First Estate

Upper Class Middle Class Factory Workers



• Factory Workers 16 (30% of population)

• (People slowly moving from farm to city 17)

What is the factory workers life like?

• Live in the city18

• Harsh19 working conditions

• Very poor

Luddites20 – people who resisted21 or damaged22 the machines because they were costing them their jobs


Unions and strikes illegal


• Old Nobility1

• Super rich industrialists2 who would marry into the nobility (Nobles needed the money3)

What did they do?

• Tops jobs in government, business, and military4

Small5 percentage of society


• Small factory 6 owners, doctors, lawyers 7, scientists and teachers

Where did they live?

• Lived in nice 8 homes

• Ate 9 well

• Opposed reform 10 of factories


• Middle Class was all about show11!

• Valued hard work12

• Poor are responsible13 for their situation

• Strict code of etiquette14

• Etiquette – rules about how to behave 15


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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