



Aimee Pereira 821-2743

Vice President

Annie Herb 696-7854


Mark Rowell 425-2313


Barb Janney 830-4255

Board Members

Michael Mercer 875-5517

Cheryl Bruns 425-9890

Ryan Haag 609-220-3458

Michael Cook 224-2717

Denise Hanna 821-8827





Bob Janney 830-4258

Yard of the Month

Denise Hanna

Contact them to help out!!



(search for Quail Arbor V)




Quail Arbor V Community Association

PO BOX 51021






We need your help and input. There will be a special meeting held at Perkins restaurant at 7:00 PM on Tuesday March 19th. At the annual meeting last November and the subsequent meeting in February, only 19 and 22 households respectively were represented. Per our bylaws, there is a requirement for at least 10% of our homeowners to be present/represented at a meeting in order to conduct business.. With 314 homes in QAV, this means that we must have at least 31 homes represented (either present at the meeting or represented by a proxy filed with the board prior to the meeting). At the previous two meetings important issues like election of board members and approval of our QAV annual budget could not be accomplished. The QAV Board realizes that there are many demands on a family’s time and some folks may simply not be able to attend. To allow all residents the opportunity to have a say even if they cannot be present, a homeowner can file a proxy that will allow them to designate a representative to vote on their behalf at the meeting. Alternately a proxy can be filed that will allow the board to act as the agent of the homeowner at the meeting. The proxy form is attached to this newsletter and the QAV Board would ask that if you cannot attend the meeting in person, please fill out a proxy form so that your voice may be heard.




QAV Association dues for 2019 are due ($50.00 annually) and should be paid no later than 30 April. Checks should be made out to QAV Community Association and can be mailed to our address as shown in this newsletter. Thanks in advance for your prompt payment of our annual dues.




The 2019 annual sale is set for Saturday April 13 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.



There have been several things brought to the attention of QAV Board by different residents. The following status is provided for info to all QAV residents:

A. Unregistered/expired tags/inoperable vehicles – A list of possibly unregistered/ inoperable vehicles has been provided to Dorchester County by the QAV Board for investigation/ remediation. The applicable Dorchester County Ordinance has been published in QAV newsletters several times over years past. Not a new issue but an ongoing one.

B. Article 9 of our QAV covenants and Dorchester county ordinances address conducting a business out of a home in a residential subdivision. Three potential violators were reported to the QAV Board. The QAV Board contacted the Dorchester County business license office and no business licenses were granted for the reported addresses. The QAV Board has contacted the homeowners and the county is investigating further.

C. The Board was contacted about two homes where additional structures were built on the property. In both cases the homeowner had contacted the QAV Board and obtained any necessary permits from Dorchester county prior to any work being done.

D. The QAV Board received a report that there were farm animals (not chickens) at two residences in violation of Article 12 of our covenants. The QAV Board is currently investigating this issue.

E. Any QAV resident that notices an issue that violates Dorchester County ordinances can (and should) report the issue to the county directly to both expedite any corrective action and to ensure that an issue does not “drop through a crack” That said – when the QAV Board contacted the county about some issues, it was discovered that an issue/issues were reported to the county by a QAV resident who represented himself/herself incorrectly as a QAV Board member. The QAV Board encourages residents to directly report violations of county ordinances BUT – if you are not a board member, please do not represent yourself as one.

F. Social media has had a powerful effect on all of us and allows for increased communications within an area or subdivision. That said, there have been some recent posts on Nextdoor and Facebook that can paint a picture that was not what was intended. Some of these posts were negative to say the least. If you, as an individual, have an issue with another individual (or with the QAV Board), the best way to deal with it is by direct communication to either the individual, the QAV Board or whomever. Sarcasm, innuendo and other types of negativity that may be posted to social media becomes an issue that is now laid out before a much wider and critical audience. Prospective homebuyers and real estate agents regularly look at these social media postings and seeing a rambling rant about things that are bothering someone are far more destructive than driving by a lawn that needs to have the leaves raked up. Posts of a negative/abusive nature that are posted on our QAV Facebook page will be removed by the QAV Board but posts on sites like Nextdoor are outside our control. Please remember that when thinking about making a negative post. Remember – if something makes its way to the internet/social media one time, it should be considered as “out there” forever.

G. There have been some questions about the composition of the QAV Board, Board elections, officers, etc. Our QAV Board composition, processes and procedures are delineated in Section VIII of our QAV Bylaws. In general, board members are elected for a two year term with approximately half the board terms expiring each year. QAV residents elect board members and the officers are then elected by the board members at the first board meeting thereafter.

H. Our current QAV Bylaws and Covenants were registered with Dorchester County on (insert date info here). They are located in Book Number XXX on Page(s) XXX




APRIL 21ST 2019




As you go through the process of getting your lawns and flowerbeds back into shape, don’t forget to take care of the front of your property. Please take the time to sweep up the sand and debris in the gutters after edging your lawn.







Quail Arbor V Association



One homeowner per lot may vote on Association business. Any homeowner wishing to vote by proxy must complete this form. This form may be given either to a neighbor who will attend or to any current Board Member anytime prior to a regular or special meeting of the Association. Proxy forms received after such meeting will not be accepted. Completed proxy forms must be mailed/delivered to the QAV Board no later than the start of the Association meeting. This proxy is valid for a period of no longer than 11 months from the date below. If a shorter expiration date is desired, please specify immediately below.

Proxy Expiration Date __________________________________________

Your (Homeowner) Name:


Your Address:


Check only ONE of the following:

□ I assign ____________________________________________________ the authority to vote on my behalf regarding Association matters.

□ I assign the QAV Association Board of Directors the authority to vote on my behalf regarding Association matters.

Your Signature:


Date: _____________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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