AUTUMN LAKE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION(ALHOA, INC.)NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETINGThe Autumn Lake Homeowners Association (ALHOA, Inc.) will hold its 2014 Special Meeting for all members on:DATE:Saturday, July 19, 2014 TIME:10:00 a.m.PLACE:Marietta Alliance Church1787 E. Piedmont RoadMarietta, GA 30062770-973-2189Agenda: Presentation and discussion of third amendment to covenants. A preview copy of the amendment will be available at on Saturday, July 12, 2014.If you are unable to attend the meeting, please complete and sign the enclosed proxy form and fax, email or mail it to Heritage Property Management so that it is received by Thursday, July 17, 2014. Fax: 770-451-3919; Email: sjohansen@; Mail: Sonja Johansen, Heritage Property management, 500 Sugar Mill Rd, Suite 200, Bldg B, Atlanta, Ga., 30350. You may also give your Proxy to a current Board Member or neighbor who will be attending the meeting, Please note that if you are delinquent in any amount owed to the Association you will not be eligible to vote.SPECIAL MEETING PROXYAUTUMN LAKE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (ALHOA, INC.)Instructions: Complete the proxy form below and return to Sonja Johansen, Heritage Property Management. It must be received by Friday, July 18, 2014. You may also give it to your proxy to bring to the meeting or to a Board Member. FAX: 770-451-3919 EMAIL: sjohansen@, or MAIL: 500 Sugar Mill Rd., Bldg B, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA, 30350I hereby appoint (or if no individual is designated, the President of the Board of Directors) as my Proxy with the power of substitution to vote and otherwise represent me at the Special Meeting of Autumn Lake Homeowners Association (ALHOA, Inc) on Saturday, July 19, 2014, 10:00 a.m. and any adjournments thereof with the same effect as if I were present and voting. __________________________________ Member name (please print)Member signature __________________________________ Property AddressDate Email AddressAlternate Mailing Address If Different from Property Address:_________________________________________________________ 042545Autumn LakeHomeowners Association, Inc.00Autumn LakeHomeowners Association, Inc.0141605Request for ProposedImprovement Review00Request for ProposedImprovement Review3429000214630Attached DocumentsSurvey ________ Plot Plans ___________Plans _________ Photos _____________Specs _________ Color Samples _______Other: __________________________________________________________________00Attached DocumentsSurvey ________ Plot Plans ___________Plans _________ Photos _____________Specs _________ Color Samples _______Other: __________________________________________________________________0214630Date: _________________________________Name: ________________________________Address: ______________________________ _____________________________________Home Phone: __________________________Work Phone: __________________________00Date: _________________________________Name: ________________________________Address: ______________________________ _____________________________________Home Phone: __________________________Work Phone: __________________________Please provide a brief description of the proposed modification, alteration or improvement________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-635027940Contractor (if any ): _____________________Address: _____________________________Contact: _____________________________Phone: ______________________________HOMEOWNERS AFFIDAVITI have read and understand the covenants and deed restrictions of my contract and agree to abide by such covenants and deed restrictions. I understand that no work shall commence without the approval of the ACC.Date: _______________________________Signed: ______________________________Approved StatusApprovedApproved with ExceptionsRevise & Resubmit-Insufficient informationRejectedCC: Applicant Management Agent ACC FileCommittee CommentsSigned: ______________________________Date of Approval: ______________________00Contractor (if any ): _____________________Address: _____________________________Contact: _____________________________Phone: ______________________________HOMEOWNERS AFFIDAVITI have read and understand the covenants and deed restrictions of my contract and agree to abide by such covenants and deed restrictions. I understand that no work shall commence without the approval of the ACC.Date: _______________________________Signed: ______________________________Approved StatusApprovedApproved with ExceptionsRevise & Resubmit-Insufficient informationRejectedCC: Applicant Management Agent ACC FileCommittee CommentsSigned: ______________________________Date of Approval: ______________________1270-118110If approved, this HOA approval is subject to the approval, permitting, inspections & compliance with all applicable laws from any local, state or federal agencies. Homeowner is responsible for obtaining any approval, permitting, inspections & compliance with all applicable laws from any agency.00If approved, this HOA approval is subject to the approval, permitting, inspections & compliance with all applicable laws from any local, state or federal agencies. Homeowner is responsible for obtaining any approval, permitting, inspections & compliance with all applicable laws from any agency. ................

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