1 - Clover Sites

North Point Baptist

Homeschool Ministry


Fall 2015 Semester

Revised 4/2015

North Point Baptist Homeschool Ministry Workshops

1040 Lower Flat Creek Rd.

Alexander, NC

Dear Prospective Workshop Family,

Thank you for the interest you have shown in North Point Workshops. Our organization is made up of Christian families who support one another in their efforts to educate their children at home. Our support group and Workshop program are open to all area homeschoolers. Workshop volunteer staff and lead instructors receive pre-enrollment; members of North Point Baptist Church Homeschool Ministry receive priority enrollment in our Workshops, followed by non-members. New families are very welcome and included as space is available. All Workshop participants must join North Point Baptist Homeschool Ministry support group. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

It is important for you to note that North Point Workshops are a true co-op. Parents are required to serve two hours in one of the following areas: lead teacher, co-teacher, class assistant, nursery assistant, preschool assistant, or floater. Parents have the option of using the hour as personal time, but must remain on the church campus. Other than a small registration fee, all of our Workshops are free or materials costs only, as our instructors volunteer their time and talents. To participate in the Workshop program families must have at least one school age child.

If you choose to attend our Workshops, please read all the information contained in the handbook and keep it in a safe place.

Enclosed you will find our Fall 2015 Workshop information. This information contains: the Fall Schedule with registration information, our Purpose Statement, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures, Statement of Faith, Workshop Descriptions, Instructor Bios, as well as the forms necessary for registration. In your information packet, the Family Application is first. Please fill this out completely. The Parent Agreement and Student Agreement forms are next. Please go over all Policies and Guidelines with your children and then have them sign these forms. All children in your family can sign the same copy of the agreement.

The Workshop Request is next. These need to be filled out with the classes that each child desires to take. Since we can not guarantee that all classes will still have space available when filling out your forms, all money totals from these forms will be transferred to the Payment Form on registration day, added, and a check made payable to North Point Homeschool Ministry for the total that day. New member registration must be done in person on Monday, June 8, 2014, 10-11:30am at Maranatha Baptist Church at 1040 Lower Flat Creek Rd., Alexander. (Please be aware that due to our space/building constraints, we need to limit our registration to 40 families for the Workshop classes, this will include those families returning from the spring semester, as well as, new families. Thank you for your understanding.)

Families returning to the Workshop program from the Spring 2015 semester need only fill out the Workshop Request, Membership Form, and Payment Form.

We're looking forward to having a great fall semester of North Point Workshops and hope you will join us! May the Lord bless your homeschooling!


Kristi Bailey

North Point Workshops Administrator

Fall 2015 Calendar

Registration for NPBHM members** Thursday, May 14, 2015, 8:30-9am & 9-9:30am

Registration for non-members** Monday, June 8, 2015, 10-11:15am

All Registrations will take place at: Maranatha Baptist Church

1040 Lower Flat Creek Road

Alexander, NC

First Day of Workshops Thursday, September 3, 2015

Last Day of Workshops for Fall Semester Thursday, November 19, 2015

Registration Information

Our volunteer staff and lead instructors receive first preference in enrolling their children. Then returning homeschool ministry members receive second priority enrollment in our Workshops. Non-members are very welcome and included as space is available. To participate in the Workshop program families must have at least one school age child. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Enrollment for members must be done on member registration day(s). Non-member registration must be done in person by a parent or legal guardian of the participating child on the scheduled non-member registration date for a given semester. ALL fees MUST be paid at the time of registration.

**Workshop registration packets must be printed prior to registration dates from our web site

. All paperwork must be read and filled out BEFORE registration. **

Inclement Weather Policy

North Point Workshops will make determinations about closings due to weather conditions by 8:30 a.m. on Workshop days. Workshop participants will be placed on an e-mail loop which will be our main means of communication. Please check your e-mail after 8:30 a.m. on Workshop days for any special notices about bad weather.

Who to contact if you have questions:

Workshop Administrator Kristi Bailey 768-9562


Assistant Administrator Corinne Ptak 658-8342


Nursery through age 2 Coordinator Angela Casteel 678-9990


Preschool Coordinator Heather Bullman 231-4185


Lower Elementary Coordinator Amy Castellani 713-3767


Upper Elementary Coordinator Susannah Richmond 658-8302


Jr. /Sr. High Coordinator Nadine Robinson 582-3042


Workshops Overview

As homeschool parents, we feel that God has called and enabled us to homeschool our children. We feel that cooperatively we can provide enrichment opportunities that may not be possible on our own. North Point Workshops is a co-op that meets weekly on Thursday mornings from 9:30am to 12:40pm at Maranatha Baptist Church, 1040 Lower Flat Creek Rd., Alexander. Our calendar year is broken down into two semesters. The fall semester is: September - November and the spring semester is February - May. Our Homeschool Ministry support group and Workshop program are open to all area homeschoolers. Workshop volunteer staff and lead instructors receive pre-enrollment; members of North Point Baptist Church Homeschool Members receive priority enrollment in our Workshops, followed by non-members. New families are very welcome and included as space is available All Workshop participants must join North Point Baptist Homeschool Ministry support group. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

All families must arrive by 9:30 a.m. to help with the set up necessary for Workshops. All Workshop classes begin at 9:45 a.m. Lower Elementary Workshops (K-1st grades), Upper Elementary Workshops (2rd-4th grades), Junior High Workshops (5th-7th) and Senior High Workshops (8th-12th grades) are divided into three 55 minute blocks. Parents are required to serve at least two hours in one of the following areas: lead teacher, co-teacher, class assistant, nursery/preschool assistant, or floater. Parents have the option of using the other hour as personal time, but must remain on the church campus the entire time Workshops are in session. In addition, all families will be assigned cleaning duties each week to ensure that the church building is put back in order following our Workshop sessions and are required to remain after Workshops to complete them. Since we are a true co-op and not a drop off educational program, you must choose to sign up for all 3 class periods offered in order to participate in the co-op. This is to ease the difficulty in assigning volunteer hours.

All groups offered are supplemental to what is being taught in the home and are meant for enrichment purposes only. The groups offered vary from semester to semester, and are determined by the willingness of group members to lead. Members lead most of the groups; however, we also have people who volunteer their time and talents to lead.

All families who participate in North Point Workshops must join the support group. Support group membership is $20.00 per family per year. In addition, there is a workshop registration fee of $15.00 per family per semester. Some classes may have fees to cover material costs. All registration fees and materials fees are nonrefundable.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of North Point Workshops is to provide high quality, academically challenging, spiritually uplifting enrichment workshops to supplement, support, encourage, but not replace, what is being learned at home. The spiritual objective of North Point Workshops is to provide a learning environment which supports and encourages Christian faith and discipleship.

Guidelines, Policies and Procedures

North Point Workshops are a part of North Point Baptist Church’s Homeschool Ministry (NPBHM). Membership in the homeschool ministry is required to participate in the Workshop program.

Parent/Student Participation

It is extremely important to remember that North Point Workshops are a cooperative effort on the part of parents, their children, and instructors. We will not continue to exist if one of these elements is missing.

Parents should read and be in agreement with the Purpose Statement, Guidelines, and Policies and Procedures for the Workshops Program.

As a true co-op, Workshop participants are REQUIRED to take part in the entire program; all three Workshop periods. This is necessary to facilitate proper volunteer staffing.

A parent is required to remain in the building THE ENTIRE TIME their child is present at the Workshops regardless of the age of the child. (Parents with a strong need to co-op with another family can present this need to the Workshop Administrator or Assistant Administrator IN WRITING **PRIOR** to registration. These requests will be considered on an individual basis).


Children are responsible for attending each workshop for which they are registered. (Even if there is no charge for the workshop, the instructor has made a commitment and has spent time preparing for each student who is registered.) Adult absences of teachers, assistant teachers, etc. must be reported to the Workshop Coordinator, Kristi Bailey @ 768-9562, along with the people you have subbing for you, as soon as possible. THREE absences, without valid excuses, will result in not being permitted to register for the next semester’s Workshops. Please view your participation in Workshops as a commitment and plan to attend all sessions if at all possible.

Tardy Policy

All families must arrive by 9:30 a.m. to help with the set up necessary for Workshops. There will be a sign–in sheet as you enter to ensure a prompt arrival time and families arriving after 9:30 a.m. will be considered tardy. THREE tardies during the semester will result in not being permitted to register for the next semester's Workshops.  **However, we understand there are circumstances beyond our control (traffic, car trouble, weather, etc.) and tardies are the result in these situations. If you are running late, please call our Assistant Administrator: Corinne Ptak @ (814) 602-7298 to let her know you are on your way. Then the Workshop Coordinator will deem whether or not your circumstance is a valid tardy or not.


Our volunteer instructors are given first preference in enrolling their children. North Point Baptist Church members receive priority enrollment in our Workshop program. Enrollment for members must be done in person on the designated registration session(s) for members. Non- member parents must attend the non-member registration session. Workshop registration packets must be printed from the web site prior to registration day to speed the process. All paperwork must be read and filled out prior to registration. ALL fee payments must be made at the time of registration. ALL registrations must be done in person by a parent or legal guardian of the participating child on the scheduled registration date for a given semester. *Please note: There will be no workshop registrations excepted after Monday, June 8th.*

Schedule Changes

You will have a one-week grace period after the final registration in which to make changes to your child’s schedule. During this grace period, you must contact the Workshops Administrator to make schedule changes pending availability. After this grace period, any request to make changes to your child’s schedule must be submitted in writing to the Workshop Administrator for evaluation.

Leaving Workshops

Please be sure of your commitment to attend Workshops prior to signing up. Teachers have voluntarily worked very hard to prepare the coursework for the number of students registered. If you choose to leave the Workshops at any point, before or during the semester no fees will be refunded, and you will not be allowed to sign-up for the following semester.

Age Divisions

All groups offered are supplemental to what is being taught in the home and are meant for enrichment purposes only.

Therefore all age divisions will be strictly adhered to: Nursery (baby – 1 year old), 2s & 3s (2-3 years old), Preschool (4-5 years old), Lower Elementary (traditional ages for K-1st grades), Upper Elementary (traditional ages for 2nd -4th grades), Jr. High (traditional ages for 5th -7th grades), and Sr. High (traditional ages for 8th -12th grades). To participate in the Workshop program families must have at least one school age child.


As a true co-op, at the time of registration, parents will be required to sign up to help each week in one or more areas of Workshops as needed. Two hours of “volunteer” work will be required per week. “Volunteer” work includes but is not limited to lead teacher, co-teacher, class assistant, nursery/preschool assistant, or being a floater.

In addition, all families will be assigned cleaning duties each week to ensure that the church building is put back in order following our Workshop sessions and are required to remain after Workshops to complete them.

Due to the amount of work involved in making the Workshops run smoothly, we ask that when needed, parents be available to cheerfully help with other responsibilities that will arise from week to week. This may include but is not limited to extra cleaning duties, teaching a different class, and helping out during your free period.

Discipline and Student Conduct

All students will be held responsible for their actions and shall conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity, showing regard for established authority and the rights and welfare of others. We ask that students seek excellence, be honest, use clean speech, and be courteous and kind to all.

North Point Workshop members and their children are asked to adhere to the following standards when attending


• Parents should monitor their children’s behavior at all times. Appropriate disciplinary measures should be taken, when needed, privately. Uncooperative or disruptive children should be removed from activities.

• Respect for and obedience to authority is expected.

• In the case of disciplinary problems during a given class period the following should be considered standard procedure:

1. Child is given a verbal warning by instructor which will be documented, signed, and put on file.

2. If unacceptable behavior persists, the instructor steps outside the classroom with the child to pray about his/her behavior. As soon as practical, one of the class monitors should notify the Workshop Coordinator that this action has been taken so that the parent may be apprised of the situation then it will be documented, signed, and put on file.

3. If unacceptable behavior continues to persist, the child will be dismissed from that class period. The class volunteer or instructor will accompany the child to his/her parent. If there is dismissal from class on three occasions, they will be required to remain with their parent during all Workshop periods. If unacceptable behavior continues, they shall be suspended from all Workshops for the remainder of the semester. In such case, no fees will be refunded. Participation in future Workshops will be on a probationary basis with conditions as determined by the North Point Leadership Team.

4. Parents must be willing to allow instructors to discipline their children according to the procedures outlined above and must be willing to abide by the instructor’s decision to dismiss their children from the workshop if the instructor deems it necessary.

• Each child attending Workshops must be accompanied by a parent or designated chaperone that must remain on site for the entire time during Workshops.

• Clothing must be modest, clean and neat. Appropriate dress for P.E. (if provided) is fingertip-length shorts that are not body conforming, along with loose-fitting t-shirts. Appropriate dress for classes is as follows: Please do not wear tank tops, strap tops, halter tops, "muscle" shirts, etc. or any short, body conforming shirts. A blouse or dress will be considered as having a strap top if the shoulders are less than 3" wide. Midriff (short) blouses may not be worn. Necklines must be modest. Pants or shorts must be worn at or near the waistline and not be tight fitting. Any shorts, skirts or dresses worn should be at least finger-tip length.

• Unusual attire associated with immoral or improper ideas is unacceptable. Symbols or logos that communicate anti-Christian messages are unacceptable on clothing, jewelry, and other accessories. While we realize that a person's attire is not indicative of their spiritual worthiness, God's Word does give us standards of both dress and conduct (1 Tim. 2:9; 4:8, 12, 15-16; I Peter 2:12, 3:3-4).

• Any student found with possession of any type of firearm, knife, tobacco, alcohol, or drugs will be asked to leave the premises immediately and proper authorities will be notified. Any such possession will result in immediate and permanent suspension from further participation in North Point Workshops without fee refund.

Unity is essential to meeting our purpose of honoring Christ. If anyone within the group or workshop staff offends you, or you have a concern with anything within our group, please follow the example outlined in Matthew 18:15-17. Please do not allow Satan to use disagreements as an opportunity to divide us.

Security and Safety Policy

In an effort to keep our families safe during the workshops, we will be locking the front and side doors to the building at 9:30am.

Children of all ages must have an adult present outside while on the playground.

Guideline and Policy Violations

Any parent or child who is found to be in violation of any of the Workshop policies and/or guidelines will receive one verbal warning. Another violation may result in dismissal from Workshops on that day. A third offense may result in suspension from all Workshops for the remainder of the semester. In such case, no fees will be refunded.

Participation in future Workshops will be on a probationary basis with conditions as determined by the North Point Workshop Administrator.


Workshop participants will be placed on an e-mail loop which will be our main means of communication. Members are responsible for reading their e-mails to learn important announcements related to the Workshops. If technical problems occur, please let the administrators know so that telephone arrangements can be made.

Homeschool Ministry Statement of Faith

We believe that the Bible as originally given is in its entirety the word of God verbally inspired and wholly without error in all that it declares and, therefore, is the supreme and final authority of faith and life (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21).

We believe God is the one Being Who eternally exists as three Persons -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All of the Persons are equal in power and glory (Matthew 3:16-17; 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14).

We believe Jesus Christ is fully God and man (John 1:1, 4), born of a virgin (Matthew 1:18), and sinless in His life (Hebrews 4:15). He died vicariously on the cross as a substitution for sinful men (Hebrews 9:15). He rose bodily from the grave (John 20:1-9, 24-31; Acts 2:24), and now reigns with the Father (Acts 2:33; Hebrews 10:12). He will return visibly and personally to the earth both in salvation and judgment (Matthew 24:30, Acts 1:11, Hebrews 9:28).

We believe all humans are sinful by nature (Romans 3:23; 5:12) and can only be forgiven by the expression of trust in Jesus as Savior (John 3:16) brought about by the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5-7).

We believe in the continuing ministry of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life (Romans 8:1-17).


We believe that the family is the basic governmental, social and spiritual unit created by God. In it the child gradually learns self-government, social relationships, and develops a relationship to the Creator and Savior (Ephesians 6:1-3;

Colossians 3:20). Children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage from the Lord. Parents are to demonstrate to their children God's pattern for marriage. Parents are to teach their children spiritual and moral values and to lead them, through consistent lifestyle example and loving discipline, to make choices based on biblical truth. Children are to honor and obey their parents.

We understand family to mean one male and one female parent with one or more children all related by the institution of marriage, though we recognize the exception of a single parent.

We reject homosexual marriages or homosexual orientation because it is contrary to Scripture and the intentions of God in Creation (Romans 1:18-32). As well, we reject transitory co-habitational relationships as being equally in violation of God's laws and incapable of providing long-term nurture and instruction needed by children as commanded by God (Ephesians 6:4, Colossians 3:21). In view of this, no homosexual or merely co-habitating "parents" are eligible for membership of NPBHM.

Parental Rights and Responsibilities in Education

We believe the ultimate responsibility for education of children belongs to parents (Deuteronomy 4:9; 4:14, 6:1-25;Ephesians 6:4). Thus, we believe this is an inalienable right given by God which the State can neither create, destroy, nor alter. Parents may allow another to teach some of the cognitive information that children need to know, but all education must be under the control and supervision of the parents.

We believe education in the home to be the best form of education, but we recognize that many parents may choose not to educate at home for valid reasons and we support the right of parents to direct the education of their children in ways other than home schooling.

Nature of Education

We believe that all education is religious in nature since one's view of the world and life inevitably is involved in teaching (Proverbs 2:1-8, 3:1-2, 6:20-23; Matthew 28:18-20). Every discipline of knowledge, whether it be subjects such as mathematics, science, or history, will have as its final reference point a theistic or humanistic view of reality (Colossians1:15-20, 2:8-15), and there is no neutral academic discipline.

Thus, we believe that all social, physical and cognitive knowledge should have as its beginning the fear of God and as its end the Glory of God (Proverbs 1:7; Romans 11:33-36).

Fall 2015 Workshop Descriptions

Babies-1 Year Olds (All Three Periods)

Care for your young children during workshops will be staffed by Workshop parents.

*Please label your child’s diaper bag & bottle/sippy cup with your child’s name.

Cost: $10 (total for all three periods)

Class Size: Min 5/ Max 10

2-3 Year Old Class (All Three Periods)

Instructors: Shirin McIntosh & TBA

Children will enjoy a wide range of sensory stimulation activities such as arts, crafts, music, and games.

*Please label your child’s bag & sippy cup with your child’s name.

Cost: $10 (total for all three periods of the 2-3 year old class)

Class size: Min 5/ Max 10

Preschool (4–5 year olds) 1st Period

Alphabet (learning a new letter each week) & Craft Time

Instructors: Heather Bullman & Jennifer Warner

Preschool (4-5 year olds) 2nd Period

Bible Story and Snack Time

Instructors: Jennifer Warner & Heather Bullman

Preschool (4-5 year olds) 3rd Period

Time for Play (Outdoors/Indoors)

Instructors: Courtney Monroe & TBA

Materials to bring: book bag, folder & water bottle clearly labeled with your child’s name.

Cost: $10 (total for all three periods of preschool)

Class size: Min 5/ Max 10

Lower Elementary (K-1st grades) 1st Period

Children’s Classics Book Club

Instructor: Brandy Barnwell

Come join us as we adventure to places near and far this semester by opening up some favorite children’s classics. We will be doing everything from making blueberry muffins to making stone soup to shooting marshmallow catapults. Each week will be a new adventure! This class will be loosely modeled after the FIAR style. We will read a book to start class and then do different activities- games, crafts, make themed food, etc. Blueberries for Sal, The Duchess Bakes a Cake, Stone Soup, and Katy and the Big Snow are just a few of the books we will be reading this semester.

Materials to bring: crayons or markers, glue, scissors, a folder with pockets, & a good imagination! (Please note: we will be doing activities each time we meet, many of which will require the above supplies so please make sure that your child comes prepared every week!)

Cost: $ 15 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15


Draw, Write, Now

Instructors: Kristen Brookshire & Sara Melrose

Each lesson will include drawing instruction and writing exercises for beginning writers. They will write about, and illustrate, autumn-themed pages, on topics such as apples, owls, and Christopher Columbus. 

Materials to bring: pencils, crayons or colored pencils & a folder

Cost: $15 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

Lower Elementary (K-1st grades) 2nd Period

US States

Instructor: Natalie Kelley

This semester will be learning about the different states of our country, state birds, state flowers, state flags and state seals. We will also get to try different foods from each state. Each student will also each receive a map of the United States sticker book.

I'm really excited to teach this class and look forward to meeting each one of your kiddos. I want this to be fun and hands on learning class.

Materials to bring: scissors, glue, markers & crayons

Cost: $15 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

OR (please see next page for other choice)

Lower Elementary (K-1st grades) 2nd Period *continued*

Native American History

Instructor: Sharon Brookshire

Would you like to learn about Native American customs, where they lived and what they ate?  Come join us as we study different tribes of different regions and see that not all Native Americans lived in teepees and hunted buffalo. 

Materials to bring: crayons, scissors, a folder & glue sticks

Cost: $20 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

Lower Elementary (K-1st grades) 3rd Period

Physical Education

Instructor: Sarah Braswell

Join us as we learn and play different games, and make healthy snacks to keep our energy up!

Materials to bring: none but please wear comfy play clothes and sneakers

Cost: $5 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15



Instructors: Madison Casteel & Angie Casteel

So you think you can clog?  Prepare for a semester of fun as we dive into this traditional American dance that began right here in the mountains of NC.  We will dig into its roots and history as well as learn footwork and traditional figures.  Our semester's work will lead up to a traditional hoedown complete with southern Appalachian footwork.

Materials to bring: If you have some tap or clogging shoes on hand, I highly encourage you to bring them.  If not, any well fitting, closed-toe shoes will do. A water bottle with your child’s name on it.

Cost: $15 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

Upper Elementary (2nd-4th grades) 1st Period

Having Fun with French 1

Instructor: Christy Clements

Bonjour! Comment allez-vous? Come along and be introduced to the basic elements of French. The student workbook emphasizes communication and actively engages students in speaking, reading, and writing activities through a variety of topics that range from simple greetings and family relationships, to clothing, weather, and the days of the week. In addition to reviewing homework from the student workbook, class time will be spent practicing proper pronunciations and learning songs in French to reinforce what students are learning. It’s going to be a fun semester! (**Please note that your child must be able to read and write to take this class. **)

Materials to bring: Having Fun with French Book 1 (provided), 2-pocket folder, notebook paper, pens/pencils & colored pencils

Cost: $15 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15


Learn to Play the Recorder

Instructor: Jodie Metcalf

In this music class we will learn to play the descant recorder.   Students will learn basic note reading, musical symbols and musical terminology using games and other fun teaching techniques.  We will rehearse and perform songs and develop an understanding of the theory associated with each piece.   Our goal will be to perform a "mini" concert at our fall co-op commencement!

Materials to bring: pencils & notebook paper

Cost: $25 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

Upper Elementary (2nd-4th grades) 2nd Period


Instructor: Amy Cody

One of the greatest examples of God's amazing handiwork is the ocean and the creatures that live within.  In this class, we will study the different properties of the ocean such as waves, currents and tides as well as ocean creatures like sharks, rays, whales and dolphins.  Along the way, we will be doing experiments and hands-on activities to reinforce the material.

Materials to bring: pocket folder, pencil & favorite coloring instrument (color pencils, crayons or markers)

Cost: $15 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

OR (please see next page for other choice)

Upper Elementary (2nd-4th grades) 2nd Period *continued*

Sports History

Instructor: Sara Strickland

Do you ever wonder who came up with all the games we play? Who thought of them? How did we get all the rules? Why do we do it the way we do? We'll discover the story behind the sports we all enjoy, spend some time learning the real rules and then we'll put what we've learned into practice, actually playing the sport. What better way to learn some history than playing the sports they had at the time?

Materials to bring: folder, paper, pen/pencil & colored pencils

Cost: $10 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

Upper Elementary (2nd- 4th grades) 3rd Period


Instructor: Susannah Richmond

This is a basic learn-how-to-knit class. Learn the basics of casting on, knitting, purling, increases, decreases, gauge, yarn and needle selection, and basic pattern reading. Students will be encouraged to complete a simple project before the end of the semester. 

Materials to bring: Practice yarn and needles are included with the class. You might need to provide your child with extra yarn.

Cost: $15 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15


Zentangle Art

Instructor: Nadine Robinson

What do you get when a circle and square repeat inside each other again and again? A tangled rose, of course. Zentangle is an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is a great new art form that is fun and relaxing. It is proven to increase focus and creativity. We will be learning a new tangle pattern each week. We will also learn some techniques for shading and contrasting that will really make our new works of art POP. Kids will be amazed at their finished works. No two tangles ever really look the same even when using the same technique. No right or wrong. Just beautiful finished pieces.

Materials to bring: A black micron pen size .05, sharpened pencil & a folder

Cost: $20 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

Jr. High (5th-7th grades) 1st Period

Home-Style Cooking

Instructor: Corinne Ptak

Do you enjoy helping in the kitchen and creating good, nutritious food to eat? Then, this class is for you! We will be making and trying several different dishes or cuisine. During this class, we will be using knives, blenders, choppers, slicers…listening skills will be a must in order to keep each chef safe in the kitchen.

Materials to bring: an apron, pen/pencil, paper & a folder

Cost: $25 Class size: Min 5/Max 15


Zentangle Art

Instructor: Nadine Robinson

What do you get when a circle and square repeat inside each other again and again? A tangled rose, of course. Zentangle is an easy to learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. It is a great new art form that is fun and relaxing. It is proven to increase focus and creativity. We will be learning a new tangle pattern each week. We will also learn some techniques for shading and contrasting that will really make our new works of art POP. Kids will be amazed at their finished works. No two tangles ever really look the same even when using the same technique. No right or wrong. Just beautiful finished pieces.

Materials to bring: A black micron pen size .05, sharpened pencil & a folder

Cost: $20 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

Jr. High (5th-7th grades) 2nd Period

A More Perfect Union: The Declaration to The Constitution or What in the world were those Founding Fathers thinking?!?

Instructor: Allison Kiger

Take a ride with me on the Revolutionary Express while we try to figure out who the Founding Fathers (and Mothers) were and what drove them to form a NEW NATION. Fasten your seat belts and hang on tight while we attempt to decipher our country's two most important documents...documents that changed the world forever. Let's face it....THE WORLD HAS NEVER BEEN THE SAME since.

Materials to bring: a notebook and writing utensils & your brain!

Cost: $10 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

OR (please see next page for other choice)

Jr. High (5th -7th grades) 2nd Period *continued*

Sports History

Instructor: Michele Hammond

Do you ever wonder who came up with all the games we play? Who thought of them? How did we get all the rules? Why do we do it the way we do? We'll discover the story behind the sports we all enjoy, spend some time learning the real rules and then we'll put what we've learned into practice, actually playing the sport. This will definitely be a hands-on history class.

Materials to bring: folder, paper, pen/pencil & colored pencils

Cost: $10 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

Jr. High (5th -7th grades) 3rd Period


Instructor: Amy Cody

One of the greatest examples of God's amazing handiwork is the ocean and the creatures that live within.  In this class, we will study the different properties of the ocean such as waves, currents and tides as well as ocean creatures like sharks, rays, whales and dolphins.  Along the way, we will be doing experiments and hands-on activities to reinforce the material.

Materials to bring: pocket folder, pencil & favorite coloring instrument (color pencils, crayons or markers)

Cost: $15 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15



Instructor: Rexann Wood

In Botany, we will track down some wildlife. And it won't be able to run away, because it has roots! We will spend time outside learning to identify plants, from mosses to trees. We will learn how photosynthesis works, how plants grow and reproduce, and how diverse the amazing Plantae Kingdom is.

Materials to bring: Notebook, pencil, newspaper and heavy books or boards for pressing plants, & sturdy walking shoes.

Cost: $15

Sr. High (8th -12th grades) 1st Period

Performing Arts

Instructor: Jen Webb

This semester, we will have F-U-N working in a combination of theatrical arts.  Our focus will be on training in performance projection and storytelling by exploring a variety of skits / poems. We will also work on a short choreography piece that will include comfortable actions / movements to compliment a co-ed class…so students, don’t be intimidated!   All in all, they will learn how to convey theatrical pieces to an audience through the dynamics of tone and gesture.  All skill-levels welcome. Please consider joining us in the exciting world of theater and art!

***Side Note:  Students and Parents can expect this class to focus on using classroom commitment only.  We will have fun seeing what class-time permits and that will dictate what we will perform for our commencement night.  Props and costumes (if any) will be kept to a minimum. 

Materials to bring: yourself (

Cost: $20 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15


Careers Exploration

Instructor: Angie Casteel

What do you want to be when you grow up?  We will explore a variety of career choices, while learning more about our own unique skills, talents, and interests. Come ready to ask questions.

Materials to bring: pen/pencil & paper

Cost: $15 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

Sr. High (8th -12th grades) 2nd Period

Before You Meet Prince Charming

Instructor: Kristi Bailey

Do you desire God's best for your life?  Are you seeking God with all of your heart?    Is there a way to stay pure in this world that goes against every Christian belief?  Yes there is!!  We will study together God's plan and desire for your life--a life of purity.  This bible study will encourage you and give you practical ways to prepare for your Prince Charming. You will need to purchase the book, Before You Meet Prince Charming.  Study Guides will be provided in class.  The most important thing needed for this class will be your Bible and a ready spirit to be challenged to stand and be different.  Moms with girls in the class, I encourage you to read each chapter with your daughter and discuss it at home together.  This will make the study more real and personal for them.  I can't wait to get started on our adventure together!!

Materials to bring: The book: “Before You Meet Prince Charming” by: Sarah Mally

Cost: $10 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

OR (please see next page for other choice)

Sr. High (8th -12th grades) 2nd Period *continued*

Dangerous Devotions for Boys

Instructors: Joy Allen & Jennifer Fulmer

Explosions, outdoor challenges, food, and adventure will provide young men an opportunity to make biblical connections that will last a lifetime.  Devotions will address tough issues that are specific to our teen boys and will not only be memorable but fun!  This class is based on books by Tim Shoemaker. 

Materials to bring: A pair of safety goggles that your child can wear properly and comfortably because they will be necessary for many activities.  The boys will also need chemical resistant gloves.  I will provide gloves in class but should your child want a specific type or style, they are welcome to bring their own.  Occasionally, the boys might need to bring a snack or food money if we should have a special outing or a fun food day. 

Cost: $25 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

Sr. High (8th -12th grades) 3rd Period

Intro to the Judicial System and Mock Trials

Instructor: Amy Castellani

Learn about the Judicial Branch of Government and Court Process through interactive learning, games and mock trials.  We will have fun while participating in different roles in the courtroom, and learn about the role of the law in our lives. 

Materials to bring: yourself (

Cost: $10 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15


From Depression to Victory

Instructor: Sara Melrose

This is a hands-on history class focusing on the time period from the Great Depression through the end of WW II, and how all Americans participated in bringing us from Depression to Victory!

Materials to bring: writing materials

Cost: $15 Class size: Min 5/ Max 15

Instructor Bios:

Joy Allen and her husband, Eric, have been married for 18 years.  They have 3 amazing blessings Ben 13, Jake 9, and Riley 5.  They have been on their homeschooling adventure for 7 years now and are very thankful that they have this educational priveledge and choice.  Joy has a B.A.  in Elementary Education from Mars Hill College.  Joy is extremely excited to be working with the older boys this semester and can't wait to have them in class for some explosive fun! 

Kristi Bailey and her husband Chad have been married for almost 18 wonderful years.  They have four children: Hayden (14), Auburn (12), Brendan (10), and Ian (8).  They are in their 9th year of homeschooling.   They attend North Point Baptist Church.   They are involved in a local Hispanic mission working with the children.   She has her master’s degree in Special Education.  Kristi administers the Woodcock Johnson III.

Brandy Barnwell and her husband, Vollie, have been married for 15 years. They have four children:  Dyllan (11), Eden (9), Daniel (5) and Dawson (3). They are in their seventh year of homeschooling.  Brandy and her husband are involved in various ministries at North Point Baptist Church and with children and youth in a local Hispanic community. Brandy currently teaches four and five year old Sunday school and serves on the preschool team. She has a bachelor’s degree in history and is a licensed middle school teacher in language arts and social studies.

Sarah Braswell and her husband, Frankie, Frankie have been married 15 years and have 5 amazing children: Stacie, 9, Hazel 7, Taylor 4, Hannah 3, and Finley 1. They have home schooled for 4 years and been with North Point Co op for 2 years.   Sarah is excited about working with your kids in a high energy, non-competitive and Fun Physical Ed class! 

Kristen Brookshire and her husband Matt have been married for 10 years and have 2 children, Maggie (8) and Tyler (7) and a boy due in July. This will be their 4th year homeschooling, we enjoy hiking, camping, anything outdoors and spending time together. We are looking forward to another year at co-op.

Sharon Brookshire feels blessed to be married to her best friend David for 36 amazing years.  They have two sons, Matthew (34) and Noah (15) and worked in foster care for nine years.  This is their eleventh year of homeschooling.  They have been involved in puppet ministry, clowning, drama and children’s ministries for over 33 years.   Both enjoy working with children.  Sharon loves quilting, sewing, reading and canning.  She enjoys time spent with family.   Sharon and her family are members of North Point Baptist Church.

Heather Bullman and her husband, Brian, have been married for 17 years.  They have 4 children: Hannah (12), Zachary (9), Jackson (6), Levi (1) & Lucas (on the way).  They are in their 8th year of homeschooling and love it.  Previously, she worked at a nursing home and then in an adult day center.  She has a bachelor degree in social work.  Originally, her degree was going to be in teaching which is ironic because now  she is teaching.  Heather feels very blessed to be given the opportunity to homeschool their children and for being a part of such a wonderful co-op.

Angie Casteel and her husband, Brant, have been married 23 years.  They have been homeschooling their daughters, Madison (12th grade) and McKenzie (9th grade) for 7 and a half years.  They are members of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.  Homeschooling has been such a blessing to us and we are thankful that we can continue on this journey.

Madison Casteel is the oldest daughter of the Casteel family.  She is a senior in high school and has high hopes of attending college in the near future.  She enjoys various forms of art, such as painting, drawing, and musical theatre.  She also loves working with children!

Instructor Bios Continued:

Amy Castellani and her husband, Chris, have have been married for 15 years.   They have 3 children:  John (13), Joshua (12), and Henry (6).  They have been homeschooling for eight years.  Amy is a registered nurse and is originally from Long Island, NY. They have lived in Asheville for 12 years, and attend Woodland Hills Church in North Asheville. We have enjoyed teaching and participating in North Point Baptist Homeschool Ministry and feel it is a blessing every day that God has provided for us to continue our homeschooling journey

Christy Clements and her husband Brent have been married for 17 years and have three daughters: Rebecca (11), Heather (8), and Elizabeth (4).  They have homeschooled from the beginning and are active members of North Point Baptist Church. Christy has a degree in Accounting with minors in General Music and Music Education. Christy leads H.I.S. Homeschool Band and a small KONOS group. Christy learned French in pre-school, high school and college, where she tested into the 2nd semester of college-level French II. She looks forward to having fun teaching your student French this semester!

Amy Cody and her husband, Ryan, have been married for 12 years. They have three children, Emory (11), Eli (8) and Grayson (5).  Amy has a bachelor's degree in English Communication from Montreat College. Amy and Ryan are members of Laurel Branch Baptist Church where she teaches Sunday school.  Amy enjoys crocheting, cooking, reading, sports and being outdoors.

Jennifer Fulmer and her husband, Thomas, have been married 18 years.  They have two sons, Kevin (14) and John (11).  Thomas is a police officer for the town of Weaverville. Jennifer studied Computer Information Science and Communications at Mars Hill College, but most of her married life she has enjoyed working with children whether it was providing in-home childcare, teaching Sunday school and VBS, or volunteering in her boys' classes at school.  This is our 4th year homeschooling.  We love spending time together as a family, and we're actively involved with several ministries within our Mars Hill community.

Michele Hammond and her husband, James, have been married 21 years. They have two children, Rebekah (15),

and Katherine (12) and are beginning their fifth year of homeschooling. She and her family are members of North Point Baptist Church where she teaches Sunday School and works with our youth ministry. Michele has a master's degree in middle grades education, and a BA in mathematics. She is a certified teacher and mathematics tutor.

Natalie Kelley and her husband, Christopher, have been married for have been married for 17 years. We have two children, Savannah age 15 and Matthew age 13, I have been a stay at home mom for 15 years and have been homeschooling for 11 years. Over the years, Natalie and her husband have served in the Children's Ministry and love working with kids.

Allison Kiger is blessed to be married for 16 years to her best friend Sahn who is a cardiac nurse on the Heart Tower at Mission Hospitals. They have one grown son, Ty (23) and two daughters Morrigan (15) and Maeve (13). Their favorite activity is escaping into the mountains of WNC and tent camping as often as possible. Allison and Sahn have homeschooled the girls from the beginning and consider this a gift from God. Allison is an enthusiastic teacher who has experience teaching other children as well as her own. She does have a particular passion for the written and spoken word whether in daily conversation or in conveying information or in the magic of creating. That's probably why she got a college degree in English Literature.

Sara Melrose and her husband Michael have been married 9 years. They have four children: Ruby (7), Harry (5), Scarlett (3), and Teddy (1). They are in their second year of homeschooling. Sara enjoys reading, knitting, and cooking. The Melroses are members at North Point Baptist Church. 

Jodie Metcalf and her husband Jeremy have been married for 18 years and have three beautiful children: Aiden (11), Cameron (8), and Morgan (3).  This is their sixth year homeschooling and they are active members of North Point Baptist Church.  Jodie has a bachelor’s degree in Music Education, taught middle school band for ten years and assists with H.I.S. Homeschool Band.  Jodie also raises basset hounds and has seven squishy, slobbery, long-eared family members!

Instructor Bios Continued:

Courtney Monroe and her husband Luke have been married for 7 years. They have a big family of 5 kids: Haley (15), Christian (13), Gavin (6), and twins that are 1. They attend Highland Christian Church. They have been homeschooling for the last 5 years. They enjoy being outdoors and spending time together.

Corinne Ptak and her husband, Preston, have been married for 20 years. They have five children: Rebekah (15), Braeden (10), Nikolas (8), Kaeleah (4) and Eleisha (19 mos). They are in their 11th year of homeschooling. Corinne has a degree in Human Services and Early Childhood Education. She and her family are members of North Point Baptist Church where she co-teaches high-school girls Sunday School class and they enjoy serving others at ABCCM (Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry).

Susannah Richmond and her husband, Dave, have been married for 14 years. They have three children, Anna (11), Abriel (5), and Samuel (5). They attend North Point Baptist Church, where she helps with Promiseland. This will be their sixth year homeschooling, and they are excited to be a part of North Point Co-op for another year.

Nadine Robinson and her husband, Steve, have been married 25 years. They have been blessed with three children: Stephen (25), Jason (13), and Emmy (10). They began homeschooling seven years ago and love it! Nadine worked as a Teaching Assistant at North Buncombe Elementary until Jason was born in 2002. Steve is currently employed by MB Haynes as D.O.T. Superintendent. He has been with Haynes for 16 years. The Robinson family are members of North Point Baptist Church where both have served in Children's Sunday School and the Awana program. Nadine is looking forward to working with your incredibly creative kids! 

Sara Strickland and her husband, Scott, have been married for 16 years. They are the happy parents of Saylor (9th) and Audrey (6th).  They will be starting their eighth year homeschooling in the fall. They live on a small farm in Leicester. 

Jennifer Warner and her husband, Michael, have been married for 15 years. They are blessed with four children Karli, Alisyn, Sophie, and Micah.  They enjoy homeschooling their children and feel that it is not only their responsibility to train them in the way they should go but that it is also their privilege to do so.  They pray that with God’s help, their children will grow up loving Him and loving people. They desire to be a people who live intentionally, make a difference and show that love through actions, like Jesus did.  They are thankful to be a part of this co-op and look forward to another great semester.

Jennifer Webb has decided that I needed to change things up a bit in the biography area.  I guess you can blame a semester sitting in Allison Kiger's Creative Writing class for the change of heart.  I am 25% wife, 25% mother, & 55% mathematician, no, make that 15% comedian. My wonderfully-patient husband, Webb & I have 4 kids that daily add to our graying hair:  Emma (14), Elliot (12), Apple Jane (10), Agatha (3).  I have been a home-schooling-mama addict for the past 10 years…please help me!  Ricky has spent the last 17 years teaching at North Buncombe High and our family loves to help him with his school theater program.  We are active members of Highland Christian Church of Asheville, so if you need Jesus or want to hear about an awesome youth group program, come find me. If you are still reading this, then the end (literally) has come.  It’s awesome that you’ve hung in there for the “W’s” in the alphabetical bio reading.  In conclusion, please sign your student up for my MS/HS PERMING ARTS Class, so I can be the “cool” teacher. 

Rexann Wood and her husband, Jody, have been married for 16 years. They have four children, ages 11, 9, 6 and 3. They are members of Laurel Branch Baptist Church, where she teaches Sunday School. They live on their family’s farm in the Sandy Mush community of Madison County. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Botany and Chemistry from Mars Hill College.

North Point Baptist Homeschool Ministry

Membership Form

Please read the NPBHM Guidelines and Policies. If you still have questions, please contact Kristi Bailey at 828-768-9562 or chkrb@. The suggested annual membership fee is $20.00 for the year beginning August 1st to the following July 31st. Workshop registration is $15.00 per semester.

Please make checks payable to: North Point Baptist Homeschool Ministry.

Please Check One:

New Member______ Renewing Member______

Parents Name(s) ___________________________________________ Date of Birth__________________

___________________________________________ Date of Birth__________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________


E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact Name: _____________________________________ Phone#_____________________

Are you a member of: Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) _______

North Carolinians for Home Education (NCHE) _______

Number of years homeschooling? __________

Please list any hobbies or talents that you or your spouse has that you would be willing to share with the group. (Ex. Sewing, woodworking, sign language, knitting, foreign language, etc.)


Homeschool philosophy (please check any that apply):

Classical________ Traditional________ Unit Study________ Eclectic________

Charlotte Mason________ Unschooling________ Other________

What type of curriculum are you currently using? (optional)


Membership Form Continued

What types of curriculum have you used in the past? (optional)


Church Affiliation:

______ I am a member of North Point Baptist Church

______ I attend, but I am not a member of North Point Baptist Church

______ I am affiliated with another church (please list) ____________________________________________


I/We have read and concur with the NPBHM Guidelines and policies and agree to abide by them. I/We realize that NPBHM services are provided on an all volunteer basis, and understand that I am expected to volunteer or assist with the organization of at least one activity or function. I/We understand that NPBHM serves solely as a support group and is not responsible for the education of our children. I/We understand and agree that it is our responsibility to be aware of and in compliance with the laws governing home educators in the state of North Carolina. I/We understand and agree that neither NPBHM nor any of its members will be held accountable for accidents or injuries involving our children which may occur during NPBHM field trips, programs, and/or activities.

Husband’s signature___________________________________________ Date___________________

Wife’s signature______________________________________________ _ Date___________________

Parent Agreement

θ I understand that North Point Workshops are supplemental to what is being taught in the home and

are meant for enrichment purposes only. As the parent, I also realize that these workshops will not

complete any curriculum, only enhance them. The instructors do not teach the entire subject matter,

but are only enriching and assisting my instruction at home.

θ I understand that North Point Workshops do not keep permanent records or assign grades.

θ I understand that the North Point Workshops does not give credit toward high school graduation

requirements, although parents may use class time toward fulfilling some requirements in a given

subject, according to the parent’s own discretion.

θ I understand that the North Point Workshops does not give legal protection or legal assistance.

Also, North Point Workshops is not obligated to testify regarding your home school’s validity,

authenticity, or effectiveness to legal authorities or in court.

θ I agree that my children will strive to regularly attend all classes for which I have registered them.

They will arrive on time at 9:30 A.M. and fully participate in the class by completing any homework

assignments and engaging with other students and the instructor during class time.

θ I understand and agree that I must remain in the building the entire time and be responsible for my

children regardless of their age whenever they are participating in classes.

θ I understand and agree that North Point’s Leadership Team, instructors or North Point Baptist

Church will at no time be responsible for mishaps, injuries, or accidents that may occur during the


θ I have read and am in agreement with the information in the North Point Workshops Handbook.

θ I understand and agree that I am required, at the time of registration, to sign up to help in two

areas of North Point Workshops.

θ I understand that my family will be assigned cleaning duties to be completed to ensure that the

church building is put back in order following our Workshop sessions. To participate in Workshops, I

understand that I am required to stay after Workshops to complete them each week.

θ Due to the amount of work involved in making the Workshops run smoothly, I will be available to

cheerfully help with other responsibilities that will arise from week to week.

θ I understand that all registration fees and materials fees are totally non-refundable.

_______________________________________ ______________ Date_________________

Parent Signature

______________________________________________________ Date_________________

Parent Signature

Student Agreement

All students enrolled in North Point Workshops must adhere to the following guidelines:

θ Be honest, courteous and patient with everyone; treating others with Christ-like kindness.

θ Respect and obey those in authority.

θ Be on time for Workshops. (This means arriving at 9:30 A.M.)

θ Use respectful and polite language.

θ Remain with their class unless they obtain permission from their teacher to leave and be in

the appropriate areas at all times; not roaming the building or property.

θ Eat only during the appropriate times and places.

θ Do no bring electronic devices of any kind to Workshops (music, game boys, etc.). Do not bring weapons,

including pocketknives, on the property.

θ Complete homework (if any) given by your instructor and fully participate in class by engaging with other

students and the instructor during class time.

θ Contact the instructor when you are absent.

θ Reimburse for any damage done by the student to the facility or equipment.

θ Help my family complete our required cleaning duties at Workshops before playing outside and prior to leaving each week.

θ Dress and Conduct Code: Be mindful that hemlines, necklines and conduct i.e. physical aggression/affection and language, should be appropriate for church activities. Shoes are required. So as to esteem others more highly than your self, prefer modesty over making a “statement” with your clothing, make-up and jewelry. (There are to be no tank tops, crop tops, halter tops, spaghetti straps, exposed backs, short shorts/dresses or pants that expose undergarments or mid-drift or are very tight fitting. Shirts with messages must not be offensive.)

Please have each child in your family read and sign this.

I have read (or my parent has read this to me) and I agree to abide by the above guidelines.

Student signature _____________________________________________________

Student signature _____________________________________________________

Student signature _____________________________________________________

Student signature _____________________________________________________

Student signature _____________________________________________________

Parent signature _____________________________________________________ Date_____________

Workshop Request Form

Please print neatly

NPBHM Workshops

Please indicate your first class choice for each Workshop hour for your child(ren). Workshops are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If your first choice is filled, your child will be placed in the other class offered during that Workshop period.

Child # _________ (please use when registering more than one child)

Name: ________________________________________ Age: ____Grade: _____ Date of Birth: _________

How long have you home schooled this student? __________

1st period: _________________________________________________________Fee: __________

2nd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

3rd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

Allergies_________________________________________________________ Total Fees: ____________

Child # _________ (please use when registering more than one child)

Name: ________________________________________ Age: ____Grade: _____ Date of Birth: _________

How long have you home schooled this student? __________

1st period: _________________________________________________________Fee: __________

2nd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

3rd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

Allergies_________________________________________________________ Total Fees: ____________

Child # _________ (please use when registering more than one child)

Name: ________________________________________ Age: ____Grade: _____ Date of Birth: _________

How long have you home schooled this student? __________

1st period: _________________________________________________________Fee: __________

2nd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

3rd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

Allergies_________________________________________________________ Total Fees: ____________

Workshop Request Form Continued

Please print neatly

NPBHM Workshops

Please indicate your first class choice for each Workshop hour for your child(ren). Workshops are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If your first choice is filled, your child will be placed in the other class offered during that Workshop period.

Child # _________ (please use when registering more than one child)

Name: ________________________________________ Age: ____Grade: _____ Date of Birth: _________

How long have you home schooled this student? __________

1st period: _________________________________________________________Fee: __________

2nd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

3rd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

Allergies_________________________________________________________ Total Fees: ____________

Child # _________ (please use when registering more than one child)

Name: ________________________________________ Age: ____Grade: _____ Date of Birth: _________

How long have you home schooled this student? __________

1st period: _________________________________________________________Fee: __________

2nd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

3rd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

Allergies_________________________________________________________ Total Fees: ____________

Child # _________ (please use when registering more than one child)

Name: ________________________________________ Age: ____Grade: _____ Date of Birth: _________

How long have you home schooled this student? __________

1st period: _________________________________________________________Fee: __________

2nd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

3rd period: ________________________________________________________ Fee: __________

Allergies_________________________________________________________ Total Fees: ____________

Payment Form

Please print neatly. Due to the inability to assure all classes are available, final totals will be figured at REGISTRATION.

North Point Workshops

Parents: _________________________________________________________________________________

Phone(s): _____________________________________ Parent’s E-mail: _____________________________

Please transfer amounts from Workshop Request Form(s):

Child #_________ Total: _________

Child #_________ Total: _________

Child #_________ Total: _________

Child #_________ Total: _________

Child #_________ Total: _________


Please add Workshop Registration Fee: ($15 per family per semester)


Group membership is required to participate in Workshops. Membership fee is paid only one time per year. Please fill out additional form. Please add Support Group Membership Fee: ($20 per year)

MEMBERSHIP FEE: $_________

GRAND TOTAL: $_________

Please make checks payable to: North Point Homeschool Ministry

For North Point Leadership Team Use Only

Approval________________________________________ Date______________

Conditions of Approval:

Semester: Fall/Spring __________ (year)

Areas of Service (1)_________________ (2)__________________ Added to Database_________________

Amount Paid ____________cash or check # _________Receipt # ________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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