon flour

2 eggs, beaten

1 ½ tablespoons butter

½ teaspoon dried basil

1/4 teaspoon dried oregano

1 cup cottage cheese

Salt and pepper to taste

Sauté onions in butter until soft. Add spinach and cook until wilted. Stir in remaining ingredients. Cool. Puree in food processor.

To assemble the Pinwheels

Use sheets of chilled, pre-made puff pastry dough.* Cut one sheet in 4-6 inch strips. Spread filling in a thin layer down the center of each strip, leaving ¼ -1/2 inch on each side. Do not put in too much or filling will ooze out when dough is rolled up. Brush edges with beaten egg. Fold in one edge to seal, and then continue rolling lengthwise to form a long thin log. Place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Freeze for 15 minutes or refrigerate ½ an hour. Remove, place on cutting board and slice into ½ inch rounds with a sharp knife. Arrange slices on the parchment lined cookie sheet and bake in a preheated 375-degree oven 20-25 minutes or until lightly browned turning over slices midway through cooking.

Repeat with each filling.

To prepare ahead, freeze filled, uncut logs. Thaw slightly before slicing and baking.

* Sheets of real, artisan made puff pastry are available from Zoss The Swiss Baker, 12397 Cedar Road, Cleveland Heights. 216-368-4055. Call ahead to order.

Recipe courtesy of Dames Barbara Zoss and Laura Taxel

Grand Mere’s Egg Nog

2 quarts egg nog- the best you can get (no preservatives) or homemade recipe.

A fifth of white rum

A fifth of blended whiskey or bourbon (I recommend Rebel Yell)

A pint of Christian Brothers brandy

Mix and refrigerate for at least 3 days. Serve in a silver bowl with a ladle and little cups.

This is very smooth and potent. Warn your guests!

Makes almost a gallon.

Recipe courtesy of Dame Crickett Karson

Chive Pancakes with Red Onion & Wine Confit

Makes 30 appetizer servings

Herb Pancakes:

¾ cup all-purpose flour

½ teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon salt

1 large egg, beaten

¼ cup milk, plus extra to thin

1 ½ tablespoons finely chopped chives or dill (fresh or frozen)

1 ½ tablespoons canola oil

Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together. Make a well in the center. Add egg and milk and gradually stir in the flour and mix to a smooth batter. Stir in the herbs.

Brush a frying pan or griddle with oil. Preheat over medium heat. Working in batches, drop heaping teaspoonfuls of mixture onto the hot surface. Cook until bubbles appear and underside is golden, about 3 minutes. Turn and brown on other side for 2 minutes. Brush pan with oil between batches. Cool pancakes and serve at room temperature.

Note: Can be made up to 2 days in advance and stored in an airtight container in refrigerator. Crisp in a preheated 400°F oven for 3 minutes.

Red Onion & Wine Confit:

3 tablespoons sugar

1 ½ tablespoons water

2 tablespoons Ohio red wine, preferably a Cabernet or Merlot

1 large red onion, finely diced

Salt and black pepper, to taste

¾ cup prepared Crème Fraiche

1 ½ tablespoons chopped fresh chives, as garnish

Put the sugar and water in a small saucepan and stir to dissolve. Bring to a boil over medium how heat and cook to a dark caramel, without stirring. Remove from heat and add wine and onions. Return to the heat and stir until onion softens, about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste and cool to room temperature.

Note: Can be made up to a day in advance. Cover and store in the refrigerator. Let mixture return to room temperature before using.

To make crème fraiche: Heat 1 cup heavy cream to 80°-85°F…be careful not to overheat. Transfer to clean container and add 1cup buttermilk, cover with plastic wrap and let sit in a warm spot at room temperature until slightly thickened, about 24 hours. Chill before using. It will be the consistency of loose yogurt. Store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

To assemble, top each pancake with a teaspoon of crème fraiche and one of the confit. Garnish with chives and serve at room temperature.

Recipe courtesy of Dame Marilou Suszko

Curried Pumpkin Soup

Makes 12 servings

2 med white onions, finely chopped (about 2 cups)

2 Tbsp. unsalted butter

2 large garlic cloves, minced

1 1/2 tablespoons minced /peeled fresh ginger (or ground if available)

2 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground coriander

1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom

1 1/2 tsp Sea salt

3/4 tsp dried hot red pepper flakes

2 (15-oz) or 1 large can solid-pack pumpkin ( NOT pie filling)

1 1/2 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth (12 fl oz)

1 (14-oz) can unsweetened coconut milk

1/4 cup olive oil

1 Tbsp. Curry Powder

Cook onions in butter in a wide 6-quart heavy pot over moderately low heat, stirring occasionally, until softened, 3 to 5 minutes. Add garlic and ginger and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Add cumin, coriander, and cardamom and cook, stirring, 1 minute. Stir in salt, red pepper flakes, pumpkin, water, broth, and coconut milk and simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, 30 minutes. Add curry. Stir until combined well and season soup with salt. Soup can be thinned with additional water.

Garnish with chopped fresh chives, cream or a dollop of plain yogurt.

Recipe courtesy of Dame Gina DeRose


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